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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Sep 1961, p. 6

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Not So Crazy As Neighibors Thought Whatsha wesay of tbe sti mable sxcnhcetsyPecli humnia GullameBudé O ýnce, jnformd byris servant thaýt the house ws nfire, Budlé rep!ie-d, "Go tel! yur istreýsa. You knrow î leave ah hou-ýschold mîat- ters in he hnd."Bt, after pou have lagbed t Budéj, r e- Ce(Ilect asotha epoa ")we 0to hum theBibliothèque Nation amdi M part flcrevial of Greek lerning in Europe. Ri civmet n is somne- what bizarre anýi-ticipaition-,0f th-e theory of the division of labor May WA ub nncrted. A noabl cotratùtoBudéý-'s bordedatd eto confagraton la theimpetours ninteenii-cen tury Englishmn John Mtton who once het tir.-o bis niglit- shirt in orero get rid of the hiccupa. H2 succeeded, butI1 should imake -clerhthehp pened to be in -nehngthit If ail o ssettet-he bours aàdsnthe manwUo peu- .sisted ïin tygavkefrsx teen wuds~ ccti.Yet the mýan f jil iteletisrah er in thi poitin. is immd is alwas wrkig. ineis almioat aslep.To le e "esabcen- mînded beca s hi mmdi> ai- way peq et.Bu it is reen in acoùtr fomwhhI r Caviidsh(171-810, ho was fool wo-ho li te r agla- certor-and lso te fini mwan Ao combine oxven and hydrogen into water. C 'endiali caîed no- thing fordessoildiver.sion, or, 1 egevtsy womc , bad !bismeas deivcred mto[-hlm thrugha hlein his laborator-y wahlle cnstructed a seconid 5taicas sotha hemiglit 1neVer. encuntr dmesicaOr visitors. Wben bi wateda book fo i t1wn sh3eives lie 1-woü1d-,-àP -thereý as if to a publc iibray andiign thinig lesa hn ôra But also sonethpg, moee, A memroir by, o'e (4,' Iliw,, 7Jlends t,ýsu i i p-riLiap-,tly: An lntelî, a,~tîking .,~pÎr ~ wndefulacuite. ý,'Ye 49bservlng; a ýpair ofvery 7skiif - Thri ty 1: a Sü aStstc tory! Ma üy~u wn slip)-covcers by foloin ur illustrated ste--p- by-step mto.YOuLJ tui-kn'Out a mona rfesiona-looing job! Slip-cover a ýýchair or sofa! Stepby-tcp nstuctins,41 for ebasic cve;six- other itypes. Scnd TIT-IECENTS <stinp canotbe acccpted, use postal note orsafcty) for ti pattern toLura Wbeeler, Box 1, 123 Egtet S.. Nýew Toroni- ,0, Ont. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, your NAME end ADDRESS. Sýend rnow for our exciting, niew J1961 NeedIenralt Catalog. Over 125 designs to crochet, knit, sew, embroider, uitwea1ve -f ash- onhomefurnishiga, toys gifts baarhits. Plus PREE-instruic- ti<ons for veil cps. Icurrp r end 2e now9 ,ÎssU E 38 G- 1961m liandsý,cprietnr rcord- ing, arýe ail that 1 realizei read- ing bis rmenoria1s.- The ecçcntricý as muonaniac is ~usuially a pitiful cs.But not always. Sir Edwini Chadwick (100180)lived alog useful life devoted alm-ost etreyto the dlisposai. of liquid manure. He wscrazy iabout sewag"ehie live(d for drains. Huis single- h1anded efforts cetdottr mod- ern disposai syvstemýs. WAe are -rlu of our bathroom, and jusýtly so:,; but, at the appropriate moment, give a )thlought to that ecetiSir dwnChadwick. Prom "Any Nmber Can Play" by Clifton Padimanu. HalordGon for Soft Drinks In a nation1alistieý fervor, Unit- ed Arab Republic President Ga- mial Abdel Nasser dcddeigcht- cen montha ago that the tinme had (corne toi produce a soft dink made by an Arab companyý for Araba1) and drive the "mpil is"maecolas out of the Aa orbit. Laýst week, Nasýser %vas a big step coser to his wish. In London, anî Araýb tradier nned AbutAduabuvie clrdliquid made of e carob, or locust beoan, of Greece and called SLdrob.ý Thc soit drik, wh"i)ch lias a set nuttyfaor wilýI be made by a ýnewgven menfomcdcomanya t six plants in thecUA..Ph irs twýo will be cmltdnear C,iro- by Pcb. 1, the ainnivcrsary of the fouinding, of the U.A.R. j'bh tis beauti fuLldrn" boca st1ed Abdullah, "we sh A drive Coca-Cola out of the Mid- dle East," U.S. soft-drink conpanics sei- ing -in the area had flot hear-d of mhéir new ujioipeÉitoýr. anM were uwligto comnt 1 on its pospects, Buit one Arabý execu- tive gave warning- that Sidrob ~might ye -lie, a name to reckon, v.ith. "If'11Sidroh is asucs, lie eaid, "we int'end to exte-nd sales griid-,aly 9ah1over t[he Mid- d-eEast and eventup-lly hope to ,lunch L i 1i Le Bjjitish ýand Eur .enmarkcts." Teqe was, howveer, one touch of ih l the Arab world's new drink. Its "secret fc ormoula" was concocted n. tb "imiperialistie" laboratoriles Of Manchester's Bar- fos group, onle of Britain's la5rg- est sùEp5liefi's of ecssen(cea for fruit- juices. Too Much Leg-Show On Red China Too! Admirably designred to show off prctty legs-, the Chinese slit- ted skirt bas neyer betore go tten into polities. But it ia there now -thigb, highi. Paritaffical lRed chinaia;s bL-amne, By decreein. that tijeir womien must %wcar akeegh sparinglyý slitted Mother Hfub- bard sort of thinga, the Com- munists set off a cutrci. in Hong Kong. Up wvent hemn- uines and up went the ide s-lits to hitherto forbiddenu heiglits. They got so higb ninfact that they brouëht dwntbe wrath L'f thie \Women's Sectioni of lonig Kong's Welfare Association. Last mntthe association'às kirs. Mlathilde Ng urged ail wo- men to keep their aide aits -at a maium inches above the Dance-hall hostesses balked. Theyv said they wouild continue to expose as much as the tLradeý demanded, and gel away wltt too. Mer-ely by uasing- zitppers on the'lita, th'y pointed! ouf, it was, possible for-a7ygirl to indicate whether sl -e wa-s in, the m-ood to be- a lady or a tîramp. ,Who pulled srnsin a leiti- "Toîtît have te blaane tue tcg- 1»te i, î~,çiy. If malice Ut tir. HANDLED WVITH CARE - Little girl f rom Eost Gerrmony waits, pa- tiently while her ,pairents complete registraition atMiiefl refugee cent're, WNest jerIîn. Her fcomilîy wars one of mocny re- ceiving CAREP "welcome kits" contoining neceýssflies so many recfugee's had to leave when they fled. GE~~t~P ~~ We drove to Milton last Thurïs- day ind as is our custom wve w-ent by one road âànd camec back' by anot her, but in ýeach case wvhat we saiw was the samoe - field alter field of, ripening, oats laying flat on1thegrouitd, obvi- ously'the result of wind and ramn dui'ing recent , storms stormý damage that we badin't even knotV-n about, citherýà by ra dio or tbrouglh the Press. If there las a bad fire, a r'olýhery or a traIt ic- accide nt wc hear- or rend about it until we 1know al the dietails, but here was a disais- ter that hadin't attractedi any attention at ail. Hundrieds of people will drive aogthe road wve traveiled -anmd others- and may not evenl notice the flattened fields, or if thcy see thcmi thcy woni't even knowv thati it wnici a bàaisof bundreda of dollars to the farmners con1cerf- cd. Those flattened fielda wýIl have f4ar-rcaching resuits. In somne casesi farmers will not hiave enouih grain to feed their live- stock duingi the coming wintcr; thcy must ither buy fe-ed or al somne of their caittie and poultry. it will al3so mnean lower financial retutrna on tLhe milk, cream- and- e(gg receipta. Mýrs. PaniYicr may have to go without that nlew 2ectric tove, or the oi1loth for the kitchen that she had býeii ,promnised alfter the harveat was takýen -cýro of. If may also miean waiting another pear before a trade-in can be arrangcd on it'he oid family car. But Juat let r Fariner or any member of bis family ir their grievances to those who live in urban districts and their con.iplints will fa3i on deaf cars, or lie bruahed asîie with the usu-,l comment- you f arm folk -yuenyr satisfied -- thie summner scason is Cther ]-too wtor too dry; tLoo bot or- too cold!" Unfortunaely that is, aIl tOo truc.e The weather- caïi make or breýak the frnr it rieans m1,ore f0 hlm than la convenience -- such as a spoDlît week-end at the cottage, a daya at the golf links, or attnding a bal gme No onec -an change the weathier butLAt least there could be a, beter understaniding betwcen city f olk and their coun- try c-ousina .. and lesa grumbi- in, of the price of eggs, should- go up an extra cent or two in the f aiL1 So, Mr. Motoriat, asyo drive past those ruined cropa, have a hcart - try to realize ~-there is more work and worry ~aedfor the owners of those fie! lda hanappears on the sur- face. Y'ou rnow , If gves me a qucer 1feelingc driving in once faiiiar surrounidings and fînd ithuat even the roaýds nbave cbanged. Pour- lane bghay ctig acr os country means the igh-f. oDan many back conicessio)ns hajs bêen entireÀlvy elinmnated. Youl have to look updietosbor .you visit f arm folk thes avyS! 1 neyer did bvea vycry good e snse o? àdirectidn butnow Ipt' conmpletely !bat. 11H)Wce, aS long as Partier is wîvth mne %wc mnanag-e to get wberee we wnt - te go,. - He -seess to 4u wthe wvay by instinct. But lie also likea to get off the miain highi- ways and that way wc oftten rua înto trouble - "Detouir" "Bridge outt". . . "¶nad cldsed", -aind so on. You hiave tu kepi * your cyea on the road the wbole2 timne. There -was a time wýhen l' enjoyed a cross-country drive - but inot any more, -fif I'rn do- -i~gthe riv~. Ican stili enjoy it if l'in a but that dloesnýt't happen too offen. Wbien we got to Milton last Thursday we founid poor littic Ross runining a tem-,perature. of 104 degrees - 'le resuit of ton-silitis. Poor littie cbap, lie waani't hail at ah., Cednîc, on, tlie other hand, was fulof beans, charging, in and out of the biouse withiout a care in tlhe wor]L There see-ms to be a lot of ton- sîlitis around these dlaya. COn e of our neiglibours la suffering fLrom lier t!ir-d attack th-is sum- mer. Apparenitly antJibioties hv no effect uipon lier at ail. ýSire said to m-e todlay - "What did you (do year-s ago bfoepenicil- lin and canýtibiotiîcs had been dis,- covFered?" Well now, what -didd eo --I had to t1hinkû- twice before I anî- swered. 1Wl,"Ireplied, "for one, thing anyonet witli a higli tem- p)erature vwas kept in bed. Somre- tim-es the tonlsils were painited with Idoine. IEnbrocatlon or Oil of somne kind was rubbed on the throat and glands and IeryTting possible was done to bring down thec temiperature and reducc the dla ng--er of a chll. I remyembr miy rmother uiseci to wvrap a warm woolen stncking around mry thr-oat - juat as it cameu fromi the we-arer!'" Things a re so different now. A prson witb tonsilitis oftenl takes a shot of penicillin or swlosantibiotica for a f ewý days, and thua m ranages to keep going. Speaking o 01 oer treaitments, it miglt be juat as wcll ifleol were a littl(e miore careful in regard to scîf-niedica- tion. Even takn too miany a- ipirin can have disasýterous resulta, over a period ofime. But a little, mnore sl-ecp neyer diocanon any harin -tnat is ifontls uni- Jupiter Honeymnoon Migh BeBtter Ma-rndvenus, Ithe earUths beecn ratecd the likelicat haýbitatis for elaeret irhfe. Astro,O- miers ruled ouf, Jupiter bec!ýs e thei intensze cold of its atmos- pherLe (210 dlegrees bclow zero Pahi'rnheit) would freeze n known organismi. Now- astrüonmer carliaa od the Univer-si ty of California haýs cornelup wtba new uliea: Suppose tLhe clouda Sof Jupiter bhave like a giant greenhouSe, traippingL, and storing the fel heat r ieceived From the sun? Far froem the tradlitional idea uof afrozenl waste shrcruded Vy arrn- mni, m ethane, and hydrogen gaes, the p a e ' surface mi h actully reaci acomnfortaiblc rooni te1nineiature. 0îO Lhtb asis of lalbrat oyc- periflens wih atest-tu*bc, at- mjosphiere of Jupiter, Sagan fur-1 ther speculates tha-tlgtn. aifd tsolar -tadiaýtion p1rodcle or- -anic clhumicais vwhicb sink into and wa,-tcr, There the chemnicals aybcomie precursors of living o)rg!ii:naniin mluch the samae way of lfre is reckonied to 'hava tatdon car,ýth. "The possibility of lite oni Ju- p it er -seena ssomiewbat bIette2r thanflicpo;sihUlitv of lie on Veu,~the astronomier says in tý e current issue of 'Radiation Re.-earch. The latter now, seemn- reo~ he said, be-cause the sam -re e i useffect~ta may7 watmn Jupiter bas heated venus to a, scaring 600 degrees Fabrenheit. ihelGoodmian, Universityý of CahIiforia. Professoùr of Archi- tectur, on bein.g asked wbat he thought of a speech by Prank Lloyd Wih:Well, I thoughtt[he was imore Franki thanWrgt -ebCaen lin San -Frane.isco Examiner Modern Etiquete By Aïme Ashfley Q.When atedig a buet dinner, le it permissible for aý guet to revisit ib.e table foira "ien helpig A. This li efetyprpr The big rule o bsrv s t refraiJn from iliIinýg the plate a second im, ad then leavingp some 0of tit neaten. Q. Just whilat is o)ne spoc to say to thc e bide and bride.- groom at thse weddiïig recept!ia -and also what doje-, oe say tt their parents? A. You wish the bride hlappi.- nscongraltulate the bride- grotell the bride's parentýe bow, lovely, the bride is,an teli the bridegoo'spar-ents whiata chairming cupetheymae Somle woe dim to keep secrets to the b)itter elid - Whichi is usually -vtie spoi Where they eet a woman' ~4663 EASY witb tlhis sbapely sheatis. Curved-on-high seaning accents midriff, simple neckline, "loves"ý' stranda of gittering je.wels Chioose shiantung-, cotton, linen. Printed Pafttern 4663. M\,isses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16., l18. Size 16 takes 3l ' y ards 35-inchb fbric. Send FIFTrY CENTS(sap cannot be accýepted, uise postal. note for safety) for this pattero. Please print plainly SIZE, NAIME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE AIDAMVS, Box 1, 123 Egihteentb St, New Toronto, Onit.1 The biggest f ashion show etD Summer, i1961 - pages, pages, pages of patterns in Our new Color CataîIog.,Iurry, aend 35éb. THE MACHINE TALKS BACK - A newly developed eý-lectroniic brain, called the Cybertron., designed to recognize. ail -English speech sounds and, whenoen tc through a micro- phonle, type out exactly whaf it lhas "heard." The new machine is unlike thie usual computer, whiich ks only ab!e fo perform according f0 instructions fed into- it. The Cybertron is able ro fiearn,from) experience and ta solve probiemsî in this way, coastointly improving ifts skilL. &

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