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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Sep 1961, p. 7

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Thse bag andi possession linilîs eor wood duck h e ben in- cwease'd frem one to two. Die bag limit for rails, coots and 1gii- Linusa icashu been reduced frnrr4 :eix l -tcfive u r) te oses ,l*Lnift, froll 12 te ten. G'e 5ý liita rs emin un r- e'langed at five andi ten. The hag aAd puissessiun i jmita for silipe 1n d woodceck are aJ0Lso i- changed at eight andi 16 Seasons wili open One, wL:Ee1- tr in ise Sosathe-ra District tyl a ea.The dates for adi specîr's Seýptember 15 te Decemnbeï c in tise Northern District; S(-' tember 2M te December 15 -i thse Centlral District; 12 noon Cr;- toiser 7 tr, Decemnber 15 in t e Southera District: 12 ioen Oc'1- ber 7 te December 31 for gc-'Se ùnly in Essex County. In tbe past, regulations bave s;tipulateti that if a place was L-aibed witb foodi attractive 10 waterfowl during thse epen sea- son or seven days prier te it, tise area within one-haîf mile of tbat place would be closeti for the season. Tbe Chieai-n~e Officer of the pro'vince can. now waive tbat regula)tioni as far as a public huniting area adminis- tered by a province is cenerne, If ,any baiting reportedi outside gucis an area wottld include -tise public hunting area withir tbe one-half mile no huniting radius. GOLD IS WHERE YOU FIND IT George and H¶e bert Frank of Kalgoorlie, Western Australia. could be said le bave been borni vils gold in their mnoutba. Yet it neerlet haif a llfetime's pros- peeting over fields far and near before thiey discovered their f a- bulolus good fortune. Neyer once id they dreail i was on, their own doorstep, When ihe two brothers found the "st-,rike" that every perspir- Ing prospector dreams of, it was 1»o farther away than 2060 yardsý fromn theý house wbere they were Iborn. They have h11 on a. reef which, an îextpert asayer as- mures them, li velned iwiitligold. Toi prevent tlipping on a step 1#adder or on cellar ste-pS, here's- à good trick. Paint the steýpï vils vagrnisli, then iwhci the var- e1hssilSl 111wqt azxwlh ffld.wh(ýndry, thse tept W111 be Z"!d-UDrOQ:f and ean accident aiay be averl,,id. A BARREL OF FUN - These two boys ore having ai borrel of f un in a horrel of a bout rneur Mercer Isla.nd on Lake Washing- ton. Don Grinstead, left, and Terry -McManus move ailong by wulking up the side of the barre! In turn, it reacts like a squirrel cage, propetling it ut a spýýed of three knots. Don designed the plywood boat to hold four. An Empty Pocket Is Now An Asset Thse ainouýnt of mone y youi cryiyOur pce or waileb may be a. i-niticanit indiùaier not on'y et your com1pa-rat'ive wealtb but yeur statuas -s vwell. If you ihave a lot of mnone-y. reports show, yeu may ke-ep very 11111e of il jingling in your pockels. Yen have il eut wvork;ng for y, u t if yen don't have mucis, t'ise likeiiboed is grtater that you keep il close at -hanti, wbere you cin keep Irack of iL. Queen Elizabeth 11, an excecti- ingly wealtby woman in ber own rigisi as weiI as tise recipierit of a large government stipenti, neyer carnies any cash. Even ,wben se goes shopping at Chris- mnastime, someone in bier retinue always pays for tise purchases or arranges for tise bill te be sent. This a aroyal. tradition. In non-royal circles, 100, the wealtby men of England seem te carry less ceins on their per- son tise langer their bank bal- ances. Prom time 'te ime, mnen like Charles Clore, tise property magnate, Paau, Getty andi Nubar Gulbenkian, thse oil millilonaires, and Charles Ferle, a successfui caterer, repertedly have run short of cash - like President Kennedy at tise candy sbop - and have 10 borrow a anial amocunt to pay for taxis, tele- phones, or emergencies. But most of tise.mca bave leanned tisnough experience te have a smnali amouna of mnoney on tiseir person, or le sep- that their chauffeur bas funds on banti. After al, they lhemnselves tiid not get teo the top et the financil latider by bein-g short- sigisteti about such maltera. Replacing money l ise hcwale in England, as in tise United States, is tise credit card. Sncbý, cards are nol yet as profuse there as on tise other sîde of tise Al-lantic. But many a rising businessm-an in Britain "aow" fe e bitessential 1a bavea ichange aceuint at a good hoel or -restaurant se ho can sign the bli raliser than pay cash wlser enterlaining clients. Contributhsg to lbe reduction cf ash carrying aIl,.ower levels, of àOfciety l im e .recent growJh of popularity of bank che-cking arcceunîs. Adverisemealts ncw 1,11 esl-and-carry George thal if b. see-n3sa te ho sligbte,,d by the cierka when b. makes àa pur- ALL RIGHT, I'LL TALK - Resem'nibing a medieval torture appar- atus, this device is fitted on a student at Vaniderbilt University Medkil Sehool. Calied a scolrometer, it charts breathing diffi- oultiesý due to spinal curvaturo. chase, il is because John, rio dif- ferent otberwise and per-haps poýorer, carnies a checkbook, Vs týhe_ empty pocket practically be- cornes ïanasset, according te l Henry S. 1-ayvvard in the Chriis- tian Science Mo1initor. At thse very depths, obviously, are men sucli as mnyself wvho net only caýrry c-ash - but carry smnall change ln a coin ptirsc. Severýai feminine mevie stars. I have noted recentiy,, wben de-. scrilbing liseir ides] man havý,e complaîner) they cannot to-ler- ate one wbo ctirries a chan-ge purse. 1 know what they mean, ail rigbt; if hie la carel a bout his sail change, what must hle be about the larger d1enomina- tiens? But if they, in turni (or their husbands) 'had developed isoles in their peckets by carryinig heavy British pence, florins, anid bal crowils, perbaps they weuild .be more sympatbetic witb tihe puirse-bearing type. Hie is a Ibrif- Iy fellow - but Ibere is les mnending to be done in the ave- ningc! Meanwhile, if Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev has bie way, inoney wili become prac-. tically unnecessary in the Soviet Union by 1980. If tbing-s work as planned, the Soviets 20 years hence won't neeti money for housîing, transpo taiion, or food, education, beaIlb, or entertaîn- ment. Tisatislaquite a bit te Pro- mise, and il wiiI be soi-e lime1 before we know if the Soviets are going te achieve Ibis goal. If tbey do achieve il.mlin of them wvon'l bave 10 carry cash any more-and ftbey then doubt- less wîll eail tbemselves tise equal of Westerni millionaires If Ibey succeed, moreover, the value of money la aimost cert.ain te decline elsewbere, tee, anti bbe Western millionaires et that day won'l feel ricis-- despjite Iheir accumulatei .dweaith 2and emnpty pockets. Why Workers Get Nightmaores In George Orweýfll',s nighîmar-. lis novel "1984," workers in a totalitarian werld were constant- )y remnindeti: "Big Brother is watcbinig you." In Milwauikee laust month, tbe 87 workers in thse punacb-press departmrent o:f Cul- lerHam erInc., were conivinc- ed Orwell'a nlghtmarire wascr- hng true. "Big Brother," the workers comnplained, was a new electronic monitoring sysîem, and bis cyesý were glowinig lighits in a balcony control romr. For each punch press, a green ligist weuld be on when the mnachin~e was r-ufninig; a reti iight would glow wben- ever a maâchine stoppeti; and a flasbt-ing ,red, activated b.ýy the eprbrat bis press., would in- dicateti mechanical trouble or sbortage Of iaterial. "-Yeu look at this panel anti see your whole plant aI work," rhapsodized Keith Main, a spekýesmaGn for tise dvie nak- er, Hanicock Teleconîrol Cerp. Main argued the system weuld cut idiel imne and raise icn tive pay, put frmnatth eperators' "becký and cîl"and give workers "quite a psycbol:ý- ogical boost." Psychologically, retorted Hr old Lorenz, pr-esident 0if Letige 1061 of the international Aýsso- ciation, of Machinisats, "'i's an electro-nic spy ,3ystem," Neting the systemn can record each ma- CInî-e's ouIt PLIt on g 1aýp hs, the union hbas _givenCulra- me.r, îtsel1f a maker of electic(al equlipmi-ent and co1àt±ols, a 21- point' demiand for- restrictions on Big,, ohe' use. Amnong tlie pointls: Workensý, must get dupficates of the systemr's rouords cf tÉheir pertormance. ln any dispute over thie re- cords, the worker's Word miust be final. Bîg ,Brother m1-usýtn't be u'sed l'or tie studies or discipiiary action. aenýci with safeguards, it wvas clear( Big Brother would~ have ani uphili figh1t to popu1larity. As one operator put it: "They can kieep watch on what you're doing aill day. A fellow's got 10 get up and waýlk around,,,doesn't he?" Big Brother ivili be there pa- eillg yclu! Vutican At Lcrst Denies Local Rumors The rumors started last Janu- ary when Workmen tjirew up a scaffoldirig around th~e old Le- onine TpwTer, which overlooks thre Vatican gardens. 4"The Pope's building extra quarters for the cardinals, since he's increased th eir number se miuclh," quipped sorne observers. "Papa Giovanni',- aýdding extra roomns for allbis brothers," said others. A gloomy minority was convinced thiat '"Il Papa is buirding bim-self a ggeat bombshte" Actually, the ancient structure -buiit in A.D, 848 te defend the Pope from bis enemies and last used, until 1931, as an obser- vatory -- is beïig converted ïrit a quiet hideaway for Pope John. Driving through theý gardens With blis secretary last year, he waved toward the tower and remnarked: "I'd like to corne and live here." Accordingl 'y, the top three floors of the six-story tower are being made over into a private papal apartment. Offliciai explanations, however, have done little to dispel the ru- mors. The soccer field near the tower, said Romnans, was obvious- ly a hieliport. And surely there %vas te be a bom-.b shelter. Wearily the other day a Vati- can spokesman made _ be hoped - a final statement: "The Holy Father does not need - for does he seek - a bomb shelter." Calling Ail Scots- I4If pennies WantedI Can the ancient hero k i n g Who was inspired by a spider, niow inspire Scots to contribute £50,000 to his memnorial? This sum is wanted te erect an equestrian statue to King Ro- bert the Bruce on the field of Bannockburn wýhere, 647 years ago, he and bis followers slaugh- tered a 17,000-strong Englisis army. In launching a world-w,,ide ap- pea]. for Ibis cause, -Lord Clyde, the Lord Juastice General of Scot- land, is as.,king for "a bawbee for Bruce,"ý Already, a promisingtike bas started, somne of it com-tring froin patriots living as far west as Vancouver and as f ar east as- Tokyo. Lord Clyde. calculates tbat Ithere are 25,000,000 Scots spread over tbe globe today. 11 each contributes a halfpenny 1he £50,0N0 target will be resched. The sculpter chosen te carve the statue is Mr. C- D'O. Pilking- ton Jackson, w'ho was respons- ible for, ýtecreat' National War Miemnorial in Edinburgh Castls. le plan's 10 design a statue i- lar in scale to -tbe Haig monu- ment in Wbiteball. Ideally, the memorial sboild stand on tbe field oi Bnnnock. humr. But the site of the battie, as marked on tbe Ordnance Sur- BABY CHICKS BRAY stanied pullets andi cockerels, quick sbipment. Write for special lilst Aines and Dual-pjurpose, hatcliiing te order. Octobier brellera. book now, Se. local agent, or write Grey H4atchery, 120 Johin North, Hamsilton, Ont. BERRY AND ROOT PLANTS RASPBERRIES Fa il pianting, strong dlscase-free plants. $400 per hundred poat -id If cash witls order Thes. Blason. RPtRU6. Marlciaie, Ont BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE FLORIS'i besiness for sale, 3-acre land 6,000 fi. gjass stearr heated brick bouse Ownen wlshes te retire. Real buy te the rlgbi mari. Apply Box *11 Essex HiARDWARE STORE NIAGARA peninisuila; ciean stock andi fixtures Brick building; doing $60,000 anniualiy Will take miorigage on bilid- ing; recentiy reiinodeIled. Inveiory, $18,000, For a gond buy and a solid Investient, write fer appoinniment te J. Ceruipe. 36 Spreuce St._ St Catharinies, Ont- COINS CIIARLTO0N'S 1962 standard catalog of Canadiani coins, $125. Coin guide wih preiniraprices for Canadian and US. coin:, and bUis, 50,. Catnada Coin Ex- change, 80 Richmond St. E., Toronto. FARMS FOR SALE 167 ACRES gond iand, 7-room bouse, bank barri 45'x50' *waten, hydre; alsa 100-acre pasture ,f aria. Ti interested cOntact Aïex Young., R.R. 1, Berkeioy. Ont. ST. MARYS DiSTRICT FAR-MS 7 50 acres ail new buildingsý more land can be bougli If needed. 70 acres 6-roomn reci brick house; barri, driveshed; henhouse. 75 acres- -rooi bouse; bnrn,; garage,, wiil sel] or trade on 1501 acres. 100 acres paved road; 4-bedreorn brick house, barni, hog lien; shed; siloi. 150 acres- on higbway; 5-bedrooni brick bouse; large barra 220 seres jat off highway; 6-reonia fious,ý wiih, modern conveniences; barns 36 x 50. 40 ,x 60; pole barn 45 a 80; silo: suit eithýer dair, or beef. MANY OTWERS TO CHOOSE PROM HARRY E. WAGHORN REALTORSq QIJEEN ST. PHONE 323 S$T. MARY'S SALESMAN BERT DOUGLAS PHONE 1270 FOR SALE - MîSCELLANEOU 3 IJSEFUL bnpented giftsý. ne-w, different, Write for Catalogue. S. Lucas. Mail Or. der, Sînicoe. Ontario. SiIOTSIIELLS $20C3 box. Froc delive-ry on group endors. Free deinonstration, oamples. XL Explosives Ltd., Hawkes- bury Ont MEN'S work and fancy hose, knittlng ~bracelets, transistor radios, tape ne- corders, anti -fog eleanier, biankets. stump remeover, ant 1killer, portable. water softeners and purliers, cut flower preserver. chaise louage cois adhundreds of ethen prodîjcts aï meoney-saving prices. Express 'Pali. Satisfaction guaraniteed .r rmonley re- funded. Sead for lllustrated catalogue, TWEDDLE MERCIIANDIS1'NG CO. FERGUS 18, ONTARIO HELP WANTEID-MALE WANTED, Llinotype Operator. Apply Tise Trentonlan, Trenton, Ont. UBAINWANTPD MILTON Publie Llbrary requlres If. brarian wIth a Class C or btter certi- ficate. 37/ý-hour week, sIck beave, holl- day pay. pension plan and loalth la- surance benefits; minimum starting saiary *4,00l0. Apply by 1eiter to Mr, C. S. Loclde, Charian of Board, PO0 Box 234, Milton, Ont. LIVESTCCK Aberdeen-Angus - A wlde sýeiectioa avaliable, ail ages, both maies anld fe- mles, In ibis beef biroed. Sev- oral cows witb. calves by &ide andi dams rebred. Top blodbines of the breed representeti. Wite your requirements. A. C. McTaggart, Sales Agent, 1 Wel- lington Sti'oei->East, Aurons, Ontario. MEDICAL ITS PROVEN -EW!*Y SUFFERER or RI4EUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULO TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S RDUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA POST'S ECZLEMA SALVE BANISIl the tonmient of dry eczemaý rashes and weeplng skin troubles. Post's Eczemna Salve wil net disappoilnt your. !tcbing, sealdlng and burnng ecze- ma, acnie. ringworn, pimpies and foot eczema wiil respond readily to tisa siainless. odorlesa intarient regardlessý of how, stubbnnn or bopieloas thboy boeen. Sent Pose Free on Recelpi or Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR, POST'S REMEDIES 186e Si. Clair Avenue Est TORONTO ARTHNRITIS Try "Edoren"! Rellable herbai treat- mernt for anibnitie pains. Pesnsafe, effective. Meîntb's suplply $; mne back guarantee. Write for patilculars. PICKETT'S DRUG STORE PICKWOOD PHARMACAL CO. LTO, MILTON, ONTARIO How Con 1? Ry Roberta Lee NURSES TRAINffl CMOOLS EARN 1ý oc$65WekaPrciaNu, Learn quicly i hm. utii sb neeszsary; fn age limlit Write for free bolket, lesson, samales Poest Graduar* School of Nuirsinig, Boom 127, 31 Wabaeh, Chicagýo, NURSES ÀlwATE-D 0OPERATING room r;.egistîered nurse.i, imniediately., Small, ac0vO1 .5-day week and cal! back evie ApyCet. tage Hlospital, Uxbrtdgýe, Ont NURSES WNE REGISTERED OR GRADUATE NUMRSES POSITIO1NS opn f fl r pa ', -ýrt-tfimê TORONTO HOSP1TAýL WESTON, ONT. ATTENTIN PURCHASERS OF NUTRIA When purcbasinig nti da dt tlinoffers: lrlThe best aa 1bl tc, nncross- bred or stand Card types,10P1 nm (led. 2. The reputation of a pi q>lanwich l% proving itself sujanitd i ilsc satisfied ranchiers. 1 Fuil insurance aanirpaeet shouid thev îlot lv ri i vn of sterillty fuilv xp i nour certificate cfmnvtI 4.e Wegive you ol uain hc are In denld fýoi -r rnnt Vou Yureceivc, froin' h5oajait guaranteedi Pgljt markt 4, tng 4. Menbershipl~ n ur -clsv bed ers-' associatýin weeb ny u chisers oethibsstcmypaiiat lin ibe beneliits e ffrd 7.prices forBrdngsok taia $200 a pair Speclai offer lo those who qualfy', cana your Nutila on ouýrcoonerailve basis Write: Canedian Nufria Ltd., R..No. 2, stcoffvlllfe, Otr LADIES AND (GEN-TLEMEN AGE Is no barrien te e tghie maý- sa-ge profession, Free rohuire on re- gùe. Canaidlai Cllgei Mssge1 ar mAvenmus. oronto 7 OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOI CNAD'SLEArDINO SCHOOL Great Dpportunltcy Leara ilairdresslng Plea-sans dignifieci professýion, on wages. Thousanda t ucosf u MýarvelGrdas inias Greatest Sse flusrated Ctlou-ree Write or iCal 1 MARVEL MAIRDREssdNG SCHOOL 356 BooQr St. W.,. Toronto . ~Branche,: ýKRing St. Wf', lanilîtan 42 Rideau SroOtw PE RSONA L I4YGIENIC RUBLER GOODS TESTE», guaraniteed, mnalIled iln plain Pareel lnciuding catalo)gue and sex 1ook ree-wltbis]i sor n.18 for c1.0.<Flest quallty) Western Dlsfribuý oRs, Box 24-TPF; Regini. Sasik. FARMER'S CAMRA CLUB B;OX 11, GALT, ONT. Miis devcieped a nd 8 magna prints 40;), 12 mnagnia prints 3oý Rolnts 35ýý eachr KODACOLOR Deveioplng roil n fotiincludine PrÏnts). Coler prints 30,3 each extra. Ansuco and Ekiachiroîne 3 5 m.-m. 20 e*ý- p~rsmounted îla alidos Si 20. Celer tî;frorn aslidea 32,,each. Mney rt- 9nded ln fui] for upitdngtvs 2 '0006 M-LINES -wrneond vac- c1nâted --11 âl ges avallable. 18 weekà *17.Over 30 rears in Putn.Comê and 1e thean. Earl tlds I.N.1 P-idge-towin, OR. 4-2324. TOBACCO WAýNTED ATTrjLENTION tobacceee-sr, we are paying top markeipnce for rye. Truckdng arranige1. CailByn 801. Ed- mund's Transport, Ie oOnt. TIACHERS WANT'ED AMALGAMATED acheel, ortbWest RIver, Labraclon reaWqu, irelb achool teaicher, ïmuai be able tu eacbFrenchs and irlng]isb as eblef sbetaise pri- mary teacher fer gradie ne and be- ginnns.Latest Nwendadsalary, séale -Plus nethern exiras. Accommoda- tlin et prevailing rates or owjn airrange- lng wk.Appiy* : Car'n Aag mâtéd Scfheol. MNorth Wil Rver Labrador-. LEARN WELD1NG NO TIME LïMIT CertifýccDte Cuss SUPERVISION - ,NSECIO QUALITY RCONTE0L A.RC. SCHOOL 0F WELDING 92 John St. N., Haimiltoni JA. Ç-7427 JA1. 7-9681 Siesmy Meef-! mert #e gýeti 500miles on a eke CLASSIFIED ABVERTUSIN N N N N N N N N N - N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Ni N N N N N N -i N N N Ni N N -.4 "1 ~~'~1 N N N * Ni N Ni 'k, Ni '-i s N N 'N - N 'N .5 N N ~'1 'k s N ~1 N -i Ni N ".4 Ni s '4 'k 'k N N N 'N N .5. N N k.. 'k. N Ni N N N N N 'k N "k 4 N Ni 4. k s- s N 'k N N 'k N k 'k k k N 'k 'k M.- --

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