Ontarîo Tomi to \!INW F Sason Nothing tases gdite Wke resh -psewith cu-op chives. Place the jield tomates that are now ;lva1 i top tomato suce on and lserve. ab - n Ontarlo.TLstoaoe dpïes from adoadIntttewîîT' CcmerTmaoAcoda ddvariety to yoir fafl menu.s: i aebyT raking four homrizontal cutsý- in ai large tomato. These cuLs For a Red-and-WVhife siad ilhooeg only three-quarters of the way large rosy tomatoes. Wa4sh thor- trough tlhe tomate. Set the tomlato oughly remove stem Pnd, and ther on the uncut side and in each cut cut into 3 thick suces jtwo ruts' 1piîact a cucumnber slce, (rind on), huiorntly. Spread the two bottomi and ai generous wedge of Canadian cuts with cotage chee s ixed wi cheddar cheese. Serve on a lettuce mayný,0jaise. Sad h otg ef ~ O~o~oel HARLETS uSDCR 1961 CIIEV, IfIardtop, 4000 miles 1960 FORD, Convertible' S1960 PONTIAC, Convertible 1g 1 1958 iDODGE, Sedan g #~ 1958 PLYMOUITH, Sedan. O , 1957 PONTIAC, Automatic y 1956 DO'DGE, CoachjO g . 1955 PONTIAC (2), Sedans gÎ !1955 MýETEOR, SedlanJ 1955 FORD, Sedan g1952 PLMOU01TH, Coach- g1955 MERCTJRY, 1/-Ton 1950 CHKV, 1'/2-Ton Stake Il A R 1. :Bus.mNMA.i3-123S1 O Res. M1A. 3-7218 gSalesmiat: Gary Hooey MA 3-2301 Q- ~ 0 1 = 01 0-- O<=-= = 0 = 0 =ý:>0<=> =, You get-Springier End-Curks, Deeper Waves w~2 ORO NO, NT BiRTHHELP Mrj. and Mrs. LorncBres(c tr uis sutÉcliffe) allqe pr.ouc4 to announ1ce ApplySut' thle arrivai of 'their dcauthter, SusanJ Marie, on S(enbemVr nd, 1961: Ai siste-r for Tina, }a-c orao-l Mr. ENGAGEMENTceth 2s Uky ~ h g a e m e n ao f n ge r a m u l 1 e r , D o r s sa d r i a c k ~ MretoMr. Philip George Long', nrs4 sorn ofRe.,v-ad r.Basil !E. Long. ietfig~ Thle marilage will take place o cn 9J Surday,Otoe 7, 1961 lai ar il, th tjThe Oo ono ___________ c mmene th - etebr 4 WA DWINTERIZE YOUR, OM0NIE i timegenral eugFOR WINTE Newasl~F. H. Giraham, 2581l NTEOrno2191 FOR RENT/ Thiree rooi-àcd Aprtnienit, un-1 TTHE FAIR same b Phon Oroi 13OP a-c' WANTED TO RENT( Dept. cof Lands and Follesss em- pyebeing nsrrd.orn, CLASSES wat 10renit aCmi'hm o Thurdaj weirg Contact BertlHas,68 Bond St aI 700 'j.m inthe indayPhioiie\.A -31S0. b- Aibet Ps, hon ,'237, wing ni Bo~tVman' Iii iVet Lildu'i t jy Iile.le. c SaLy mi by, auhtrEllen and gr,ýandson iLarr.a- una Sh . 'eoenbi - Su-ýtnday, 1pem 7t a 1:0 a.mi. We are hop1ag 10 haveevr ~class filled tooVýer-fiowin, sOas flEATH- - akeagood effor-,t 10 attend tti ELLIOTT, Lucinda M.At theSundanpid 9Eýry Suand 'Il Bowmiahvnille Mennorial Hospital, Mrs. WZ.Avrmstrong, Super.i- riaSept, 8th, 1961, Lucinda ýten1dent; ",-M"S. C. W. -Billing1sA- M.Catrsccdden w'ifi e of the lt ~~n ueitnet WelyEliiott,-deaï-r mother of AI- fred of W,,iilowdlale, Irenie (Mrs. M. AL)CTION SAF W. Dumbar, Peterborougit) and'Re-, Ihae benv ithi- of Kenidai, Ont. Rested at the Bar-_ structions 4rom Mrs. cHarry Hna low, Funerai Honme, Oronio, uintil to seli by Publ'c Auç,-iion be 1-nic Sudy1 p.m. Then to the Orono Houisehoid effells at ber-esideace-- United Chu 'rch for service , ,330in the Villiage ofid etanyomtSat-, p.. ritl~ea ws n roo er- cdy, Spebe 0at 2:30 p. eteryv. shaïrp). RaEstat e,-Hueodur NOTICE TO CREDITORS » IN, THE ESTATE O0FPRBERT esn'îyîwih1 xedm SM1ITUI LITTLE late of the Town- apprePciation b Mrs. pass Gilbart. ship of Clarke 0n the County of ereay TraurrciDra lDurhiami, Retired Farmerdeceased: Cetrl Aricuural Society aor, Al persons hýavinjg daims against Cetheaefficient' x arlaSocity, she the Estate of the said Robert Smdt.h Illdeiieth.aimanir prociyfgs. Little, who dlied on or about te]datwt ilF rcei 7th day of January 1961, are herebyý My gratitude te Mr. Jak Reid.i notified to send 10 the undersigned our' very capable announcer, who Executors or their Solicitoir on, or gave an excellent cornmentary both befof7e the 301h day of Septetnber! days. 1961, their names and addresses To -Mr. R~iddell and >AIr. Billing, and full particulars of thieir clams ,-,Io made and ereotýed show casesi and thie nature of the securities (il for ljte Do)0estic Science Depart- an)heldl by theým fuly veerifieQd by nienit, they also madle a standfo statutory declaration. the apples and made. a stand for thci Imimediately alter lte said 301h appies and*f-uit display. This added day of Sptember, 1961, the assets greaty Athe appearance oflte in- of the sait demàsed uill be distri-lterior of le Ariu ture builing. buted among the person s entitled To ail!1As'croprs and everyonel thereto having regard only 1to he who aýssiste 1'-in preparing the daimý1s of thlhlie Execu, tors or1 grounds wh heipedc in anly >'ay to- the undlecsi.gned Solicitor shah then j wards the success oflte JFair,a have notice. specýial Thankyou, It was greatlj Dated ai Oronq, Ontario, t1cis 1appreciated.Sined by' 3îstdayof ugut 161.George Carson, President, J .OHN DOUGLAS iVIOFFAT, uhmCnrlAgricultural Soc Or-onoO tr .Ia- ROBERT FRANKLIN RUTHER-' FORD, Orono, Ontario. W. K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario, Solicitor for the Exectitors, on1y%$2.OOu 8CurI proves it s Q Pbarmacy, PHONE 158,1 (FrOm page 4 now,. l-, is expected that govern- meInt grants willI reduce this total; toabout- $65,00.ý tAny donations received towardý furnishings and equipment for theý new wing will release funds re- qu ired ýto bring the existing hospital uip tote standard of the new adJ-ý dition. Many gifts have be e ceived and many promised. If this wondierfulspirit -ofdco-ý opra-o wt t-?he hspitalcotn uies it Is hped hat Drintn Srke Nwcstead wm- piti ecod'onnefor suc-h an area. linthMsregard I would lîke to for nderakin tefurnishi the maini lobby and chronie f loor., p!tai hcors since 1957 are te be thnklifr thei- wrk adcoD- opmerain un heiping torcg the tiuirivant lb commcnuend HaYrry, Crydeuman 1lEuiidig chairmanqî Ivan Hohl-3b4s, Finance chairmnan,thi co)mmnitee n-embers and Bernard Hdethe 'hospital admi-nistrator, for ~ ~ ~ ~ i terwligesadabîIlity 10 t sh-ouldejýr reýsponsý!biities and do ai trmedosamoiunt of work fo.-r the ôCAREERTRAINING l ATÈ ANY TIME g g TheQsaaBsnsCole g s opýen ail year and Our fl retoofindividual i ructon nr)ýImits you _to1 f intstart a? any time 89 ayShoiCourses from g ,vhichi toû choose <I EVENING CLASSES g -1 T&ýESDAY and THURSOAY 7:00 to 9:00 p.n,, ChDý,5ofSubjeots Specia;î Classes for--) n Tee-AgeTypista, FREE LiTERATUR~ g AVAILABLE P 1 Simcoe Street North 9 Dial RA. 5-3375 DEAD FARM STOCK Highest prices for Dead and Dis- abIed 'farm stock. RAY VIVIAN LTD. Locust Hill, Ontario 'Phone Markham 1160j, Coll!eot 24 Hlour, 7 day Service. Please cail anytirm. O,-ntacl0-o Government Lic- eneC 102961. p DOUGLAS SIMPSON Orono - phoine 1413 Furniture Finished & Refînished Paperhanginig, Woodworkinig Painting- Interior & Exterior g lsurance Service g gInsurance in al! its Branchesg SAuto, Paickage anci Com.posite SPQliCi es , Fire, F-a rm, Life, ug)a r y; Lija b ili ty, M aIjn e, JAccidient and Sickness, Wind,g [jBiler, FjideityBod Etc. Sadie Ham ilton g A. F. MKNIMD IIYSICiAN a-id SURGEONS Office Hoirs Satuirdays andWeedasb PHONE 1471 ~ORONO DR. R. J AGR Laiwrnce C. Masoni, BA, Barrýister and Solîcior BOWMANViLLE, ONT,ý Wj. KAy 1LyCTDA Darrister - S15eicitor OIn thie Office-s oie R, R. Waddell Q.C. M&ST.- OIZONO L. J. SKMIFE Chartered Accoontaot1 BY APITET Lycett's Irsurance Offie PO, Box 659. Orono Ph-ono 1261/ '1) INSURANCE JACK REID Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize ini Farm and Fûruiture Sales Con-guIt me for termus and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Orons TED JACKSON Aucioneer and Valuator Conducts Auctier, Sales of ail s1u» and at reasonabJe rates Communicate. with him at Por P"rs, ontaria. Monuments and f amily Memorials Our quaflty and service leaves 7,othing ti e bfiesiredl Ask the person wvho bought from uO* a; neighbour, frienci or relàtrve The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 ÇQntario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Dîsplay in Scuther-ý Ontario'" Orono Electric PHONE 129 F'ARMN and HOUSE. WIRING , à -V1IANCE SALES Pronip. and Guaranteoil Repaire te all kinrIî- cf Electricai qpmn ýnd Applian,ýj mîhaa Aotors - ,.e at!,rs - N.Radlec - Str.c -In 0