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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Sep 1961, p. 1

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List 0f Priz Winners At Recent Orono Fairl 1The fOllowingý is a lîst o! 'tire Vrlze1 ýýwîncrs 'at Durham Centrali Agri, c2ulturajl Society Eall Fair Omono on September 7, 8, and 9. HEAVY HORSES CPydesdale-Heber Down - 1, lst. G. Wý. tSoyd & Son- 2, ist; 2, 2nds. Aubrcy Rickson - 2, ists; 1, 2nd. Perc-heron-V. E. Coolkson took 3, Ists; 2, 2nds. Fred Cook<soxn 2, lsts4 and 2 2nds. Leslie CochTane- 1, lst; ~Bel, a-L. Stephrenson -2 ss 2, 2nas. Awbrey Hickson - 4, Ists, 1,1d. R. stiepfleison - 1, 3rd. Comniiercial-Russell. Cochrane 1, lst. Leslie Cochrane - 1. ist; 1, 2nd. E. Lee - 1, lst; i- 2nd; 1, 3rd. M.uïrray Heati - 1, 2nd. Tcaems-Heber Down, 1, Ist. S. R. Da-'1,on - 1, 2nd'; 1, 4tl1. V. E. Cook- s-:i 1 st. Leslie Cochrane - i 2nd, Len- Stephenson - I. Ist; ], 2rid. Au- bmeY iicsf - 1, 3rd. Murray Heathr 2, iis E. Lee - 2, 2nds; 1, 3rd. Fred Cooksozý1n - 21, 3rd. Russell Cochrane;11 d. H vyHorse $100.00 Stake -- i V.,E.;Q)kson; 2. Hober Down; 3. S.1 Spi, -ial- Fouir Horse Teami, on.e îone Ieber Downi. LIGHT HORSES Ca - oses-Bruce Lwo S2 lis. K Flint - 2 2nds. R. Sard- dier . 3, is; t, 3r."(F . Baldwin 3 3 îd S. RoÏcad'sterý Class-Harold Hooey - 2 1sts; Lloyd Atchison - 2, 2nds,; 1 r R-ýcid'c Harness - 2, 3rds. Jack Rei- -I ist; 1, 2nd. Lorne Hoskin - 1, 1-st; , 2s;1, 3rd. David Breat - 1 , :st. Russeld Saddler - i 2nd. Iwvan. Cocir. mne- 2, ists; 1, 2nd; 3, 3rds. r Taggart - le ist. Roard Team Race around the track ',st -Ivan Cocirane-. Eeist Single Pony la harness-i F-selSaddler; 2nd, George Harys, 3rd, David Watkins. Best Pony under Saddle - Lloyd Atýc b4son; David WOatkins;Mag WVilson; David Watkins. 'Team of Ponies uncler 12M2 irand.3 1, Russell Saier; 2, George 'Harys; 3, Ra.y Cocirrane, Single Pony in harness over 12121 bia ,uds - 1, George Hays; 2. Ra-y oimn;3~ Ray Cochrane; 4, Day- id Wa,,tkins. Toam o! Ponies la barness overi 12½ anda - 1, Ray Cochrane; 2 P,. 1W. Larmer. Western sacddle Saddler; 3, L. F. Baldwin; 2.,L Brenit. ai-For best boy e- 1, borne Saddlcr; 3, [-van DAIRY CATTILEj -e-ey-Garirlet johiso t ,ok 2, Rsts 2, nds;3, 3r-ds; 1, 411. j Wayn Ker -3, ists; 2, 2ndls; i. 3md; 'I' 4Itis. Keith tarhar- 3, ists; 6, 2n1ds; 3, Vo] 3rds; 1, th. Ray Mundy -14, ists; 2, 2nds; 2,. Shorthori- Garnet Rickard took val 6, lsts; 7, 2nds; 3, 3rds; 3, Iths. John Rickard-5, lsts; 3, 2ads; 2, 3rds; 1, 4tIc. Russell Osborne-2 3rds; 3, tis. O E.' Gilbank-i, 3rd.' AberdeenA ngus-E. P. 'Taylor, 6, on-o'V lsts; 4, 2nds; 2, 3rds, Unite G. Beatty, 4, lsts; 41, 2n1ds; 3, 3rds; wasa 1, 4th. The Don Lindo, 1, lst; 2. 2nds; 1, 3rd; aew, 1, 4th. as fol Heefors-N. McLeodj 6, lsts;1 3, 2nds; 4, 3rds. Preý J. Wintei1bottor - 6, lsts, 4, 2nds; Presid 1, 3rd; 2, -4ths. Dale1 E. Cobfledick - 1, lst; 1, 2nd; 1, Tagga brne 2Z Numb' lere Mercer eMission Band elected slate o! officers for tire lows: esident, Valerie Mercer; lent, Joyce Long; Seer( Challice; Treasurer, Mar rrt; Paper Convenor, DE 11-"Pn ...,... 'F 'rd; 2- ths. naue ew xphI, ý,1arket 'Cattle-Johin D. Allia, 1. Forrester. f irst. E. P. Taylor ,i1first. G. Rick- arcd, 1, 2nd.ý J. Rickard, 1, 3rd. Durham Farmers' Coop Sp)ecial U waýs won by E. P. Ta ewylor.n M r Robert Glanville Spoc1(ial- G. B. Betaty. pcil-. P.Taylor. For ÎBowmallviiIe BIG GUERNSEY CLUB R. Batty 12 ists; 7 2nds; 2 3rds; Bomnville's fi'rst modern shop- 2 Iths. ping mart will be completed at tbe S.7 Buma & Sons-3 ists; 6 2nlds; 3 end of February. The two-acre 3rdcs;',4 tirs. property wilI consis È primari1y o! a A. Bedwia -1 lsts; i 2nd; 1. 3rd; new Domninion Store and six or s ev-1 5 4ths. en accessory stores. Otirer tenants Larmer Brýos.-3 2nds; 6 3rds; 1 for the m-art h,,ave not yet ee 4th. . namned. The first phase o! tire $450q H. Grham- lst; i 2nd; i 3rd; 000 project was finalized Moinday 34'ths. 1-ig't when Bowmranyiille Town JCoombes-1 2ndc; 2 3rd S. Cociacetd n offer from J. E. Wilson-i ist. Dominion StoresLtd., tIo pay for. G. T. Wilson-il 2nd. the paving o! 300 feet of Fra.nk St., Premnier Exhibitor was R. Batty. from King Street, for use as a pub- P OULTRY lic road. Thre Ibulder, and agent for Most awards were taken by R. M. Dominion Stores Ltd., A.E. Rank- Brown, Peterborough. Only otirer ine o! TorQnto, has built a large exhibitor, (Gerry Cornish o! Bow- supermarket, in H-amilton. nr&nvile, took 2 firsts; 2 secondsl and, 2 thirds la Bantam Çilass. i The mart wilI be la thre east s-ec- A RT, tion o! Bowmanville on -ighwayi i. Pen, Pend!j, Pastel, ryoitl No. 2 next to the Browems retai Etcir-'n rs. Aliece Patterson, o! stor e. BownVille. 2. Watercolotim--Mr, Donald Stap- den Heuvel, Orono. les, RR Northr, Newcastle. (b) otatue.Ms Dora HIold- 3. Oil, (a) 5111l fe-Mrs. A.VnawyBewdley. CoMmenW-%ce WorkO WVork started t+iins- week in pro- time resîcleat ofthta onsnîp of paration to construct a new Medical1 Clarke. He was enigaged in f!armitig- Centre in tire Village o! Orono. on lot 23, concession 6, prior to mov- Tire Medical Centre is tire result o! inlg to Orono witir iis sisters Mary a 'bequesi o! a considerable sum o!fn 'ili'li w' ir(luti s~ mo0ney from tire Robert Smih Lit- o! Trmas Littie and Jatie Bumges3. tle E;tate which was le!t to be uscd for charitable purposes la tire Vil- T-ire late Mm/I. Little passed away oag o! Oronio. Tire eeuoso! tire on Jaiu'àry 71, 1961, in bis 92nd Littie Estate set upon irel(-'ommnd-,yoa and wvas tire last memnber of able project o! conistructing a Mecd- one o!tlire old Scatch if amuiies of ical Centre ilatire Village. tire district. Tireý_ late Robert Little was; a life- A fi%7c--nli Board of 'Direc4.rsl H lono ur Couple On Silver Wediding Anniiversaryl A haýýppy Dccasioni was enjoyed on Sartumi(day afternoon arndc evening, Sptem'ber 2Ind, at tireirome o! Mn-, ,and Mrs. Wmý1i-. Wannian wheni many, ridsand relatives called to cele- brýate wiÎtir tbem on tireir 25th Wed- Tire g t were roceived at tire oor byMis Donna Scr an Ros aanaran. Mrs. Wmn. Cochraiei wavs la charg e o! the Guest ok Pa tirferenoon Mrs.Ja.Wn namotiror o! tire groom, pour-edý tear and la tire evoing Mrs. R. R. Pattorson., sister-iia-law o! tireý bride, did- tire bonours. Tire gu -ests wero servod a delici- ous lunich by Mrs. Miltoun Wanan,ý Mrs. Marwood McKee, MNrs. d Lawsoni, Mrs. Ken H-endlerson, Missl Jean Waainan and Miss MariaaM 14c- Kclevcy. Tire bride and grcoom woremci- pients of manly iovely gifts mem oirs o! tire happy occasion. ,-s)eeli st up to administer tire cDuction o! tire Medical Centre and to adminîster its operation. fol- lowinj g its coinpletion. TJ-ir new vbuilding wliren completed will provide accommodation for t'ol doctors and a dentist and will also have available sparce for services as-1 sociatcd iwitir these professions. Tire Medical Centre will be self-supportl- ing and mary,hieatire need arises, cxipand its f acilities andsevc. Presently tireland is being- pro- parcd antire excavation dug la, preparation for construc2tion o! tis niew Centre, dC lie part Ti Thursda'y, September 21st~, 1961, Orono, Ontarla Ld Mrti To C. TamblynPremlier Hol- clak At Liberal, ýmination Rally stein Breeder - Exhibitor n. Pul arti, MP. Wn 1C!arlos Tamblyn, Orono, won hiaý former Minister of HealthMbileB andeie redradPrrfe Il 0w m uleByE.xhibitor awards at the Durbaîn iin the Government of Hon., County Black and White Day held St. Laurent, will be the guest BCC etme 8th in connection with -er at the Durham Riding Lib* D Àsscitin omnafngCo-!ifle On e rono Fair. A total of 22. exhibitors ~ssoiaton Nmintifg Co.t illeDiccie howed 93 head of Hoisteins. The on, which taIses place in New. j awards were placedl by Geo. R. Mc- on1 September 28th. Steven Malley- 9, son o! Mr. and Lauglln, Beaverton, Presidenit of Mrs. Grant Malley of 292 Scugog the Hoistein-Friésian Association o rring theý_ platform with Mr. Road, Bowmanvile, was kîlled by a Canada.' in will be Royce Frith, Toronto car whi1p riding !lis bicycle home,~ Runner-u'p for Preier Breedeýr r, and Presidlent of the Ontar-, rm eoo.was J. H. Jose & Sons, Newcastle. bera Assciaton. -le .vasplrnounced.- deadona- while the runner-up for Pr-emier rival at Bowmanville Hospital hy EXhlbito,ý was Archie Muir. Cour. Convention is talýiing plac(_e to. Dr. C_ Aulstin, coroner.tie iate a Liberal Cadd1ie o J. H. Jose & Sonis showed thî"-e 'deral riding o!- Durhamn. Thrce, Driver of theuar was Dr. D. Granid CI-.aýmpioni bull, winigwtà s heave beenl submtdt h Campbell o! North Street, Port thie Junior yearlinig, Gladibra e ittee of selection), but Di ie rry. Leadler Stardust, who was first nami- candidate,Wlfe Carruth- Police saîd the boy had just, corneedJnoChminbfreakg Bowmanvîlle Mayot who ý,) -lt from teetrneof Franklin the top aad The Reserive Junior >t seriou'sly of ettring he Pak ad swerved iýnto the po adR s e rndChm Ilnf saga enriier hias since inidicat- weiit to Carlos Tmblyn ont the W, - ning- sen-ior bu!l eau, Taia e Y The accideýnt occurrod- during a Pabst Jerry. No senior bulîs wereýý heý,avy ramn and visibility was very son poor at th e tîme, police said. There was avr togcaeo aged cows la milk, and it was here The accident was lnves.lgatecb ýby that Judge McILaughllin found bt Consabl Do Arderon of his Grand and Reserve Grand BowanvllepolceChampions. The Grand Champion- ship award wvas takeni by Elderske Hello Mary M., owned hyAroit.% Muir, while the Resee Grand W ~~1LC rub~Championship went toCalsTnL Maud. S Strong optto a rve i Dis ~uden y the herd of R. L. Steven% B ey. manville, particularly !in the young- Warden of the United1 Counties of er classes, and it wAas fronl this becrd Duram nd orhumerlndand, that both the Junior and Reseýrve eeeof Caý-rtw.right Township, Junior Champion femnalescae Brue Osar Ashto, 44 i, died of a1 The Junior Champion was the wn suddJen heart attack Saturday last. ning senior yearling Glen Raeý o hi Rocket Faynie, wxhile the Reserve iHe and Mrs. -Asîton verelon thi uiorý was the top senior bei or va 'ca fte o PatteCnig heCa cal!f, Glen Rae Citation Susie. Hon. Paul aiaPGodRodsCofeene t Thie Grand Champion female a wildechine a nointin. Wl 1e they stppd ff in Edm-on- the show. Carlos Tamblyn wonre ýs(1ii E a Lv einQf t'n on to visit relaties. seniior get-f-sire on -a group. hy sidbsntWElReLovekin 9! tire mi Ltberal Assocîation,> r~ The funeral eviewill be lhei ld PbsrlkÉle Ounio e, whîle rce31 tire renewed trn tr tthle Northcûtand Smth Funeral Murook ti Roe, ntigac-f-sir n have s n lahis cne-HmBowvmanuville, at 2:30 pa..agopbyRsf oticJptx and be,ýfore anjy real date hîs Thursda, Spebr2.9 nemn h1wnigpoen !dm~a setbytir Fderl ovoa-will be inHtn Cemetery. shown by J. H. dose & Sons, whll f or aýn elecion. Tre youlteM. sho7ws on a rh Muir hiad thle top breedeýr's unl he boslÏiwa on n1hrd. ails, !le said, have expressed a Einniskillen,. 1Hec was ia member o!ý A Muir lad seven first prizes, C> nie desire to take a1 ý1reaterItr atwih oni fran abynsxc.H os !osfu n acapaia nd av stp-yearstownsip reve for two yearsl R. L. Stevenis three, Cedar Dale .p thleir atiiie oward tr and wvas elected wardeci tins Year ISýock Farar, Orono, hiad the first ntiofl. I e operated a farm aýýt RRU 3, Býurke - prie dry twvo-year-old, and Gen Iton and was a mremnber o! tire BlackI- Werry,, Hamptlion tire winning jim goodattndane a tir met- sockUnîtd Curch 'lr boier caîif. Hope and Mlbroearier inirei yearhav sirwn ire adidedl entlus- ToC mpee iasn, lire said. -r AganstMoss 1 1

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