ORONO WEEKLY TIMES ANutherÏzteda* Second Classa mail, Post Office Department, Ottawi. Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Foi-rester - Editor and Manager Suïbseription payable in Advance h Canada $1,50 S . In U.S.A. $2.5ü 4 PubLiýsh-ed evei y TiiursdïÀy at the office of publication De-cisions To Be Made R-ecent announcements by t17e Depaptment of Educaien that ,changes are te be made ln the curriculum for secondary education e3hould have a pronouneed significance for students and parents. Iheanneunoement is to the effect that students entering High .School must have decided their future profession in order that Xhey may take the proper courses te obtain this profession. It is understood that High School courses will be divided ,into three distinct courses, each ,,with a definite objective in 'Pre- 4pariing the student lor their profession or for further education at ,~ohrlevel. It has aise been pointed eut that after having set put- on one of the three courses of study that the student will net be able te chang-e back to another and this wilI be especially e in Grade ten. Mixed feelings have been expressed on this new course et -action by 'the Department ot Education. It dees seem however <t1hat it was high time that some sense et responsibiiity was banded te students earlier in theIr education te set eut a course %vth an tîLtimate objective. Further, the new set-up should provide moie- e.p.ecialists on whicb Canadian industries and other tields may 'eld te employees. The Department of Education has placed the enus on stu- çle-nts and heir tamilyles in that the students must aow have a good id-Pa in whi'ch field of endeavour they wishi to, pursue. Se-me tý-eel that a cbild is tee young whea entering High School te select herprofession but the fact remains that this decision is g-Oing tv haïve te be made. -Students and parents are goinig tû have te make a decdslon eary in the childi's lite and this decision, in the most cases, will j-le final, TLhe important tactor at the preseat timie is lihat these ,prties recognize this rcsponsibility and seek eut ail information ,thati should be readlly available fer themn threugh the schools nd tbrough the Department. They should understand that the ,diay s gene whcni a student can be dropped off a, the sch',ool .glor ith ne previeus planning for the child's future. The change being instig-ated by the Department are cer- tairnly in, the interest ef better education and these changes wijl b-,rng about in their enforcemnent, a greater awareness and se-nse <p rspnsbi tfrom the general public. ORONO WEEI<LY TIMESTHU A Tribute Local Ilorsemen Itemidst of our- busY evLrY-1 day duties and the rush ef day te Show Winning Ways dyliving, it is aIl tee seldom we puete pay tribute te a tellew A iaTak Within the next tew days eur 1lo- Durin gthe past week< local herse- cal reforestation will lese one et ttsimen have been active at arena tracks IOrono High Sohool News Orono 'Students To Atte -nd University long time employees. wthseme suecess. a IHigh School opened with an e n- Orono IHig~h School 1ast year, is t3ak After tw;enty-eight.years of long y At th-.e Port Hlope Fair last Satunr-renn of 128 students including 4 ing a Nurses Aid course in Torento, and faithful service, George Yoxike day Mr. Gerald Roinnwi hh transfers. Carole Little, a gradiate oif grade will be a retired Civili Servant. horse Bracelet took a secondl and wleisntacr'colg i third in the two heats of racing. Connie Tyrreil, a graduate ef Or- Peterbiorough. C'ne has enly to speak to people Mr. Jack Reid with Lee WcDuff ono and Bowmanville High Schoels, fro an pat o or povice ndwas aise in the money at the faÎrý won a Dominion Provincial Scholar- Last Thuirsday fitty-eight stud- mention the fact -- We corne f rom in bis class. sh'ip this y.,ear. She is now attending ents travelled by train to the Strat- Orono -- and we immediately hear, Queen's University in her first year ford Shakespearian Festival to sce "Oh that's where the beautiful Re- In the Road race department M. of ihe A ýrts course. Henry VlII. We concluded that the forestation Park is located." Bill Reid ran up f irst along ýit play H eenrdainas anedf h4ke two other triumphs in racinig. He Norman R-ickaby aiso a graduateseresesrdrmsadtwul Oroo Fresry taton asraced Dave Frisco and King Nibble. of grade tjhirteen, i ttndn e-net 'have îived on had it net beýen Our OooFr r tto a hs w ose lonte r saiedn o-for seme et bis ether great works. over th'e years turned into a show- ReThree an two hessa seonedsMr onto Teachers' College this year. place; with ils spacious îawns, Rdth-_-Wree fairad wrecnds atsFidyte e gaeiin flowering shrubs, trees anid partic-,teWrwrh ar etyJean Rutherford began ser first Ti rdytenwgaennr ulry\ldsied and beautifully year of nurses training at Oshawa are geing te be initiaited into High kept floral arraYs. Dr. R. J. Taggart raoed with General Hospital ths Sejptember reSpho or inTga dne fer sthe n Queen Attorney at Lakefield jastarspnoigadcefr h-- o In calling attention to the lovely Saturday taking a feurth placing Eight students f rom Orono High Friday nig-ht. flower beds, it is here that we wýit- School are trying for their seniior' D e ~aar~di o e ness the work and loving care this Most of the local horsemen willi maticulation al Bowmanvffle I{igh D o eaamdi o e employee "the gardener" of the be taking part in the races at lihe'School, sorne strange speýctacles oni the lýcal station has given oyer this long Lindsay Fair which is in eperàtion I MarlonMcReeli who atended aers tneisguade period of time. frenm now until the end of the week.1Mro eelswoatne iesi igie i Yorkie" as hie is knewn te his ________ triends, is a very quiet, unassuming man. His greatest pleasure is grewv- ing and shewing his plants te his- neigh'bours and friends, and work-.ý iag in h-is own well designed green house. "Yerkie" plans te grow flowers for the commercial markets wý,hen' eretires f rmbspent position. In. losiag tribute, we wish you, George a pleasant and rewarding future in yeur retirement. --A Friend. Local News Mr. and Mrs. Colin Taylor of Bowmanville, were- Sunday guests et Mr. and lMrs, ClarenýceAln Mr, Clarenîce Allia, visited bis sis- ter, Miss Laura Allun, in Oshaýwat on, Friday. Mrs.McGulochmoved inite the a-1 Ipatmeniit on Tuesday on Main St.,j owned by Mr. Carman Cornish',. 1 Mr. J. C. Tamblyn is a patient l Bowmanville Memorial Hospital, w he e under went an operation-. Mr.ý Ken Nixon bad bis kace op- erate on for torr cartillege, at thc Bewmnv~ie Hospital, Legacy Builds Medicali Centre DaaFsia Th1g the generous bequest efthe ibeR S. Littie Estate pnd tbrough the commrendable decis'on etftSe truistees la tfhe use oý this bequcat tihe arca is now te receive the services et a mredlcal pentre. The arca is indeed tortunate ia havinig su.cb a bu)ildinig pacýed -withia its limits and the services it 'cili atterd la t ýhe near ,ttr ndý for years te corne. Thý-e legacy lff tGt the commlyuaYty 'Dy he atýe Robent Lirztie, ai. ît-timc resident oft Clarke Townsbip, is most cem.endn- ,abIe and Wl previde fo&rthis area a mucb im-preved mnedical ser- ye.There is littie dott that Strough tihe fuiture years that ser-- vice trom 4lbîths centre 'cil irieaý,se wth additions arici these teeý »ireý]à tonly from tbe tadt tha-t ic initial start 'cas ade p>ut rservtions b-e termned. a success. it was attendcd zPS-t aïlrg gabnlgand the f air j- itfel rovided a god balance et ncrs fer-vya, The livestoek, insidle exhibits, races,enetlm t 4nù iwyprvdda wi-dc range et itemns t rele ner Th--is ycar was tihe firateneavurte plaoie the Orneo Faim s ,a ful two-day fair. ThP e taae on ie oning day, Fd&y, 'casý »ra beiowectatensut, this can neyt be builît up o cord alone. Netth rïan t be expjecýtcd that the firtet clre a a fu a! tendance. TeriodyfaiýJr idel(a ica rneessaýry j--ee an: .one moii cwiLa ve te be bulitup oe ve o he 3a eid Thediretors and vworkcrs clt the fir. - are te b conrau latd er heeffocrt puýt forth and for the scesa-ivdl h 1961 edition et tie fair.t los aise commendabletust thse ie And womcn are naxieus -teimrvterfar Ne doutt plans are already be,,,ing dses.cfr the 192 fair end hueeagain we \wisb bmsuce At Orono thie cdisplay at the Orono Fair oft the awrsfr the Drama Festival, 'ciii bave the opportunity new thajt tbcy are on show in Dr. McK-ea;,I's store windew. These awards take the form et plaques which this ycar depict the particular7 aspect et dram fo 'cIcbtby arc awarded-I They are giveri for the tollewing: B-est Actress; Best Ater; Best Dýrctô',r; Best Set an-d Best Dictin TeOeeChamber e ommonEerce peetthe 'cinner etotf eFestival wiha carIved ced-ar-we,7od statuette. Th-", T-ate Greup ef Pet,- brgba-re the present holdersf en a oLunder IMem-ber eft Canadian tiuiid oet Dramna Adju caosis aisej an Ho(nomary _Mern et- the. Amrien Cocil et ofDral Jugsand aGvm oflett G aanPlayers Fudto.H wel-keWn lathe 1British Isles a Germ ny fr bs work as an adjui ca ïl e acting for botkI, local cdxu tioal uthnitesand fthc-Ami Force.,,m Craint ord has leu u Temno ahui N.S., and Y Universit S aw'cli as ail the le' îngEngIsh Thetr S hooseo readrs mght now m. Cainf as fr th pas tw ears e f mai îained a weeklyurdi v REV. B. LONG REPORTrS yonLmnwhhdEnSmRfELENTLESS RULE, in Ayoug mn wo hd ben sm- nd iý0 l'in iobas net, even, biolegy that he mened ite court on the charge that wiialai e Ll~ i~n ias "will be taken ed themn. The ccl he had tailed te brîng bis autemo- aw y." ost ceriaiiy lhe was warn- laterinltep bile te stop before entering an in ing natinstrcin1 oc cnb er hl and mu tersection defended bimiself by say- igrorea. tiat OPIpur(LunIIteS lmay be and he said that lng thattlhe bad stopped, but the uverîeoL)re(, anoi tnar responsibllty te liVe over agi pause had been se slight that the may oe rejected; but wlien il is, wel it that hie Weui police officer whe was laYing thre are -onifrote-d witb thle relentless1 listen te music sc dharge, hiad not been able te notic~e ïuie, tiîat of lesing eveni what we1 lose the facultyc it. To illustrate hbis point bie toek have, for there la ne standing stilli trem bhis poeeket a cela wbich hie in lite. This helds truc for country, Just 50 'ce can tiipped la the air. Whlen it -tad re- community, church or idvda recognizîng the turnedtote is hand, lie asked [lhe Wherevc-r the challenge etov- c values in lite. befor te Ibea deenîngstThe is iîgnered or rejected, loss is thre !la- Church lite can magistrt eamite tbat be had evitable resuit. Many knewýý, enlyiseeking te grasp negt, adwas immeditatl eie d, tee well, that this is se and how et-1 for eneseif, and byt thedyoun imantat acoreidiig(en we wish te close our ears and 1as they are; bul te~~~~ th1ase rviainteci minids te its demands. MNan, is being tee long until we to te las o graitaton hereoint a cr'eature et two worlds, the phy- te the challenge lhad paused at thle peint wi seial an tesprta fistatbinelsem had reacbed its limax in ascent,] tsic-le bd tsrua idth bgntoJs andbefr~ t bgantehescnd.As e h tre la beth. standards andc a resuit, the magiýtrate dismiussed]rueioulyelains the charge allowing the man te gol Il a mran is physically fit andtul at rea twithout any penalty. Whether jus- keeps bimselt in condition for ever ulta c a tice was done, or whetbeýr th1yu1 greater efforts hie retains the ability recegnizing GOCL mani had been clever, is net the hie pessesses, but if lhe allows hlm-I usiag- Gods wo point et the stery la this instance, self te grow fiaibby h.-e will Jose even takinig our ewn rather that the demonstaine the abilities hie bas. The more a stu- sting our e t the coin lluistrates the rlntesdent learras the morelbe cari learn;înour ctarsthen rule, that there is ne standing stili but if hce refuses te go on learning ty astae whe: ia lite. The pcriod bctwecn advaace lie 'cii lose the knowicdge lielias.Go whn c h im whea he s ,and the backward trend is se sllght Ail the time 'ce are cither goîng le reveals hîii that it is almost unrecognizable. trador g-oing, back. The seeker wvill ahway~s tind; but the mari whe rud s n Jesus must certainly have J-,ad stops seeking 'cii lese even 'chat e epeine this truthi in mmiid 'chen hec said, ha s. Charles Darw'in told bow as "take hecd how you brear; for te a youing man he loed peetry ,aad, Abilities are hlmr who bas will more be given, Music but lie se devoted himselt e riilge ae ate, and respo Leir s te be * War Cf 'coi-k w , workt -, .a1 talents, the twc dene 'ccli arene aind rcst on theil have donc 'ce] greater tasks,a evrthatfthose sibilities. The tr their vwork well en more te do0, alse takje tllpc>l respenisiblities wiho sh.ould be 1l banid, th"e mni the mian 'clo m h"e had advenl Iweuld have bec completely neglect- >nsequence was that >ry meant nething dci was only a noise, at if he had Ibis 111e "n he would see te ild read poetry and so that he would net Of enjeying thexa. tr lose the faculty ef more wrhhl *Cemmunity and in be expressed i ;p certain benepfits 1th',eni to hold them ut if we do, it isii't ve become insensitive of advance and we any of the pri'vileg-es conditions wve have )ed. It jes equally ihip te things spirit- n lose the fa'culty ef L By rýepeaitedly re- ird, by repeatedly iway, by repeately Yes te God and clos- Himn, we can come i w dIn't recognize see him; or hea3r speaks, eýven tkouý,lgh ,sel' jievervthing speas thougheV- given, to 'De used, ,rantedclto be appreci- onsibiIity la placed )e accepteci.TTre re- veil donc is stili moifre Jesus' parable eftihe oservants who h1-ad .ot tolu te lean back r oars, because they iL1 They are giveii and greater iresl)n- ep hohave (done agedy eften is, howý- 1and hfave been>gV leel 1that they nust nthem imrany xmore neglected by ohr helpin g, On ltheote whîs punlishied is wv ill nt tr. Even if iured aC -nd lest, it nr better th1-an Lo do.