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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Sep 1961, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLV You Saive Twice EA7'With Trim & Price Look for the Val ,ue Checkecl Label in'each PaQkage-- "lt's the RD'0 AND WITE C SEAL 0F QUALITY Cho-'Di c ToýP Round or Juice Rib Choice Tender -Wei Trimmed ldo SIRLIN r T-BONE A5c 39C 1b75c SHORT r IB 11r Rý'OASTS lb 43jc Lean Fresh- Groundi iînced Beef Vieil Trimmed Extra Lean Boneîess Roled POT ROA'ST I Snbem -12 to a Package Butter Puffs 3i1 31b99C lb 39c- Christi-s Premnium - Salted or Plain SODASlb 3 5c Duncan. Hines Exciting New!! Seven Different Flavours This Week CAKE MIXELS 2 fâor 79C3 Super ÂSavi ngONAI Due Only to Mssv uyîng Powier of Red & White 50 ilb RED AND WHIT E Our Shelves are Iîfed with many morecash saving features.. Corne in and~ sec for yourseîF, Sttiing ýMoss nd 'i 6e 2*acssured with McLaren's garded by many as the uncrowned I, King of sports car racing, wiil ob- serve his 32nd birthday iindo un Septemnber 17, expecting to re- ceive a belated but substantial pres- ent, the major prîze ofth$100 Gra nd Prix race at Mosport Park, north of Orono, on Saturday, Sp tember 30. The colourful British driverwo easilv won tie f irst îi:ternationalý race held at MUosport on June 24, 15 returning to Canada with Nis sleek, 156-mile-per-hour Lotus MK 19, espec>ially for wbiat shapes ULp a t-he niaion's greatest raci!ngeen of ai]ltimie, Howvever, both 4Moss andofias of the British Einiire MotorClb lorganizers 'of the-Sep)temiber lO)th- race meet, are of the opinion thiat iBrt>aini's best wI face mnucb stiffer com0lpetition here- in the Grand Pi thnie experieniced last Junie, For one tinsomne Canad'ian driver-slhave been g-aining (extensiveý tricky 14-mile ioiotciruit. youtfufl Peter Ryan of -Mont Tre-i blant, Quebec, tenm year-s junlior t MoYss but regardled a-s oýne ,f Ca-- adla's miost promisin g andsile drivers fbasaradbrkniote elite circle of inteational mcot-,r rcg.Wbat 1$ more, in bis first appearance at MsorRyan 'cut one second off tbe fastest lap time establisbied earlier by tt rtn On Septernber 30, Ryan wvill pilot a Lotus 19, an idientical car to Ibhat, drivers by Moss. A tbird Lotuis 19 .vMl also be in-i cluded ini tbe lîst of entries with1 1 Olivier Genlebien, Belgiumn's top i, racîng ace ini tbe c pt Somne skil]led, observýers 0f sports car r'acingl favourGedbn to win C-anada's first Grand Prix of 250 miles. Tbey point -ont that hie is A thiree timiewnnrof the Le Mans 2horclaJSsic and twioe the vict or Iof thie Sebring 12-h-ourj, Grand Prix. fin previous app)earances in Canadla ihe bias always been at ai disadvant-I a agÏwt alss powerful can lthan som)ne cf Ibis competitors. Meanwbiile Frank Wj. Mlt of Mý'ontreal, PxI-esidenlt of tbe pep)si cola Company of CndLim-ited,ý bas just annlonuced tb L'at rbis firm Iwill assist 11be organizers of Cania-1 da's first Grad Prix by under- writing a portion of tlie costs-, volvedl. At the samne tim-e, hisco- pany is donating for presentation to the wvinnier, the "Canadiani Grand Prix Pepsi Cola Tr'iophy." Ail indications are that this wilil be one of tbe otadn sports eIv-ý en ts ever staged in. Canada and anl attendIance well in excess of 30.000 is expected. Bill Reid Winneir Busiess eris Trot The Ocroo usinessmen's To sponsored at the Orono Fair by the IBarlow Funleral Homne, RolhHad ware, Carmnan Plumbing and Heat-' ingDurbm Frmler's counity Co operativ7e, W.. Reid Genera] Store Les. Reid, Blacksmith and W. 'E. Reid- saw e:,i horsýes view for a portion ofte $120.00 purse. The, evenit was run in two becats. avdFrisco owned ami an dri-ven by B'il Reid of Orono woOn botb trips w'itb Ivain Cocbrane&s horse,Vo- arena takling second anqti hid. UDoc Friscoowned'by F!,rankBadî took tird îin tesmmrfhoe by Clemn wed y' Jamep's Har- ris, Ear1 l Ply Grondb ly Lorn Hosin ad Mr Maci S'one. Quick4igniting, kigh in keat. Cieçin burnin ... helps prevent burner troubles. Automatically delivered with person«Pl attention te your needs. Cil us now te arrange for nwct winteres comfort. ORONO FUEL, & LUMBER7."tLIMIE Dr ono, Ontario ROYAL; Phoýne 143816 B W manville MA. 3-5589 Show lime: Thuirs. at 7:30 Fri. & Sat. 7 & 9:«30 MATINEE SATURD)AY 2 P.,M. (25 cents) Monday to Wednesday, Sept. 25 - 27, starts at 7.30 "MISS JONES YOUR UPPERS. ARE IN PERFECTSae" IN THE CHAIR 'j'Le r ri,, 'hCARRI Cil 6OANG KNTNCGUIOR 83MOIOS PEGOIl CUMI l Al-1 SECOND FEATLIRE AT q P.M.l "D-Day, the 6th of June", ORONO TINSH0P SHEET METAL WORK PLUMNBIN4G S-UPPLIES PUýMPS andiü REPAIRS PIPE anîd FITTI-NGS DRAIN CLEANERS MINOR PLUMBING REPAIRS B-Il PAI-NTS ,;etc R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario WINNER Cartful of GiROCERIES Mrs. Weirsma, Orono Draw,,n By Chas. BoIton, Weston Rep. Il s r N N N '-1 N s s N N N N '4 N N N --N N -N N - N N N N N N N N N -'i -s, N N ~~1 s, N N N N N s, N N N N s- N -4 '-j N N s N N N s s N N N N N N AT CORNISHý. 'PS' ----------- =- *1 *2 *3 FUEL OIL 1 E-S.

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