CRNCWEEKLY TIMES THURSCAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1961 I j'Round Abowut Us IPORT HOPE FAIR States s settled thýýere will novb RECQ.RDS LARGEST CROWD a short']layof f perioGd until stocks o (f The Port Hope Fair, heled Jast U.S. mnade parts are replenYished, the, Sajturday,ý recooded its largest at- soesa said. tedac in ecet years. loe ir e said, if the-, U's. Principal wn ersweeLoineplant sttwu againsonCad- ---------Hoskin of Baktc taking- first in an wor1kerls will lflotje cout for long'. . .....he -1gf, horse stake and ViecCooký- son of Bowmnanville in- theý heavy Hle sai par-ts aire brough'tL to Oshý- stikehscue a parts sotg Saretricar an John Rickard in C,ý1aada shared in, the Shorthorn Catti lv- lsin as did Williami Mýoore of Co- IIbugand Carlos Tamiblyn-_ of Or -________________ ono in the Hi0stein section. Ane fetr atheair was abear WheWah g PORT HOPE BASEBALL CLUB TALE IN ONTARIO FINALS end 13y eliminating Merrittonin ,, two __________________ traighJt games the Port Hope Iii- PU PINO OUT termiediates now enter the Ontarloü Portai finals. Thie Vwo wins for SEPTIC TANKS Po'Hopje were 15-9 and a squeak-ý 'ing 7-6 on Sundaiýy. Dr oakn f Port Hope wvill now meet eitherj Ph:cne, Newtùnvýfle 4721 15Cam'ýr-pbellford or Corunna for' the ________________ Clkam1pionship of Ontario, ODDFELLOW'S LODGE _ ~~~TO BE RECHARTERED SAFR RS iI~ O 0 oz hoice 1-Lales -e Independent Order of Odt-1 r! J tn IGA PEACH'S 15 oz 5 for $ 1.00 Hope will be reinstituted after ouena îk bo o as f eea er.Phone Whitby 552 SIGA DOG FOOD 15 oz 12 foGr -$1.()0 !wc ootds 318 Dundas St. E=,, Whltby 111 ~Evanorated MiIktrc41wîpenthehaero FINE QUALITY Lu 1 il rsn h ca',O, MONUMENTS ANO 10voz jar[ 1 CARNATIO"-*N 7 tl tins 1$10 reinstitution to lodge officiais at a Latservi ce at the townhaiiïll at 7:30. O- MARKERS 12 <ia ~ffl ficers of the ne lodge will then b Let us crect a handsoms, dig- cccn akJLLO.J I YDERS12 kgs 1.0 installed nified monument over the rest- d~1U Bue, Greere Pink. YelIow, White ing place of your lovede.. 4 k o TOILET TISSUE 10 roils $ 1.00 The public wii Lbe admitte-d at 8Sn en 40U qp 'dok hiýs laft tribue wîIl give _____________________________you. endtess comfori, Reor Blue Brand Beef G rSur cs Visitinig 100F' lodiges and Rebe-ý Red .'.i IT A E)~ ~roli $1 ahi wiIl be present fromn Whitby, --- ron vvrp ' ~i> I Oono(, Peterboroug-h, Lakefield,! OASTS '79C25f Waxls 0 Belleville Trenton, Cobourg, Lind1 ýSTS Uý.S. STRIKE TO CLOSEPLN IN OSHAWA P&Wl QAiFY ---11 Peek Freans Asoemnfor enra otrs O% IVE FA i, Jr Rsât lb 89c BicV,8o kg5fr$ i Bacon lb 79c !a1ýudb5vthle strikes,,agaînst .S Krf aain- 16 oz. Pkgs. Mtrplns Ja ske b 49c h es S cs h poemnsaid more t1han zausag for 000 w ikes !l be laid off tomr-1 Brookpark - 15 oz. Pkps. porarily by thi( end 0of th'e week.1 Liver lb 45c Strawberries 3 for $1 Passeniger jwdcto sle aid, ______________________________of tLhis week. Somne C.060 workers on the comy-f The h jjrens Chojýce No 1 Grad S6dc s pany's assem1bîy une and 3,000 mn F MPU empluyed in thle mantufacturtag op- eration and many others who wvork i 8U~1 jin GIM feeder, plants will be affect- EVC MH G R A PESN ed the spokesi-nan TREASURY iL SYURLB NE KN'LDE Frs, Crisp from Ontaria Orchards -No, ¶l Grade U O R ELR N ACfE Euratha.le \ ealthy Apples 6 qt 59C EnieFmI uicyAN E iz 2 0 9 19POTATOES 2_5 lb bag 59c m jORONO, ONTARIO PHONE oRONO 178U