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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Sep 1961, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLV TimEË-rHùàRýAY. gFTFRF , PizeWinners ~~~ 'ýas. S. Mord, Port Perry, 7 lst; 1Tt; i 2nd; i 3rd. b ec~I Ù CLN W frow.p&ge'j 1Mrs. M. Coates, Port Perry, 2 Ist; Jr. Section Specials yNw Oron. J.Ri~kby,5 2n pries.Lionettes & Oreno Rebekah Lodge: rcc ,Mrs. Alice Hooe OPT, Or, 2 1st, Susan Gilbart, Orono, 1 ist and 1'iMserDuga-utefodlti 4.Oil o-rWteolu Mr R. D. I',nd.1 2nd prize. soýn of Mvr. and Mlrs. Robt. Rutl-.,e,-j MoronOroo. rs.M. illenBowanill ~ ohnHoy, ron 5 st;i 3d.foirdi. had his appendix removed In, - st and i 31-diprize. MrartWer, elate, ite BoWm-anville Memorial Hospîftal FLOWERSý & PLANTS MsM-.TmlyOoo s;2n"d; 1i rd. on, Monday of this week. Mr. inHapan 9 s, arhenaiu. o-i2d;2 Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Tambl'yn and Mrs .enWery, ~wcstl, 2 Mr.Claerte Trne, Nwcatle ~aol iibnkOroo, is; i2ndfaii y spent the weekend motorjig st42d n i3r rizes. i2 fist prizes. Ean cmd rn,3 lst. inteBuePnnslara ~Ms .G, Ohaýwa, 7 lst; 7 21-d,. Mrs. Gerry DuvaîilOoo n o uo, Orno, i 3rd\Ir. aDnd Mrs. Jack Williamns and W. arrwNewasle,6 st; - and 2 3rd ,prizes. J Jant Duali Oronio, ! 2n. aught, Mr. and Mirs. Roy Fc 2nd; I .3rd prize. Mris. M. H. Staplies, ecate Julie -1-md. ronio, i 3rd. retrad family spent thewek i . EEDLEWORK -72d n t Lake B-aptiste. M.Cae:27 -lt;27 - 2nd. G. Brown: 32 -ist; 1 -2nd A. Wlke: 2i - ist; 4 - 2n. C.McýLaughlïin: 3 - ist; 4 - 2nd. A Banhad:I - It. SdhImid!: 2 -lSt': -2nd. D.Bailey: i - st. W.Cobbledlick: l1- Tt. LPatterson: i - 1ist, M.Kîlleen: i-1ht peilfor new exhibitor hy Rickay' Limited, Boýwmanvllle Riawby Mrs Margaret Rilleen, MMr axiîmr Special was won by: l rS. .Moe Port Perry. 2. Mrs. B!. ro-wn, Oshawa 3. M1rs. M. tePortl Perriy. WOMIEN'S GROUPS 1, Hamto Service Club; 2. j Blacks'tocýk W.A.; 3 omnil IWomen's Institute. Aîr, aniMrs.Uord(on Leamieni, Tornto -vsitd rlatvesin 0-ro1o oýn the weekendc. mi. and Mrs. Ed Graham and faniily rnotored tIo Kîing-ston on Sun- day, ,-hIere iMarlene begins her sec-1 on-d year at Queen's University. Mr.i- and Mrs. Carl Billings andl Mrs HaryBailey aceom-panied' Mrs. A. Gay and Miss Mafgaret Pollock of Courtice- to Presqu'ille' on Sunday w1here they met friendsi fi-rmKingtson and Hastings andi spent the day with themr. Recet vsitos wth rs. Brim- i ,Icombe wvere Mr, and Mrs. Poster Snowden, Oshawa, Mris. Miltoni Dunbar, PtroogMr% Alfred Elliott, Wiflow-,datle and Miss Marian McKelvey, Toronto, I Mr. R. P. Rickaby, and Mrs. C. A. Cummingý, Bowvmanvil le visited on Sunday with their sister MNrs. H. Souch. UVrs. R. R.Waddell and1,v ,vr cus I DoMtESTic SCIENCE x1.jý_ i. .e UU1 Mr.C1Sevs 2-it 42d n, Mrs, Agnes Darlington are ýrs ý,. Cbbedik: le 1 spendingafe days with Mr. and, 12~rs.W.Çobledck i stNi rs. WVilliam u-Darlin.gton at Ring-ý IMlrs. G. Brown: 9 -Tt;5-2nd. tn HMr , . utcn 6 let; Yb M. and Mrs. Arthur Drurmondl I r.A. Walker: i1- st;i- 2nd. are in Toronto this wveek due to the tlrs . J. Tamblyn: 2 . ilt; 2 - 2pd death of Mr. Drummnond's îniofh'er, Mrs. R. Chapman: 2 -let; 5 -2nd.Mr.A.A Drummnond, 63 Ingle- Mr. . Chalïilice: 6 -les; 2- 2nd. wo rve rs. Drumrnond Sac. Mrs. S. bMoore: 5 - ISt;Fi - 2nd lin her Inch year. She leaves a Mý,rs. H. SechTidï: i - let. augitter Ethel, another son Keh~- M\rs. C.W. Downey: 3 - ist; 4 .2npeth and ope grandson Alex )3ruma- Mors. Fred Payne: 2 . ilt; 2 -2nd.ou. The fulerlwIl bu held dni MissDoreen Powell: i 1 ht. Thursday, Septemrber 2ist. DOMETCSCIENCE SPECIALS, Towels, shirts etc., left at thé IrooSwýimimiuig Pool dihing the, Vanstone Flour Mii- CIhieken coureo h umrmybe pick- roaterandgarishd o pltte- e up at the homne of Wr. Brute' Mr.C. W. Doýwey; Ms Isabell Mrcr Steees. eseve GandChampion ck-Mrs. S. Moore., GadChiampioni Pie,-Mvrs. Reg' Pe rS S . Moore, NEW FALL &g WINTER DRESSES We have New Materiais in Our Falï Dresses. Suede clothi, W 0ot , Crepes, Jerseys and'Douple Knit Zephyr, Virtua[Iy Shtag proof. Launders, Dry Cleans perfecýtly. Keeps its colour. forever. Here>s valdue on dresses that you wiIIf[md so right on mrany occasions. Shades of blues, greens wïne, black, browns. Priced from $16.95 to $27.50 The Go-With Everything a l ors . The quality cf fabric, the " cut and finish, everything abjut them proflounces them "good"ýskirts cLrbasic line, pleats or' straight with pleat at back. 10%High Bulk Qrlon Car dîïgans. Size 4--G. rEd, white. Priced at $M99 CAR COATS fieSuper S-uecie Car Coats. Dèep file linied. A woven fabrir- Wthe -even suede like finis-t. Durable - special construction for ln lite and wear. Craese-resistant, water-repellent. 100% deep prile Orlon. 1hninrg for comrfort plus. Colour greem and gold. Priced at $29.95 SIIOES *t--- New s;tylesï in popular casuals. Walk out in cermfort w-,th casuaL.-s styfed specialIy for: easy wear. Priced f rom $3.95 to $5.95 High heel sàhoes in suede or leat-her, reducedf values up te 75 Now; prîced at Only $3.95 B-UTTERFLY LEOTARDS Fcr aut andý TeenLagers. Color bejgqe and green., NEW IIIG-H HAT FASHIOINS The new i hgh fashîOn ,in Fali hats, A Style for everyone. Col-. our ~hvU.reen, royal, r ýse, îbeige browvn, Lick white. priced from $4.195 to $10.95 Colours royal, Evenngs Friday ard Saturday Open AIl Day Wednesday Apple Pie-i.1. Mrs. R. Sutton; 2. Mfrs. 1. Challice; 3. Mtrs. F. PaynIe. White ILayer Cake-i. Mrs. S.ý Moore; '2. MTvrs. G. Brown. Fleichmnann Yeast Special Whit Brad rs.Fred Bowei,! MliIk lsMs C. Ste-eves, Port Hope. Cinnamon Buns MIro. R. Suitton, Oronio. Standard grands Sp~eciaI Single layer white cake , made 1 with M' agic Baking Powdcer-Mrs. S. !Moore, Port Perry. SpeciaI for Exhibitor with mosti Entries in Domnestic- Science- 1 i. Mrs. G. Brown, Oshawa; 2.1 'MrIs. S-. Moore, port Perry. Simpson-Sears Ltd. Special SIiIveý Fruit Bowl for LadIy win- ninig most points in Neediecraft andý Domnesic Science-Mrs. G. Brown, Lake of -The Woods Milling Ce, Special For best loaf of white bread made, with Fîve Roses Flour-1. _Mrs. C. Steeves; 2. Mjrs. R. Sutton. jBest layer cake made with Five Roses Flour-i1. Mrs. G. Brown, Oshawa; Mrs. S. Moore, Port Perry. Besýt Pieý made with Five Roses Flour-iÏ. MrS. G. B'rown, Oshawa; 2 Mrs. S. Moore, Port Perry. UNITED CHURCM Orono Pastoral Charge M iqister Re'v. BaSil Long SUNDAy, SEPT-EMBER 24, 1961 Toi-"Dar'ing to be Dfeet CH U R cH11SERVICES9 Kry-9:415 a.m. L ska-d - >2:00 p.m BUY VMPO0R TE D DUTCH BuLBs Canadian Genèral Eleetrc, sizes 25, 40 and 60 watt. Tulips, ail colorsý, 'Your choice 12 for 59c Hyacinths, assortedI colrs.....2 for 25c Daffodils . 2 for 25c Paper Whites, Gad Mfora, imported fromn France for indoor grow- ing....3 Ikgs. 29c Free Dutch Bulb Panting Chart. Tells you how to plant and grow bulbs. Best Buy Bulbs, Special....2 for, 39C Electi Heating Pads, fully guara-nteed ...$3.'77 -Men's Wool Work Socks, 21 2 lb. reînforced with nylon heel and toe, This week Special 2 pair 87e ~Pyjamas, Children's and Misses Printed Flanelette 2-piece, assorted colors and styles, sizes 4 to 14. Reg. $L.98 Manager's Special this wveek $1.69 Special Mýixing Bowls, 2 quart polythenle, assorted Colors. Regular 49c for onily ........33 c Celluloseý Sponlges, super soft fo'r Kitchein, Bath Rcoms oor Cr.Pkg. of 7for.......25eý -Sp)ecial Price - C-ashm,-erýe Bouquet Talcumi tin fr2c2tisf or.....45c, O RONO ý'05c5TïO $1,00 STOR E OPEN FRIDAJ-Y E'VEN-INGS E a is the quiueâst and êasiest way to fell trees. Canada's NO. i NOMINATION MEETING To Etect a CanaÏiate te Represent Durham in the Next Federal Election NEWCASTLE HALL T&hursda,,y, Sept,. 28 THE HONOURABLE PAUL MARTIN, Q.C. P.C. M.P. Former Minister of National Healith and Welfare ROYCE FRITR President, Ontarlo Liberal Association GUEST SPEAKERS Everyone Welcome Durham County Liberal Associiation God Save The Qgieern prof essional Chain sawq Complete with TWNO 16" chain5 Hrdware ORONO rjtore Opem Monda.1,y N -s N N N N N ~ N N * N N N N N N N N -N N N N N N N N N ~' N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N Armstt'ong'els I _____________________I 1 r ~Ho1 ShwerFor KENDAL MIDGETS LOSE OUT Miss June Glan ville tJ1n PitKed theMidget Basea Mr.Jack Meroeran Mrs. Don donseries oVv the w\eekend whe ýSteven-s were hostesses at a is- they playe0d Eenwick n- Saturday celnosshower for Mi-ýlss June in1 Kenidal and lonl Sunlday inj Fen- ho o BetyMerer fThe iewc eam took bt ' ryfienlds ïad relatives were gam les as victories an d wereagair rsetand Junie recoived l nany OnarioC) hampionis fo-r thMigt bJeautifuil gifits and best wshs.3et- " " isioni. yand Elleen served a elctus The Kenal . Midgetshae ad a luc, otsucce'ssful year of b)asebali and Jun-e vwas also honloured by a'e(Ilai linn -;sh'ower given by r.Gro Championiship. PreviousIý,letothi8 y Mssercli es the -Kend(alsuahdeImn Waldi andMiss LouI Prophet, Tor-iec the Or-ono etyaogwt onto.others fromi eastern Ontario, Miss Amn-cot Toronto, held a enwvick, a numbjer of years ago dinrparty anid pre-sentation for i, so) won t-he Onjtarlio Chamipionsqhip, June, daughter of MIr. and Mrs. by eliminatiîng Oronto ini the fin-al Robert Glanville. series. ýjýu

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