HELP WANTED NOTICE At the Orono Restaurantful Urne. ORONO BADMINTON CLUB phone 1081. a-p Badmiýnton season opens on Fr1-i AICTION SALE day aright September 22nid at 8 p.m. j The property of Mr,. Charles E. Al persons interested in joining thiej Gay will be offered for public auc- club this year -plan to attend open-1 tion at his farm, lot 141, concession 6 lnrg nigit in the Municipal Bulld-1 Clarke ýrownship, 31/2 miles no0rth- ing or contact Arnold Wallace, teï- east of Orono, on Wednesday, OctQ- epoe1207.,- ber Ith at 1:30 p.m. consisting- of - ~ . ~ 35 head of cattle, swine, pouiltr-y, haled hay and grain. Terms cash, AT HOME Ted Jackson auctio)neer. A A r r r A r r A A A r A A r A A A A r A A A r A r A A A A. A A A A r- A A A r- A A A A A A A A A r r A A A r A A A A A r- A A r- A A A A A r- A THANKSGIVING SERVICE Thaaksgiving- service will be held in St. Sauviour's AnglicanCkrh Orono on Sunday, October lst. a c J1VVj YUU1rII ~ HANO-GUN CLUB A hand-gua club is being o-rganiz- ed hi Orono and a meeting is being iii l the Orono Municipal J3uild- gO~O~~O~ ~linz on Wedaesday, September 27th. [j gAnyonie interested ia this sport is WALTE F R NK ~welcomne and urged to atte-nd.a- . MCQUAY REALTOR pecîal.e O177 Ch-urch St. Buy It B>' The, Bag j) Bowmaniville MA. 3-3393 ~ T I E w oc T 1 LE orremndeîling your present one then contact Floyd Nich.Isoo Phone 2191 Orono SOAPý Lanolin, Cold Cream and otheri assorted Soap. 2 and 2',, in cakes in useful PIiofilm Bag 10 bars 49c Stutt's Pharmacy Phone 168J Orono, Ontarlo COMING EVENTI OSHAWA FAIR The rgularmeetng ofthe v-' onday, Tuesday, and. Wednesday' Th enguliarymeeingobe hed- lSeptember 25, 26, 27. enin AuSeptemilbe 21, <tont) Giant Midway - Cattle Show Th-.ursday, etme21 ong)i Horse Show - Exhibits at 8:15. Speaker will be Rev. Basil i Harness racing Tuesday and Wed.- Long. Do try to attend this first. nesd1ay afternoons. meeting of the fall season and 1 The Fair to Attend,3" bring a friend. a-c FOR RENT DRAMA WORKSHOP Three roomed Apartment, un- The rana Wrkshp wll eetfurnished- heated, to rent. Reason- this Thursday evening, S;eptember Phon Orono 1302. a-c 2lst at 7:45 p.m. ln the Bowmnan -_______________ ville Lions Centre. FOR SALE Anyone interested is welcome to, n unc auetreyas attenda-c _____________________equipped with pi¶pes, thermoist and modern burner. Price $150.041. 1CARD OF TLANKS Lali C. Cornish, 11.21, Oronoi. Certified Berry Canes, Latheml variety. A. Van Hattum, Orono- North. On 8th line first house west of 115. Phone 35R2, Orono. b-p FOR SALE Bachielor Chest (cuphoard arfd drawers) antique. Also Studio Couch in good condition. Phone 14156, Orono. a-p Farm Sold. 30 head Shorthorn Cattle, Trac- tor and tractor machmnery, hay, grainet, the property or Mr. Ar- thfar V. Thora, east half of loýt 15, Concession 3, Cavan Township. ? miles south and one mile east of Millbrook. Sale tIo be held on Tues-J a-iday, ?6th. ELLIOTT, Mrs. Lucinda M.-1' We _______________ Jack Reid, Auctioneer, wishi to extend our thaaks and ap-APESFR AL preciation for the acts of kindnessý.1 APE FO SLEUCIN AE messaes o symathy andbeau Apples for sale $1.00 a bushel and ACINSL iful flsol tribts receiveafromup. Bartlett Pears also sweet apple I1 have been favoured with! in- riu lr. rbtsrcie rmcider. istructions from Mrs. l{arry Y-lanna neighbilouris, r-elatives and friends, Albert Pos, 0rono, Ontario, to sell by Public Auction hier entire nursc of Bowmanvi.leelsi( thae Turn east of Highwvay 115 at th,, Hoiisehold effects at hier residence nurson o ebea ldeHospeal n Newv Dutch Oven Restaurant aad, in the Village of Bethany on Sat- Oroo ebka Ldge Epeialythen first side roaci soü~th. a- urday, Septem'ber 30 at 12:30 pn thaaking Rev. Long for his con-__________________sarp). Real Estate, Houisehiold fur- soliag words in our recent bereave- initure, tools etc. menlt of -a loving mother and grand- WANTED TO RENT R. J. Payne. Auctioneer. mother. a-p1 Dept. of Liands and Forests cm -_______________ The Eliotployee, being transferred to Oronio, TeEiot Famiily. wanits to rent a sxuall home or 2 DEAD FARM STOCK bedroomr apartment. Highest Pri(es for fDead and Dis-! Contact Bert Haas, 68 Bond St abled farm stock. CARD 0F THANKS ýLindsay, Phone FA 4-3180. b-p RAY VIVIAN LTD. Wve are deeply grateful to ail LocLJst Hiili, Ontario those who gave of their time and WINTERIZE YOUR HOME Phone Markham 1160j, GColeot servti2es in helping to prevent the FOR W INTER 124 Hour, 7 day Service. Please cal fir fom pradng he ou brnStormi Windows, Frames, Sashes. aytimie. Ontario Government Lie- burned down last week. Also to thelene C126. Port Hope Fire Departmnit who' Newcastle F H. Graham, 2581 answered 50 promptly. torDOGA SMPO rq . 5tn, -Orono: 2191DOGA SIP N 'I Nowadays nmost people do /Wrlting aCheque on your bar-k.acount la the qulck, handy way to pay for larger purchases as well as bis. Canadians writ~e almost three million cheques every ban1king day /Fast, efficient handllng of these cheques is accofnplished by the clearing systein. malntalned by the chartered banks and extendlng into every corner of t4e nation /It makes possible the conve-nience, the, slnmpicity and the teafety you command every time you use your cheque book. THE CHARTERED BANKS 8ERVING TOUR- COMM4UNITT Orono - Phone 1413 Furniture Finished & Refinished Paperhanging, Woodworking Painting -interiot, & Exterior, OYOUJ- CAN BEGIN 1 CAREERTRAININO G AT ANY TIME JThe Osawa usiness CoÏllege o method 1of idvd g instrutionPiemits you to f 8Day-hool Courses from whlich itu choose S EV,,ENING CLASSES o TUESDAY and THURSOAY 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. g Choice of Sub-ýjeCots S Sp-clial Classes for lousewives - Shift-Work-srs O fl Teen-Age Typists g FREE LITERATURE AVAiLABLE lf10 Simcoe Street North- Dia! RA. 5-3375 A. F. McKENZIE, iA PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Off ice Heuars 2:"0 te 4:00 p.m. 7 -Iot. 8:00 ýMP Saturdayî and Wedoesdays >f . appointments ongy PHmorE 1471 Otkoff DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON4 Phone 10616 Oro, On. Lawrence C. Massai, B.A. Barriste-r and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT, Phones» Office MA 3-5638 Home MA 3-55u I .K-AY LYCETf, A,- 1 Barrister - Soliýcior . R. Waddell Q.C. YIMAEN ST., ORONO I 1elephone 13ý8 Oeimwb L. J. SKMIFE Clîartered Accoimtant BY APPOINTMIENTS Lycett' s Ir surance Of fice P.O. Box 68, Orono Pho:ne 1251(î INSURANC'"E General & Lufe FR1-ED LYCET OFFi CE - AAiN ST., ORONO JACK REID A1uctioneer and Valuiator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Con&uit me for t-ermis and dates Phone à r 18 - Orono TEl) JACKSON Aucioneer and Valuator CDnducts Aucf-ion Sales of ail1 sil» anld at reasonable rates Commnunicate wiith hlm at Port Peme g lianilios o onuments and SInsurance Service g Or nothing to b eýe ~Ask the pe-son Who bought f rom U%. Q-a neighbour, friend or rItv g nsurance in- al! its BrancDhes 0 The RUTTER GRANITE Auto . g OO PANY ALjoýpakae ndCo 73 Onîtario Street Packge nd CmpoitePORT HOPE SPolicies , Fire, Farm, Lf,~ "Largest Dïspiay ' iii otiirg f -Ontario" gBurglary, Liabilit', Mine AccidJent and Sickness, Wýid, O o o jct Boiler, Fidielit>' Bond, Etc. PHOîNE 1j28 O CONTRACTOR3 FOR g FARM and Sadie Ham ilton WRN i&îMANCESAE Phonoý, Orono 1R16 1l Promnp. and Guaranteed ftspaîr to ay' kin05 tcf Eleotrical ¶Eqiprn*M FIRS M~RTGAE LANS asnsdApr.tancijo as Idtors- Waa% !eaters *.Radio.s- teo- Irajem 31r, and Mrs. L awrence Ioe Olrono, will be 9atIom to their' neighbours and friends on Wednes- djay September 27th f rom 3 to 5 and 7 te 9 p.m. on the occasion of their, 1. .XY-- ,Vet!ciin, Atin4p-qAr- - c - i ivir. anct ivirs. v. ;,iioKer