Orono limes_ Voleme 23, Number 33 Thursday, Septemibèr 28thi, 1961, Orono, Ontarifo v J.. . Mvoney ana the test Set ve-1 the bride wore a, two-piece belge sign donated by Gootibranti Fabrics Tire Festival is organized by the sutk street lengtli dress withb beige of- Bowmanvilie. Festival Comittee of tire Agricul- over elbow lenguir kid gloves, beige ural Society being Mrs. Edward sutk flowered pili box irai and mat-I Tis year tire Festival 1iras a Samuel, xmnvenor, Mrs. R. Chaâier, ching siroes. She carnied Talisman greater attraction tlian previously -Mns. H. Barow, Mrs.,L. Asieti, Mrs. roses and-red Poinsettas. fni- the cpnten of the érown. V. Robinson, Mrs. G. Carson and, nigtit 'classes onVi uie sect t U~is, i piecessary that ai leasi seventeen people enrol in eacli of the classes. Any person Interesied in tirese or any otirer class are asked to con- tact Laverne Boyd, secretary of tire business section, improvemnents in ed before 1963. Surir work cold al- street iigbting of the& Village wbicir so receive tire benefit of tire wini- ire f eh was dropping beind otirer tens work assistance pnogram. f centres, assistance 'to tire park for sucli a prograrn was ever to bt>e un- picnîc tables, wading pool ani camp der taken, lie saiti, it appeareti that ,ite. Aiso includet imn tire lisi wNas now was tire, timne to do it wiren Besde winig tresttuett ni n D tpe.Miss Roma Glanville, sisien of thie j Othr recreational activities arel tra sm 'e t oced irnedfrtosuc.Sulapojcwod brie asmad f ionur wanngplanned for 'the coming-season and sewage disposai in tire centre Df irave toire compieted unden local rnoss green Peau de Soie Wiiir ýio055 wilire announced shonily. the Village ýwhiir was aiso referred ipoeet Mission Work Outlined At I ____________________________________ Mn Paul Lavery was tire groom'smo flG r id P x Evening Auxiary MeetingJohns man and tire usirsWere Mn. na da' First Grnd Prx Coa rs ; ondeKoker and Mn. Allan B. Tire September meeting of the; the caiering service at their daugb-' Smiib.a -Evening Auxiliary was helti as us-iter's-wedtiing was receiveti from Tire, reception was held ai tire Tir ~1 .toJ Ac tio0nAtM sotS uda ual in the Suýntiay ,Scirol auît r.nand Mýrs.. H-orace Besi. Beiotiaainet.Tregei ,u o Thurdyo a~we.e devotional period was- under were reeei-ved by tire britie's moirer ad's"olsei"ofpïrtGrgowcrvc Ini tireabsence of botb presidlenit thre guidance of- Isabelle Cliallice. fwearing a moss green flowered en-f aaas"ol1eis o prsGogtwwloieaogdiesbr f tire Onta io rvnilPl Margaret A(rnioti anti Vioe President She mus assisteti by Stella Carson semble anti a corsage of Talisman car r$n,00tireCnadcash ran,-d wb foowîil e-n11aadas cing iretall on 15uty to dirtct trafie. EtelLyettirechair waïs takýen antdel cGlusing tire Tlianks- rose,ýs an-d carnations. Assisting was Prix fr0,00i ahadtr inu.Te ilir optn oa f10rs ttoswnie byRcrigSecretary Joan Cou- gvigseaso-n as the ir theme. tlirerO m'5ioiier Weaing mauve Pepsi Cola Tropliy, to ire bekai against scintrtinlyaouspotted' about on the 50ar ak ve.i Mns. MN. H. Staples playeti a de- Woo ïl , wt atchiiig accessories anti Mospont Park on Saturdiay. Sep. racers as Stirling Moüss ofEgani and ti oii rno o iecn îDurinig a bief business perioti a flîghtful piano r) ýrangement of the a c(orsage 0fjci-,rsyanthernurns andtiotmber 30, shapes upo as tr great- Olivier Gneln Belgium-, Pro1vnec ftr codlhr -i motioýn was matie by Eiieen Billing-S "Londerny Air." carnations, est -sports event 0f us kinti ever and Ricarlo RPocftgez Of Mexico, be Il refreshrmet stands ai, fivle to accepit 'ireproposai matie by Joe Gues t speaker for the eveniing For tire honeyrnoon in Jamaica let nweei hscuty niGog osatn erejlrepriglicpbeo c Banlow, tirat a represenitative of was Rev. Longwiro spote on Ille anti Nasseau, tire bride donneti a Tire 250-mile ca irg cs ire Reed,, Bob Gnossman anti Cirarlie, commotýraiing more Lliaii3,00cals tire Reti Door Cancer Society ire neeti anti accompilisirments of Mis- sit of Tangerine Italian wool wftiraealofteUie tae.A--«_,L ) u skdto come to show iepoe s-nwr ncounitries siha mtlig cesres iecopeigorganbizet bytr Bntsir ,eire Aritota eor ofrn Itlan-na de th rprso oki uha athigacsoisTeýopeAttlo ee tlaýae ménnected u aeïng is beînga- offiigcancer Cdress-ings;. Brazil, He siresseti uiat Mission will Wv, iLsc e(ldTrnoMto lb s trcig iE eriî,arcrdfrayraeddt tire event. On Fnidlay ee g ii~~ethoti of folding ~~wonlti's finest drivers who wVili lpdem- meet in Canada, will face tire s, art-~ ~tm 9 ag-cl etr Thie rmnmbQrs presenit agreeti to wAork is a very neccssary part of The bride was a Registeeti Nurse, tersi!addrn ag-cl ý'set mate ire aitidresings iunig ou Chuch.frainetiai tire Toronto Genenal ntaetrersiiatidnn lr-er. In addition tirere will ire Lotus ibarbecue anti crn roast :7,711j e fujture imeetings as hati been done -Mn. Long gave the Benetiction Hospital. She attendeti Orono at it iewei fmns ais 9s aies shant oirr re>iaitire tak ieewl r Severalnoe of appreciation for' A pleasani perioti of fellowship. aitentied Public Scirool andthie Un-2.-iecrut Officiais are girdîng tiremselves 'fine tiltirestar1 e nr cards reeiveti tuing illness weire followed as Isabrelle Challice anti iversity of Mo>nireal. Ris profession Peter Ryafoira, uiigfr iat ud ire arecord crowti1Namaro Wstbja'shtfoelJfmi read by Corresponding Sertry ë ir group serveti a delgiriful lunch is scientisi for Defence Researcli, Heimnatir, Scarboýrougir, Franceislfor anýr sports event ever irelti in stjccess aitirýe Em)bcrs "lub in Ne Theîîma Vagg. A note of tlnsfrIof sandwichies, anti tea. Medical Laboratonies. ,Bradiley, Toronto ant i Gant Clark, Canada. ApproxiMsaiely 100-e-Yot SUPPORT VOUR HOMETOWN M AR KET Ourono, Players 'To Compete With Public School Children Me dical Centre Seeks Trip To Peterboroughl "The Purpie DooràKob" This Frida h'teghtt-&nsfongad heVater Supply The Orono Players willl open the lc .eoo eà ow arly ITuesday _The_______Polce__________onMon annual Draina,.Festival under the morning on a trip ta Peterborough. Mon.1e dleaios t'Lher sponsorshtp 0f the Durham Central Ste w art Gray' Elected The, group was escorted by Mrsý received oth eegtinsattheMr ' L. o'ir A~~ri*cultural Society 'when they .7 ~~~~F.,. Lycett who was their teacher rgarm thy etigwhM.froo3O iUc 3X presnt hei ply ths Fida ev i 1 190. aryHanockfirst addressing the pent aog itootei payib s .riday v- Of UnitedCi ..ounties Interest for the day included, a meeting requesting that somne ac- ________il_____tour_ of Outboard Marine where to eakntcre ct th e rint To ilospital Auxiliaýry The Orono players open the Fes- the many products made. by this age in front of his home on obe tival with their one-act presentation' Stewart Gray, Reeve of Hope Un.!< .1, omnpany were viewed. West Clock di ck street. He was informed t hat "Th PupieDoo Knb. by Wal-' Tonsi. was on Monday elected VV asalo o te is whreth'vr- the Municipal engineer was to ie The Women's HospitalAuiay ter Pritchard Eaton.1 Warden Of the United Counties at an 'bus types of docks were on dis- the street and.,possibly take levels. of the Memorial Hospital, Bowmn i special meeting. He succeeds Bruce S hop 'L-o Stagce play, Quaker Oats was an interest- to determine the remedy. 'Mr. Han- ville held a blitz campaign ofth Tha2 Orono play is a* comedy thatý Ashton, the laie Reeve of Cart- ing feature for the children where cock also spoke in support of a pet- district served by the Hospital - c takes, place in the bedroom 0f an wright Township, who died Septem- R. 1 the exploding of Puffed 'Wheat was tion requesting that Cobbledick Si.1cently. The total amount subsci inval'd lady This lady is very bored'ber 16 in Edmonton. 3JZLctl aLLGy shown and each student reoeived be made a stop street at Churcli St. to the canvass has been totalled -at until an actress cornes to try and t kfb f$381 ihsiism ete e buGiebfonsoookn. r Gra y ws roe d hyi A. - The Bowmanville -Drama Wor- a TeLipa ck r as c eel.Mr. Win. Reid spoke to the Trus- to report. The total collected in Or- Qibon Dput-Rev of Cat-shop met lasi Thursday evening for1l being one of Peterborough's great- tees on bebhaîf of tlie Little Chari-, ono is reported to be $355.85. The invalid is played by Gladys wright Township, and secone by the firsi meeting of lits 1961-62 se,!- er points of jntersî. table Foundation of Orono askingl Aslett and lier companion by Mar- W. R. Peèk, Reeve of Hastings. Ms'sn TegRw isthatethe Trustees considerfsuppl- The uilaysenaorngt garet Pow&ell. The actress is played was the oyinesbmitted sn h i n steforbo- ADpateto ads and For'-i ng the Tne es sdiaCee with furn uliyish ne ft e flor f the e by Maureen Johinson., ing production of. "Dark at the Top ests representative spoke t o the stu-i gth ne MdcaCnrewhfuisoeofhelosofheev Reeve Gray opposed Wanden Ash. 0Of the Stairs" a three act play Vy1dents atertebsplldit h ater providing li did flot intenfere addition at the ~ptl Both Gladys Aslett and Maureen ton lasi January but was defeated William Inge, to be presenited for Prvnilpr1oubo en.Tewith present policies. lntismttr Following is monies now reportedý, Johnsi>n have appeared on the Or- 36-16. He bas beeri Reeve of Hope Itwo nights in Bowmanville some-Prtaincdialrecd th oftud en thgtsthe Trustees decided that they Bwavle......$221 ono staged in previous local produc- Township for thë past two yer0rei alyI)cmet the Serpent Mounds, thre burial would be agreeable to the connec- Hapto ................. 229.5(>ýY1 tiens. Mrae oelwl emk n loh edteofc free Director of the play will be Mr. site of Indians in eanlier years. tion and that a price would be Ob- Ram tof...................j ..... . 1( ing lier first appearance. ship in 1954-55 John ShoenW-aker of Orono and Thre children ate their pienie lunchý tained. This price would include thle Burketon ..........250 The Purpe Door nob is irectedthe casting meeting wiil take place at the park nortb f eeroouh cost of extending tbe 6 incb waterlin The Pinthe Bomanvile LKonbCentr on Thy alsoviewed t eraisaigh, main and alsoa a connection fee..la.................................. 60.00 by Mr. Leslie Asieti who also assists inthrsda veig, Ctoent5,eain k whîdb tire Trseeshfeit would beta- Maple Grave ..................258,70 Thrda vnnOtbr5 ipr. w hteTues etwud «Orano............................... 355.85 Bob Johinson witb the set designing POTATOES LOW IN COST 7:45 p.m. Anyone înterested in tak-_______________ round $100.00. Wben the toKtal costLear..........10 Mrs. Ruth Tigar is the Orono ing a part, or working on sets, coi- of suri a connection is obtainediLsad ................... -1D prompter. HIGH IN FOOD VALUE turnes, etc. Is invited to attend this A the Foundation is to be contacted. Kirby ............310 TeOoopa ste uranmeeting. A nu eNg tClasses aws th........ ............... ... Te roopyisbecran Ontario potatoes are at their best Lasi year the Worksliop preseni- Mg Reid ls asked if bh Tus SAtiocl................................. riser on Friday sharp ai 8:15 p.m. right now. ed two evenings of one aci p1ays, PtAm ~ J tees would approve the turning ov- Total---------------------.... .......330ýý15 Followin;g the Orono 'play on Fr1- "Tbey're plentif ul and higli quai- and had a full srhedule of guost At UUVmavillll 4.l S. er of the unopened road allowance day will be the Bowmarivile Drama ity",, says R. E. Goodin of the On- speakers and a very successfui, The Board met Wcdn-esdayý, Sep- just ato the rad i nt rue pnor WVorkshop's play "A' Battle of Wîits"- iario Departinent of Agriculture's week-end workshop in April. 'yhe, temtber 2th at Courtice 1Hîgli perty. As Dierectors Forus no l by Norman Wiliams. The lasi play Field Crops Branicb. "This year's plans for the coming year are even Scbool with 16 members present. woheutesre a nfutr purpoe of the evening will be "Rise and potatoes are very highý in dry mat- more infc'rtsting with the-tbree act Tvvo newcorners to the BoardteTute re t noi h Shine' by Elda Cadogan and pre- ter ads are excellenrt for baking Play as tlie f irsi big projeci. wr itiuc -WmHCrmnTonip of Clarkte Council that lpe L a Israc sete b te icern Twnhi, r ooin.I know of no other food Anyone interested in the Wr-tbe new Board member for Clarke t neahav no bjecion o suli a tu Little Theatre group. that gives so mucli food vahie for so shop should contact Mrs. Edward and RHouis Airno}d", the Teclinical art en performed. Folowngth tre. las r.littie cost. Srul Ooo rcorne to thbý Director for th 7ocational Sel72Ol.' Mr. George Dunlop asked that TieMpeLfFams'Mta ralia te h.ee,.+ysMr-Smue,-OrnFir Te Isan eafCorpany -iae Leonard Crainford, the adjudlicator, Potatoes contain important B -vit-metn on ctbru.jb Bad eiedo opWjthtingarpeefpreryn will give bis remarks, amins Vitamin C, and mron, as weîî the Bowmanville Students' Council front tf i]lis homle be cend .lesr auinng he oo- in soliciting furtbher funds for tbe f lie chairmanjj stated thaj tispr- ng changes in the Officersad Di- Saturday nigbi begins with theassplngvuaeeery BU ILO TRAP DOORS L. W. Dippeil Memorial ýScboiar ject had been bangjýinig fine fojr tire rectors of the Compoan., Oshawa ittle' Tbeatre's perfor- To get the most food value from'FRHASRW HTSsbip fund af pst twyea s a as 1t ime ohnryePr1deiRR1 mance of, I Spy by John Mortmer potatoes, bake, bail, or stearn them iFR N TRWCUE iglit Classes will ieofrdajntigbu ,we e.Tr rsJrohçlnDrydnrlo.n 1 followed by Ceo',"The Aýnni- in ibeir jacketsq. The minerais liel Recen tly, an easiern Ota opa- Bo0wmnanville in tirefown sur- tees:ae to iry and complîete the versary" presentedl by fast yarsjust beneatl tire skin. Scrub tire, per k!ýrried tins colun an g, jecs: Academic, Commercial, Art, rlean1ý1up tbis al Grant Cirristie, ViePednt wininer of Ilie Festival, the Xýnox poYtatoesjust before cioîg Pota-ý "Faîl is fatal to local boy." MAetal and Woodwoýrking. Dres.R 4 ort Perry, Ontario, Thetr gou o Pteboouir foies .iliat suf in water lose many This lad of fifteen \vas flot a making, WAeaving, Iieatlir rai Apeiio wsreceiedfompe- nutnienis. Ta oihoupotatoes, use a steeplejack, up a hcndred feet; lie Ceramiics, MilieryanïMes'anc toesakn htCbldc s.fKibRnr ietr udr Th lia f aura1veigsiaîl amount of boiling water. didn't f ail ftony f eet off a barn roof. Wo)men's Keep-fit classes. Be-fore a at Ch-urciSt.ire ade a sýtop sîreet mad nario wi'll be thie aduiaon of Mn. Cook potatoes just until ibey are Ail lie did was run aiong ja tbresh- class c-an bestarted there ms e n-ore o lwdontaffic Ofi Tese c ange ae due toe ne Crainford who is well-known as a tede 'ti fork and serve imrned- ing floor and f ail tirrougli an open 15- memnbers. tesre.Atrconisider'able ( Ils-f Gul fDaaAjdctr.H s iaeîyd er cokin tiement 0f Lt. Col. R. B. Sih Guildlf Draa Adjuicatos. Heand sitting de- hay chute ta the concrete floor, a Permission was given to tire Port .cussion a motion\vas passed by, wbo w) ýas assýciated wiiir thre- Coi- also an Honourary member of the sryfo au n lvr eenn etblw Hope Band ta use the Musie room L. Lowvery and G. Sim pson thait lire Faudermemer f te Cnadanpany for over thirty years, of wîc oudrmmbrfteCaaintryfodvleadfao.eenneftbeo.for pracîlces. Town-s1irip prepare tbe necessary by-I twenî-vtI.-ree years were served a3 Verbalan ouapp f Daovaî eslaw to makete istreet a stop St. Peîei isI eodecee an oenr of tDre aa Jdges Bridea apro i as enrel-esdt.Tii aecd Players Foundation. Canadian T P'1 1le ('îdeed'.from Cobourg regardîng tire ai- G.Sms on tatpe iaiispeem on""b iris father, tire Hon. Wmr. J~.A l~ ie ...8ALLAVAL~ N-#'Aceived from Cabourg regarding tre seceaywmi iitir,wlo asPedrtfr an Gveno f ir i - Tire s an eail ps nruem in Oronoj pnly by:Ê j Anoilier interesi of Saturday Cv- attendance of tlie May st; dents ai tact the Provincal pirein CO1 hïth.irty-six years, and who, along ening wiil be tire presentation oft LI Port Hope. Tliese two atre thbe only ti witlî tue Hon. John Dryden, tireý tire awards whîcm include a carved os epu jotin i.avery, T oront>IA~Jo otside students i attendance. matter. new-President's grandfather, wevre- statuette for the best play awardedrLd R. C. Farrester presented saine, two of tire founders, of tire Compan,,y ilite Orono chamber 'of Comn- akt fWie ad bôz u ay of Perpetuai H1elp Cirurcirhi' proposais whicir lie said could be'haCk in 189;5. byere In tire f or'm of plaques madelt Basyketiremof wiiadterostn-e Toronto, on Saturday. Sepiemnber 23 1kA " Ifil considered toaire donie under -tbe eseil frteforvl irr drso wiemmsad-ren0 te wedding of Jufle Louise AUAUI ~ JDS~Winters work programn. He statedi His felow deto rsurcofted ri espcily ortie Fstva byHa- ard o wiiemumsandgrenGlanville. daugliter of Mr, and Mns. 1 " tha t a numiber of trees which hiadreintndetpesuefo- Jander Pctterys, Brooklin. wilibe' fennery fonmed a, pretty setting in Robentll Glanville, Orono, andi Joseph' ~ tua#hi IUjm er business, witi sincere regrets. tire award- for tire Best Actress John Laverny of Mr. and M L.I.LIolILAVI Fo i lOn died sliould be removed and tirat ontdby tire Orono Rebekair________________ tis was becoming a senlous prob- Lodge, for the Besi Actor donateti!. John B. Lavery of Toronto. The Clarke Townshrip Recreationj lem. He also i'ncluded tire planting toantr ecn1elirrpr.t b-y tire Orono Oddfellows Lodge, foria cash prize the win*ne r will go on' The ceremony was performed by Comrniitee lias irad requesis for a of young trees thns com¶ing spring to tri hneotion tirealrespore.e.tIn tre Besi Directon donateti by tire. to enter tire Ontario One-Act Play tire Rev. Monsig ucius Barnett. niglit class'in Englisir and Typing.relc thoetriratobtknasistaonc linoug tre Fa peerai Bowmanvilleý Women's Institute Festival toaire held in Hart House In order to approacb tire Higli out. Other itemis for consideration govýernmenî wlio wouîd supply tire tire Best Diction donateti by Mn. E. Threatre, Toronito on October 13tii.. Given in marriage by lier fatirer. Schooi Board and Principal for were underground bydro lines in tire funis, for sucli a project if comDl1et- IN THIS ISSUE AlilEight Pages of this Is5suec Contain LDcal News. Turni to Page 7 and &8 <fi