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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Sep 1961, p. 2

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Mal p Advertise For Better Resuits Use the columns of the Oronoï Weekly Timesïp fie of Ontaro Deprt.oe..t of Heath portable ýX Ray- equipme.t le -et up L F.11 Fim ibroboqhu O.terlo in. the hope that Fairmsoers w~il take a £§w muomenIt& se avail thomselves of a free X Ray rhetkup. Dymond Disusses Healtihin Ontario Tub eulosis (Y) Maffhew B. Dymnond, MD, CM. Ontario Minister of HaaItb Th~e per capita death rate from, niberculosis was lower ini On- tario last year than in any other province in -the Dominion of Canada. One of the reasons for this triumph is that your Ontario Department of Hcalth has long jealized the importance of mak- ing free chest linics frequently available to the publie. These facîlities are essential to the control of tuberculosis. From the standpoint of geo- graphie distribution, Ontario is well served. There are 273 cli- les located in 247 diferent centres. In addition ta 13 permanent elest-clinic centres, clinies are cünducted in the large majoeity of generol hospitals. For emâaller fetres wthout, ,tzieting x-ray facilities, the de partmsent providas o travelling Providcz ïtteinedit4 *erM for 71 dWcËe thre6ugl &distrct ebest-einiç hondqu&Rtttj9 iu Belleville, Lin dsay, North Bay, Ottawa and Timmins. The~ size and senps' of thue chesi-clinie program is indieated by the.fact that last year 66,798 examinations were made in clini- ics supervised by the Tubercu- lotis Branch of the Department Of Health. A total of 227 cases of active tuperculosis were discovered, 130 beung new aud 97 being active old cases. County and district Tubercu- losis Associations alto 4eserve a great deal of credit for the work they are doing in the battle against tuberculosis. They helped finance pro- grammes of education, welfare and casefinding with the money they received. hy selling TB Christmas seals. ,Finally, it should be noted that thi-ce municipally-operated clinics are run ini conjuntion with the Department of Health clinics. They too deserve part of the credit for this province5s out- standing tuherculosis prevention Prugram. tAny questfrms on tise twork oflhe lJeparfmn,tcf Heahth in thi. p ~eld, or suggested lopics for these columitsçhot',d be sent to thç Direcior of Information anid publicity, QaroDepri-ment &J leaLah5Qeen.'s Park, ïTOrOnso SEPTEMBER 28, 1961 ORONO WEE-KLY TIMES .ev BLong Daring To Be Different- The apostie Paul wrote to the "Ri is when we ail play safe that irch in Rome "Be net conform- we create a world of utmost inse- to this world: but be ye trans- eurilty." rmed by the renewing ofYUr f s stuontewrdsn, ind, that ye may prove What is .I hslstu ntewrdsee .1 good, and acceptable, and 't is also true of community life in ýrfeo wil of Gd-v'hich we are ail so closely related. ûfo iio o. When we ail play saf e we create Paul recognizecl the fact in 111e conditions of, the utrnost lnsecurity. Lt man stands et the cross-roads'-hr sanefopo]eCob àere in every action he in confron- dThferenis a nd for eople t e d ihcoch antêaeit. dfeet n ttkscuaet wit coic, e cnnt 1ead take that stand that is, te be dif - emust aiways take one way or r1etithbte sn o->ad eather, or joîn the multitude Whofernintebtrsneoftad ill aimless1y about, people who do ing up to be counted i - instances )t ave the nerve to openly def y where changes are badly needed, estandards of socieity; or, on the and not in the sense of being dif- her hand, the courage to be dif- ferent just to satisfy somne person- -ent ln the sense of setting the ality trait. In almost every person Ltern for the higbest form of liv- there is an instinctive fear of being g. It seems to be true of our different, for the world is always orld and society that the majority likely to persecute those who do nlot conform. to pattern. A writer tellsi ft socially. politically and relig- bhow he kept hens. In the ben-run usly:,' l h eswrepeieytesm This characteristic of present day maiens ee pecisiyThe samife ing is not unique as far as time j marking s excee eTbthodfe id place is conoernod. In appears othen wcuas oecke Vo doah bySth ,have been true of each genera oter occupheansalof tho he-run. So 3,and most societios. John Oxen- feven ithe aimal. l ohodf im wrote: 'To every man there openetb A wýay and ways and a way We 17ave often heard of the clever And the hýigh seul troads the hýigh student, particularly amon1g boys, way, who makes an effort to get fairly And the low soul gropes the low, poor marýks because the other boys, And in between on the misty flats are prepared to loaf, and don't take The rest drift to and fro; kindly to someone acting different- But to everýy ma:n there openeth ly. 1V is flot uýncommof to her )A Ahigh way and a 10w; girls who participate in pratiýces And cve % man decidetlhi they fairly loathe because they I'be mvay his soul shall go." would be counted different if they The wisdo:ip of our age seems toe refrained. Many an aduit would that it il smart, or saf e, or besti like, as a parent, or responsible cit- geit lost in the drift, to move one- i zen,, Vo see certain rircumastaflces f as much like the majority as, corrected, but fear the disapprovai epossibly can. To drift may be al of the balance of society, and as a .asant sensation, but eventually it resuit ne action is taken. dangerous and usually disastrous. glance at werld affairs Will _Con- It takes courage to ho dîfferont ýce us that we have taken the The percentago of those who dare tsy road too long, that courage te do se is small, but better living id convictiQfi are necessary if we is neyer produced by takîng refuge,- .- ta know any great degree of in the shelter of te masses; yathorl zurity. The lato Dag Hammar- J by týhose who have the courage to cjold, whose wisdom. and abilirtieS be their true saif as one of Goýd's Eleadership were recognized the, mosit lofty cetos rld over,, who has been termed it has been said "the sturdiest Ktraordinary man of peace", said. tree is nàt îound in the shelter of a forest but high upon some rockyl crag where its daily battie with thel ~.McGee, Prêsi- elemeInts ýshapes 'it into a thing of strength and beauty. So it Îs with' de~nt Of Teachers us. Hard as it rnay be, the duty is, laid upon us, of neyer baing a-' The teachers of Clarke Township shamed to show whose we are and it Monday, Septem iber 18 in the whiom we serve; and if wergrN tk School te elect a slate cfofO-1 the matter in the right way it wi111 ,cers , d toe .u~r a rnethod be, noV a duty, but a privilege. Eprocedure for the coming yea )61-62. er Frem sermon preached Seiptem- mÈe executive lI as follows: b per 24th., 1961.11 President, Mr. McGee; Vice-Pres- ident, Mr. MeMahon; Secretary Treasurer, Miss 'Cobbledick; Press Reporter, Miss ArmÏstrï,Qng. These plus tbree other represent- aives, Mt. Munroe, 'Miss Stewart and Mr. Boweni, wil act as a plan- I rinig 'u~m to organiz2 a lui-- gramme of prof essional develop-! ment for tbe group. A new metbod of improvement isi. being, instigated which is proposed te generate varioty in thoe routine of future meetings, and Vo provido each teacher witb an oppounityi to dîscuss freely special problems pertaining to, bis particular interest and grade level.1 More will be heard of this plani after it bias been thorcoughly investi-1 gated and tried. 1, Plan 2-bei Wards At Port Hope Reviqed plans, wîth p)revisien for ton tDrivato reoms. were studio db tho Pert Hope, Hospital Board. The beard decided Vo ask Gerdon Frie-, A dramatic now rooffine, similar in appoar- sen, hospital consufltant, W. E. Bar- ane Vo that of a convertible top, is a now design nett and J.> 'K. Jamieson, hespital feature of the 1962 ùldsmobile 88 two-door hnrdteps. grants consultant of the Ontaril Heosrital Servi~ces Commissien, te at- tend a meetineg te thrasb u sm difficulities arisinay frem the plas. The rians provîde fer ward ne- comrnodatien, in accordance wvith the Ontarlo Hospital Servi ces Coni- missiIon 's reouiremnent that at least 50 preto the beds in a hospital be for ward care. Ward care in the plans submitted by the arcdhitect Is te be- provided in two-bed rlroomsi a s ystem which Mr. Friosen believes te be more cg-j onomical in operatien t.han one with larger rctems.,The maxirmum num- ber of beds Vo a rom allewed by ' he OHSC le four. W. C.- Keyes, board chairman, sadlast7 night that the OHSC hnd approved the .two-ýbed ward 'Plan,.... and because lit Is interested In hnV- ing this *type of hospital tried eut in A brand new, car, the Chevy II, is introduced Ontario, had agreed io a larger for 1962by Chevrolet. It Is langer than the Corvaîr grant ant srnaller than the standard Chevrolet. Shown ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Akuthorized as Second Class mail, Post office Deépariment, Ottawa Established in 1938 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor and Manager Subscription payable in advance In Canada $1.50, Published every Thursday at the office of publication The Festival This week-end, Friday and Saturday evenings an opportun- ity exists for local residenits Vo be pleasantly entertained in the Orono Town Hall cwhen the annual one-act Drama Festival s held This promotion has in previous years -received Provincial recognitio n and not doubt will again this year. The plays have shown 'a great improvement over th'e years with the resuit that competition in the' Festival bas become quite keen. This makes it grand entertainmont and one wbich few centres this sizo can boast. Plan to attendthe Festival this Friday and ,Saturday and by seýdoing you support this growing art and aise, the sponsor- ing body. the Durham Central Agricultural Society. Use Common $'ense,4, LestS~hdavthe dojck sepson openrd in the area and troir initial reports r is understood ý,hat a mnuch dcoser ch~eck than us- uaiiy ',as kept in game iaw ont orcorn t. It seenfis, at times, Chat thoe only vîay Vo decrease hun hig fataliti's and 'unwanted abuse of game lavis is stricter enforcernr. Such aapractice requhres almost an arrny of law cifbrcement cfficers and gamo wardens. This the province does rot ,)cssess. Howover -we undorstand, xith the existing force theopcening day for duck hunting saw nuch patrol work boing done by officers. The annual migration of birds south is first of the hunting season in the province and wild water fowl are flow open game for the bunter. Pheasanrt, deer. moose and grouse wlll follow te bring out hindreds and hundreds of hunters. From reports received already at our office it is quite ap- parent that ail huntersare net sportsmen. Farmers have already reported that fencos have been eut the f ull depth Vtoallow en- trance ento their property by some. Sucb an net is far frombaing understandable and then to realize that such a person carnies In bis possession a destructive weapon. The best deterent against such- abusiveness and aise in the missuse of firearrns is strict law enforcemnent nlong with heavïer fines and charges. There aiways seems to,be tragedy and. propery damage when the hunting senson opens with the greater part bei'ng committed threugh the human element. While in the fields, and -busgh this hunting season exerdIse care an~d respect the property of others. It is always a goed prac- tice to ask for bunting priviiedges on a persons property. Oldsmobile aise anneunces that openo Ad chassis lu- replaced wiVh factory-sealed units. iv h,ere Ws the Chevy II Neva 400 Sport Coupe. The Chevy II is available witb four or six-cylinder en- gines and cornes in nine medels. In U.S.A. $2.50

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