- j- -. z» mi Best BuvI - Save 10c,. Solo - i-lb. Pkgs. M &XRG ARINE Pest Bu-y! Stokely's Fancy - 20-oz. Tins T-omato Juice ORONO WEEKLV TIMES T-HURaD'AY, SF-PTEMBER 23th 4 b pkgs $1l 8for $1 Buy! Bravo Plain Sauce l5-oz. Tin 27c Save lie! Bravo 16-oz Pkgs. M.GHETTI 6fori$ F est Buv! -, Save 5c - Sweet M ixed - 16-oz., Jar, OS- E P'rICKLES' Best Buy! Save 16c! à York - 15.oz. Tins MEAT1STW Best Buy! Save 45c - 2c off pack - Dr. Ballàrd's Champion- 15-oz. DOG,10Am lFOOW&dmV% Feature - Choice Quality - Save 25o,-. 28-oz. Tins TOMATOES 5 for $ 1 Hereford .- 0e c! - 12-oz. Tins Corned Beef 2 for $'1 2 lb tin $1 Vour Cýhoice Save 5c - Nabieso Shreddies or Shredded Wheat 5 for $1I Aylmer - Save 22c - lO-az. Tins T'mato S-oup Sliced or Crushed - Save 25c! Pineapple. 20 oz 9'for $1 5 fo r$1 Aylmer Assortecl - With Pectin - Case of 12 $2.29 JAMS or JELLIES 3 for $I 4 for$ 10Ofor$ Redi & White - Save 14c! - 8-oz. Jar Instant Coffee Golden Hour - Save CANDIES jar $ 16ce Cello Pkgs. 4 pkgs $1 Save. Ilic- With Pork - 20-oz. Tins York Béans .6 fo r$1 Featur6l - Save 17ce Cake Mixes Betty.Crocker 3for $1 Fancy Quality - Save 5c! - halves Tins Pink Salmon 3 fîr $1 Red & White Peanut -Save 25e 9 oz Feature!- Save 8c! - Evaporated CARNATION ilMILK. Feature! - Save 18c! TREND Liquid Detergent Sunbeam or Weston Teatyme Fresh - Regular 43o each ORANGE LAYER, CAKE Hornogenizedi eut' - Save 16o 9.oz. 4 for"$1l Par 5 for$ 7 tati tins $ 1 2 gilant tins $1 each 39c «De ]F AT CORNISFId'S ANID WIIIT E UOur Shierves are ined with many more cash saving features. -Corne in and sec for yourself. I KENDAL NEWS The Women's Institute met at th1-- home of Miss C. W. Stewart oný 1 Wednlesday evening, September 20j. The president MIrs. U. Courou,j called the meeting- to order and ail joined in the sdning tb1-e Institute Ode and repeating the Mary Steý- wart Colleet. The secretary, M-S. H. Foster, called the roll a nd thisi was answered by giving a favoiuriteý way of using cheese. Toasted cheesel sandwiches, Macaroni Cheese, and j'ust plain cheese were mentioxXed. Each Imember gave a current event anid ail joined in discussinig these. The motto was "Cheese pleases". Wollens for iblankets, etc. was dis-, cussed and it was decided to) haIveI the wooillens in. at tlee next mneeting. 1 They could also be left Wt~Ms E. Couroux. Mrs. G. Cathcart demonstraiedth making 0f cheese diishes and had some pamphlets of cheese re&ýipeý which can be obained at the offi'ce Bowmanville. "Cheese Ring withi of the Department of Agriculure in Vegeables" and Crunchy ?inwhe&s! wrapped in crisp bacon and broiledi were demonstrated and many appe-i tizing sanwdiches were made. The results were samffled during the re-i Most enjoyable. Cheese hasa highi protein content and is 'in the same class as mneat, fish, poultry and eggs. The meeting closed With the singing of "God Save the Qileen" and a social time was enjoyed over refreshments. Mrs. H. Foster gave a vote of thanks on behaîf of the members to Miss Stewart for her hospitality and also to Mrs. Çath. cart for her demonstratn.W were« pleased to welcomeMis . McElvey as a guest at our meeting, Mrs. M. Luxon and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer attended the weding of Mr. Roy Mercer and Miss Jane Thompson in Toronto on 'Friday last, September 22nd. Miss Thompý. son's sister and family wvere alo guests. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Ivory Little passed away in the! Memorial Hospital onTuesday. Mr James Armour, who used toi live on the Sixth Line, is, quite 111 in Bowmanville Hospital, We were pleased to see Mrs. Dar, Ilington iwho, was a resident of Ken- dal and sto-rekeeper for a Iclon ie uat cb.uuch on SundaI,-y ring, to-- igether withi Mrs. R. Waddell n J frieiid ,)f Orono. IMrs. M. McBrije and Mrs. Bur- washv of Cobourg vislted thehr sïster, Mrs Chas. Thoxmpson for the week-~ end and they al! vislted Mrs. Brima- acombe in Orono. Mrs. M. E. Foster has returned - home after vIsiting in the Simeýoeý area for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Foster tooýk Mrs. Kersiake back home to St. Cathetine's after visiting- with them- f or a few weeks. Mrs. W. Little met Mr. and Mrs. Aylward Little and family of Mark- hamn for a picnic in Eowmanville 1Mr. Ross Roughley of Oshaa i- led his moher, Mrs, A. Swarbrick 1 ont Sunday. Her son's wif e, Mrs. WV. U Rouihley, is progressing satisfact- orily after' ber operation in Mem- orial Hospital, Bowmanville. 1~~ be* 3assured with McLaren s F.UE L O'L, *1Quick-igniting, high in heat. *ý2 *3 Cleanburning . . helps prevent burner troubles. Aufomatically delivered with personal attention t. your neecis. COU us now to arrange for next wînter'comfort. DRONO FUEL & LUMBER'LIMITED Orono, Ontario RýYAL TIIRSDYSEPT. PhoneI148 16 B owmanville MA. 3-5589 28 to AURA Matinee Saudy2P.111 Sports Ccar Racing, Thursday at 7:30 - Frjday & Saturday at 7& 9 p.m,« MOiNDAY to THURSDAY (4 days) OCT. 2 -5 "PARRKISH" Troy Donahue. Claudlette Colbert, Connie Stevens Show starts 7:30; Feature at 8 p.m. Aduit il E e5t s Save 9c! N estle's Quik T asty Skinless - 8 to Pkg. WEI'NERS Fresh Sliced - 12 oz. BOu'LO0GN A SmaII L.jnk Tray Pack - Skinless lb. Pkg, SAUSAGE ail 3for i$1 Juicy_ Satin Sunk'Ist 2doz 65c Ontario No.1 POTATO ES 101hb 23c RiED O RONO TINSHOP'- SHEET METAL WORK PLUMBING SUPPLIES PUMPS and REPAIRS PIPE and FITTINGS DRAIN CLEANERS$ MIN OR PLUMBING REPAIRS B-PAINTS etc R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Qaout maro quourItHe, --a m-