ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TrHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th 'Round About Us ROY PHILP WINS- PASTURE CONTEST cammunity for their works of -kind- Roy Ph-ilp of Garden Hill topped ness and generosity to others. Let 22) other comîpetitors to %vin the greater heights in seeking to know DIrhamn Counity paý'stutre ýom-peti- us encouriage them to go on to tioni for, 1961,1 and understand their f ellow man The judge for [lhe competition beltter. was WV. B. Reynolds of Bow,,man-ville AppleJuice 48 oz35 Stokely Cream Style Fancy Corn Sunny Morn TEA BACS I1OO per pkgqfc Ried Path Gau~e 'NW hite Sugar 51ib 3 bag Grme "A,, Predressed "Fres4 Frying or Roasting CHIKENS 22"to 3lb l 9 average ,l Fresh Chïcken Cuts Legsor Breasts DALRY DEPARTMENT Kraft lb45c, PILLSBURY -CAKE MIX - Grand National Choc.-Nut, Banana-Nut, Date-N ut -Pkg. JOHNSTQ.NS PLEDGE POLISH - 6/ oz. Tin IVORY SOAP - Personal Size. Buy 4 get one Free - 5 Pack RI-UE CHEER- 27c off Deal King Size SPIC & SPAN 8c off DeaÎ - Giant Size KOTEX REGULAR - Package of 12 BAYER ASPIRIN Free Pill Box - Package of 100 RECEl VE FREE- $4.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH COOKING ONIONS - 3 lb. Cello Bag Sandwich Spread - fi-oz. Chub RECEIVE-FREE $2.00 IN, BONUS TAPES WITH Bacon and Liver, BLUE BONNET M&.RGARINE - Yellow Kwik- 2 1-lb. Pkg. WELCHIS GRAPE JUICE. Frozen, - 2 6-oz. Tili MAPLE LEAF WEINERS - 1b. Pkg. SMALL LiNK'SAUSAGE- Royal Guest -14lb. Pkg. CARROTS,- No. 1 Gsade - 3-lb. Cello Bag SPINACI- - No. 1 Grade 10 oz. Cele Bag Nutritious and Economnical New Brunswick No. 1 POTATO.ES 10 lb bag 25c Crisp and Tender - No. 1 Grade lmported LETTUCE Si»ze 30 2 for 29c CANTALOUPE jumbo size 48 19c Creamy white - No. 1 Grade CAULIFLOWER .each, 19C CHEESE WHIZ 16 oz jair55c FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT Turkey.. Chioken, Beef 8-0z. Pies YORK PIES 8 oz Pie 4 for $1.OO FrançO Aeial-1 0z. Tins 2 for 3 5c Franco Amnericafl 15 oa. Tî0nH ONH~ pghetti 2 for 33c NO WAITING Il Quick or lnstaflýt 'FoOdBal Special" 48-oz. Pka. IMMEDiA-rEï IN-STORiEI uî Immediate ln-Store Redemption i Take Advantage of "Boýnus ,Tapes ilQuaker Oats 43c, Galore", Get Your Set Troday! liai COBOURG LADY DIES OF BURNS Mrs. Dainitry Fitzhugh died rýec- ently in Toronto Gene]Çal Hospital.,, ,Mrs. Fitzhu'gh, 50, was severely! burned'Friday morning when a, ire i broke out in her bedroom in Northt- umberl'and Hall. The late Mrs. Fitzhugh was burned about the torso and thighs. Her' burn's were said to be 601 per cent.f She had been transferred to Tor- onto General Hospital where- shet was taken Arm the Cobourg Dist-i rict General Hospital following the tire. Mr. Fitzhugh' succeeded in drag-1 ging his wife out of the blazing room and burned kl.s hands while doing so. The ire accurred about 5:15 ar. 1Junior Red Cross î Week In Canada" This -is Junior edx Cross Week in Canada and aduits could well afford to take a close look ât the work accomplîshed ýby our youngsters who are members of this world-1 wide organization.1 FThe Junior Red Cross in Canada bias a rnembership of 1,390,794, and is, therefore, represeA~tative of a large portion of the nation's youth. Through.its regular meetings i 43,328 ciassrooms, the boys and girls accom'plish many tings. Their ability to raise funds for theïr projeets is phenomenal. For in- stance. last year their contribution to the Worla ReX ugee appeal was more than $154,000. Theïr ,total help for less fortunate youth at home and abroad rýeached beyond $360,O0. This was 'a coffmendable contribution rea1ized throug-, the collectio>n of a vast quantity of pen- nies, nickels and :dimes, through many projeets. Materiai heiip for children is only, one phase of their activities. Their scope goes far beyond tis In seek. ing ways and means to- get to know and understand their feilow mnan. Classroomn groups in many lands make and exchiange Frienid- ship Albums with ýCanadian child- ren. They excchange paintîngs, tape recordings and hajjdicrafts with one another: The Junior discover that despite differenoes'in clothing, food, lang-, u'ages and customs, there is a com-ý mon unifylng thread-of similaarity1 which joins them ail together; a; thread that represents the ileals of gcod citizenship which are commoni to ail men; a thread that weaves a cloak of human understanding a- round them and proteets them from the bitter winds of, the cold war. .World peace can only exist wilth this sort of human understanding, the kind at mutual respect that ex- ists amongst the youth in the jun- ior. Red Cross., This week we salute young people in- the Junior Red Cross of this White Washing STABLES and PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompklns Phone Newtonville 4721 STAFFORD BROS. Monumen.tal Work.. 1Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsomne, dig- nified monument ovrer -the rest- ing place of your loved ones. lt's flot expensive. And seeing this last trib 'ute will give you endfess, comfort. WITH ONE 0F Ot*.. NEW I4EATiNCGSYSTEMS Building a fluse? or remodelling your present on. then contact Floyd Nicholson Phone 2191 Orono Stutt's Pharmacy ORONO, ONTARIO POE18 PHONE 168J