MURiFSDAY, SEPTIEMBER 28th ORONO WEEKLY TIMES TF A girl foi, genel-al offic~e work. BIRTH LITTLIEAt the Bowmanville M\em I flI'AI NEWSERVIC MVust bc experienced and accurateCLETRbr ad Gi,2 rial Hospital, Tuesdlay. September ii~LU LAYh Thanksgiving Service will be figures. Princess Anne Dr., Georgetown, are,26. 1961. Ivory Wilmot Little. Be- 1bld in St. Saviour's Anglican Permanient Position. pleased to announce the arrivai ofIloved husband of the late Delta Mr.adMs elWoLk- Churcli, Orono October 1st.' Holy Phonýre Orono 150, Mr. Samuel. a son. Philip Robert, on September, Martin. Age 71 years. fedvstdo Tuesday with Mýrs.' Communi!on at' 9:30 a.m. Evening a-C l3th,ý 8 lbs. 6 oz.,-at Humber Mem- Resting at the Barlow Funeral Unias. Wood. service at 7 p.m. The Rev. E. S. ____orial Hospital, Weston. a-p. Home, Park St., Orono. ServiceiBulB.,BD, etro St FOR SALE will be held from the Funeral Home Mrs. George Ead, rtrnd o eBll,*sB.A., b.DRour of Sbet. Two double-bed slzed mnattresses TO WNSHIUP 0F CLARK E Thursday at 2:30 p.m. Intermnent onil Monday frein Port Perr.y 1Hos- ".Pec speakr. Cburail e h and two three-quiarter sîze inattress- NOTICE TO RATEPAYERS Orono Cemetery. pital where both she and Mr. Ead egeztsakr e.This will inform the Ratepayers haud been confined following a Car'ý P¶ýqone 11912, Orono. a-pi of this Municipaliytat hGAss ARD OF THANKS ,accident. Mr. Eade returned hm ~ s sor will be at the Township Office,j The Women's Hospital Auxiliary iast week. COMING EVENT Orono, on October 3, 4, and 5, 1961,. of Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville Cogautin M.nd rs ,Jun.ior Gardeners' Club meeting between the hours of 1, p.m. and 5 extends its sincere appreciation to CogautintoM.nd rs qn i-trsdy (oniht)at p.. i p.. t anwerquetios ad d3-ail Captains and Canvassers foi, Charles Armstrong on the birth of Ofl~~~po Thrda tnihMrt7p..inpm *oanwrqusiosad .- the Armouries. cuss -the 1961 Assessments uo'tleir 'generous efforts in the recenc; o n oîa a -T r n Parents or anyone interested arei which the 1962 Taxes wiil be set. canvass. Aiso to al he peopleMr.W.Gdyothbihofa wecoetoated hsemetings.Cek'hs ontoshle make daughter and to Mr. and Mrs. Keni wýý'-(;rîe o atendthee m in . Cerk. Whse onatonshelpd N ,\xon on the ýbirth of a daughter. a-c a-c our canvass a success. _______________________________________________ IVrs. Mary Robinson is spendingt th_____________________le latter part of this week at Vine-!'C ~ j land, Ont ario, attending the Hydro I IA.IVI.E.U. Western Ontario AccOULInt- ~ng Conference. FALL WINTE Èti1I E D Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell and family, Osha'wa, visited wtbMr.' and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell on Sunday. BEEIV BBYWOL \ELADSKROY SOCK AN Mr. and Mrs. Roy Powers of: Thýre-e pîy wooî, treated against shrinkageSWE TR TOLcabrghvstdoteween andci maming. Colours white, pink, blue, green.S ywooî, nylon reinforoed won t shrank with Mrs. Cecil Powers. and yejlow. ee" mothproof. Many attract ve shades Rltvso h RieBewt Price 1 oz. bail 60c. Pieio bi 5cand Taylor families attended tlie funeral of the late Leonard :Glew ett of New Toronto on Moniday,> MONARCU BABY XVOOL 4 ply wool, nylon reinforced, shrinkproof Mr. George Mitchell of Oshawva a n nthnroof. Enoucih in 1 baIl for one pair .. - .N ri 3 ply wooI, shrink proof, moth proof. nly- Ion reinforced. Colours white, pink, blue tur- quoise and yeîîow. Price 1 oz. hall 55e Monarch Sock and Sweater WooI 3 pîy wool, shrinkproof, mothproof_ nylon reinforced. A wide range of colours. Price 1i-oz. hall 55e MONARCR DOVE 4 ply wool, nyloni reinforceti, shrinkproof. shadles- .. Priee 1 oz., bal.40e MONÂRCH DOUBLE KNITTING 4 pîy wo., nylon reinforctd, shrinkproof.. Colours white, Pink, blue navy andi rei, Prîioe 2 oz. bail 79e of men's sock.Coor navy, grey mix, wine, green, .rown and beîigs.. Price 4 oz. bail $1.40 CHIEFTAIN SPEEDKNIT 4 pîy bulky, quick-knitting moiî for warmn sports sweaters in white, blue, grey and red.. Price 2 oz. skein 69e PATON'S FUZZY-WUZZY Angora in pink, yejîaw and white. Price 1/2 oz. bail 85e "A ERO" KNITTING PINS Metal knitting needles in sets of 2 or 4. Sizes S8 to 14. Price per set 20e KNITTING BOOKS A new suppy of knitting bocks wîth in- structions for kniting socks, sweaters, baby, mnitts andi gloves dol ootfes etC., uas- ing various brands of wool. Price eaeh 25e to 50e Frîday andi Saturday Open AIl Day Wednesday B3uild your bank balance,. Build your peace of mmd CANADIAN IMPERIAL BANK 0F COMM*ERCE Over 1260 branchao to serve you au was tne winner of the new car draw in Bowmanville on Saturday last. The seller of the winning ticket was Mr. W. C. H. Mitchell who re- ceives $300.00 for selling the ticket. An Easer Lily 'burst forth ifs bloom in the garden of MUrs. Fredl Tamblyn recently. Mrs. TamblynI states that the bloom opened on her 80th bîrthday. The bulb hdý been discarded in the sping butl took root to bloom this fail. Mi and Mvrs. Canipbell and farilyl have taken up rekidence in the hous-': of Mr. and Mrs. J. Tanid.lyn. On Friday evening of lasf week1 Badminton 'opened ait the Oronoi jMunicipal Building where a few rallied for the sport. Badmintoni will carry on at the courts on Wedï- nesday. Friday and Safurday even-I ings for the present trne. Evr;ne is invifed to take part in these aetilvties and furt'her infor- mation may bc recelved at the haî! on the particular nightLs or fromM Arnold Wallace. r Mr. R. E. Logan has purchased, the home of Miss Mabel Davy on Main Street, Orono.1 'Mr. andl Mrs. Ross Gilbart and family spent the weekend at MIinor'sý Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Don Staples and family and Mrs. lone Forrester spent the weekend at Lake Baptiste. Mrs. F. Tam blyn Celebrates 8Oth Birthday On Sunday evening at fthe horne of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Miller, a sur-, prise party was held for Mrs. F. Tamablyn on the occasioin of hier 8th bjttday. SGuests included the immediate, relativ7es of the Cryderman andý Tamblyn familles. A very pleasant evening was spent visiting an-d viewing pictures f trips taken- throughi the Westernl Pr-ovinices a*nd Çalifornia wbhich in-1 cluded Mrs. T.ýambiyn's --ou Ken aýirji his famýily. ý Pictures were taken. of ail the family in different groups. A be-autiful lunch was served in- cluding a birfhdcav cake xnade ai-d deco.(-rated by Mrs. Cecil Jones, wIhich not only paici tribute to Mrs.1 Ttmnblyni, but ber son Carl who cel- ébrafes his birthday on the sanie da.y. Mrs. Tamlblyn wvas the recipient of miany beautiful cards and, gifts on this occasioni. Rev. and Mvrs. John Wilkinson o0f Dunbarton were among the guesfs- present. UNITED CHWRCH Orono Pastarali Charge Minister Rev. B&sil Ln SUNDAVY, OCTOBER ,16 World Commnunion Sunday T'OPic-"Hosv lost are the 10,sf? CHURCH SERVICES Kirby - 9:45 a.m. Orono - 11:00 a.m. Leskard - 2:00 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Orono - 10:00 a.m Leskard - 1:30 Kirby - 2:00 P.C. REST HOME Dowvnstairs accommodation for ladies at Rest H-ome. Phone Oroeio LO ST Ayoung black and white CoUEl dog. Phone 2236, Orono. a- Try the power-packed, Pioneer 6-20, or Pioneer's new b' compact NU-1 7 at your Pioneer dealer's todoy. Pick the one to meet your woodcuttinq requirements. 6-20 - $224o ÇOMPLITeWT WO' 6leOAS4 jul Roipli Hardware ~Phone 14 3 ORONO, Tulips ail colors 12 for 59e Hyacinths'..... for 25e Special Double, Texas Yellow, Daffodils 3 for 27e BUY JMPORTED IYC- On Patches, sanforized, launders, repairs and reinforces. 2 in cello package for.... 25e 11 Priced at...... ............. 2 for 25e Artificial Roses, regniar 10c. Special...6 for 49e -Bunny Esmond Baby Blankets size 36 ins. x 50 ins. Regular $1.89. This week special ..,....... $1.69 BayPants, Seal Tex. Regular 25c. This week Specjal! ......................... 4 for 87e Card Table covers, quilted, assorted colors. Regu- lar 98e. Managers Special this week.....79e Dove Disposable Dapers protection a.gainst Dia~- per rash, no soaps or heating water necessa.ry. Limiâted quantity Diaper Panties, regulat-, $1,49 Free -with purehase of two 98e p ackages of Dis- posable Diapers. Feature Special! Nut'Fudge, deliciously creainy 1lpound cello palçge. ......-....... ..... 39e ORONuO 5c. TO %$1.00%STORE OPEN FRIDAY EVEN Store Ope^ m to g MondayArrn' OMM*% Mo