(D(Mfl UIEI<I VTIMES - THURSOAYP SEPTEMBER 2Sth eSquash, Summer-C. Downey, C. Cobhledick, D. Stapiles. Baxter-R. Osborne, C. Tamnblyn, DAI LV TRANSPORTATION Turner,,E. Gilbank. Gravenstein, one 6-qt. basket-L. A. D. Staples. WANTED SqasWitr-.Farw. jSuirD Sale.Wolf River-L. Squair, E. Cobble Diytasotto atdt List 0f Orono Fair Prize ûW inner suah, 1 Melbrow~ qa, oneD.Stae. basket-D. Stap- icA. Poe altanspttion ne, o. Týhe following is a list of prizei Toha<cco Knk-Clarence Moore, Watermelons-E. Glbank. eR 0lon, .Cbleîk Ppi-. pe . way. Hours desired 3 p.rn. to il p.rn. winners at the Durhami Central Ag- JtR 1 - 3aitimore. Potatoes early-C. Downey, W Ducesf ive apples-R,. Hendr,, Crab .He.ndry,.Bod Contact Mr. J'ack Keon, phonie riulrlFair, held at Orono on'Ten kaposipEbD A-Fro. Staples, E. Cobbledick. rbAlJ cv, 18R70rn6 - Septemiber 7, 8, and 9th, continued kins Farm, Mýax Fret Farrn, Maurioe potatos aeW rowc. Melba-Carlos Tamblyni, R. Os. Spy-R. Osborne, C. Tamûblyn, L. from last week: Hostens Farmi, Alber-t Sarnan Farrn. Downey. lorne, D. Staples. 'Squair.f NOIET CRDT S Tobacco-, Queen-Caroline Tozek, Potatoes, collection-W. FarrowV Alexander--ý L. Squ'air, Carlos Deliclous-D. Staples, L. Squ air, IN THE ESTATE 0F R.OBERT TO BACCO San dra Chaskavich, Patricia Atkins Display of Garden anrd Farmpro- Tamblyn, A. Pas. E. Cobbledick. 'l SMITH LITTLE ]ate of the Town- Sand-C. Moore, A. Sutch, J.1 . VEGET ABLES.1 OneBale Mixed Hay, lst cutting St, Lawrence D. Staples, C. LaSalle-R. Osborne. ship of Clarke in the County 5f Mioore, L. McDonald, F. Mikula. 1 Beets- Mrs. C. W. Downey, C ct s Don Staples.1 Tamblyn, A. Pos. Golden Russet-R. Osborne, R., Durham, Retired Farmer, deceased:, SCutters-L. McDonald, C. Moore, Tu 'mer, W'. Tarow-Carlos Tamlyn, Francis Jose, C. Gravenstein-L., Squair, A. Pos, Hendry, L. Squair. Alil persons h.aving dlaims against' .A. Saman A. Sutch, N. Farrow, J. Carrots-E. Gilbanik C. Turner. Downey. D. Stanles. Stark-R. Osborne, J. B3oyd, R. the Estate of the said Robert Smiùh Moore, F. Mýikuila. Mlangles, sug.ar -C. Turner. n utn alsmln . Wealthy-R. Osborne, L. Squair, Hendry. 'Little' who died on or about the Leaf-L. McDPLonald, A. Saman, C. Mangels, any, othier kind-W. Far- Turner, F. dose. E. C;Xbbledick. i Baldwin-L. Squair, R.- Hendry, 7th day of January 1961, are hereby Moore~, A. SutchI, F. M1ýikula, J. row.11 FRUIT Snow-D. Staples, W. F7arrioiw, L. W. Farrow.1 notified to send to the undersigned Moore. Onions, yellow WV. Farrow, E. Squair.-1 Greeings-D. Staples, R. Hendryl Executors or their Solicitor on or Best Stick Leaf-F. Mfikulja, C. Gilbank, C. Downey. Apples Mclntosh-L. Squair, R. Osborne, W. Farrow.1 before the 3th day of September Moore, L. cod . Saman, Pumpkin, Fi eld- C. T urner. Best collection of apples-R. Os-'C. Tamblyn. T alman Sweet-R. Osborne, L. 1961, their names and addresses David Sittchi, A~ Sutch, J. Pumpkin, pie-C-.' Downey, W. borne, D. Staples, A. Pos. Scarlet Pippin-R. Osborne, D.,Squair, C. Tamblyn. and full particulars of their lalms Moore. Farrow. f Duchess, one, six qt. basket-E. Staples. . Continued on page 7) and the nature of the securiies (if ________________________________ ________________________ any) heid by them duly verified by statutory. declaration. -S PL, AImmediately after the said 30thi O N DI PLA Yday of September, 1961, the assets of the said deceased will bc distri- buted among the persons entitled 1T EAL LNEW - hrt aigrgr ny h camofwhich the Executors or Li.LmILffl CM 1vi LMJ R= I L Th2orme ,'ýOII#7TbfN'G EXTR"A" mbc7atcmwring a17n£0L,£05! This is Oldsmobile for 1962! Fashioned with flir ... powered for driving exhilaration! Long ... sleek . .. automotive styling at its beautiful best! You relax in luxury-lounge interiors fashioned in the. tones and textures of modern living. You experience the, authoritative power of Oldlsmobile performance -... the solid new "feel'" of 4-S Hydra-Matic-super-smooth, whisper quiet. 111 And you tingle with the knowledge that th is is Oldsmobile in its finest form-bringing you the ultimate pleasures of motoring. From the first exciting moment that you park it in the driveway, you're aware that there's "something extra" about owning an Oldsmobile for '62 .. . perfection styled in the miagnificence that only Olds could attempt-only Olds could achieve! A ,eneral ivotors Value The distinctiveness of the Super 88's.. beautifully visible in the The practicality of the Dynamic 88's ... yours to enjoy in the stylish powerful hardtop Holiday Sedan, roomy Celebrity Sedan, rakish Celebrity, Sedan ý(illustrated in background), sporty Holiday Coupe, Holiday Coupe (illustrated in foreground), and capacious Fiesta fashion-rich Holiday Sedan, zesty Convertible and the 2 or 3-seat Station Wagon. Four Super 88 models-and each one is spectacular! Fiesta Station Wagon. The luxury of the Ninety-Eights... the very finest Oldsmobiles. Yoipr first glance tells you they're top of the Une. Perfection that's magnifi- cently apparent in the sleek Holiday SportsSedan (iUlustrated),, the elgn own Sedan, sport-roofed Holdy Sorts Coupe, glamorous Hqld y~dan and fun-loving Convertible Cue.ý Plus the sparkling, 9ýîrtdStarfreanOIdsmoile original- available iConvertible and Holiday Coupe. F65" A From Dashlng Cutlass Sports Convertible (illustrated) to thrifty Club Coupe there e nine Fun-to-drive F-85s.. .ail tAIm, trrfic.îi d4èry inch an Oldsmobile! W!,itewall ires optional atextra cost0-6- -ROY -W. NICHOLS BOWMiANVILLE, ONTARIO PHONE 728-6206 Dated at Orono, Ontario, thMs 3lýst day of August 196[. JOHNý DOUG.LAS MOFFAT, Orono, Ontar'o. ROBERT,, FRANKLIN RUTH-ER- FORD, Onono, Ontario.. Executors. W. K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario, f Soll itor for the Executors. gInsurance Service g g n u a c inglis B a c e LAuto, Package and Composite 0 PoUlces , Fire, Farm, Life, v u - t0 SBurglary, Liabilîty, Marine,o Accident and Sickness, Wind, FieiyBond, Etc. Sadioe Hampliltonl Il Phone, Orono IR16 oFIRS ! V'RTGAGE LOANS YOU CAN BEGIN_ CAREERTRAINING AT ANYlIME SThe Oshawa, Business College Sis open aIl year and our U method of individual g - instruction oermits you to start at' any trne S8 Day-S chool Courses, from0 TU which to choose g EVENING CLASSES UESDAY and TUSA g 7: 00 ta 9:00 p.m. Choice of Subjects R pca Classes for f Houswivs -Shi:ftworksrs nl Teen-Age Typists pa FREE LITERATURE g AVAILABLE 0 10 Simcoe Street North Dial RA. 5-3375 aWALTER FRANK' D>. W. MoQUAY REALTOR O177 Church St. O Bowmanville MA. 3-3393j ««%UMM'Mffl nw ý - - -, - ,