for 1962 Yes, theyire here.. T"muhe ail new Fabulous Ford, Falcon, Galaxieand Ford Trucks, On Displciy, on Monday, October 2nd at Harloy s Motor Sales KING STREET EAST, BOWMANVILLE' Phone MA. 3-2301 THIS IS A CORDIAL INVITATION EXTENDED TO YOU, THE PUBLIC, TO STO1P IN A,&ND DRIVE THE ALL NEW FORD FOR '62. ALSO WE HAVE AN EXCELLENT VARIETY 0F USED CARS FROM $50.00 ANDIUP. [Iarley Hayes, Owner asd Qperator MA. 3-2301; Res. MA. 3-7218 Gary Hooey, Sales Manager, MA. 3-23%; Res. Aja~x WH. 2-4874 Your Iieating. system make you a MOT HEADÉ? Get uniform floor ta ceiling comfort with a new OIL-IREDwinter air conditioner Constant unIform distribution ends "bot spots" and extreme tempera- j ture variations . . . gives yeu even comfort f rom floor to celling from room to room. And the air is dlean and filtened at ail times. too! Look at -these xnoney-saving fea- tures. *New Exclusivoý Quad - 4Level Blower f irsit gentiy deliveris warm- air. then shifts to highi speed as * furnace reaches maxdim o ut- put. After humner stops, blower circulates residual heat at 10w speed (to prevent unpleasant "drafts"), Iben culs off automati- * cally... prevents hot and cold "layers" oif air from forming. *New Pllter Seniinel guards a- gainst clogged filiters, cuts fuel logses... signais when filters need attention. 5 VEARS TO PAY LOW DOWN PAYMENT' SMALL CARRYING CHARGE Carman Pl, umbîng &Heat Ing Phone 143, Orono, Ont. ORONO WEEKLV TIMES THLJRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th Prize Winner-s KendalWdigUie Autumn Foliage Federation To L.s Coqua irn. f ir, am spectacular but is equally wondrous is an indication that activity wilth- Or e, 25 th L.eSt olecin f ers nmd-**forms two leaf miracles beore our in the leaves is slowing down. Tl1 e bs r Five Bartlett-L. Squair, R. Hen- ~m'h L x - K S very eyes. One of these, the gloriaus1 production of the greeni chiorophyli dry, C. Tamblyn. I coouig f u hrdooFleve'ha sop- adRhtosis GSa yffiV rS r Five Sheldon-L. Squair. cluigo u adod evsýa tpe n htwihwsA i i e s r Fiv Flmis Eaut-c.Tam -ed satin appliques, scoop neckline is the subject of many photographs Pre2cnt has been destroyed by the blYl-, R.Hendr, A.Pos.and a bustie back gathered with songs and writings. The other, the sunl'ght. With the disappearance of ~FveBere oe-. qai. Beautiful baskets of gladioli dec- two white organza roses, flowing shedding of these leaves, is not 'as, the chiorophyli the colours of the bln uR enry, Ae-. Sui. ae edlUntdCuc nit hae ri.Temth spectacular but is evually wondrous. carotmnoids are exposecj. There are The Ontario Federation of Agri. Five Clapps Favorite-R. Osborne oaterd KendalU ited6,1Chu frh o noacpltan Temthn Leaf Color two carotinoids. One is orange and culture celebrates Ïts 25th Annivr- C. Tamblyn, A. Pqs. lovely wedding of Florence Edithj headpiece of frosted applique held This riot of colour displayed ,by1iS called "carotine' after the carrot sary this year with its annual con-, her finger tîp veil. She carried a Plums Cox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. cascade of white carnations. our broad-leaved or decîduous trees in wh'ich it 15 the main coloring vention on November , 7, and 8a Frederick H.Cox, Ir____andMissAudey____________ofthagent. The other is yellow and is tlf e Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Tha Te Badha--. amly, .Fhres Ri sskGH. ,Con O r no. rde smýi f o, and tisserenicalled "xanthopyl1". Most of the OPA which 'bas been the voice for en radsW.harrw. Tmln .CalsFsGy o r n rd a udo ooadM groom's mother wore moss grie reds and purpies seen in autumn Dntario farmers through their or- Henry, W. arrow,-.Tabln Mrs. Charles-E. Gay, Kendal. June* Geacb, cousin of the groom, with matching hat and, corsage: foliage are due to anthocyanins. ganizations -ever Jn.ce 1936 -0111 Ten Impeial Gag-C. Tambyn. waswas bridesmaid. They were gowned of pink roses. The wedding suLpper1I'hese form in the celi sap and con' lnaseia rga omemor- Ten Prune Plums-C. Tamblyn, The double-ring ceremony \a n lnaseilpornici R. Hendry, W. Farrow. performed by the Rev. R. C. White. alike in emerald green peau de soie was served by Kendal W.A., thei trast sharply withi the greens and ating the anniversary, says Wiliaun Comýmercial Feature The wedding music was played by' With a scoop neckine, fltted bodice tables being beaufffully decorated vellows. They may be present Tilden of Harrîston, OPA President, Five 6-qt. baskets Melbya R. Cob- Mrs. Westhauser, the church orland wide sashes over a full skirt. with sweet peas. tjiroughout the growing season as bledick, R. Osborne, D. Staples. I ganist. Before the ceremony 'is The3r wore green headpieces andi For a honeymoon trip to Ottawa in beets and some kinds of plant s, Recognition will be paid to Ont- Five 6-qt. baskets Duchess-R. Marilyn McDonald, accompanied by!white accessories and carried niose- t and points east, the bride wore a or they may be produced in the aut- ario farm leaders and other agri- Cobbledick. hier sister, Miss Helen McDonald, gays of yellow 'mums. loden green dress with Corsage of umn as in ipening apples and somne cluî h eepoietdr Five 6-qt. baskets McI.ntosh-E.I insadMs etasr r Miss Bonnie Geach was the dam-. topaz 'munis. leaves., The combi'nation of green, ing the yearsththe FAgw -Cobbledick, A. Pos,' D. Staples. ganist, sang sweetly 'il Walk Be-1 ty flower girl gowned in white bro- Mus. lel;id i L "c w'e Ita'yelow and the colours of the anth-, rr ml raiaint h Five 6-q't. baskets Scarlet Pippin side You" 'and during the signing of cade wi th wide grpen sash and car- a kitchen and pantrytshower for' ocyanins, together with the browns present, province-wîýde size. -E. Cobbledick, D. Staples. the register, "The Wedding Prayer." rying a basket of white and yello w the bride, when a number of rela-i 0f dying leaf celis, are responsible One bus. bamper Mclntosh'ýý-E. Imums. tives were present. Assisting her as for most of the autimn, colours. tsepcedhtmoeha50 Cobbledick, W. Farrow. ýGiven in marriage by her father, mt xem, dlegatsmonre stors50 One bus. hamper'Baxter-E. Cob- the bride was radiant in an inter- Mr. Ronald Gay was best man co-hostesses were Misses Helen and! ebrdlgtsadvstr bleic D.Stpls. isio legt gon f hit slkfor bis brother, and usbýering dutiesiMarilyn McDonald. A njicelaneousý Leaf Faili will ýbe on hand to take part in the beckD tpe.msinlnt onowht lkwere perfromned by Mr. William. shower was held ln Kendal Sunda-,v ssins. Preliminary plans include One bus.hamper Wolf e River or organza frosted witb re-embroider- 1tpeo.Shul~~. As the colorful autumn continues ssl Alexander-E. Cobbledick, A. Pos, Mntivl adueflgft e eth leavics eventually die and fali' a serious look at the OFA's accom- DStpe.The reception for over 60 rela-1 . ooey n seu ifs-ff. Before they do so a corky layer plisbments over the years, and Six plio film containers Melba-E E Cobbledick. tives and friends was held in Ken-reeedobthcasn. of celis forms across the base ofwatinedlfothfur.Te Cobbledick. One six quart basket Clapps-A. dal Sunday Sebool. Receiving, the1 The couple will make their Yeame the leaf stem. Tbis layer wiîî coverý themne "Time For Decisioti" empia- Six lio fil c scholthewoun wheh wuldothsizes that the OPA îs 'taking 'a Six plon ilm ontainers Ducbess Pos, R. H-endry, J. H. Jose. brides motber wore lilac printed lin tbe former sixtb line col h on bc ol terwise1 rs oka a~e ed n h -E. Cobbledick. One 6 qt. basket, Bartlett - R-. 'repe, witb a matcbing hat and cor- wbicb bas been remodelled into ï be exposed atter leaf faîl. Gradually fren'dadth Six plio film containers Melntosh 1 Hendry. sage of white roses. Assisting, the home, colis beyond the corky layer weaken metbýods required t get, solutions and deta ch tbemnselves from it 1to problems. _______________Witb the elfe cts of wind, nain and; - gravity tbe leaves fali. Aspecial banquet is being belcl in tbe evening of November 6, t~ Te bdakig aay poces ~bâsted by tbe Ontario Department nown as nbscission. The weak of Agriculture. The Honourable t er ofceils i tbe.-Frost, Q.C., LL D., D.C.L., 7vr f els s heabsciss layerjLl~V I road-leaved or bardwood treeswe bcte guest speaker at the at osether lavs anuaîy rebanquet. Other highligbts of the f l depth onthetbe eEuropeanuaCommar LU cduos.meeting include a 'discussion ln losngitslevesth tre e-Market, led by Peter Stursberg, Inwell-known writer, foreign corres- dces its moisture losses. It . must pondent and news analyst. On the do this as low temperatures make, second day, the Honourable Alvin 0-~ difficult for the tree to obtain C. Hamilton, Canada's minister of water. The sbedding of leaves he Agriculture, wil speak on the Ag- is necessary to prevent debydration ricultural Rehabilitation and Devel- of the tree. opmnent Act prognam, which hie By the time the leaves are on the Parliament. tground the trees are ready to with- lu stand th'e cold winter months. In e sping Naure illperorm Elections of officers for the corn- rte irceM t h tes ng year will be held on the morn- ankind wimirce th the prduc. ing f the third day. Resolutions '6 2 FO R Di '6 2 iceat te prdto r be debesaddlgtsW tn of flowers and new leaves as rom ebetrs anddelethessins