FOR SALE ACîNSL One round oak diing roomn table,, a CTON SAL7uEd.wt-i 1wa7inut vanity dresser and benc ,t.I have beein fvred itryHan-a .t floor lamp, 1 uj)glebed maltessystruliins fro Mrs. Hary ntann and springs with legs. 100 fI.tub ' el1yP'li uto hretr ber hose wftI2 nozzles. Ail in goodl Household effeets at her residence condition. in the V'illage 'of Bethany on Sat-à Mrs. Lance Plain, phone 1180, Or7- urday, September 30 at 12:30 pi.~m ono. a-psharp. Real Estate, Household fur- FOR SALEniture, tools etc. Plumns and Apples for sale.. Apply R.Jfaniutoer à. A., Carscadden, phone Orono 35r9._________________ APPLES FOR SALE HOUSE FORSALE e Apples for sale ý1.0O a, bushel and Re brick honise for sale in Orono b up. Bartlett Pears, also sweet apple Six rooms with bathroom and oil lbAert Pos, Orono, Ontario. furace Turn east of Hlighwvay 115 at the Apply Mr. Bey. Henderson, 32 New D Futph Oveji Restaurant and Concession St. East, Buwmanville then first sie road south. aýc or phone Market 3-5943, Bowman- ville.a-c FOR SALE vle One Furna', In use three years, equipped with pipes, thermostat FOR SALE and modern burner. Price $150.00. One boy's bicycle for sale. Apply, Cali C. Cornish, 1121' Orono. F.0. Cooper, Orona, Ont. a-c AUCTION SAL E The property of Mr. CharlesE Gay will be offered for public auc- tion at bis'farmh, lot 14, concession 6 Clarke Township, 31/2 miles north- east -of Orono, on Wednesday, Octo- ber 4Ith at 1:30 p.m. consisting of ,5 head of cattle, swine, îpoultry, âaled hay and grain. Terms cash, ['ed Jackson. auctioneer. DOUGLAS SIMPSON Orono - Phone 1413 Furniture Finishedl & Refinished Paperhanging, Woodworking P un-ting - Interior & Exterior WINTERIZE YOUR HOME FOR WINTER StormWindows, Frames, Sashes. Cal Newcastle F. H. Graham, 2581 or Orono: 2191 WANTED TO RENT Dept. of Lands and Forests em- ployee, being transferred to Orono. wants to rent a small home or 2 1edroom apartment. Contact Bert Haas, 68 Bond St.- Lindsay, Phone FA 4-3180, b-p I FOR SALE jCertified Berry Canes, Lathem variety. A. Van Hattum, Orono North. On 8th line first house west of 115. Phone 35R2, Orono. b-p DEAD FARM STrOCK Highest prices for Dead and Dis- abled farm Stock. RAY VIVIAIN LTD. Locust Hill, Ontario Phone Markham 1160J, Colleot 24 Hour, 7 day Service. Please cal] .anytime. Ontario Government Li- ense C 10261. p COMING, 29haèw floFPvho Leu t Yudexpect Chevrolet to do it- and it lias!l Traditionally tory of achievement in engineering perfection, uiechanical duraýi,- Chevrolet lias been the leader who so deftly pinpointed the needs lity and luxurlo,us comfort, Chevrolet takes another significant 1tep of Canadian motoriss-and' then so aptly developed, the right cars into the future., And now in 1962, Chevrolet to fil those needs! Now Chevrolet lias doue it again! From its lis- invites you to entera new World of Worth. A. ......... A GENERAL MOTORS VAL UE - - -- - - -- -- Chevrolet Impala Convertible ti2d Chevrolet-Rich new:stylinig witki Jet -smooth ride Here's ail the car anybody coulid want. Fresh-minîedý4 style thiaticornes Io a clean-sculptured climax in the new Impala Convertible. A road-gentling J et-smiý,ooth- ride. A new ehoice of V-.8 skedaddle. New Body by Fisher interiors that give wide- berth to feet, hats and elhowsý, Beauty that's buili to stay beautiful - right down to ncw front fender tnndcr-skiris for ex-,tra rusî resistance. And here's more than ever to pkease you from.-tlîc make that picases the most people. Impalas- that take the high priýce out of feeling luxurious; Be] Airs - that ride as smooth as they look.; Biseaynes - that saci ice nol îý e iota 0 -f comfort as tc go their thrifty way. Suec your Chevoie dealer and tikover t!his ne-ýesi versin f Canla's traditional leader-! dOe' CEy M -A TOTA LLY NEW L4UNE 0F CARS It's the car juÀst abou eerboy' been trying 10 build. But it reaie for Chvr4ebt corne through with it. Here are ail the t 1ime-îted v1 iiitues yýou expect from Chevrolet plus 11 surpries yu v neyers"een. A fulli une of saucy new-size moesbuilt a ne wayror- casier service and maintenance. Thrifty1j,? Only fourcyner to fced, or six if you like extra scamiiper. Roomy? Sedianis eat six solid citizens. Price? A fio4st, pleasant surprise (i ih the heater-defroster at no extra cost !) Chevy Il doesn't stint on anything - except gasoline! Its -power plants,, both have hydrauflic valve lifters and an 8.5 te 1 compression ratio. There's Chevrolet's famous Powerglide automjatie transmission available. And there's a suspension system that inciludes Mono.Plate Rear Spring-s - part of an advanced, road smoothing suspension. But high on Chevy II's list of virtues is the comfort and style that until now has been known only in cars eosting muchi, mtich emore! Anid iî's your-s toenjoy iii ail th*ree series of Chevy II - in ail nine models. There's thse Chevy I l 100 series - beauty butilt for every budget. The Chevy IX~300 - func 'tion witls a flair in, a family ca r. An»d thse Ghevy Il Nýova 400 series - sensibility at its Sunday-best. Choose one - and you get everything yen want in a car - including the dollars-lower price tag! ALL THIS IS YOUR-S IN A CKEVY Il *Body by Fisher - Soid strength and Iasting Value *Choice of 2 Power Plants-a frugal four Or almost-as.thrifty six C Chice of 2 Transmissions - 3-speed Synchro.aesh or Powerglide1 " lndustry-new Suspension Systemn - Mono-Plate Rear Springs neyer require lubrication " Power Features - Steerinig and brakeS OPtiOnal on1 ail models Whitewall tires& wheel discs optional at extra cost Youll nleyer find joyful excitement wrapped up so carefully witjh of, bucket aet~ economiy, eleg-ance and sportscar dasis as il is with Corvair for '62.Theré-'s when the recar seat tise su-re-fopotedi agiliîy that stems from Corvair's rear-eýngine and weight Corvair for '62, incl distribution -com]plete weith ils gas-saving ways.' There's the sport appeal1 best of famnily comfoi *tindar nte o P lb opOtinlaixtac n fthe Menza 4-Door Sedan and the Monza Statin Wagon, * unique Unitizeci Construction - two box-lîke sections -for extfa strength * Exclusive In'teriors - Handsomre upflolstery in a choirccg f cofour combinations Sfamily carfiaion Corvair Monza Station Wagon and there's the -kiddies' romiping room that tonies is folded down**. Certlainly, the fine models of lding thse new. Monza Station Wagon, combine the De- with a sports car flair - and an eye on economy! **Opttonal on 500 and 700 series coupes and sedan. C-162 ROY W. NIOHOLS BOWMAN VILLE, ONTARIO PHONE 728-6206 Profeàsiocal IJrectory -A. P. MCKENZJE, M.. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hours 2:"1 te 4:00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 pn.ýj Saturdays and Wednesdays by appointmtrnts only PHONE 1471 ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Phone 10616 Orono, *Owê LaWreuce .MaoB.Ae Barrister and Solicitor BOWMAN>ILLE, ONT. Phones: Office MA 3-5~688 Home MA 3-1353. I ~ AY LYCETTB.A. Rafrlster SOIj@ lthe Offices of R- R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORON» TelePhoune 138 Orono Chartered Accountant 8V APPOINTMENTS Lycett's Insurance office P-0- BOX 68, Orono Phono 12916 General & Lire SEE FRED LYCw"LETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORONo Phone 12516 Res. 11714 JACK REID Oromo's @ ,~ Auctioneer and Valuator SPecialize in Farm and' Futniture Sales Consult me for ternis 1and dates SPhone 5 r 18 TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuato.r Condtjcts Àuction paies Of aIl 4sIu and et reasonabli, rat«s communlcate with hlm et P ny Mdonuments and FamiIy Memorials Our quality and service leaves no0thing to be desired Ask the person Who bought from us. a neighbour, friend or relitîve The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Display in Southerný 'Ontario" Orono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACTois FOR- FARM and HOU)LSE wTRING Free siae aË,"TàAN'*CE SALES Promp.. an~d Guaranteed Repajm4 te ait kinrI, of Electrical ýqzçj!ffldnt as dators .w,..a. - atem. . - Radl«s- Stevoe -I'osj àý 1 O-Zr, , 1 ,