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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Oct 1961, p. 5

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rr½ c--, -~ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBE R 28th oux, Jean- how to ligh~t a fire. The guides aiso Partne-r, dýecided to hold a hike. Gaines werej aBuly played and tihe meeting was close-dý ssed their wth priay 1er and tapjs. rValerie Mararet ichl hel, Mfar- Ifordi.- FOR SALE In her eseciv patrlsth Vleie erer'BrbraMitchlell: Gendrlon B:iby )Carrnage, can beý ~'.-oloigGuides_ passeci th(e4r "Pro- and Et laine Fo-rrester also palssed -onvetrted into a car bed also a babyl MieEaine Forr-ester, Valerlie tlheir guide laws.Jmpn Chair. Both for- $15.OCf M.Vercer, Mr are iMddleton,. Bar- Lynne Bailîey shiowed the guides Poe341i, Orono A w6ono AIRV FAR MERS OF CANA DA 147 !Davep-oi Rod, Toronto 5 BAR GAIN PRICES ONE WEEK ONLY FLETTE BLANKETS 70x9O with blue also pink borders speial Prie pair $5.49~ CE%;L"ýLANESE BLANKETS oaurs of rose, Miule, pink, Miac, gold, u-h %'y qucise, white, green, yellow. Cello wrappedea Blue, rose and sand, large bed size, K-eci al! each $9E5 BED SPREADSU W7hite only. SiZe 96 X 18. Resil - leirlfiom type, machine washable, sýhrunk and nof ironing, 100% cottcn. $ 12.5 ArAmstrong ' !venngz Ft-iday and Saturday open Ail Day Wednesday I b /~1/.~, 'N '-I.-,-- ~ l~\ui VL'Lfll\V U q s# Nre's the true COMPACT COMLES WTH chain saw with all the'qucl- 12"TAKET ity fectures of the large -' 'prof essional saw with added versatility. Simple "7 to use, ideal for ALL your nit'emsws us. mmiuoIQfiW, @iwoodcuttng requirements. Rolph Hardware Phone 143, ORONO- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 1961 ::7j Stili Camera Club! Literïest has be-en shown in thle, k2toiof a StiUl Caniera Club] -7 anà alînSý quare flanclng for theI area and a number have contacted thýe local Recreation Association ini thismat. The -Association are in- teetdin eithJer a Camera Club oïr a Square Dancing group. If ai suiabl nuber are willing and eaýger ,to take part Clubs wciffd be formed undier th'e spons6lrship o!i thle - Association. Those ntereted ae asked to ,ontact Mr. Lavei'ne Boyd, secre- tayoftne Association-, phone Or- ono18Jedav- 'e Association are also eiev ouigto o an Eng-lis'h nightl class and al"so a Tyvping class. In thetpn divis'in i ten aes have already beenplaced aa f, w miore wold ake it possble to set ,,p a tyýping class. Contlact Lavernie Boýyd if yîou are inte-ested. I lOroito District Cre dit Uniorn Th'le regular meeting of'!-theDi- ecorate of OronioDisrict Credlit UJ- onwas heldc on Septemiyber 26 iii',thje Co-op7 Building, w-itli the pres!ident,ý MOr. P. Werry, in the chair, Thie trLeasuirer mauqnager, Mr. -A.1 ~Louks, epored hat assetsar $19.660. Tereare 127 mnembersI 37with bians Lt was announicedt[hatl Credt Uion ay hisyear will be h ,ldo October 19, we the Cred- it' Unin Queeni will be ehosen. At the Ocftober drcos1meig M.Jim Simpson of the Credit Un- onLe-ague will bu preýsent. UNITED CH URCH Orono Pastoral Charge M inister Rev. asil LÈong SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1961 WVorid Communion 'Sunday Topîc"How ost arec the lost? CHURCH SERVICES Kirby 9:45am. Oron - 1:00a.m. L-eskard -3:30 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL roo-10:00 a.m, Leskrd -1:30' p.M. Kirby -2:00 P.C. HORTICUL.TURAL SOCIETY Austraiian Treasurer HlaroldHi said Sunday nig-l tit is Australia's. 1The2 Orono Horticultural meeting I duty to assist Britain with a "coi-~ wil'l be held ;n theI.O. Hall on ýstr-uctive attitude- in las approachIes Td-isdayv, October l7th at 8 p.m.; to the E,-uraoaný Comnmon Mýarket. Mr Ceci Carveth will show mrovies H1Ie sid he wvas not conrvinced Aus- Fal show prize money will be ds ntrsscouki b, adequately po- tributed. Everyone welome. Sle'tce if Britain joinied the Cm coillutjna-c mion Market, LOCALNEWS Mr. ai Mrs B. Carman and fam- iI vsredover the weeedwth Mr. aend s.n Wm. Carinan and r.and Mrs. Warren WVatt and ooan f Bancroft visited Wiýth M.and Mýrs. Donald Staples over the weekend. Mr. TFomn Walsh, Buffalo, N.Y. vis.i ited his aunt1. Mrs. Howard Walsh on Sunday. MIr. and Mrs. Alex WVatson are v->ýIiing relatives in Rochester, N.Y. Supper g'ue-sts of MIr. and MUrs RyBarrabail on 'ITuesday were LAC Vern M=len, Mrs.Miller andi Idoughter, Heather, f rom Green- Frdyin Harpton andvisitec I;M.ý C(,(Mr j-Geoge Arm-our and Ms Berta Arourand ïM"r. and Ms Harold Salter. Air. ns Mrs. E. tG. Hay, Islington! iitdonï atrdywith Vrs .E. Logan. s.n Jasr Canning and chilren, Oschawa, visid n Saurday \withï -cnig and Mr. BiElings attendtdtthew Ï unayvisitors with Mrs. Heber Souch were ArU and MIrs. R. P. iRcbyMrs. J. . Jewýell, Mliss f Mar Jewll, rs. M. J. Wight, ail of Biowmanville. Mrs. George Morton is a patient itheBomnilMeoilHs piail -Terry Graliam, son oA Mr. andý IMrs. Ed. Graharn hadl the m-iisf or-1 tuniïe to fail andj break his. ankie on XVednesday last. Sister Gladys Gamrsby, Distýrictî Deputty President and her Instal-] lation Staff journeyed to Porti Perry, on Tuesd,(ay eveiningwhr they installed the officers of May- bell Rebekah Lodge' for the coming Pear. jMr. Andy cihas takena- )os- itio-n as a licensed Real Estate sales- Snian with Peter Feddema of Bow- ,ranville. presents i ts g r ea-tecs7it season of outstandinlg t'4Beeviîsgicn Among the fine programis on Channel 6 this fal! and wiinter you wili find mlany of your favourites. You wiýl] also. see a variety of new programs which yoi wiII1 rapidl1y nud in your ist of "mn-UStath program,,s. Hiere are just a few samrples: NATIONAL LEAGUE FOOTBALL DON NIESSER'S JURILEE Sundays at 2:00 'Mondays at 7:30 GARRY MOO RE Tuesdays at 8:00ýl CAR 54, WHKERE ARE YOU? Fridays at 8:30 Stay with 6 for the besi ihrough 61-62 -FEATU RING THIS WEEK Free Giant Bottie Gillette Shiaving Cream Value 79e with thie purchase oif 15 Super Blue B1ades. AI] for---------------.$,0 Men~s Fine Socks 50% wol;5(Y' cotton. Sizes LOI 2 to 1~2 Red Star Special Pair---------. Il. 73e PlastieJuboLJieSet. Jtl'ice Beaker and 5JuiceTmbesReua set 75c. This week Speciai,!! Set - - - - - - - - - 3 AjllunmSaucepans, 6 pint ih cover, a very handy size. Regujlar $55.Th-is wý,eek Manuager's Specli.-. --------------------ý.,..$1.31) Boys CottonFanePyaafowamh an cmor.Sizes 8 o1 e trSpec-ial p.118 Stoles, Ladies DTarnKsmrte 6 iii . mool fringe. Sizes 16x0 m. Assor-ted Tartan patterns. Price ech-------------69C Nylonls, fir-st quLalîtyl 15 denlier 151 gu age Priced for real savinins Pair .... 41C 2 pr. Chocolate Drops. asre lvus Fresh from the 0,v1-cn. Pounrd ifor. ..................39c. ORONO 5c. TO $ STORE OPEN~ FRIDAY EVENINGS ...79e N N. N N N N N N. s N N N. N N N 'N 'N etore Open i~. N N N N N N N s N N 'N N N 'N N '4 'N N N N s N .5 N N N s N N N N N N s s N N s N N N N N N 7ý7 CHANNEL non - an l 1, 1 m

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