ORONO WEEKLV IY STt G RAD0E 'A' 18 lbs and up TURKEYS5 lb etPiekled - Cryovac Halves CO MTAGEà;% ROeLLS Ext-ra Lean, WelI Trimmeci - Loin PORK CHOPS lb 69c Just Right for Turkey Stuffing Pure Pork Sausage MEAT lb 45e 36c lb 53c "Extra Lean" - No Waýste - B>' theý Peamneal BACON lb 69c Swift's Pr-emium ButterbailiTurkeys ýaalbe at most markets at slightly Higher' Prices M apte Leaf - Save 6c MINCEMEAT f2W -oz tin 43ic Monareh - Chocolate - Apple - Caramel - Lemqo SPONGE PUDDINGS save 3c 2 for 47c,- York Fana>' QuaIty - Save 11c~ lâ M xau UN 14 oz É KER.XNEL CON 6 tn$P1 Maple Leaf - Save 3r TENDERFLAKE LARD 2 lb pkgs 39c Blue Bonnet Yelow Quik- Save 8c , c off pack MARGARINE 2 lhb pkgs 61c -MoLarens Stuffed t oose pack- Save 90 MANZANILLA'OLIVES 8 oz 2 for 49c Gren Giant - Save 4c PEAS rancy qaiy2 o 5 Appleford K.V.P, - Save 4 WAXED PAPER 100 ft roll 29c Compact Size, $25,000 contest - Save 7 DIAL SOAP 4 bars 63c Cutverhouse Fana>'- Save 4c Sunbeam - Reg. 33c PUMPKIN Golden Stuffing pkg 29c 2 28 oz Supreme - Shaker Sïze - Poultry Stins 35e Seasoning or Sage 2fer 25c AT CORONIS'S« 'le'E D AND I "Sheives areined with many more cash savlig features. Corne in and se. for yourself. There ývas a family reunion cf the Campbell Clan at Mr. and Mdrs. ArtLo' on Sundaiy whenoer4 were present. The Camptieil's are on MVrs. Low's side of thefaiy They had intended to have a picni but thie weather wsntfav(urablý,ý They ineet every five yeaxs. The congregation joined in cor<d communion oin Sunday in the Kn dla Unitedl Church. Rev. R. C., ht spoke with regret of the sudden passing of Mr. ývory Little %who wa a valued member of teChiurchý Board. The flowvers in Churc wme in his mnemory, Mr. Frank Miller caught a fine miuskie at Crow Lake lastL week, KEJ4DAL NEWS A shower wvas held in the Kendial Sunday Sehool hall on Friday eve- ing, September 29th, for MissJuy Floster, wlien frjciends an-cý tneig- bour gahere toethe towisb thýe bridle-to-be nmuch Jhappiness. Al1 joined in sing-ing the hymn "Faithr ,if our Fathiers" accomipanie-d à-. Mrsý Wm. Jacksoni at the pao I Judyý was sealed in a chiair beside-ý the table On which many g-ifts hacd been piaced and a corsage was pi-- edon her dress by Miýjss Jo-eEl lit.Judy was, assisted in the u- wrappîng of the Igifts by hber sis-tr Miss Carolyn -Foster andcosn Miss Janie Foster. These gifts were-- v7ery lovely and usefui. Judy thank.ý-ý ed ail for their kindInîess, a1.fte Whic refreshments wer-e servedby some of the ladies and a very pleas.-' mu ~ iatime wsejyd A midnighit chivarcee was hl ast week at the home of the new- wed's MrIi. and Mrs. Ross G1ay, The old scýhool bellwa rung forthI last timie. It was a fine nîght an1d1 everyone had a guood time. Mvrs. A. S'warbrick lissiigat prsenit iwith her son and ieCr and Mrs. Wlfredi Rougiey. fOsh- *1 *2 *3 Quick-igniting, high iii heat. Clean burnn... helps prevent burner troubles. Automatically delivered with personal attention t. your needs. Caili us now t. arrange fer next winfer-'s comfort. OReKONO 'FUEL &alU 3,MBnER LIMITEO O rono, Ontario ROYAL Phone14316 Bowmanville r. A & ')l ,QC ýmLFWW iFti S HOp SIIEET METAL WORK PLUMRING SUPPLIES PIJMPS and REPAIIRS PIPE anid FITTINGS DRAIN CLEANERS MINOR PLLJMBING REPAIRS B-1l PAINTS etc R. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phione 11816' Or01wo, Ontario N s N N N s N 'N 1'N N N N ~~1 N N N N N. N s N N N 's N N WHITEI b. 3assured with FUEL OIL' TUAIES THU