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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Oct 1961, p. 8

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COMlNG EVENT kl Wednesday, October Iltli. at On SndayOctoer 51h,1961the8 o'clock. The main topie will be the I ainnual Thankoffprlng. Services oif organýizaticn of thep Hand.gua iv.liT the Or-ono United Clnumch will be ision. Ail p)ersons itrse in thisi held at 11:00 and 7:30 p.m. sport please be sure to attend. The R>ev. Johni Kitceni will be our........... guest for the day. Spe imusie by C. G. 1. T. MEETING L thie Orono Choir. A cordial inivita'-l The C.G.I.T. grouip are commene- KENDAL THANK.OFORESALE tion is extendied to ait. A g0oo at--g hefal season with their op- 1bet liinied Chmc Tak- 1 ui z l.t omi oorFRSL tenidancy meustdtggetbe.e in eeting on Mondcay, October OfWù, Sricswi'behidotermpriz 4. Potaitoes for sle _ei n eis requsted tugreet Oefobeir-22nd(. A turkey supper will Apply Lolai's Eauy Shoppe,5R3Ooo 'K!utcnen on trnIS Occasion. Ir 1-Ie\il -'i' bhappy to met bc hrch Sunay School Auditorim ORONO FISH and HUNT CLUB Ail1 girls 13 years and over are Ameeting of the Club -,will be mos-cicme I Fr pak ~rf:mazesee- u10,for Wh;llen youm carneeds aicheck-up orreais play it saýfe, anid seeu. Our oexper wrimnhi[avsyou time(, ïtrouble aiicl money. Don't Atobb! e. Have yor wvheels alignedi and balancedi soon.- Economical rats. BOWEN'S GARAGE OronoOnt. Phone 22811 This H-ydro-approved Medallion tells you revryto-emnfals werhae rthat progressive builder§ are providing for . .. ready to keep) an abundance of hot water extra comnfort an-d convenience through a "o a" tte oetIosbllot new highi standard of electrical living... LGH CODT NIG Aote m even in miodestly pniced homes. Mhen you Prat"xr"Mtepaie ilt-i, buy or build a new homne the Medallion will port d cant'xriand l a th p1nnà lihlng help to protect your investmnent in these anou...maewokndpyara imporant ays:brighter and safer. POWER CONITIONING. A 100 ampere service entrance and a "full housepower" distribution panel provide the capacity needed to operate your household services efficienty, economically, anid safly. .. now and in the future. APPIANCE CONDITIONING. Circuits and outiets for those work-saving, tlime- saving appliances are plentifuil. Every Medal- lion Hiome anticipates your future needs. And at your immediate ser-vice is a new fast- Àý "Gold Mdedallion" Homne la al.electric, including heatin. Information ab-out the Medallilon ElectrIc Homes in your cormrmnity can beý obtned from y our electrical contractor oe- your local Hydro office. ; s yozurs ;ÙSpeot Model 1Medailion Home E. . R M.SU~ DI ISi N 'ORONO ROBT. MOFFAT ORVILLE CHATTER1TON BuiderFor further information contact: Electrical Contracter ONTARIO HYDRO el Temperance St., Bowmanaville MA 3.3530 be suvd on he ollolngwecnes- pnone ±ov..___________ dlay. Futher particulars ,xtw(IW E HSCINadSJGO FOR SALE WNE BABY SI TTING Appleýs frsale. Many vamities. Cw manue by thepile, at îeast Ofc e- WîVll d(o baby sitting on Friday 10 per bushel land up-.'Also Setya l.2:Of : .. 72 e5~ ~n an aturday nighits. Apie ie.ApyBo o 0,Ooo ejStrasan entasb Cali Coleen Flyn, ,phonle 10410. Alb1ert oNrhOoo1hn yTms _______ ____________ at New utcb Oen ResturantFOR SALEac-apiimns_ RN DEATHS - eHaeeuedwtfa Newcasie on Tuesday, Octdbr 30d, FR L 1961, DaviJaes \Wiliiams, aged Pmw Jt'mCa, :z în Mr. .J.T blnct- 2½,_ r ints eloved linfant lsoni of ~o odto.Raoal;iî~ Mm. jad lMms.lKent 'Wiliams, dear Pas mAphn 0 . aHOUSE FOR SALE 4 t r tCrstpe.Rest ing tRdbikhue o aei r thie IMoms Funeral Chiapel, Bow;- FOR SALE omswtbaromado runil.Servýice in th1e Chaplel on 'l'l îrsd ýýay at2:30n pm.Intermenit 2vUsed()IrIF, e a tkeo fm e WVADE-t udcdenly a enrilCrpyWo1roitOmn.acville 11 Hosp'tal, ownanvie on Fiday, September1)e 29th-, 1,961, Peggy Joani AUCTIO AEFRRN Jac S. ae , Nwan s t lecanidlofTe(p opetvÊfFORsar i G at ilot, 23ndcocessY 3, Damlngton Trv.1 y-'enromdbue nar he moth r f Dougas.euericeiwa 2 at23 ..Interm.ienit B0oman-1oe t.:Lvsok nabnm m ville Cmtm.fe.Sl ..Çi~Pti~ u.TO RUENT j 3 ru iooed omeaTe2artetwe- P1:',)TTSSyinLke FdOiaRtIEtt îa hn roo10. a 191 Rs ilimJohin Prescott, j OWMANVILLE I FOR SEU_ agec 21 cas, blovd so 0fMrs.I Crified Bemry Canes, Lathem Lily Tabb Prescott and thie lateFOooMiSretBicBug-vmey Ic e, jI-(il S ce e as he'd ow, 2 beroomcs, batHroom, o A. Van ïbatLitu , Oron N r\rtt. in thew Mor)îris Funeral OhaIupel, Bow- 'r-nae brdadwofte o n M t nfisubosewetof l1m mavleon Saturday, ýSeptember tp aae 800 em. j~i~35R2, Chono-. bp 30 at 2:10)o'clock. IntemmIent Bt-o-'o llan tet emos esda LCemetery. bh oom H furnace, softwctem r , . Telle!,.$8500. i CaieTowniship 100 acrs, ftam FOR WNE Stom ind(ows, Frames, ahs or, $12500Tems.t rono: 'Il91 Insubrik bse,7' r(ooms, Ban j c Barn 6030 0 acres undmercuva tin 0a rsmixed w"'ood $90. DOUGLAS SieMPSON- Ternis, rn -Poe1413 jfence-s. ml wieidstock1 tarm $1,000 Tems.Painting - Interior Exterior I ayother listin1gs truhu Durh'am Count nd Oshawa. I DEAD FARM STOCK Hîighest priýes !for Deýad and Di)s- SJ.M cG i il bedfrîsok RAY VIVIAN LT'D. Phone 1407, Orono j LOCUSt H-ill, Ontario Local Representative Ph one Mlarkham 1160J, Golleect _________________________24 b-oum, 7 d1ay Service. Please cal] ATLELCMETIG anytimei. Ontarlo Govermnment Lie-1 A meeting of the Orono Athetie ne 021 Assocýation will bhe held this Wed- nesday evening in the Municipal Building at 8 o'clock. Plan to attend Ito assist with the coming winter projects. lk - CARD 0F THANKS 1 would lk to tnank each and everyone for their rnany kindness- es during my- stay i Bowmanville Hospital. Speclial thanks to Dr. M- i1 Kenzie and the nurses. Jim Tamblyn. CARD 0F THANKS I would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank my friends for the flowems, cards and acts of kindness- shown me dûrlng my stay in Hlos- pita>l and also since returning home1 Mrs. George , ade GRAIN AND SEEDS Bushel Faîl Wheat, named 1961 --J. W. Boyd, John Cmuickshank. Bushel -Barley, six rowed-John1 Cru-icksliank,,J. W. B3oyd. Bushel Early White Qats, anry variety, namned-J. Cruickshank, T W. Boyd. 12 staîks Dent Corn, mwlth ears for enisilage-Ivison 'Tamblyn, Car- los Taniblyn, - Fail Wheat, sheaf, namned, 8$ inch 161-J. W. Boyd. White Oats, sheaf, namaed, 8 inch 1961-J. W. Boyd. Barley, sheaf, named, 8 inch 1961 -J. W. Boyd. WALTER FRANK O. W. MCQLJAY REALTOR 13177 Church St.,[ 13 Bowmanville- MA. 3-3393 White Washing STABLES and PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone Newtonvi!le 4721 STAFFORD BROS. Monumenital Wo«rb. Phone Whitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QIJALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, dig- nified monument over the rest- ing place of your Ioved ones. i's flot expensive. And s.eing you etîdiessu ebmfort, I. ~ I - Building. a Huse? !i or remodefiing your present one then contact FI oyd NichoIsoii Phone 2191 Orono i AEr'zRYNARY SRGE ON Phone~O6ThOLonL OM. Barrsterand solicitor officeM 3568Homie A 355 y , m a oe' 5MAIN ST., ORO-NOD I 1'elephune1.38 Ooi ~4,EY 'I I1N SURANCE OFFICE. AINs. 1716 lieACK REID Auctiofteer and VaIua-tor Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for tenums and dates 1Phone 5 r 18 - Oro~i* ITED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Condiucts Auction Sales of a#[ alu and at reasonabi, rates Commuiçate with him at. Port pftrya Ontario- Monuments and Fawily Memorials Our quality and service leavez nothing ta be desired Ask the person who bought f romi u&a a neighbour, friendi or re.tatlve The RIJTT1ER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Display in Southern Ontario,, Orono Electric PHONE 129 CONTRACrO?.,3 FOR jFARM and HO0USE WIRINý 'Free Estin'tuýe, ýtÈ qANCE SALES Promnp-a-id Guaranteed Repaire toâe KinciMof Electricai --quýqpment as .$Aotors -W e - V.*Radios - St-e-.It F--

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