ORONO WEEKL.V TIMES THU1~$OAV, OCTOBER $th, 1%~ ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Authorized as Second lass mail, Post Office Department, OttaWb Established in 1938 by R.A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester - Editor aind Manager Subseription payable in advance In Canada $1.50. In U.S.A. $2.50 Publlshed every Thursday at the office of publication Your Athletic Association An endeavour is being madle th4,-s Friday evening to create a greater interest in the Orono Amateur AtI-detie Association :n the hope that this organization may resolve itself into a former -etatus when its promotions aýnd undertaking-s were more aggres- sive. Tphis Assoc-iation is on Friday evening enibarking on its ycuth program for another year. The f ew that attenided last weeks ineeting have planned what they hope will be a gala laundching. Wit1hout enthusiasrn, or initiative the outeome of its programs weil be retarded and posstbly uninteresting for the youth that participate iii activities ýhrouýghout the year. Thre Association mnusft first, provide thie monetytium for the ,yo&utk programrs, which- in Orono have been many over the years. Thlis momrr.entti,u .ca n no corne from a name but can only corne fromn the members (,f the irganization and also from parents and other interestedi persons. W,'e cannot sit back and be on-lookers bUt must be participanýts in some form or other. This organiza- tocn will only be as gýo-'d aýs we make îit, wideh is true of any or- ganijzatîon or assocîat ion. The prime purpose of the Friday Funi-For-AiI niglt to be held Ln the ' Orono Municipal Building is to create more enthu.s- iasm in the Ath,'.tlie Association an-d in its promotions. The night s being planned to mix a little business with garnes, dancing and sociai ssociation. The theme is by working and playing together fbr is fun for aIll 0f course -the load muet be earried by more than just a few who have, over the past years, become tired of always Ielng on the run for every proje'dt of the Association. With enthus- ~amand a good active board, the Association will ladvanoe to gieater heights in their work with local youthprojedts. Orono can be justly proud of such organizations as the Ath- 'ele because il has been> through such programs as sponsored by titis group that Orono and' district has 'been relatîvely free of ywo-th vandalism. An bussy e&ild neyer gels into trouble. The stage is set for Friday . are we ready to accept the hllneand the reins. A Worth While Project Ti-e resuits of an undertaking by a number of olir local lodges becarrne evident on Wednesday evening when tWOr former grade 12 s'tu-den-ts of the Orono High Sdhool reported to the Ôxrono Oddfel- 1ow's and Rebekah Lodges of their four days at the United Na- lkrns Seminar held in Kingston. These two students, Douglas Mar- ;hn of R.R. 2., Neweastle ai-d lDiane Gilbart of Orono, w'ere spont- ecored by the Odidfellows, Rebekahs and th Masonic Lodges to attend the Seminar this summrer. Their reports on Wedniesday ev- cnlng made the audience aware of the merits of this yearly uni- The stujdents gave very commnendable reports and in so èJd4rng gave their impressions, their flndings and their opinions. It btecameic quite evident as the reports proceeded that t:his Sc-minai, ivas welndueda'nd had împarted to thv- participants, such as tueloa students a g-reat iinderstandinig of the funotions and pro- )bkrms iac-lingth United Nations today. They activly dca'ted with üteier students ini what represented a duplicate UN. othier stuîents 'in what reprtsented a duplicate UN. Th-e lknowledge and understanding iniparted makes this opoet f our local Lodge-s most com-mendable and one which we bope -wifl continue. Such an e-ducation can never be termred in dol- ai r ad ents. Durham Co-operative Holding 'OpenMouse. The Durham Farmer's County C.1- operative, Orono are this Fhiday ocratic structure, however, which andi Saturday holding Open House allows eaçh miember only one vote at their Feed Mill and Store. mn regardless of how much he has doing so they join hùndreds 0f oth- saved in or borrowed froin the er Co-ops across Canada in observ- credît union, 'b.as taughit millions of ing 1ýZational Cb-op Week, a week Americaris the real xmeanilng 0f éc- set aside to promote the Co-opera- onomic demnocracy. This lesson isi tive movements and to make known now being taught in dozens of I. overseas-, countries, too, where it 15 tts bjecives hoped that the citizens wil îearn The directors of the Durham Co- the lesson sa well that they will op have arranged for an Open a pply it ta their future poltical House at their miii norti?, of Orono. consîderations as well as their ec- This occasion is being held on Yrn- onomic atiiities. day and Saturday. October 20 and Meanwhile, ba&k in this country, 21. Friday the Co-op will. be open crecit unions continue toü providei for the Open House during the af- terrebr ihtemtvto ternoon and evening and on Satur- ta save continuallyfrwth ie day in tihe mornihg and afternoon.* goals, and, when necessary, to bor- In the Pr-ov-in:ce of Ontario close row wisely, s0 they can avold the to 70,000 farniers are m-embers of'increasing number of pitfalls being local frmsu~pply and mariteting,1 dug- in the paths of most conisurners. co-ops. These co-ops are owned and; botole y the.memnbers.C SetD . Annuai business of local cooper- C rai ueILs atives is about $90 million in sales ta farmers or supples sucýh as feed, The Canadian Highway Safety fertilizers, seed, hardware andi pet- Council, in urging the2 use of Seat roleuin. An additional $93 million beits by every driver in Canada, in sales for farmers of dairy, poul- 1hears many so-ealled "authrorities" try and livestock, grains, seeds, deaim that beits aren't much use. Sa fruits, vegeîtailes is donc every year1 the Council refers them to sucI i by local co-ops. people as Donald Campbell who Local operations represent about walked away from his wrecked, $32 million in plants, warehouses, BlUebird Il after it flipped over at mils andi stores, al financed by far- more than 300 miles an hour. He mers members. These local co-oPs was wearing a seat belt. The emin- iturn, own and contrai the central, ent Dodger catcher, Roy Campan- wl-ýesa1e co-operative in Weston- ella was not wearing seat belts in jUnited Co-operatives of Ontario. ,1958 when M-2s car slidded on wet Through thîs cooperative whole- pavement at 30 miles an hotir and sale operation, the local co-opera- i Le emergeti with permanent paral- tives arrange or peirform wbolesal- tysis f rom the shoulders down. But ing procurement, manufacturing, Lie was wearing bel 'ts in 1959 wlien proessngretailing and marketing the car Lie was in, going 40 miles an srvices for farmers, ant iniii ome hour, crashed. Campy was not in- cases, for urban dwellers also. jured but three others la the car, -In 1960 UCO reported a total bUs- not wrearing belts, were hospital- ines voumeof $64,591,»8 to its am bers, an di total assets o f $ 4,-riC of a million dollars in savngc1 realized for, member co-ops. - f Observe Credit Union' Day Locally Insurance Service A self -help idea that f irst camne 1J hU1 into use in this country shortly af- o nuaieu ilîsBaie trthe turn of the century, when fi f consumner credit was scarce ando Auto, Package and CompositeO loan si-' rks waited outsida pmostfii factiory gates, is being recOgnlized , Policies , Fire, .r Life, ùiroughout the free world this week i. fi1 as s( rne 15 million members in 27,- O0 ugar, LailtUMaie 500 criedit unions celebrate Inter- Bfi gay ibiiy aie national Credit Union Week. AcietndSces Wn Here in the C1a-rke-DaringtonU District, one hundred and twenty- , seven members in the Orono Dist- O Sciler, Fidelity Bond, Etc. f rict c-redit union will join bi theé,,' celebration by ocalfling other people's f attenition toý the practîcal services iS re-dIedicat;ing themnselves ta contin- rii almliton ue to help themnselves and their f ci- 1ow citizens throngh-2 their credit unins.Phone, Orono IRIt. Primary purpose of thes 0no-q pritcedit uinions is ta teach their Jf Members ta save reguarly and tao FIRS- r'-,TGAGE -.OANS ue their credit wîsely. Their demr-l NONEER SAWS LD. Num 7 heCompact with the BIG cuffîng power! See this versatile compact cbain saw at your delr's today. t's the easy way fo ear$U up those backbeking cutting $1 550 jobs - f cstlI1CQmLPIwnrATACIM ROLPI$ HARDWARE Phone 143 ORONO YOU CAN BEGIN q CA R EE RT RAI1NNGf AT ANY TIME O Th OsawaBusiness Collage o IS pnalyar ad aUr' fi rethod of indivîdual t Ofntrcion permits youji 1jsart aaytm w ic ta hoosa f h EVENING CLASSES TUESDAY and THURSOAY f fi 7:00 to 9.00 p. Choice of Subjects Spaciai Classes for o a Hcusewves - Shiftworksrs Tean-Age Typists FO REE LtTERATrURE fi AVAiLAELE S 10 S-imcoe StreetNot Dial IRA. 5-3375 IZeci.seat belts every timne, The Counc-L# has no hesitation in delaring the The Concil points to, Col. John use of seat belits in automoles Stapp of the United States Air1 woul prevent oflethrd of Canadas8 Air Force who subjeeted him-seif toý annual traffic fatalities. But, It crash stops f rom 632 miles an bour cautions,. the key w.6id i-1, "ule ýI. to zero in little fore than one scond 1 Beqts, says CHSC, are useless Iylig He suffered no disabilities. He wore lump on the seat. ELECIRIO BLANKET Full double bed size e Can be washed and M&ed Fuit 2 year guarantee automatically A top quality blanket made by, # Offer good from Oct. l4th Canada's largesi electric Nov. 3Oth 1961 blanket maker for EEII CLOTHES Ch oose from, an y of th ese fa mouLs makes of electric dryers: BEATTY BELWOOD COFFIELD-HAiMILTON CON NOR DO MI N iON GENERAL ElLECTRIC G.M. FRIGIDAIRE KELINATOR LEC-NA RD MVAYTAG MýlcCLARY-EASY M0F FAT PHILCO-BENqDIX RCA WIRLPOOIL SIMPLIIT THOR W EST N O i. .AND OTHER FINE MAKES rii FýCrRo600PAr S'TORES Pi£'IPLAWY1r:; fl-Ie e6'W'4... LOCAL PARTICIP ATING DEALERS OrQflo Electric Phone 129 Partuer PIuabioeg Ieatiog Phon~e 1782 Rolph Hardware,1 Phone 143 Lunn Hardware i Phone 1661 Orono Hydro Electric Comnmission, 1 PHONE ORONO 1551 6-20j 2246-q coplet wlfh TWO 16" cdidns THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19th. 1961 ORONO, WÇ.EKýY-"t' i' -