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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Oct 1961, p. 5

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is planned iii advance, tise litte afternooss dramas at thse Mos- cow tnack are unique. It is per- kaps thee uncertainty of thse resuits that attracts so miany Russians to tise two-tiered, yei- I ow concrete grandstahid where they cani lay their hard-ea-rnied rubles on tse lUna three days a wcek (Wedniesday, Saturdlay, end Sunday) for trottens or f lat. - acers-anni evan, upon occasion, fi5r galloping troikas. The MUos- ec>w track consisteriy dtawsý zoine 5,000 Soviet fans, Msost of whom s'eem to know. each otiser. Tisey congregate in smnall groups le iscuss thse horses and pass oas tips (ithesie areimora1cing fonnis in Russia), and they get just as excited (and as disgust- ed) over the resu ts as their capitailst confreres. Tisa U.S.S.R. Ministry of Agriculture operates tise track aud Luses the profits te improve tise breed at state-ewnied "horse factories.Y Betting is to Win osly, and pizes up to 400 rubies are iswarded not td the winning r horse in each race but ti tise horse that shows the greatest ii-provement. Tise Hippodrome as, the Rus- sians caîl it, iacks tise trîmmings of an Aqueduci or an Alington. There are no gnassy carpets of green, no fountaîns or fan)cy1 restauranrts. (After each race, the fans queue up aitishe haif- dozen snack bars: for salami sýandwiches and sodia pop.) Most coai-spicu-ouas by ils absence is thse toto board. Odds are cal,- eulated in anss amy, private room en thse top floon of tisegad stand, whare 40 womnen nimrbiy imasipulata- abaci. Payoffs .on epproxiniately 1,500 bets ar-e an- mounced fifteen minutes after -aeh of tise eigist races. Despite is" popu1anýity, tise track appears 10. face an uncer- tain future. Tise Soviet press bas been attacking betting as "a remnant of the bourgeois past," g corrupier of youth, and a de- stroyer of famiiy 11f 'e. "Once and for ail," cied Konmsomolskaya Pravda, re- dently, In an an-gry editonial, "betting must go." DRIVE CAItEFULLY - The lite yox S ave May ha youir ownl. -MERRY'MENAGERIE COED BASEBALI - Anne Good- morn recdies herseif for the caîl, "'Pay bcl" The Watson- ville city recrêelticn depcrrtment decided ta leIci rs play in the Pee Wee League softbili pro- grcom, Fanta sic Angles To Despitetfisssrittrada ar rien millions of dollars wontis of "g«oods" fnom Communist China. aire smuggied into tise United Tise corrnmodity is henoin. United States Commissioner of Narcotics Harry J. Anislinger has been particulanly concerned about tise extent of tisis traffic and tise fact tisai h continues to flourisis. He has nepor-ted tise known facts conicernîngý it te tise United Nations Commissiun on Narcotic ljrugs, of wisicislho is a memben. And leho bas repDorted sema of tise fantastic matisods used in transportation of tisis illicit coin- miodity in a nevealiing articlee- titled, "Tise Red Chinese Dope Traffie," in tise Military Police Journal. Almnosi every country ce- operates witisý otiser nations in fnying to cunb and enitaisi this international traffic In nro tics - except Communist China. As fan --s tise United Stcts is concerned autisorites have found tisai theise ost comm-on "por-t of enfrv" foin axrtirc le flalifürnia, She Plays For Kicks Ittrayais f 10oiniCommunist - Alo Fr K eps China over the border into Hlong Once, in a tennis .mateh r Wimbledon, Danrlene Hard ch ed a wide shot, saw she coul e reach if, and deiberateiy down on tise iinesman's kii "I don-'t plan tisose thii-gs, "V Bard said iast month, dluningt U.S. singles tounnament at, For- est His, N.Y. "I jusi do themn In Januany, 1959, tise narcetiçs oni the spur of tise momnent." division of tise Department of Sucis tnprem-editssted actions tise Treasury concluded an in- have wvon Darlena Baýrd a repu- vestigation involving 21 Chî- taticon as an extrovert, 4'I don't nese conspirators participaiing de ny tisat 'm a clown," she in a narcotics ring responsible said. "After ai11, w're actons anà, for, the ex-iportation of a "stag,- adtresses ouftishera," gering am-ount" of heroin io tise Tise ieading lady of U.S. ten- Uio tts ris, MissHad 25, wýent int the But tise conspirators were be- U.S. n a t i o n a i chiampionships yond tise juisdîiction of tise with tw,ýo geais: Te defenid the United States Pind nothing could tille sise wen in 1960 and to dis- be done. Howevevrtise trail event- pel criticismn of iser tennis tamn- ually led to tisa propriator of a perarnent. Sha has often been men's clotising store in tise heant accused of a iack of concentra- of Sani Fraucîsco's Chinatowvn, tida on tise courts. "I do seem-a Herê George W. Yee was found te have difficultias in ýonicen- to be masterminding tiseIhugýe traýting," admittEd tise sturd1y drug ring in tiis country. Ha wvas (5-foot-6, 1M pounds) Califor- eventujaily arrested aleng wtha niai. She sirugged. "Tisat's 1f e fellow-c6iispirator, Jung« Jim. It itieb1ig city. One day rInl look a year ofl careful and risky thaere; tise nexýt cday ,,I'm son-e-' investigation by undercover where eLse,"agents to tuna, up sufficient ei dence ls."te priedtss n Veteran Gardnar Mulloy, 4' otise ringl eans. Ies ,i parennuai tJ.S. playar and an &tthonity on extroversion, offer- In anjothýer case2, tise Bureau .3i (-d a spaýcific criticism. "'Dariene Narecotics rounded up 30 smugL- isas near-ly everytising -- serve, glers dîrectly eonnected wîth tise 011-e y,, sp e ed and ground' CommunistChn dope tafc strokos," said, MulIoy, who st- - tled staid Wiimbiedon 1hïs by wvearing a sign sa.yîng: You Can't. Beat Me, You N Lesso-ns." "Blut like mnost exi verts, sise's a bulfly. She o-,) powvers han opponents ui S somiebodjy cails iheu bluff,-. TI, sefolds." You wili neyý,er get aisead anyonea as lonig 'as you aret ïng t geven wi h hlm. a a BABY CHICKS A PULLETE 1.5K for special Bray Ilit startasi pul- lats, 3-4 waak, also cockercls. Prompt ghipmcnt. Hatchhing ta order Amesands Dual-purpose. Order October-Novemnber broilers now. Sace local agent, or write IRfray Htchery, 120 John Northi,- Him- lton, Ont. 9 , 00 IIY-LINES - wýormed andi vac- cinetas - All agas availabl.a. 18 wceka $1.75. Oves 30 y cars la Poultry. Cone snd sec themn, Eari Gisidia. R.R. No I., Ridgetown, OR 4-2324. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE plioTOC7RAPIfIC Studio and4 Camera $hop; fuily-equiipped; establislicd 15 y7esrs; P.O. Box ]0w,l'os-ast, Ontario. GENERAL store, main corner. Village. Brick building, ail furnace, -waik-iss cooleýr, ail eqtuipmcflt, Turnover '842,000. Price $6.900 plus stock, W. A. Stewart,- Brokar. Phona 777, or 603111-2 Moit Forest. Box 412. COINS GUARANTEED TO PAY - $1.000 for 1925.084.$4.00 for 1923 .01,;- 10 Page ifluistratesi buying liai .254 refundable on fis-t purchase Toronto Coin. Box 397 Terminal "A" Toronto, Ontario. CHINCHILLAS L[QUIDATING Chinchilla bord, andi ail équipment. Bast offer. DuBo Chia. ehillas, 1875 Chandler, Windsor, Ont. OSER SIUNTING BURKS Flls, Algonquin Park arca, for deer; avesything suppiiesi C. Sher- ra;tt. Emnsdale. Phione B,.rks Flals, 152W5. DOGS FOR SALE SPRINGEB Spaniel puppies, alsý o ccer Spaniel, Shaelties zand Germali Short Hlais-ad Pointera. Eegisiered, weil-bred stock.ý herIihy. reasonable. Ormtruni Hlead Kennels. R.R. 2, Tecumseh, Ont. WEIMARANERS -- Registeresi males sud femalc.s, 6 niths. ta 18 miha. aid. Contact Clarence H'ommes. -Gliosi Inn Kannels" Reg. BE. No. 1, lnem ont. Cal 0F. 6-5757T FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRE fam, god hunting sud fish- ing asca. Apply ,loa Robins. E R 1, Gravenhtir. possession of thiree Chiinésc se- mnen. Hawaii is a way-station etteni uised in tise transportation of these narcotics. OneO agent thiere was_ bit tee truisting and hiand- ed out a "heroin sample"' to a United States narcotic agent. Within 48. heurs the peddler was- in the hiandas of thse police, and a briefcase containing the lar- gest quantity of heiroiu ever seiz- ed i Hawaii wais in the hands of auti 'honities. Net Grnly is the drug, itiseif a -menace, but it is suspected tisMa monrey receivedi for thee heroin in Comrmuuist China is ailso being used against the free world. For instanrce, in 19,55 it was dis- covered that 40 per cenit of sorme 700 Commiunist agents aýrr-ested. in South Kerea had naýrcetics in their posseszsioni "for tise pmrpose of raising ffh-oum pera- tiens funds." Commrissioner Ansliinger's hope is thait "vnulycincumstanices will permoit ail couintries te join with our conr in using the m_1ediumn of the United Nations Comissýion on Narcotic Drugs Lindc other interniational forumns to marshal wor-cid opinion te for-ce Com-munist Chiina te sto-p this traffic in poison and deatis." Hfow Can 5? By Robeýrta Lee QJ. 1How can 1 drive shoart tacks into hr-o-e-tcorners? A. Fore the tack trog R strip of paper, and hoid the pa- per in place with youir ieft handc as you drive in the tack with the isammer in your rigist lsand,. Q. How can 1 remnove lipstick stains fropm sheets? A. First try seme ishot, sudisy water. If this3 doesn't do the trick, bleach with hydrogen, per- o xide, or rub soealard into the staiîn until soft, then scrape off tha grease and wash in hot suds. PARMI FOR SALE5 167 ACRES good land, 7-room house, batik barn 45'x501. water, hyds'o; ais. 100-acre pasture farni If nterate contact Aies Younig, R. Il 1 Berkeley- Ont rFARM for sale, 10 mniles froan Guelph, n.ear 401; 80 acres, heavy hydro, water in bouse and barn, seven-room housa, bank barn; $15,500 full prica. E. H. Kiein, R.R. N. K, offat. FARM KELP WANTED FULLY ceperenced single tmassfor dairyý farn Good wages and steady employmient. Apply Andrcw Carter, Plhose 8432750 Sne1grove, Ont. PARM MAÇIINERY FOR SALE DITCHER FOR SALE SPýIEICHIER TANDEM TRACTION, two yaars aid, with hydraullie ground con- veyor and 14 in. buckets. Roth Bros. Phone 217, Wellesley, Ont. FOR SALE - MISCELLANEOUS FIRST quality seamiess nylon 1eotards, aIl colours, $1 .85 per p air. Ful fashion- cd nylons, 45 per p a ir. Seamless mesh ntylons, .69 per pair. "Ctherine F'air" Co., Box 256 Durham, Ontario. PORTAB3LE Water Softenara $29.00. Men's Top Quavlity Work Hose 754 per pair, and hundreda of othler itemns to cheose f romn. Free Catalogue. TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING CO. FERGUS ONTARIO JUNIOR PHONE $8.95 CONMIUNICATE froni main building to barn, gara ge, boathouse or basenient. C.O.D. ..13., Montreal. Gemnsoc, P.O. Box 345 Snowidon, Mvontreal 29. Quiebec. ALADOIN MEROSENE HEATER For barns, sheds, cllars, s;ummer cot- tag9es, camping or emnergency heating. Operates on noni-explosive kerosene, bninupt 25 hours on a single gal- lon. Preduces up to 9,32 BTU's per heur, enougli to hieat 3,000 cu. ft. It burns vilth a bluie flame, heisce i> amokeor oour.Perfectly safe, quick te heat. easy to operate. Complately portable. No flue pipe neaded. Ruiggedly construlctedl of haauvy gauge steel with green enamnel finish. Saitisfaction quaranteed. Only $29.95, we psy freight if cash sent with order. Aber & Sons, 36 Van Horne, Montreal. FUEL sAVrRS SPEýCIAL! Fuel Econ-O-Mizer, saves up, to 40-, when instaUied on 011 Furrnace. Retails $14950, limuitecl supply, $4950 each. Simple instructions. Send pipe size. E. Undlerwood, 1633-C School Street, Chicago Heights, Illinols. FORiTUNE TELLING FORTUNE Teling wth ordlnary pîay.- ing cards. Folio$00 postal note Sel- ect Gifts. 147 South Colony Street, Wal- lingfori,~ Conn., USA, HELP WANTED MALE HOSPITAL ORDERLY PERMANENT position open for mnan qualifled by training and experieflfe, Medical, lospital sand Sicikness Beneft Insurance, Pension Plani, 4û hour week. $200.00 par month to stari. Apply: Di rector of Nursing, istrict Mos-oia1l [lospitai, Leaington, Ontario. STATIONARY ENGINEER (4th Class) PERMANENT position to satirfactory applicant witla papers. Mainly on shif t wvork, but interesting orpprtunltty ta learn maintenance of hospital equlp- micnt., Hospital, Sicklness Bane- fits, Pension plan, 40 houir week, stas-t- ing slr $225 mionthiy Appiy: Ad- miinistra.tor, District Memiorli lHospital. Leamnington, Onitario. LIVSSTOCK FOR SALE ABERDEEN-ANC-US - Sale of 99 head -22 Buils sud 77 Females, at publie acin sponsored by the Ontario Aberdeeni-Anguis Breedfers Association, aiLondou, Ontarlo, on October tli. Sendi( for, free cataloeue ta the sacre- tary: Murray FreizR, ER. No. 46, Guelph, .Abardeen-Angusý - A wýide selection availabie, ah ages both maies a1nd f e- maies. in thiis popular beef bs-eed Sev- eral cows with calves by ide and damis reb)reil Top blood linos of the breed, represented Write you)r requiremnents. A C. McTaggart, Sales Agent, i Wel. lingien Street EastAa, Ontario. MACI4INEKY FOR SALE DODGE pewer wvagon 4-whei drive complete \with ,winch ,portable derrick ad leg ck arnus snd connection fo;r electnie traller brakes. Gooýd condi- tion., Louis Laue R.E. 1, Fort Ena.ý Phono Font Erie 871-2332 eveninga. MEDICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE 13ANISP the tormnrt of dry eczenia rashes and weeping akin troubles. Pos;t's Ecýzemaik Salve wl! not isappoint you Itching, scaldlng and burnlng eoze- mia. acna. rinigwormn, pimpoles aýnd foot, ec e m wil respond n a l y to he stainleu:as. dorles ainiment ragardiiesa. 0f howsubo- or hopeless they sem. Senti Poat Fre on Recé!ïpt or Price PRICE $3.50 PFR JAR POSTIS REMEDES 186b St Clair Aven, e a-t T0ý0VT0 a g MEDICAL YRUIT JICEsý THEliPRINCPAL INGREIENI'T5 IN OIXOWS REMEDY FOX RHEUMATIC PAINS, NEIJRITIS. MUNRQ'S DRUG STORE, $33 ELGIN OTTAWA $1,25 Express Collect NURSES WANTED )p)ERA-TIjNi rooni reglstcred nurse, lmmnediately. Smalal, active O.R, 5-day week andi cali back servïee. l'Pl)!yCot- tage Hospiltal, Vxbrldge, Ont, NUTRIA CHAMPANE whieard of 25, 13 femnals. Choice breeding stock. AlIl for' the original prica of ?a trio. Owner inoving ta city. Box 86, ag]keroal, Ont, ATTENTION PUIICHASERS 0F N1>TRIA Wiaeain purciiaslng ritdti-a consider tI1se kollowing pointa wMhh ths osganiiza.- tien off crs: '1.Tha bast availabie stock, no crossý- brad or standard types recommendled. 2. The raputation of a plan which fia proving itself substantiateid bY files 0f satisfiad ranchers. SFull insurance against repiacemnent should they netlilve or ln the eve.ný of sterility aIli l filyexýpIained ln Our cartificate of ment) 4. We give von'oiy mutations which aire ln demand for fur 'garmients. 8 oas recaîve frein is 1orgainization a guarntead paît masket in wrlting. 0i. Nembership in our exclusive breasi. ers' association wberaby onIy purr- clissera of thi-s stock mnay participai.b lu the benefits so offered. 7 Prices for Breeding Stock astari eut $200 a pair Speciai offer to thosa ýýwho qualify, caru vour Nutria or, aur cooperative Write: Canaidian Nutria Md,, R.R. No. 2, Stoufiv1ille, Ontario., OPPORTUNITIES FOR M~EN AND WOÎMEN BE A HAIRORESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING ECHOOL Great Opporiunity Learu arresn Plenssant dignifiedI profession, good wages Thousanda cf surcessrtn Marvel Graduates Amerlca's Greatest Sysrtemn fllostrated Catalogue Frac Write or Cali MARVEL I4AIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor ft. W., Toronto Branclhes: 144 King Si. W Hamilton 72 Rideau Street. OttaýwF PS RSONAL HYGIENIC RUSBER GOODS 1'ESTED guaranteedI. maiied lu plaIn parcal, includlng catalogue sud se-, book freea with trial îassontiment. 18fo 51 0M <Fineqt quaiity> Western Dîstribu- tors, Box 24TPF Regina, Saîik, PI4OTOGRAPHY FARMER'S CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT ONT. FmadeveIopad sud il magna prints 4« 12 magna prints ,0ç Reprints 54 aeach KODACOLOR Develropîng rail M904 <net lncluding prints). Colar phrnt 30c' each extraý. Ansco sud Ekiachrome 35 mn.m 20 exn- poaprea mnoun*ted lniplidas $1 20 Color Ï,x mis ,froni slidea 324 each. Mouey a unded lu fuil for, unprlnted negative,. PROFERTIES FOR SALEn PORT lHope, rock-faicad bunmgalow, e, rooss hardwood flors, bath, hydv(ro, water'. new gas fraa gardaen, ber- ries. 150' Hwy. 2, Sali reasonable. Apply Wesley Darke, CaýstIaten, Ont. SPECIÂL offar- 100 diýffarettelect- ed Br. Colgnies used stampa -$50 200 differai $1.00, T. ..Grahain, P. Box 378, Beaverton, Ontar'o, STATIONERY HUM7ýOROUTS STATIONERY! it's New!7 24 two-color headed sieets, 18 envel. opea, attractive box, $ 00. Ordier Today. Donl Cola, Car1teens, 4160) Roqewoodj AeLes Angales 4L Calijfornia. WANTED -TRACTOR WIANTED, aamýnal craw,7lertaco would prafer ouea ith front ten& bu!ckçe or manurie leader, but al ef- faras osdrd reply statýing price and ýondition te Jas. McCabo3, R.R. 2 AstuOnt. Phono799R-S Artibur. NO TIME LIMiT Alse Certificcate Oocurses in ' SUPRVISION -PiNSPECTION QUALITY VCOTRTOL AR.C. SCHOOL 0F WELDING 92 John St. N, Mamiltant JA 9-7427 JA, 7-9681 CLASSIFIED ABVERTISINO ýT'm so proud! Junkior tow 1-is1 fil-st stop todeay!>' N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -Y' N N N N 'N N N S 'N 1- N

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