This 15 your Invitation to attend the lst OPEN (HOUSE of the DUVR HffAITM F AR M ERKS' CUUNTY COl%-OPERATIVE FEEO MILL, STORE, WAREHOUSE County Road North of Orono Friclay, October 2Oth, 1961 1:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.rn. Sciturday, October 2 1 st 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Corne And Bring Vour Frienc*i SPECIAL DOOR PRIZES- REFRESHMENTS Be Sure to Check the SPECIAL VALUES Being Offered During Open House g Thiank-Otfferinig Services at Kirbv Unitcd Chureli wiil be hield on Sun-, dlay, October 22. Services at 2-30' 'ind 7:30 with Rev. G. Wright BA l.D. of VWeicome as Guest Speaker.1 Special music; lun the afternooýni )y the Orono Intermediaite Choir fli~ te direction et Mr. H. Hayek huciOrganist and in the evening h, by the Ne-wcastle -MaieQaret a nd -Mr. Gle-n Allun. soioist. winoanted. any mnake,- or size. F. Pike, -19 Suiuach St., Toronto. N URING OIM IPlease plan to attend th'ese sec- Dr)wns4aiisAcn*idti sfoi viceýs. Everygne welcome. b-ci Ladffies at est Homne. Phione Oronc 130S. h-p-,12 COMING EVENT KrdlUnited .Church Thanik- FO SL o)fferLn7 servicsSunday, Octcober p-ce FOtR, Eqipdwtfa M3n, 91. Guýst Preacher Rev. J.,SaeHetr qupe wtia H. Staint ni B.A., Di. at il1:1,5 a.m. and 011 tanks. Gpeust Pr c 'cber Rev. --AI, Butler Mrs. M. J. Tambly,.n. c-t-f B.A. at 7.30 p.m. Special music at _____________ Tho Ke cIai Tuirkey Supper wiIl BEL AIR ALUMINUM b-e held Wednesdlay, October 25th - indos, oors, Ann-s ail- c)m.mcnin at .5 p.m., b-e 1'lgs, Pri me, Slders, Gajrage Doors. R. Peileter% Pline 9r15, Orna COMING EVENT Id9 Plani to attend aur regularAu --ir~Meeting on Thursday, Oct- FOR -SALE ~er 9th,1961 (toniýglit) at 8:157 sdCtetedSit n m o'claock in the Orono United Church ,ingram tbe Hl a bbeik SuïndIay Schiool and hear our guest Poe10,Obo speaker, Mrs. B. L., Frenchman, _______________ sp)eak o)n Arts; and Crafts. Everyane weîcame. a-c 16 SUNWORTHY CARD 0F THANKS Ready Pasted arn, Plastic Coatedý Mrs. UWm. MitchlIl wishes tf a Wallpaper now in stock. thank lier mnaiy frienjs Ifor get4weIliCL RA E cards, ph1-one caris and letters dur- 18 Room rots Wallpaper ing lier sickness, wiiile she iWas ïat 25eLpe' HrS>oll lier daughter's at St. Marys. ap OP' Aj-WP Ii you're backed by âonds 1 NTo iatter how young or how ld -everyone- has somnething a) lnfoad to aïqe for!I Whatever ?vour plans, Canada Savings Bonds are a convenient and systematic way of building uD savings ta help yeu realize your goals. And thaee's nothing qute like a reserve of Bonds ta give you a feeling of secturi y ad confidence in the future! Canada Savings Bo~nds~ are a guarantaed investment - cashable anytime at fuli face -value plus initerest. Coupons pay 41467 the first year, 4,1 fer each qf the next sïx years, 5 for each off the last three years. Denominations efrom- $50 up. Limit per persan $O00 So sim~ple ta buy -on instalments or for cash at any bank, investmient ïdealer, stock broker, trust or loan. company, or through your compaxiy'3 PayroIlSavings Plait. Order yours today! UTYmTE NEW CANADA SAVINGS BONDS $ ~; 'k IT r. . Consol. Dr an 17'd T.V.itione. Dr ant Phane 1359, Orono. a-c FO11 SALE rQuebec FHeater, aise a Thor wash- ing- machine in excellent cabidition. - Mlrs. -M. E. Stutt, Phone 1608, Orona. 'a-p DEBENTURES FOR SALE United Counities et Dupham and' Northumnberland for Clarke Higli F. E. Lyýcett, Orena. a-c FOR SALE One RPegistered H-olstein heifer for sale. Sixteen months aid. Net bred. TiFREE-FOR-ALL FUN-FORALL1 Thi Frdavevening at the Orono') Amateutr Athletic hold th-eir annual i meeting. Baskeltball game starts Jt A. F. MN!KEN;Z E, )M.D. 00putn Be sure to be present, for the free prizes. - ac PYIINan UGO ANNUAL MEETING 12-ff to 4:00 p.m. 7-,;» te 9:00 p.m4 The FoutieettiAnnual Meetingi audy n arsasb of tIc ýDurham Couinty Co-operaý- Saurays ntandWesda"Ysb tive 71edica1l Sel-vices %vill be heldaponmtsnl in tCle _Municipal Hall, Hampton, an PHONE 1471 ORONO Weclr-esday, October 25th, 19611 ______________ 2Baniquet at 6:30 p.m. Guest speaker ]R .J A G R MNr. D. P. Savage, 'Oshawa-. Banquet DR R.JTA G R tickets available tram any Direc- VETERINARY SURGEON tor or the Secrëtary, R. G. Matfat, 01.0n'. aci Phone 10614 rn.~b DURHAM FARMERS' EIGHTH ANNUAL STOCKER $AL E 600 Headl SELLING 600 Head Thursday, Octeber 26 at the Dur-ý hkam Gounty Sales Arena, Orone.ý Sale te commence p)'rmptlly at 1:30i Tl'le aovctti ane in wveighIt' fram 400)-800 lhs. each. Also iuchuded in this sale wîll beï a numbler of grass calves, and fee- P.S.: This is the sale where buyeri and seller meet ecli year. Plan ta attend this importlant auctian. Our regular we(ekly sale will b held in the evening folio-wing thel Stocker Sale. Jack Reid, Auctianeer, Oranô. LOST Doberman Dog, female, reddishi brawn[ ch1)(o(elaecolaured h ead, brown markings on sliaulder. Les't ir Kentlal-Kirby area. Reward. Finder please phone Taronto BAidwin 11-148, colieçt.a- WINTERIZE YOUR HOME FOR WINTER Storm Windows, Frames, Sashes, Cali Newcastle F. H. Grahiam, 2581 or Oroha: 2191 DOUGLAS SIMPSON Oronn Phone 1413 Furniture Fînished & Refinigfied Paperhanging, Woodworking Painting - Initerior & Exterior' A~pip r-Newcastle 22-S.'-c Highest prices for Dead and Dis- abled farm stock. FOR SALE RAY VIVIAN LTD. Appies for sale $1.00 a bush-el and Locust Hill1, Ontario up, many varieties. Aise sweet ap- Phone Markham 1160J, Colleot pie cider. 24 Heur, 7 dlay Service. Please cal AletPas, GrenaPlione 2237. anytime. Ontario Government Lic- a-c ense C 10261. White Washing j STABLES and PUMPJNG OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Toîiupkins Phone- Newvtonville 4721 Lawrence C. Mason, 81. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVIL.LE, ONT. Ph0nes: Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5153 W. KAY LYCETTB.A., 1 Baoester -Solicitor In the 0f ficýes of R, R. Waddeîl Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO Telephone 133 orona LJ. SURF Chartered Accouatant YV APOINTrMENTSq LyoetV9s losurance OffICe P-O. Box 568, Orono Phone 12516 INSLJRANCE General & Life FRflLYCETT OFFICE.- MAIN ST., OROMO Phone 12516 Res. 11716 JACK REID. Auctioneer and Valuator 'Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for tenus and dates Phonie5r1 -1 TED jAKO Auctioneer and Valuator and~ at reasonable ratas Coummunicate wîih hlmi at Port P.rv Ontario- Mlonuým en"s aid i u r qualty arid service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the persan who bought from .ut- t'a neighbour, f riend or relatiîve The RUT1ER GIRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Display in Southern Ontario" Orono Electric ~O~OQ~OCONTrRA6CXO 1--3 FOR 'W~ALTER FRA&NK ARM and FLoUSE D. W. ÇQUAVW IRING D. W mcUAY reaEstimates Lt REALTOR o *4J>YLINCE SALES 177 hurc St.ProMP- .. 'Guaranteed Repaira ~ to 411 inds o f EleotrIao Et Lq*pmont - owanvileMA. 3-3f9f fi3M4 . STAFFORD BROS. Phone Whiiby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARFCERS Let us erect a bandsom., dig. nified monument over the. rest-. ing place of your love4 one6. Its net expansive. And seeing thiji last tribut. wUi give yeti endie~s comfort. --4 t -DEAD FARM STOCK