TleOrn- PlieTrustees met onw IW'odaynigit ithG. E. Simpsoni -lndf R. C. Foreste pesnt whený a number of delegations were le, Floigthe reading of tihe mnin- Lte o e hairinan pontd ot t- ']cýssrs. J. L. Lowvery and W. G'arman had uttended the Laký w~ekhena varied discussion tval 'fid.1M eais() s'tafted tha)t furthe te~tswol bave to bie concludted oý the ater system lin the souith temndas satisfactory. lihe lceTrulstees met w.Li -elg ;tio etladesfrom mesouti ,,-'thte Vilage who presented ith PleTrustees wilh a petition asl ia frsoeaction 'to curb thi burn~~ c~ aate tCurply- Wooý Produets td.Ifw s stted 0111 tlswas not only a fire hiazard bu *onie itat ereatcd a great deal ef ii ceneninceto those living in th aiea. The elgatonaiso rfr te oter tr2s;et by local resideni iwhoburt rubb1slh at any timie an lah) ecaespfactically 0on--acei R. C. Forrester said that il Polce ruseeswouild have 'w sec infolmain la thîis matter and al1, otain regula ti n aconnectic wlvtIhe two requesits. HIe sa thiat beaw oald be passed b thjat la Orono thiere was the prù lemt of en'torcing- suclibylasas' Bylwentoicrrment did flot exil r-le aise pointedlout that requeý 1md also been miade f0 stop opl) liýres Wýithin the business sctien O-'rono xvhic ad o oe ,xlcasi: started a eorn n f ire ;1eSuggcgsi Srtay;C. WV. Martin, Trcasurerý ýTVer-non Glrahain, WVarden; A. Rit- rchie, Conductor; er-il Gahamf,ý 1: Ouside Guard; Ivan 1Bal, Insideý -uad;Ar-nt 1i Hoiing-swortth, P.Sl ~ N G.; Keane l Hs, L.S-N.G.; Cec- ('il Grahama, R.S.V.G.; Reid lch- rane, L.S.V.G.; Gera,,lti Sh-acýklcei,l RS;Wm. R-eidi, L.S.S.; lKen' t Siackieten, Chaplin. 1Canmsby anti lier Installatioin teani SLodgeon AMoaday aiiglit last %7hce flic yianstailcd flicettficers et Bec- hlve ebaahLwtige. ~sbyteryel vix", under eninsn They sub,' t lt te1'l gsearched andtA hoes; ofetquestieain1teattend flese Con- S fileaces by fi the iousantis neveri O m'nig \witer or nef hey wil nbe a 'Lw n tercturn lone. 1000 h frcm li o ermrrany anti other, parts et the world ïsttndcd th-is year, nctiiin a10cdur-des, lin-ý ierng oup fer leurs f0 get la. In East [e Gcrmany tIc pastors arc net allow, r. cd t) vicit iualess flere ile extremêL w;neeti anti even flen inust have a Iý , peritý, tley are very ý7poeriy .pait y ianti cannef repair cdur-des at le Manses. Tic unity cf Protestant cd urclies is a spiriltlual nê,-es*tiy thel fi commutnists f ry daily to Thosadsofpennantsý ones tst ,~. ..d on a White gmound - wcre sulent pray togef ler fero lcr wn i ieýs of CCistian fcarlcssmuess. sfr-ngtl and te show fie sfrengthrMiss Frecnch reccmmcidcd fthc filma et flitec durchinlatfe cdurci in flic "Question 7" as a truc piçýtumcet 1face of oppression. This îay mo eY l ea ms f cn l~sial merInt lias continucd anti lds a apu iuitwr-t.Tecnms Kirliegatevemy Cther yer-- 1 'athe fwo zones is ver-y vdcnt ia cri of resistance moverllna, a Ille streets and in flic attitude etý 1'-'aî 'i' qe-ss aniexperience of ae i er empart), wcre permit- ChristianfclwIp For 15 )ces!tcyd te visîf one et the 30 refugcc these Luflierans lave t icti te sur (Continued on page 2) Mr. Staples, Ilhe son 'if Wlia iefured above are liss Dianeitended tlh.e United Natinssemla Heniry Staples and M\1ay< Jane How-1 , Ibart and Mri. Douglas Martin of lat Queen's UnijversityKi'nstn den, was .born. 29,' 1886 01-ono High Solhool, who ina June at- at Cavan, and received his early trainh-ng at S.S. No. 5 and Port Hoee hligh sehool. Atter graduating from ý1 Stu dents IIIIIIIReport OnskaTnp igýh school he entered University Colliege, Torontlo, wvliere hie attainied iM.A. dgreand wen't 0on to ]lis % 13 celaur a iT> ology a L Kn ox i uToi a College and Edinburgh University. ýAtter a short ofeaye travelling LThe trlip was expresscd as onebie efforts to slethj-eep-h in Scotland and England anld on1vhidh tbayweuld nyrfoige'- e ms. fel tal everysudnwh the Con)Itinen2lt le rcturned t. o Tor-ý Reports by Iwo local student del- atnddfie Semninar reaIîzcd jthait onto and was em-ployed by the gev- gates whio attend1ed h nie aïhro among il,,peepIj(,or thz erantý. in the sale of Victory ionis Seini-ar la Julie atQun'wrd and tolerance of carli on bonds fliruglo f nrio until 19171,Uniiversity, Kinigston, hiighlilited try's bheief s hi h nyanswer tc whe-nlhe was called home to fthe the annual InstallatinngtcftlWo 11,c"c~l' W~~61 faram altute sudden deathhof bis Orono Ode'lwson \'ednlesday bairt. 1tlather. A fe yeas lafer lic sold e nngls.The t worpotn the farm to acecept (tie position ýcf;Udtswr Miss Diane Gilbart DulsMri hn cnlud ldu atia Secretary oýf the U.F.O., aniM.Doga MrnIllhst-te report and refcrred MIsau- whlidh Iposit[jin lelieeld for, soneie, nis cf thie Orono High efolast eIce-tea lcuegiven at fllec Sexn- s veyears. -la June, 1923, le mar- ver nreltitlecd "Soutl-i Atica - W,,hîih -er NoPI' Afriýa \was refcrcd to a ricd iss MurIiel Pefoýund etofEbeni- ezer andimisettled on tIc Gam-sby Miss Glar ir-st reported toe eý cni~trPil aua-rsuc farm at Oronio. Iis rafler intensive m 1tn ndl pnighradrs s n1ie otnetTa1i iw triigand hic ken ersonal ile- edthat thle Semillar had been ac y ya l ls bcwr.Arc hlýým te be of great !asisianve Ila gi- afiswtiole lg c e t r atrta sbig realiz-d I i- direcition and suipport te miany et in great dletail. peope uvr flic world. ,Mi,. Martinj and id activities ait t-cding O,'peninlg the fou1r day asscnibly peinted oLi that cerne of te arg-er teI th-e bettermient et living ln the, was a discussion 0on thcnucl i-Cuti~eycd Aficawith ecnvyad curyat large, nci particularly mf lCd quý1estJýi1On f "otrof Oufer greed la respect te he-r rilhresourc'1ý Ila iis ntieprovince. :Keehlly Space". Ia fhls matersucd ques- CS. Thle Unlitei atos coon awlr of ic importance ot is tiens as "Ilew far, (o the air rigilts CnmissionwaseupfrArc cliuritiilahe lite (of the cornmiuiity, extend abeve a country o)r on the teo.assist , la pi ÈvidJingunetrct hie was uat ail times availabie wiIh thr ad is the air abeve neutral.' finance_,_s for lier develepmnelt anie triendly guidance and assistanice, Mýiss Gilbart aise tc(hedl on the fls iassistancelhas ne-- political o aind ratwenjyevýd is work als a ;)lspin)ilities lield by tlie selee c ei tigcatce.Telc teceand for ten ycats, suiper- uary geniemal ofet fl UNWhiich was tre on11Atrica aise pointced te flic initenident, et the Suniday buf.A- rugt eore flie-Seiniar i hhg o ipes of rmany Africanlead se er im-1poItanlt i- la ic egrdwa.s 1ingsten an-d vwicli thc speakerlcs whe realize tiat the rres's t teGanairaska Conservation Autl- sid ar nazeitoeatnigi wi fiadpndso1oedycfb orjt iity, nd verything pertaifiitng [ote tis office had te be cnuce.TIc lisling,, a UJnited Africa aleng h imrveetl, agriculture. Inteoupwas allso instructed ini thei samlies a s -t e Un.ited States -et aibis many cOnfadts le injected a procedures; and operatien etfflic Sa- 'Amicai(,. Tiis portion efthfi ein spirit of fiendiness U hat will be icurity Councl andi file Gciierai As- inar wis conliuded'b-te state- long emerabcred. sbl.SIc -polntcd ouf fliat tle1 mnt lia1t th-'- African States lave, Gencr al Asseyrnbly can only propose' become the balancing poilm or fi Surviving are lits vwdowlfl is Son, w vile te i Securit3T Counduil las flic "Tird ýclPow>er" betwceen the Eastern Donld t Oroo~ tw- dugltes, d~vr e ~xetcie autherity. IiianiWestcrn blocs. A film n an fI Mrs. Glenn Wigglns (Canal) of Tor,'l'lie speaker stated that tliey t0oi<l onge and its crisis was asco ene adMr- Aa trlte(nn)7pr in a Model Security Coun-cil býreughît before the eudents te fuil- et Bowmanlville; an-d two sisterss meeting andi became aware through er ficeir knowledge of con( tion miss Mvurici Staples ef Port Hope th'le meeting of tlic Problemns ±acing facing tlie United Nations. FetLOw- andMrs (D.) uanetBatflefotheicparent body ilinNew York. Yg fic sliowving ofthfic film thec Sasa. ~~~~"It is not se muel thce peoiple oruet heaird ï lcue'awil the lectures in detail wVljil 1 rc- the f leme put t onwar th te idea if mnember as the general pur-Pose , ý ii ovdflimenf mepasn Li uea eviea mn n whieh our tut ors strecssed. The Unit- il nation is as mnan's îast and mo3t ited Church was eondudted by Rev.. c Nationiý as a whll is net capable rcm)1-isiing hope etf worîti peace. Ii- B.E. Long and Rev.tDm. G ofetsol%-ing ai, fThc problcms, iieitler e vaioa a a S as jo Kilpatrlcik, a life-4ong fr'lend of Mr. is eacLi individual mnember. But il 1isfil' scssion ait the Semrinar. Staples Interment was at Bowman the duty et cach man and womiar l 10 Mr.artin stat cd fIat one of hbis tville Ce(etcry, October 19, 1961, cvery -country, througýh tleir coin, saes impressions eft tl'e type o!ii lecturs 'vas tiletact thait 'fe stau fiwc- gveilic ideas but it Bcts etbal And Pr ws tup te fIeratedraw their c OUSI as. We wre left t Bask tbûl An and p luzzle filer eut u ene s , l i a -. F r t h i s p u r p o s In cr aeotij I re tatter eacl lectere the students wr_ 10 rý ; 0 U,ý divdjint e gmeups ,witji a iluto t The, annual meeting et tIe Orenio ents te carry on t7î wide program Tic ýihg pein! tI lcSeinarýý AfthIoetic Association was heid on et fIlic AI li tI .'aeon Friday wlien theemr 1 ,r-iday evening ef last wcek in the Ms R. J. Taggart reper-ted iatstudettbody (100) assemiled t Or-cao Municipal Building wt a h soitilon lad a baak bailance taireý part iii a meodel General As- ri presentation et both Iaduits ranit f$2.16 wthunpaid bis a1unfiînsmby eting af whs lleIcst- yothi') ve $70.00 anid possibly a few ycf dent1s ere te debate resolutiiens o te cene in. Thc rinklsf yelar OIper- ficCenge- questijon and aise rcV:ý Tcevcaliag ,coýfnibinctibolin-eiwth a eiit et $615.34 whlIich ýsiens te eUnJid ation)is Charter ttajlarnntanci thc annuai clldtle ai f-m reenu Bol fSý fles sujeos0wre n lic ngalong if riih a aumber et drawsý. 1trom Ic e ýnefit banquet.lic eL- fleor at flic UN iancw ý-,vYorIret fi Teenfitainnient partiet la xpendifures oet the Afhletic feir f me. Thie training forflic flir ~am bitwenafh-leles fr-om tflic Rosý liautcliaim-ian etofli tdnsfor flie asseil and eadl soufh e flc Vllae ad tesefre n-oination conmiffee thea pe- tudn eprs caf d oe (,fet Iccoun-_ 1-ii loi erf he lcVillage. Tua'tIl senf eti fli iafeof officers for, flic trýiis %wUirnmethp nflcUnited, ~efrefesotIli entier-sweres- 1 vL nun ear beinig; Pres,-,itiet,M;)r-1Nflil.TIc fwo orono stuet )eeeunder thc lcademship of aeJ.sf ce rsiin, e rIeIIc Cmre ndteSu, lor-catanRaye(,Wcst whcilice Nxe; eccfry Irs. Marvia dan etgda2523)u wi vrRs i ua niTesre-Larclat r a-li, laIlis, report, stateti bart and lis neor-li-endcens. nier. Fourteen dir-ectors wýere aise? fIat the restits etfIlc debaite-!it Tlrugleu li veiga numý-, apeneIote ssisr l l- ic atairs !Kingsten - se dliaraocter-isticetfli '~e e drwswcr leldwfh fic(Confinued on page .4), UN Gnma'ssmlyxasulic -e olcwn bîn l ililler-s: Fr-as ___________________ utiens et neither Russia or h cm Wlaceapair of abs î~dSbtswerc noce tei-lý(d bu jot Wlac leRos zGilbar 1 'alr teamnndiusplu t o hi -wc ltfiîant 'iyCyaifie U U 3IUiitl- b fi nur;)ovldl ayoing pîg. ' -e twre finaily accepteti. E. Hl. Samuel ipndfeiieigNn~ hr-l, analysingIle students Genemal coeiflcyut l wr rsenIl.II TIc ,Reti Cross Blooti Denors Cl'n-ative freinlle Deparfienît f Ex- T-e taet ta a<lflifetc oseteic will be ,lield la Bewmiaiville at 1ternal Afirstated thaft their de one lndre cleiarsexiccitianti Illc Lioa's Centre on Wed1nesdyl uewscteel circqiti sti fis was (due, f0 fIe tact tIatI NovemlbeI- 1sf frein flic lours et' le IcUntd aton ssetnbiy thec play had not materializO i fls 1:30) te 4:30 and fr-cm 6:30 0o:0. You ilave gaincd sorne knew,Àledge elyear and thf l retur-as, frona flic ani- For transportation picase pI-éjei et1flic gi-at ditticiulties centmfonting -st i uai aucton sale lad been consideIr. -Mms. Helen Rutideli, Newcastle 3551 tlIc UN a thfic turne et coiifltet- 'I'le of 1ably reduccd. HIe fclf tuait more, supi- On tIe day of flic clinic phone thesad n- port andti etlh'usîiasm was neededi Lion's Centre, Bowmnaavile, M. Bth Diane Gilbait and Douglasi rn- aleng- witli new îdeas f or the organ- 3-9010. Martin expresseti their - sîncer- Lo. ization. This organjization neetis. Youm donation of blord is nccded, tlanks ta the Oddfellows and RCbe-