And Bslack Tentws Cetmyevery vîistar b Jor- dan sliould try ta mýake ctc witli anc af the great Bdncoau trîbes. The dwellers lu the black tents of the Bediouinis thie laiýt of the trully uam-ad ic peoLe of tIle Nearýj East wh till have, a large Population. The teuts, of thle Bedouins mray be se not far f roin Ammamn. If ne 1takes the cair 0Medba a distance of aniy tîwenty miiles, o011cenLec the bcg-inniug of the huge stretch a)If territar-y froni uvtwo ta rUee hundred riles thebrer intoSudi Araia The !min iBedalu tribes af Jord'an each h ave Iheir awi tract a naud, Sam1etie[ at ing lthe s,ýsn auin Puï au- ance aI thir arclue hi agicltreis the arcu orfa wýith their large heris Of crea goats and sheep. These édaYS, liowever, the Bedouîns doc gi aw a, certain amoüunt of barley and t'here is no doubjt that there la a tenidencýy for the Becïdouin, lu lime aýnd afler a firly lengliy, trauIsitionIai periad, ta býcom lu orde-r ta achieve this, vr mauch getrprgeawilllhave Lo Lle ruadle lu the irrigation a'-> the desýert areasý. 1 i mys\îf i- ed the Budouînins)lu thedesert and fouind lhem a hoapitabla and dignified people. The black tentsý wicli lare Made from UourseC sheepk"ins and wool. atleough, bley laoro sacke are in fa,,ct a waniderful protection a1gaiit Iliose eenmies of the desert, the s3un, the wvind and thie nain. fThe flapi of the tents cen lie open- ed or closed at wlland event in Ithe coldeit or tlch otteit wea- ther a fairly ten-perate tempera- ture can lie secured witiun the lenit. a1]ny of the Bedouinls are quite fair and a certain~ nunTher of themi, can speak a bill1e Frenchi or Englis'. The Bedouins have their own la%?#s adiunis- lered tlirougli tlieir Shiks, The day of the Bedlou starîs early and closes wvheu, the sun) goes down. The lit e tliey lead i s an uncomnplicated and a ecora- pletely natural one audfilie simi- plification of 1fe leads 10 the aýcCeptance of a code of lionour. and morals the 1k. of which is flrot often seen in so-called civil- ized society these days. The Be- elouins are not easîly approaclied by foreigners, particularly f or- elgu vîsitors, but this can b. Achieved if a certain amount of * tact is exercised lu approaching îhem'. The Bedouins are al borui hQasemen and this applies even to Bedouins iho miglit le thought t1o have become urben- ized. Th'e men oftenk ride bare- back- but th. -Shiki have beau- tif uilly embroidered saddles of h.Arali type; Bedouins are mnastilr hersenen. The hospîtal- ity of th-.e Bedouina is prover- bial. Arali hospItelity, and Be- dlouin hospitality lu particular, treitonalyruns 10 Ilre. dlayq for auy passilig stranger, a diay of welcomie, a day of rest, ai-d a da-y of departure, but this is of- len extended to much longer peiods- From "Modern Jor- da"by Gerald Sperrow. How Can 1? * By Rober-ta Le. Q. What Can 1 du whell a wire ecratch bush l afDot stlff enlough? A. Wrap a couple of layers of frýîiion tape around the bristies. This keepa thein froin spleadjing o-ut so mucli, and niakes tliem) itilfer. Q. How can 1 resnedy pers- pring feet? A. On. of the bêst remiedies to powder the stocjiugs wt onç 1Part of chlorinated limre, au. -~ ~- LET'S AUL BREAK A LEG! - bick Andcerson coninues to play his goime cf golf despite a broken leg. !t*as been over fthree months since the golfer's acci- den,onid he hias been able to bring bis gomne down fa 77. Besfore b, is accident, his score How To Tak>ýe BRetter Are land CscapDes dciigto a phýotographrAnyvone would think th-eyv wo-uld be the simlpi- cîst f al pictures ta praduce. The subjeat could hard-cly be m~ore co-aperative - it doesni't wige coWv at thie camera, jump about, or run away. If juil sits waiting to be photo- g"raphIed. But as -vro nw h o hias tried, the scenýes that wiui couteits and appear on cal-. endars Cdo0n' t *juil h'aIDp en,2' They are the resuit of au lin- quisitive eye, careful plauning, ikilîful eect nad a certain amounit of liard wa7rk. The SeiBember issue of Pop- ular Photography features ten lielpful guides for shooting lard- Scapes: Take eicnough timJe.No one can do his beit work if lie feels rushedi, especîally if the job at liaud require.s close attention. to, detail and au artist's calm apprai sal of tlie scene before s tating work. Look for the nusual, wlietli1- er you have a camera in liand or flot. Visualize a, parlicular scene vwith sowand corne back and shooit it ln the winter! Search for the very best camnera position for eachista tion. Expetiment with higli and low camera angle's. Often you can conceal unwanted - but ýismovable! - objects by shifting youjr camera. Forget ïtainy of tue rmies you've hearýd about, for photo- graplyin l general. Dont' reduce your camera to the status of a dupiicating machie-try any- thing the "" w,,aY if YOu thinkù it will produce a striking auc. uusalpicture. Do a littie arrangfing of the landscape if il seemis necessary.' R1,,love old newîpapers, in cans, sticks; include boats, peo- pie, liay rakes, and wagons, Sally forth wlien niorma3l peo- pie (non-photographers) hug their hearthis. Fog, rain, and snow cau give a com-pletely dîif- feetmood to a scene. Try photograpbing a haîf heur be- fore suinrîse. Juil re,ýmemi-ber to protect your camera frosu pre- cipitaion. Plan yoý7ur landscape pictures and use al thei tools and tecli- niques 'you have availabjle. De- ide whlii part of the cday yo u wanit to shloot in, if y \ou uieed people ta give the view scale, if you want to uise selective focus. Study theic-effecti of va- flous filters. Switch lenses frequenitly and your pictures wiim3prave, The anmut of 1background îi ncluded lu a laudiscape can be cotrolled by changing lenses. Alun for the higliest techuical quality you can possibly pro- duce. Tlhil will entail cryn filters, several kinds of fïim and aften atrod but worth it. HBre's a way to make the cor-k boutts f. yolir fisbling rods lasi longer and wear better. Jusi ive them a1 couple of colts of shellac or qlkdrigenauel. This procedJure alsq keeps; the water off the buti. protective MoS Cavi 10flangerous Halitway tbrougli the bruAsig pro football gem. beýtween) the New Y'iork Titans andIHotuston Ollers lest October, Howard Glenn, a 245-pouudi guard for the Titanse suddenly lookcd and ac- ed singuarly tired The 2A- ycari-oild offensive linemnan hadI played smairt, liard bail; but j uil cIter the start oA te second hait, lie seemed bcfuddled. Glenn a seult ttie locker rom rta reit. 11e lay dolýwn for e bit; got uIp and took a bellgereut poke at an attendant; and then pa,,ssed out. H1e died et IHer-mThuHopi ta]inlu Ho)uilon .týwo houri aller injury, aud the autopsy shawed lie had a broken neck. . Braken necki have been con- sidered e risk, but a remote crie, lu footbal. B ut sîn,,ce 1947 the proportion oa injuries and ifatal- ies blamed on da )geta ecJk verrS, even amoug stocky players, las risen each year.1lu the Journial af thýe Ameuii(ria Medical Associatiniwo neuro- surgeons and two coachies from the Universty afiLMchlgan put, the blamie for thia increase squarely on a dce-"ý whicli is suppased 10 pratect football play- ers: The toug'h pla"stic lect, wihils ceguard projectin1g 31/2 l-uches lun frcrontaapyes nase, which lias camejua de spread use lu the paît decade. Dri. ERichard Shedrand Edward Reifel and athletic di- rectora Fritz Cisli and former coachi Benule Gosterbean' first suspcI)cted tIh hliet wlien a Michigan lbinan suffcred a severe nck injury dluring a 1960O gamne. Maivies sliowed thal ou anc of the bay's tackles, an ap- ponbu_,t'i kuelied bit the vice- tim's tfe&ber, snapping liii head beck sa sharply that the edge aoI his helmet du,,g imb bis spine. Leter tliey recliecked ou four- teen dethi fromn head and spinal injuries duriug the 1959 seasonà Out aI a total af eigliteeu deallis, and foundi that six could b. blemed on accidents witli the helmet. Tliey also checked sev- eral 1960 accidents, iucludfing th. case af Howard Glenn. Mlovies of the Titan-Qilers gem. slowcd 1fit ye ln's Ihead had been snapped back bybow Éo bis face guard duiring tliree dilferent plays; tie third one probably crushed li ii vertebras, and lis flare-uip lu the lacker rooem may have severed lis spinal cord. iu pro(fessional foot- ball a player may becaikldby his face guard, But in college bell, 1h isn't legal. Drsý. Schneider and Rifland Crisler and OosterbDaau strougly recommeuded a radical redesigu of the heluret. They suýggest that ai chin strap be develaped wlich releases under certain pressures, sund they recammnrend la the h back\ edge of ire .helmet havýe a fLange et sponge ruliber ta ne- duce h. striking force on the neck vertebrai. !Mails controver- siallY, tliey disepprove heartily of h. proteclive face guard, a single or double bar of plastic, whi ' h lu somie states (like Mci gian) is miandatory for higli- 1 chool players. But Hif gidîters insit ou kteep- iug their m.-aîks, the Michigan experts believe that the bar should lie slortened 50 il doesn't stick out so far lu front of 1he player's face. This would make il less liandy t a tackling play- er's liend, jnédwould cul ow ou the amount of leverage dur- îng a backward Ilirust. As a bonus, il would im-prove visibil- ily (the presenit bal-, stickïing out SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT - NO ONE CAN SERVE YOU BETTER. g u BABY CHICKS QUICK : sbpient on Bray ,tarted 3-4 wýeek pufllets, also cockerels. Requcat s9peciafl MLa Ame1S sud EDual-purpose, h1atching tIo order. Book October-No,- vemjber broilers now. Secelocal agent, or write Bray Hîtchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. RERRY AND ROOT PLANTS RASPBER RIES F'al paumg strong ýdlsease-free plants. $ý4,00 Pet hundcred post paîd if cash wt order Thosý Bisson R R6.Mrdae BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE MACHTINE shop, 3, cement block and brick, office snd washroomn plus fi rooni brick bouse. LIocated centraly in, kiteicne. Thia le a agoing coucerul and catn be bought with o0,withoult hilnventory. Price $22.00(1, fulIvly aqlp- ped $30,000. Teris. Contact Elinzel & timrieators, 62 Sherwý\oodl Ave., Kitchener. Phone SH. -58417 *HARDWARE STORE NI-,(,AR % pennsula; cdean stock and fixtu1res Brick buMilding' oi S 60,000 annua.-lly i NiItake morigage on build- ing; re-enltly"1remiodelled. lnventory $1,0.For a hmebuyand a solld inmestm eut. , rite f'or appointmnent to J. Corupe. 36 iýpru1ce st . st Catarin1es. Ont. COINS GUARANTEED TO-0PAY S$10.00 for 192505 . 00 for 1923,.01. 10page Illustrated buyiving liqt .25f ýrPEfudiiJlle on first purchase., Toronto Coin Box 37Terinanzl "Aý" Toronto, Otro CHI NCHILCLAS LIQIDAIG hnhil erd1 anld aleqlpeunt. Best offrer. DuBýo Chin- chillas, 117-5 Chandier, idoO. DOOS FOR SALE SPIEINGE R SpanieA puppfies, aiso cockerî Spaniel, Shielties and German Short Hlared Pointera. Registered,welbd stock, lh, reasonab1e. Ormstrum l{ead Kjennels, H.2, Tecumtsehi,,Ot. FARM HELP WANTED FL$LLY xeine single mnan for dairy farmi Good wa-ges, and steady empoy men1t. Apply A ndew Carter, Phione 843-27,50 Snelgrove, Ont. FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRE farm, tgood huntin? udfish.- luEars.Apply Joe Boins. IlR R 1. Graenhurat. 167 ACLRES good laud, 7-roon, bhouse. ban-ilbaru 45'xý50' %water, bydro; also 100-are pastur," fan I f interested contact iesYoung, R R 1. Berkeley 20 CE i Huron, ample water, neanly new homne Apply Box 241, 123. .lSth Street, New Toronto, Ont. FARM- MACHINERY FOR SALE CUITTER bar for 800 New Ilolland I lar. vesteýr Used one, season, bargýain, New Holland ou fired lhay asud grain dryer, deosrtdonce, 5 .P. nmotor, eaul-! vas-ductl ncludfed, $1l,650.00. R Cow,>ýn Dunnrviiîe, Ontario. DITCHER FOR SALE SPEICHER TAN1DEM TRACTION, two yesýr.s old, witb hydrauflie grouud con- veyor, and 14 in. buekets. Rothi Bros. Phonec 217, Wellesley. Ont. FISHING SUPPLIES WANT -three bandeý? New fishing rod ho'-der attaol-ies to beit, unhreskahle sty rune plastic, $1,00. Guaraniteed. Worldi-Wlde ift Producis, Box 307, Laurel, Marylau d,_ USA. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS JUNIOR PHONE $8.95 COMMUNÎCATE fromi main building to barn, garagýe, hoathouýse or basement. C.OD.,F.OB.,Montreal. Gemsoc, YO. Bx34.,Suowdon, MontrealI 29, Quehec. 31/ lches, cuts vision by onle- ThIne !Michigan men areu't alone lu -ondlemininig present helmets. For the paît year and a hialf, Frau-,.k J. Cavanaugh, head train- er o f thle Corneil Ui versity team, has been wvorking -ou a helmnet which is h3iglier lu back to preveut ueck injuries and which woulid be made of a softer' mnaterial, the better te ab.sorb shocks to the head. Cava,,naughl commyrented. "Perhaps with a softer helmet we could do1 away w7ithi the face mask comnpletel.y." From N EWSWEEK If the shoe f its, rniost woniefl iII t1ry on a sualler size. E UROP E " Cunord Trift-Season rotes are ,now in effect. " Ana, from Nov. 1 until Feb. 28, 1962, Cunard's new low round-trip Excursion Rates save you 25 per cent . .. with the. same superb cuisine, service and gracious living for which Cunard je fanious. PA Y LA TER #IF YO0U W 1 SH FIy Cunord Eagie to Bermuda, Naseau, London and ;in Europe. Corner Bay & Welington StU., Toronto, Ont. Tel.- EMpire 2-2911 r- s . .,. NELP WANTED MALE HOSPITAL ORDERLY PERMN~$Tposition open for rman qualified by training and experience. Medicai, Ifospital and Sickness Benefit InuacPension Plan, 40 hour week, $0.0per nmonth to start. Apply: Di- rector of Nutrsing, District Memiorial Hospital, Learnington, Ojntario. STATIONARY ENGINEER (41h Class) PERMýANENT position to, satisfactory applicmant witli papers. Mainly on shif t work, but Interesting opportuniity to learni maintenance of hosp'itai equlp- ment, Medical, Hospital, Sicliness Bene- fits, Pension Plan, 40 hour week, tai- ing salary $225 montly'. Apply: A(,- minis'-trator, District Memorîal Ilospltal. Leainrgton, Ontario. LIVESTOCI< FOR SALE Aberdleen-Angus A wde selection availab]Leail aies. both mai-ý,qes and fe- males in this popular beef breed Sev- el c ;ows with '. les y sida and dams rebred. Top b, xi riues 0f the breed rpsetdWrite your rqieins A C. McTaggart, Sal es Agent, 1I We- intnStreet Ea'st, Aurorsý, Ontario. MACHINERY FOR SALE iDODGE power wagon 4-wh'teel drive comiplete w %ith inchiportitbJe derrick and leg, Jack armYs and connection for eleýc'rc trailer braýkes. Cood conjdi- tion.ri Lou is Lejeune, R.R. 1, Fort Erie. Phone Fort eeinge WANTeD ) - EVERY SUIFFERER OF R.PE UMATIC PAINS O0R N EURITS TO TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, MIJNRO'S D)RUG STORE 335 ELGiN OTTAW/A $1 .25 Express Coîlec POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BNSIthie tormient of drýy eczema rasheýs and weepýing sïkinj troubles. Post's REzemra salve willnelt disapploint you ltcinig, salding and burnlng ýecze- ma., acie tingworm, pimpl)es and foot eczenia will respond readlly to the stainleaýs odorless ointment 'regardiess of hiow tubborn or hplesthev seem-. Sent Pest Free on Receipt or Price PRICE $3.50 FPER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO NURSES WANTED OPERATING rooni registered nurse, lmmeldiateýly. imal.aciveM.R, 5-day weeýL and eafl back service APPlY Cot tagýe Hospital, Ux'ridlge, Ont NURSES TRAINNG SCI-OOLS NURS114G SCHOOLS iEARN to $65 week as Practical Nurse. Learn quickly at hiome No hlgh schoofl necessary; no age liit. Wrïte for free bookiet, leason sampnles. Poaýt raduate- Wabash, Chicago. N WTRIA ATTENTION PURCHASERS 0F NUTRIA When purclissng nutria. consider theý, f.oilowinrg points whieb3 this organIza. tion offers: 1Tic- The beataailable stock,o oss br7ed or stndcard types recommivendecd. 2. The reputation of a, plan whlcb le, proving itself substarntated bv files Qof satisfied ranchers. 1, llinsurance againîsi ,eplaceepnt,, shou],d they flot live or lu the event of sterillty (ail fuily land noua' certîficate ofmai) 4. We give you on.lymuain whicli are in demrand for ïtur garmrjeuts. 5 You recelve froua this organÏzation guaranitaed peltmritekt in vrltilng. 6. MebersInl our exclusive breed- ~ers,' associatIon wherehby only pur- chasers o& thia stock may participata lu tihe 1benefits so offered. 'i prîces for Breedlng Stock stari et $,200 a pair Special offer to those who quallfy, earn voua' Nutria on our cooperative basis Write-: Canedlian Nutria Ltd., RRP. No. 2, Stouffvillc, Ontario. uSil, 38 -1961 NO TIME LIM'ýIT Certificate Courses in ,SUPERVISION - INSiPE'CTION QUAULlTY COiNTROL A.R.C. SCKOOL 0F WELDING 92 John St. NI., Hamilton JA. 9-7427 JA. 7-9681 OPPORTUN ITES FOR MEN AND WAOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADINO SCHOOIL Pleasant dlignified profession, good wages Thouisaude of auccelseful ïMarvel Graduýates Amecrîca's Grep-teat System - iîluetrated CatalJogue lFree MARVE'L HASRDRESSING SCH-OOL 358 Bloor StC W., TorOnIto 44 Kinig St. W,. Hamnilton 72 RideauSretl Otw PERSONAL SELET-A-IFTServietc eliminates re- ceiving dptilcate gifts. BuIilde rae godilfor youir csomrInformla tion, write:SîctAGtsBo 64. MVobile, Aaaa HYGIENIC RUBBýER GOOOS ICESTED guaranteed, mailed iM plain parcel, anain aalgesdse biook free witbtral aot17fi-euit. 18 for $100. (Finuetquly Western Ditribu. tors, Box 24-TýPF Recinýa, Sask. PH-OTOGRAPHY FARER' CMERA CLUB BOX 3i, GALT, ONT. FIlmis fdeveloped sud luaga rits G40f 12 mnagna print 0 KODACOOR Developitil to(il90f (not inciudingý printel. Color prints 304 ee xtral NL'ý. Anysco sud Ekiachronie .35 mi.m 0 posuires nmouuted lu sîlde 120 Cot prîrnts fron-, lides 32fý each Moueyý re- rLunded ilu fuil foir unpniuited ncegatives. PHOTOS YýOUR Photo, hilglosi sa tm ise, perforat'e,guimmd.ed s nap or phioto (reýturuedl. Sýheets of 100 onîY $2.00 per sheet. PootmS 1121 Brunette Avenule, Dept. J12, NwWest- mInsýter, B.C. PULL ETS 00HV-L'INEs - wormlid sud vac- einated - Ait ages availaie. 18 wIecks $1 75. Oen 30) years lu, Pouît(rv Coma and sas thern. Eni «iddie RR"No 01, RidgetOwii, OR 4.2324. STAMPSI 150 DIFFERENT Cnaia tamnpa2,0 ipprovaîs. Want lista fiîled. Haërold Yones, 2824 Dwuy Regina, Sask TOBACCO WANTEC ATTIEN TION tobacco growars, we areý payilng top) mlarlet [prices for' rye. Tracklng arnglCall By-,rOn 101 Ed- imunid's ransport, Efomoka. Out FARMER - DEALERS WANTED WeII estabîisthed Ontalo seed house bhas openfing for corni dezlers in fa5t growhlg ntosl detsdbrandi. contact BOX NO. 240, 123 - Ekihteenïth Street, New Toron)to )4, Ontario. BORING MIL OPERATORS ENGINE LATHE OPERATORS TURRET LATHE OPERATORS MILLING MACHIN4E OPERATORS MUST BýE ABLE TO SET UP AND OPERATE, ON DIVERSIFIEO CLASSES 0F WORKI AND ABLE TO REAO DRAWINGS PLIEASE APPLY M, LETTER STATlNG EXPEHRIENCE T,0 THE PETE'RBOROUGH,, ONTARIO LASS lE ERTSINO-~:a nAUTUMN So Much to See 0 So Much to Save suiIing fron Montreal EVERY FRIDAY te: HAVRE, SOUTHAMPTON ORP GREENOCK, LIVERPOOL Re-gular catis of COBH begin Dec. 9 CARINTHIA - IVIERIfIA à SAXONIA ~o CUNARD N N N N. N. N. N N N N N 'N N. 'N. N 'N N N N N N. N N N N. N N N N -s 'N 'N N N. N. 'N 'N N. N 'N 'N N N. 'N 45 'N 'N - Nf 'N N s- N N N N 'N s N. N -'N N. 'N N. N N s