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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Nov 1961, p. 1

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ipt by tise Oronoý cpte a dace met- Friday evoaiagI gade presentes a n tise Orono Town ty couples attend-, praetically every. ho costumes rep-: scope o! subjeets il, ilt was moreý - Tise turnes ~ar Wl ato cos- ,rray o! ce]- As, batising, queens ani prosent, a-' pumpkins, iug-ed tramp bors re tiran unotctduntil attor unmaskingl whic folowe tie judging and tise presenttion thtie pizos. Tise judges first chose a isunter, weri1gaceea skia coat, and ïbisI dog- as ueeoftise prize wVners. Tiss osm was Willis Burmabal ai idMarilyn Coh)biedick. A rigais a-d expressionloss scarecrow was] ai,-eogiven tise aod by tise judgos cld Vils refuge !rom Vise cern fild was found Vo be Mr. A. Mc- Gl.Tise other winnuag Vwosoie w."as a pair o! 'ýfjail-birds witi tiseir rtriped costumes being Miss Mur- lilyn King andi M,.. Johni Galbrýait.i During tise course of tise eveaing anuniber ef spot danices were Iaeid aid prizes given tisose losest tuo ti ch!.osen spots. Tise music fer tVi ui,.nce was provided by tise RevelW lai-res. This greup supplied musie-, obth round and square dancing. cvron laims Vie dance Vo have! bena most- enx4btlWe one. Tise hall was decorated witisý -ýtrea mers, purn4ykins ansi cern <talks Vo provde a IIullowe'en set-: tnýrg for tise dance. Hligh School Glte t4ub To Present .USiwIeý Plans are neW udrwyfor tise' prese-tatoçf a. Musicýal Nigfllt't, ho Iheliilantise Oono Town Hall. Te eniag s te ho sponsored by, -ise Orono H1-igi s(Sc1soolGlee Club, - isichiias been reViVesItiS tyearu tse hiool. Tj-e preýgram, pow beiag form-u- la d, iI include numbers by tise Oroe Hgis Sdýhool Gee -Club, tise O)ron1o Baud dand a nunsfiser o!fdi -iual v\ocal eetin.Tse (Gice lubtVils yeam is 1un-der thle direction Lt mrs. jF. A. Fletch,1er ansisdte mus- ical nii ilbe presented aou tisýe end o!f eeahr fleather Rebckah Lodge Tise reglar meeting o! Heatiser Rebekais Lodge was iseld la tise O.F.HaIlTuesday. Sister Betty -Major, Ri¶hlt Sup-, porter efthtie Noble Grand ottlciaîterd lai tie absence et Noble Grand, Sis- ter Emma Luini. Sister Alice Hooeyv Vice Grand officia ted in her offie.ý Tise meeting was opened accord- ing te tise rit ual. Tise minutes werej read andi approved. A.ccounits werp; received, appreved and passed foi payment. Sister Alice Heeey gave a fuItl report et lier activity as Cen- venor o! tlise Visiting Coainiittee. Unider Spjecial Coninlitees Sister Ireýne MUurray reported thait shie hadi car-ried eut instructions as te pur- cisasing articles e! clotising. Under _j-Comunýlication1s, an inlvi- tion f -inAjax Ledge was re2- cevdfor, the officers and mm bers te attend tiseir fifth irtdy ont tise eveaing o! Nevemiber 2lst. Plans were compfleted fer t1ise Presi'denlt's Officiai visît on Novemn- ber Stis;, wisea as maniy as possibil wili go by bus te Oshsawa No. 3 Lodge beistVe Instiaing Team- will act as Guard o!fl-înour and tise P1ast Nolble Granids as tise Introdue-CI tory Commiftee. Tisere wilea pruot-ice on Nevemrbe-r 7th.,' Tu-esday niiglit, for al usembers e! thîs tean2 andth Viseew officers. On Thursday, November 9tis, ai spepcial meeting is called te be iseld ut 7:30 p.m. n. la QoneIi.0.0.FP. MHall la tise torM et a&cI1iol Of! InstruLc- tion when tise five Ledgý,es la Dist- rict No. 8 will take part. This meet ing will be precüeds by a banque-t ho i l ise I.O.OUF. banquet ial catered Vo by tise Leskard Church Ladies.- This banquet is te honourý Sister Helen Bowman, President o!> tise Rebekais Assemnbly, andI WiAb atteaded by Officers of FHeatieri LodIge and Installation Staff and Vice Grand, Noble Grand and Jr. Past Noble Grand o! ail Lodiges la this District. It was deCideid 'tepurcisaso 100ý1 calendfars, te o enJttVo ucis mm- ber at Ciristias. This siali cal- endar lias ecuis'meeting i-ght ak cd on it la red, se tise dates of each meeting can -. ho kept bof ore tise ilnbers. Tise moaltily notices WviIl fit "lntite Ibanquet hall wh-en1 Sisîer GadysGamsy, .D..wus Lthe rci'pientetf a tri-liLght lumpa Thursday, INovemiber 2nCI, Graduation Exercibses For Public School The Orono Puiblic School wilJI 1101d graduation exercises on Now- emnber 8ýth ia the Orono Town HaIll when the 1960-61 will bel gIven1 to suc essful students of b thý gradIe six aned eighit. The aatiàvitieCs will commence at eight o'clock. Thec guest speaker wil be Mr~. James Rk!kaiby of Orono who wifl speak on the new guidance in theý Elementary Schools of Ontario. Parents and everyone is invited to attend the Graduation Exercises. ission Band To En- tertain Leskard Group The Ojrono United Chiurch Mission Band met on Mna afternooni with thIirty--five present enjoying an opening session by singing a num-i ber of song-S. The meeting -was cle to ordieri by Valerie Mercer, the president, foliwned by thle IMission Band 1Hymai andc Purpjose. Donna Gihak nd Chris Aslett ook up the collectioný witli the group siniging the dedi-, Mrs. AMobaren read aipassage of soipture a und iMris. Drumnmond o-1, feredI the pra-yer. This wa-,s 1o1owec1 by the singing o! "'ThI-sism FaLthler's Home.', Two playlet tes were presented on Aliberta an(l Nova Scotiia by Dorett Ohaýllice*s group anjd indiaM- Laren's group. "*Land1 of the Siqver Birch" was then sung. The secretary, Dale Oýhallice, read the minutes of the previous meeting and tihe treasur~(,Mr ga ret Taggar't, also reportedt. In ooncluding the meeting the Miissionl Band laid plans for the nexU neet-, ing wien they in-terid ro invite h- c4ildren from Leskardl for ahist rnaý party. The papers -,were he handi(ed out and tche meeting was closed. gift fromiy the members of tla-n staillation team also g-ifts fromi Sis- ter lia Martîn, Sister MeAilin,! Sister Alice Ho11oey a'nd Sister Velma Wa1tson. Sister Mac Allen and Sis- ter ILI a1Martin rcei -d*ifts . fromý theinstiallafion Staff and the DD.P1 Atat lunchl of sandfw;ies andci c-o!es ýwere, served then a cakel esccaliy cecorated by Sister, Elsie: Jesfor thle occasioni, -was served. wýitn canifes and1 ha0ifl ou quet of red roses. Shouldl Budget Timne To Include God's Wo-rk Destrnoyed By FiteI Fire again struck in tie' Kenal area o! the Townshsip o! Clarke last Tisursday rmoring i"whern aj<-a'n hotkse nerth-east o! Kend-al was tot- ally destroyed. Tise L.ousevas on the propenty o! Mr. and Mrs. J-)ee Jarczynski just - aorti. of the county roasi and east o! Kendal. At Vie VIne oftise tire ne0 one -w7as home and the t irsi, notice of t1w tire wus bY AMr. Jarczyaski when heo saw smoke prtiing f!romtise-up stairs ofthVie house wisile ho was working Va tise field, Tise property was formerly own edi by WV. Langstaff and tise' houseý was builIt seme foýrty or, fifty yar Accidents Invole Local Residenits 1Locýal residents wore Vlilswe- ead inivoived la a nuimber et car miisiaps wiiihiospitaiized two and caused coaisiderable dumirage Vo v-- jMol c1es. On1 Friday nigit Mr. Alvini Wil- son o! Kendul lest ceatrol o! his car nort e!Kenii icausiag hua- dreds ef dollars damago Vo tise car wliený, it toek oth ie ditois-Mr. Wil- son was taken Vto _MNemoriai opt ai suf!erinig tren tuc(iai inju,-ries;. Rurmninýg te Oono 1a0oag- tise Counties roud on Sundayevng Mr. anii Mrs. Dune Found, aiong wit-h M. ad ~r.Wm. Found aI, -son met witis a mishap wisen er c-ai. ýoliided wlimaother just ousti1 e! tise Tyrone read. Mrs. Dune Found wuýýs taken Vo tise Memoril H-ospitai, Bowmanviile suffer1ng cuts aniff bruilses. Mrs. Wm. Iound aise ridfing Jin Vie front seat, was: hadiy shuken up. Damag(- Vo 1e' front o! tise car wvas coasideraible. 0f Oren MaWey 01n Odteber 7tis, ut Iloclc .m Mca.Eun'c Gichriat, fdaugiter cfý t;isee 1Mina )aniFred Lunle,' Bo- mav-ille, became tise bride ef Mm.ý O(ren aliyson ùet Mm. andi Mrs.ý ThFlwddigtook place ut the! Omono UnTiited lCisurois witis Rev7. BasîlLongperfomingtiseweddiigi Tise hrîd]e wore a two piece mauveýC sscnbe wit matSig eddss * rtisw'hte ccesoresandhe MïreSC W.ME. Hward ei TorntOn,do without hgh ides. stMr ,-s. v s as ta ffee er history- Were roses. a~~~ mebru t ueý ntda ljm lir aq w"itha oc- , ntoaiu te1uchhol Ciaton held bin lbrtStreet 'rniteThrowup the wndwsand opn . . aremiisero!Albert Si.!rSswith ýmaitching Mid head- caueisrecssty. m. owaýrd isus lmhc o nom Her aresme things Churck, Mrs.!H. Mellow, WM3 rs a ht cesrecry kild imny executie psiinsl w'Ioneeding ne more, Ragged 'byteriqa l Mrs.LH.SW. Iakely ing a heuquet et gold and rustý the .A.andtie .MS lS )hIod jhatred, a'emantetf car, We nd Mrls. Chrle Nylol icàprs- um. orono ofeeanceandtseoent halnet want Soemany time this idnts, Mrs. Boss ickinson, tras- cat rsbt'randwstwc o ea.Hev otiiffrne a - rr Vr.J. C.Nuylor anld Mrasý .l tmawsM.WlimMl a ncomission 1Vo GenIerul Co i es U cid, Tradacexcuýl,,ss, -lamilto, ls, Mrs.Frun fortie Uitd burh eme, bcsao eten retold, Hoarýy old scarndais, BakadMs . .Bu!rlycui !tgroomi. ne wmu'srunzain lu he aurmîssuntrue, Sadcs, anieticuertr ecetrespr.H E. Uaitd Ouril lih icin vohe de. we ut dis- iWse Peslrs G R ooih, Or-! herec-eption !eolleîný]g the cer- maence 1962. -ouueen al-tehils hcgnsudMs rî opr rs nwas-kl uais, ddele' This year we're planning big thns idenof HepAl St. WA. Ar an-1Hall. Mrs.Howrclchoe u lie su- t ataçk Faod dprejudiýe, ]hug- ohrtbesituuted ut right agles jet"u r vs , posvVs19furgd ethe heart, Mean Iltte jeapi-l hLad table an i lu]frnO t o tFloigto edn eefia patin the iso 111 in h otro u e s -bld thletdepart. Swee cv-Ite îL ise wol,ýd anld -iCh rcer n utev yso, th utpeidns r.Cly ac uscwsspiidb ci Vt, n hpto Lc.Mr.A. A.,rele rs E 'Reýilly etf A aCale Taylor o lcn talin he hoe ngdoweynnm p ocuscfceWe ckpr la or lies dscar ~pr ojd amuselume nsie catiagthe irthay ae ic Mr. anid Mrs. Wiliam Mllcy woc ou thx4bksandhabts AI wa tie ecoâtin o teirtabe.Parents of the àgroýom irleceivesi tsel thug bc ask b, bengf hlome. olvigtise prcsident's re- guet t her lome luibrono afttr maiçer is ore ,,ith long heuïrs it ma11 rks about lir w an-y activities a tereit-n ne miedals. it sipuld a.eie Sie 'adlj' pr idnitlawldhsis tnked our time, thse -hours i î ea<nieal. heyon fth xcweek"u 'eaicsn memberssoiid b who had -wýorked with ber Wjithy, Osh-a,BwmnilTr God gii, ýs ourtne to 40 d1irng roc eyears of office, Mirs. on,, Kitchener, Orono, Lîndsa - * asw gôL o a -Carles Naylor rmoved a vote o! P'ort Hope, SuFtow 'lyi'onead anwhif tî 1si f asWePl 0jr.tîinks to th Iepqsid-,ent, sýconided lQuebec. anUvs i w ne i weloe r-by Airs.IH.IW. Blakely. Tis.n MrS. ll.A v0maIlCIayton Lee, the irst president of On returning !rom-tn ier ioney- nieeds the poWr Cýý ; 1.e li moon ut Niagara Falls, the coup] To Displciy Junior Gar- dener's Nativity Scene Clarke Teachers Meet Tise tiseme o! tise rocent meeting o!f Vise Clarjke Vownship teaciser's,I on <ctober 23rd at Brown's Scthool, was tise ltuB inspectora-te conven- tien. This day long convention iseld near Niagara Falls, f eatured promn- moent speakers la tise fields o! sci- ence and guidanoe. Thsis eveait was discussed, critI-ý cizeti andi evaluated by ail o! ise il.- te tesitocheýrs o!ftisearcu. As Isle 1ext nmeetitng wil ho lan tise torm of tise aniual tea1cier's b-anquet, it will be seme lime ho- fore a report can be releused con- eming tise valiîdity o!ftise proposed plan o! toucher sl-mrvret Firemen Out Ectrly Morning Oflisr Vian beiag sorewhat bois't- erous Hallowe'en Vils year passed ratier quiet. Tise youngs ers ook ()ver silortly a!ler six and bog-an, tiseir rounds frein door Vo door and ilhore sure was a isost otf tle-m la cvery cenceivable type e! costume. LaVer la tise eveaing Vise older group began Vo show but otiser V:in or1eakînig pumopkias and -svng pitished battites using puinpkins nots-ý ing,-o e roudamage isuppenedl. Tise inevitable sud happen, how- ev,,er, vvh'.en one 4essod part o! a pumrpkin errored la11its aim 3sd tok eut a large plate glass window ia of Mr. Harvey Partnier cn tise Main Street o! tise Village. A-- otiher sinali wîndow ut Ervan Rain- esw-as brokea. Tise Oroolire depart.ment was7 called into actýion ult four la thoý MOrn1ilpg te0 put Oeut a ire en tise road lan tise AMiiiHill isoliew-. Prak-ý Sters isadi starited fire te a bu_'ggy and a nIL11mber etf tires whch asý ifuIl ablaze wishen tise firemen ar-1 rived. Tlise fire was extiniguishedlý and tise debris cleared frem tise moudi. Eevno! ie twerve tir'1-een unswered tiseearymerniag aîl squerade Ball 35 HEREFORDS AVE RAGE $318.00 Tlisinty-fiv-e Herefords averaged- $318.00 -at-the Eastern Ontamieý breeders' sale Saurday ut MorrCow Park. Eleven) bulis averag-ed $10S.60;3 ceswitihcavetvertagped 473.3i0- Moen etiser bredci ows averages $05ai ton open lisifers $8.i Thle top for bulîs vas $L pulid te Norian McL of !Blcs wutler byRobert AMalisew o! Eury,' Quteboc, wlio gatisered seven oie ofelgsfor- a total investnat o $,7.One o! thion ut $1-10wasfor a buill consignied hyv Dr. hrot M \. Horuner Ïo! Coeurg. ning At Worksho Formation ofa (couny planing About75 delgutesC«omY18cf arauplanning buind woid ot*l 2 nuncpaliisinthe countesý ilean eiiain flclpangItnedtewrsop'otwr i~arsJonPersnofte ommmbr-o!cunls o-lann putetOf Mnicipoa!Affirs, ol M. Peuson SOI that tCe func- the Uited ounities plannin 'g wr tosof a planning hadicue shop altlte utybuilding in C'- deciding what Vs the beýst size fur bourg rcetl.its mniîpliycnsiderIing 1net Thie cost of a cut planninig only economny eo peration,, but a-,ise o)rganizaýilion w-oul!IkIbesomeIcthinlgiwhat kind of emnntywudb- ;ver 10OOMrlearson said, !ho- the mort icasant to live in. -ause itwoid hu ad\iaed; Io n-iQe in Ida o 1how eg}brn gage a professionai planning co-"Mcpaiis cuid c -erdinate sultantI, who wouid ineed a sr hirpannhe sugge'itedfn'a Tioi ary Thre i0ovicalganlion off a joint pilnniing ha ut prsentfor lainig, hlesui. M. -Pearson said there are hs Th seke a i d the mioney wo feel that as long as the tax- spent in this way ouid save thepayr oen't mmd, lthere odbe conues a geat deul in The long no l--in to population increýase anri rLun, i wud nal rm povsin fservices. Hewar" t tu la thIe dvlpetof ThIe e- es tis hitoh edmrcpl tire area, un-d t vodprhem0tisintouneraedveomn ,vich wuid ost a great deal toradbresm aain selve in t1he future. iAi11l pýlairg beards sol a Mr. Pearsn said thata ai ority formithe ratepyes eofthe ned o-f ',ie, tnthe counties council wouldrelanning and top 0 planning is, by 'y enough to set up a ceuty lan- areans of pu"blic eeinsand o (thîer ing hourd. 1 at 0io1nal xnethods, the speaker, Th euenire day w\-as spent in a-saidý. swein qustonswhdbhad been "If you havea't gýot the rte- framd hythe deiega&ts it the payers hebind yoen you won't ge îvrkho'sTuesday night opening vryfar vwith panigie said, seso.During imost of Wd ,s- Attheclseoftie oo cluy's session the vorkshop eOnsist- Warden Stewýart'Gray, reeve of ,fd e! two groups led hy 3Mr. Pear-Hoe owsipi, expressed the son and Keith Baiin, also ofT he -OOrfi- thanks ef the -ceunties for the lie!-; muniy planning brandi, whe an'- o! the departinent, and said hie felt swered the-questions and discused it would be of great benefit te al their implications. the municipalities in tise counities. sGalore At Tise Junior Gardener's meeVin washeMonThursday, tise 26t'- ii-e October, iiatise Guide room.Th meet ing opendwlithtisE!JUnio-r Gardener's Prayer; VeCreeýd- %vi aise recited by everyone. Two e nm- bers were awarded iyaecinth bui!hm' for memnorizing the Creed. Mrs. Fairbro 1 her clexnoistrateâ hou, simple objects cuis be useif to make table andi manrtel arrang-. ments, door decorati-ens and fav- ours for -Vie dining table. The lii> rary Window vwill seon contaIn -a display of arrangements; for tho,3sa mnisers wiso, did niot attend lte- meeting, tisese arrangements miay ho usod as a guiide for tise Chrlýibt- ,mas competition ia November. -u iaddition te thse four classes (in tis-e GadnClub Booklet '), tisere willne aspeciai èlass - 'a J-,rishimas din ngy table airrangem-enit for eigit and inie year olsis only.,- Tise Nativity Scene, made bit Mrs. Faibrotiser andi tiree nern- hors cil our clu-b, wvill ho on displaýy A brie- visit from. memrbers il tise Art' Group brouglit fuvourable, commnts, especially on tise poia. seittias aniff birds made witisliR wee-d pods. Meinbers are asked te waltci tise library window for tise date and- plaèe wisen severaliitems will bîo glven te you Vto assist !iyr Christias docorations. Tiero W.11 ho poinsetitias, pieces o! siver c- oured ced-ar, styrofoawn, etc. Seý pieuse bring- a bag with you. Tise Novemboer meeting will bec bedon tise 23rd or tise 30tis. Aný announcemenit wîll be plaoed la thni lib'arýy windo'w laVer ia tise menti.

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