ORONO WEEKLV TNiMES THURSOAY, N-OVEMBF,- 2nd, '61 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Authcrized as Second Glass mnail, Pat Office Department, Ottawè Established in 13 by R. A. Forrester Roy C. Forrester -- Editor, and Manager Subscriptionr payable ini advance In Canada $130 In U.S.A. $2.5t) Published every Thursday at the office of publication Industry Burden Government leaders and others concerned witlh the economie ,edvancement of Canada are ]ooking towards industry to bring ,greater prosperiîty te th-.is country and to employ the ever increas- ing labour force. The theme for industry is te sel]l more abroad by competing in what is a cost competitive field and one which fn the future will beceme even more ce. Our country cannot ad- aneon producing only her own needs 'but must export even to çdphold her present standards, Dr. Percy Vivian, MP for Durham, is reported as saying in Dowrnanvllle last week at a Rotary Club meeting "that all levels ocf Canadian governiments must wvork hand in glove Wý,ith industry Jý4 we are to meet the threats of trade b1ycs." Trade Minister Hees on Friday in Cobourg, stated wh4le ,peaking to induýstiiïÀÎts that the alternative for Canada in thi.s ,period is to lower its costs and improve the guality of its geods. The challenge is being thrown eut to industry to lower its otsin urder that they might compete in the 'world markets as .hey exist teday. There is no douibt th-at inefficiency exists l n any industries today both on t!]- part of management and on the part of labour. But ail the ills do ndt rest here. Governments are also .assistîng by Iburdening industry with taxation and forcing uponi them to be collection agencies. Municipally, industrial assessment carnies a greater burden $han does residential and farin assessment. In this area the pro- ,incial governiment provides a per capita grant which is applied only algainst residential and farm assessment with the result that inidustry is actually siibsidizing te, an eMtent both resîdentian and la-i assessmeryt at the local municipal leve'l. We now learnl that this is aise te happen on a similar basis in connectien with the 1d'ucation tax at the eliementary and secondary level. This will also re-suit in industry subsidizing resîdential and farm assessment in the field of education. Add te this the cost for industry in the collection of both iederal and provincial sales taxes which is a service to the country .wtin one case no remuneration and in the other a slight ne- iauneration. Extra burden is levied against industry which has the re- Lutof mounting the cost of the finished product and mnaking is inore costly to place on thie world market. Induistry and government must wonrk together and there are .Rorrectons te be made onr both sides. Lets Not Be Too Late The suiccess of the lJnited Counties planning work-shop hl I',uesdlay and Wednesday of last week in Cobeurg cannet be assess- ~ed imimediately, althoughn it is safe to say that the 75 delegates hoattended from most of the tawns, villages and townships in ýùthe counities fouind it interesting and stimulating. The utItimate, pfetof the g-athering Wvill be feit when theey commuxiicate thieir experience to others in iheir own, muricipalities abd begin to rasaeidea-, into action. Planning is effeted in Ontario, and we suppose ever'y- yWere, by a variety off measures which tend te control the Use ;f land in the inte rest of the community as a whole, Building byawsubdivision control by-laws and zoning blw are the monst 'importarntof thýese imeasures. Since the rlul(es governing- the enacrment and enforcement »f ithese measures are, different, it is sometimyes difficuit for one ~nwyinterested in planning to sec- through the cloud of detait ~Wihmay obsur te real purpose and effeet of each one 01 ithemn. At, a one dcayv conference it is almost impossible te explain t-hese things mn general to everyone present and at thie sameý itîme answ.er al! the questions. which, arise aS te their application in But the more evenyonec interested ini.cemmrunity affairs lears aout laningthefaster wvi1l our progress be towards guiingourdevlopentalon-g the' paths that will lead te the best fture for thie commurîLnity. It would bc, WeL-worthwhile hold- nga ceuntyplnigwksp at least evýery year. Experience in otrher parts of the province b-as shown that nealcomuniy aareesste the need for planning is almom;t alastee late toprvn somne serieus miisclevelt,,pmnt. Let us hope that the United Ccunties can be fortunate enough teo move in tie, 0that thîs area. car remrain, as it hias been in the past, one of t he- best places iri the ,vorld te live, fer urban and rural dweller The Evening Guide, Port Hope Face Problems In Our Resources For Tomorrow Conflicts in the use of renewab]e, the conference plaoed particular raturai resources arising from lacki emphasis on the initerý-relationsir 4f cor-ordinated policies of federal if each resource seetor -- water, ind provincial g-overnments a1an'1S id, fisheries, wildlife and forests one of the problems which the Re and rear-ceationail develepment. sources for Tomorrow conferencesWsps will aise wonlç out pes. in Montreal October 23-28 wias seek- 4ble m(:,irodls for impreved - ing a solution. Most advances along sources management. Worksk3-2'ps these lines was of particular in- wvill have 30 te 40 participants. terest te the Minister and dèlegalss of the Ontario Departmenit of~nd The overaîl aimn and expectatier and Forests. of the conference, off icials explain. was 'te define problems of resource- For example, pollution of wa-ter - lien in proper perspective, eau ruin fish aiid wildlife habiitat having in niind t'ne entire range ef and recreational areas. Thoughtless !resource sectors and the relative deforestation of slopes of natural Ignificance of each. Çonference drainage systems, carefully aîvoided -UrPoses will include the formau in Ontario, adversely affects water ý3ton of criteria te serve as actiou flow and ve-getatîin. guidelinies te more cemnprehensive luid effeutive resosrce develonmenlt Under study, too, will be the con- programmes by governnients aotili' ests as well as regional developxnent sýeparately or together, and te give flict of farmers' and hunters' Inter- incr(-easinig attention te thle inpert[ espe<eially with regard te river bas- a'O'ce of rxiwbereseurces iii rei in areas. latien te Caniada's total ýconmh Fifteen workshop sessions dfuring '-r~h IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE l"4U E THE- COLUMNS 0F THE Ij Orono Weekly Times [ 1- 0Reasonable Rates 4 When she finally reached, home again, she was tired and iý-'-n J ( nay be smaller, but ini selection, style anA - hey invite comparison with any other source. And local sc .. eae pleasure, nlQt a M4ERE'8 HOW YOU Be EUIT IBY DOIJNO AL VOUR SHOPPINQ -49OGAI.. When you buy from yow,Žhoffietown merchats »~u got HAZARD jINSTANT DELI VER ILMNA, *uRVI« AND A-DJLP$SIKIG RO ~IDANCUorFJO PRINDWIR TREAMSE41 1»WORK Hilt Propane your Car e forwner Drive in fer, aconypleite check-up plusý a lube jo-b thiat inc!udics a change-ever te winter- e goil. ( Don't let cold weather catch you unprepared. JUNIOR 'WEirPST BLUE SUNOCO0 Mighweay 115-35 Phone Orono 107J1