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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Nov 1961, p. 3

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ORON WEELY TM~8 THLJRSDAV, NOVEMBER 2nd, '61 MTD - SIRLOIN - or WING ST E Bon eless RUMP ROAST Lean Minced Beef r-BONE &KS lb Fresh lb 79c BEEF LIVER Extra Lean - Burns Shamr 2 lb 79c Rindless Bacor .79c irock lb 39c' lb 79c Best Buy! Save Sc! Rose MARGARINE 4 lb 89e Best Buy!- Save 20c - Skimn Milk Powder PET ISTANT3 lb pkg 89e Best Buy! Save 8c! - Cake Mixes - Alil Varieties Pouch Packs Ogilvie TWINKLE 2 for 3Icý Best Buy - Save 8c! - 3c Off Pack Diomestie Shor tening Best Buy! - Save 10c - Economy Pack 400'9 Scotties 1Tissues2j 3est Buy! - Save 24c! - 18c off pack Giant SIze SUûRF Feature! - Save Ili; French's Mashed or Scallopedl - 7 or. pkg. Instant Potatoes 2 for 59e Feature! - Save 4c » 6.or. Jars Fren ch's Mustaird 2 Feature! - Save 10c - Creamed Brown Bear Honey Feature! - Save lic!- Plain or Garlie - 24-ý Dyson's Dilis 2 Feature! - Save1 C row n ,6!-Pkg. of 103 Tea Bags Feature! - Save 10e! - 6-«z. Jar Instant Sanka f or 2 5c 2-lb. Tin 49C or. Jars for 63c 79c lb 31c pkgs 53c pkg 63c Feature! -Save 200! SWEEP each 79c VEIJVET TIP each $ 1.29 Bakery Feature! Weston or Sun. beam Old Fashioned- Reg. 49c. ]Butter Cake 45c __________________________*1 Bet Buy! Birds Eye Save 19c Frenich or Cut 10-or. pkgs. GREEN BEANS 4 pkgs 8?uc Save lic - 6-oz r Tm Orange Juice 4 for 99c New Crop - Florida Marsh Seedless - Ruby Red - 48' GRAPEFRUIT 10 for 45c Creamy, Fresh MUSHROOMS Crisp and Crunchy No. 1 Jumbo Sire Staîks CELERY lb 49c 2for~ Ont. Vellow - No. 1 large.- Poly Ba g COOKINO ONIONS 5 lb 29C 29c w AT CORNISH'à RED AND WRIITE' Our Shelves are lnd with many more cash oavng fatures. Core in and se. for yourslf. -u Il CBC Gel dra.tesl 25th Birthday, The Canadlian B3road'casting Cor-ý poration celeb)rates itls 25th birri-J day todayT. twasomeb Act of Pâria- menit, Nov. 2 i13 f)t take over theý eýspon ls ibillty for pulicyimne radio in Canadma f rom theCanda Radio DBroaýdcasting Comsin which had been set upl four yea-s: earlier. ROUI k' k' K be 3 *assuredi with McLaren's *1 *2 *3 FUEL OIL ~ Quick4igniting, high iheat, dean burning. .. helps prevent burn. troubles. Automatically dlivred with persoa attention ta o mn p . j The growth and developmnent of1 the CBC in those 25 years lias beeni enormous, stimulated partly byi technical advances, partly by publici demand, nd partly by the initiative! and drive of its own staff. In 1936 the CLIC operated eight radio stations only. These were combined withý 16 privaitely-owned radio statÏionis to f orm one neitwork, which carrled network programmes for six Iours each day. The balance of the broadcastin.g. time was filled by local or indîvidual programs.1 This netw'ork( reached approximat- ely half the total population of Cani- ada at 'that tLime. Today, 25 years later, the singlc radio netwý,ork has expanded into three nelLworks, cDi-iprisinig 31 CC stations and 102 privately-ownedf stations; carrynewrpo gramns for 18 hoaLurs a da1y mb t( he homes of 9)6 per ýenjt of oýur popu-1 lation. In addition,thr are 121 CBC stations and -13 prival e sta- tions, affiliaited into two networks, broadcas(ing television programis in- to Canadian homes, of w ich nore than 193 per cent now are equipped with TV' 'receiving sets. While the numbier of CDýC sta- tions hias been multiplied betweeni five and six times, the costs of ce ating rgrm have sW'ollen eveýn more, and thie advectof tlvso has introduced an entirely new,\ dim-' elnsion into ithis apet)feittan ment inth' homée- So it is not sur- pr'isinlg to find thiat the budget o)f. the CBC lias swollen fr-om a roun1d $20000in its 1 irst fuJit year to' just over$100,00tsyer Do youi remember those licence fees? They were either so,-methingý we considered a nuisance to pay, or sornething we feit justified in aod ing. Yet in, those early days, the Il- cence f ees constituted the mnain fln- ,anciai prop of the CBC_. In that, ~first f ulli year, is revenue consisted of $1,896,813 from licence fees and $315 ,920 f romi commercial broad- casting. SToday the fee hias been abolishied; instead parliament in its wisdom decrees thait every Canadian tax- payer shall contribute te the coci of operating the CEC, whether that taxpayer utilizes the CBC's pro- gramns or nt; indeed, whether that taxpay« er possesses a radio and-or television receiver or not. Through the years the CBC h«.s been consistenltly under public ob- servation and frequently under par- liameptary scrutiny. Being a ser- vice for Wvhich Canadians pay, it inevitalbly recelves more vocal cnit- icism than praise. Yet praise lt does deserve, and in generous mensuire, for hein- the most powerful ingle influence in preserving Canadian- ism as a distinditiye national culture and for energetically fostering is expansion. Few Canadians could seriously crîticize the Canadian Broadcastingý Corporation for the Canadian job 1cmrr as a distinctive national culture ages Canadian art and artiests; more significant, it plays a valuable role in educating and informing us a- bout our own country and about Canada's 'hopes, ambitions and pros- peods. This is an essential counter- part to the sugar with<rnt the pili which invades us from across the border- The next 25 years will cee even ,more stantling changes in this field than the years past. For one thing, they wil certainiy cee the creation of a thorough-going and profitable Caniadian entertainmenit industry, to feed our varied TV réquirements.J We must hope toc that they willi see stifactorY arrangelments !whereby truly national programes are always availaible te our national 1broadcasting 1ietwork. We muet also hope that a- CBCI image is bujît which can lie widelyl resp)ected as the fineet of Canadian-1 B owm anville MA. 3-5589 Thurs, at 7:30 - Fr1. & Sat, 7 & 10 p.m. EXTRA - SECIOND FEATURE "Baile of the Coral Sea" MONDAY to WEDNESDAY at 7:30 l"Doctor !nLve in color (Aduit entertainment> Michael Craig, James Robertsori Justice ORONO TINSHOP'l SHEET IMETAL WORK PLIJMBING SUPPLIES PIJMPS and REPAIRS PIPE anid FITTINOS DRAIN CLEANERS MINOR PLUMBING REPAIRS B-il PAINTS etc P. E. LOGAN, Prop. Phone 11816 Orono, Ontario Cail us now to arrange for next winter's comfort. ORONO FUEL & LUMBER LIMITED Phone'1 48 16 Coffee $1.19 - 'N k- N N K ORONO WEEKLY TîNIF-$ r," Orono', Ontarîo RO 1YAL

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