THURSDAY, )rono High School News iÎhosts, Goblins, Wi.tch-es At O'rono High Da---nce ~CHOICE IMPORTED LAMB SALE! short CutWhe or Haif g Leg ' Lamblb3e Whole Flank on LoinOe-' Lamb lb 2«9eg g Oast -ChIols - Stewsg Lamnb in a Baosket lb 19C 1g g ?R, MIUM WEFINERS lb cello 43cg 9 Sw,,ift's premium Rinles g sLCL: SIDE A O lb pkg 79c g ~ Swft'sBrookfield Skrnless g PURE PO ASGE Ilb pkg 45c FREE - MEAT THERMOMETER Ï Win a hajidsome Stainless Steel Meat 1 Thermorneter by visitEng your nearestg IG-A storë- meat counter! Simnp1y write gyouir narne andi adress on the officia entry blank aid dePosit it in the officiai! genitry box. if your namne is amnong those .~ dirawn you wili be the receiver af thKS useful kitchen gadget. g %AtIK-%ERS PER STORE g Florid!a Famou-s indiian River GR APEFRUIT 1O"ze 45c Cisp Garden Fresh- No. 1 Grade Size 24'S LETTUCE 2 for 29c California's Finest -Na. 1 Grade Emnperor Grapes; 2 lb 25c Crisp andi Tender - No, 1 Grade Celery FHearts 21 c Tops in Vitamnin "A" No. 1 Grade CAR%OTS3 lb cello 15c 1 FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT -~ REE 24 oz F'armhouse ÏK tAPPLE PIE 1 with the purchase of ane Farmhause Banaria, Chocolate air price 0f bey last Food Prices Effective Nov. 1, 2c 3, 4. We reserve the right ta limit qcuanltities Brïghts TO MATO JUIC*ýE 248 oz 49C)c SWIFT'S PREM 4Atins 45Çc IGA BE"IANS with PORK 3 15 oz 35 BarB-QSauce 14 oz 32c Special offert Westbend Electric Bean Pot 1 Only $4.5 wth lae1 gg $32,0 jIlOU TAP ES g SReceive $6.00 in Bonus Tapes -wth- gl Swift's Beef Stew, Il, poundý tin LIPet Powedered Miik ioudbo gj Dove Facial Soaip, 2 regular size g i i Bluie Breeze, 12 cents off giant size Receive $2»O in Bonuis Tapes -with- Solo Margarine 1 pound package Frozen Brookpark Strawbeiries,,, 15 oz. pkg. Tablerite Sliced Ccooked Ham vacuumu sealed 6 ounce package No. 1 Grade Cooking Onins 3lb. cello bag d fi-. o o o' o g .9 o q - ~ Lt» DERIA[L Budget Tirne (Cotiniued from pag-e 1) the Preszbytery W.A, camec forwvard and presenfeýd lMrsý. RiChai2dsOén with agi, saying 'vt e have hac 0an Goblins, ghiosts and witcfies in- vaded tihe 0Oronio Oddfe1ilow's ïHall last Thursday eeigwe the Or - ono Hligfi School student body hield al HaHlowe'en idance wiciproved to be the moI t enjoyable and 1suc- cesst l hld (lthisyar T student body of the schoolý in theme oi i n umpInDrn Pj7ze wre gvnfor îthe bes1ýt coupes cstue whchvas .wonib.y Don Buck end Bob Barrabaîl The bpst boy cotumîe %was takmen Waynie Kenniedy anid the bes girls, iy!YaeGilbart. Music forlte dancing was provid- ed thfrougit the use of records andi la this deparfmnent mauny new lat-, ters hiad bceen added for the ojcca- sion1. LunIch a ere 0 ls the aciiisof teeei~ The students weore pesdto av thec ma on f tfacing staff i thie dance. Anoýther fauewas Ille fadet that no sooovas t1 beý ld CtonFidyas ,t vas Cneto timle for the p f~ vroepee ait the dane hve fre ta great MSces. fRoundAblo ut SI X 1HOC K EY T E A AS i N LAKý,ESýHO 0RE LOO- 0P ~-okiLeague m-ieetin,.g at Port Hlope last Wedniesday a six team iacp aasformed flor the coming season. Theroe wllbe four "B" tcami-s "li,,nd o in -tie(,"A" aeg ville Nae, TretniCF Bowmnvile, xbrdgeand Fr Houpe. The firstto am ari- termn-edriate "".P 1ywilcom1- m-enceaprxmaeyNov. A',h The akesoreLeague trophy wl lrn ias no entry in the lau NEWL C.FRASER NAMED) TO THE SUPREME COURT Tle ;appointilment thlis week of NeilCrya FraerMBE, QC, Sa partner la due Ofaw aw firm .ofý Crîh ,Fraser, Dynan and Mur - dock", to teSu!prem-eC yutiofOn - tarin )ndthle Ontarlo Hligh- Court cf JusiYen, las been greetedAISh ap- pcrobation ïby hiis 1co1lleagiuesin tLe trieds -nd ssocatesthruhoutý GM [-ART DELAY The south plan1t of GnrlMtr cldudown early ysedywe worers aMked off the job f0 pro 'ion. Te contrac etweh n ited AutoWoeranGnraM- tors ' .pr atmidigi nda un1- ion pksansiiheewudbe, fused f o wokteuulhu vr JANIETVILLE UNITED CIpIupRCH CELEBRATES CENTENNIAL verary0f anevhl UntedChurchý 1wfien pecial services .veree, -cIldte- Imark the 0ccWiQn, janefvllle was fcrut seffled i 1832 public worsfiip was first conductetd in Ille homeý_s and 1sefioo)l fouses and in the Orange Lodgeroom loafe on hc Jon'iston property, as early as 1852. By the early 6f's Church buildings were erected and dedlica- Schedule With, i Wlitby Higcjh Scoo hvebeen eniltertainled and touramnt.LastWensa th gIrls. I ni in lgupo inlts at hiby 'hel ron girls feiu behind it bthteams being dfeatd. In Oono estedayaffernoonth Ornoscno payed hos-)"t to 1the Vétby, girls in another tournameant f Vo 0eya -.Ooo in this tourna- menPît faredmch better with -the Senir grls pikin upa win. In thsdivýision Or-moowon tw'O Ou--- of the tree gmes wth t'eir .winsc being 11u8 ayd,15-129. 11ih tiscosl cne game 13-12. TheWhttyJuiosagain l m oui on le)op vrteOooJn-s The Or)on'o girls w"illnnow be nmeet- inig oti colinVolleyball an!d action iin tfis sport \will be fe in the (rono Municipal Buildig. outstand ing leader in lier. ivirs. illmRiandy and i Mrs. Wîlliam W î'ilson sang a dluet ar vO]IousGrace"jusf 'before fIfie cm M -s0J.F.Patterson and rci .R -,mso f Brooýklin .A cn dte e worsbip service, and lite quartettefjrm ibroo nsang "To, LivetoHel Oher,"accOmnpan&ied by rs M. A. Agar. Thequrt wa aeup of Mrs. . N. Ark'1sey, Elvs nd Miss C,.K.ipsn Mrs. Ivsannounced anipot !ant event to take place in Albert Sft. Churcit on Novemlber 12uh, a sunday vening ith the -Five Oaks Staff. This wvilt commence At 5:30 itia pot Jack supper. Mrs. G. . Both from imc S Uniitd Oiurch ws ithe organist for unde th lederhi- oftheir presi- det .......Co.per..R.ports o n e then c r2On taiC f~ Ph n 219-1 rn BURIJ ERVI E