ORONO WEEKLV TIMES THUR A The lorewa,-ïrds caoilbec-et For i Rainbow Trout Season OpenOh nnnercmupwtliùe ç'w nating for their efforts, fv Un .l o eT 1 3Oh fish from the, NottawasagaRie Wihthe elld o-f thýe !a s ïand tii Nove7ýnfber 30 and Ithe mrear cnteat. Twc)Oof ithem wihd dent fihermenstick;ith k nti ondIs12 oncsand 12 poundfs re- masinngefihîg sasns n n-the last minute, despite , soseiieyadfish Of that size are taio ttntinof dyýed-in-ihe-wocol rarnoug9h for a great deal of an-Ieri.s Snoýw turning to r inx l igh i dsand eeryh 0n--that dscomfort. ~.trout fishing may be carried on un-' able. T f va nuq g orr wihth- season is ope(n until N1ov- embe 30: Stramaiing southeprly ~ also te Nottaasa'ja iver ~~eon River frothsointh bounil -i 0f Ta Towsi owGeoian GerinBay and thie North River frýom McLa u ghl-,in's Falls in the Township of Mthds southerlY to Matcedash By. Lbimit is fiv, per day and posses- sý( ionlimit five art any one time. Wetles wthsml inniers are ,aniong he favourite lures offere-d by expei!enced! fishiermen; spinining býaits aef airy deadily. Take wvaders or iigIIrubber N' UUULs -- adilU wcar c lnyof wvarm lothing. Chanýes Il ~~RICHARD HUDNUT f r o'lne t ECGCR MEWoods z-Operationi ing ech week as the w \inter season] g areIbuildingecamps an'd bldz AND- 1oas1u1reartin frarvesting r <n anml tiber rop f omCrw 0f Somne of the companlies h1ave ai- readIstated ouoess thre trees fEa Ct vee1rAogIswlos, oles and fi pipwod.AÏffer thle trees ihaveber g 081 fi lngthand uinto 1log ta i3 Ptlpýý,ooc]is generýalïy TWO TYPES f ut of our footlgth ad pîled For OiIY or Normyan- or Dry f ph IThs rout will he rmeasýured! <o~~~~ % I11'C bali.ensed scaler, and bis assist- ~U U tëIUaUUI IIc y Tescaler recýords the net vol- fi umes, and at the Colip1j i o ofte PHONE 169J - RONO, O NT. cotn seaso)n forwards a rePo O~~~~~t ~ h oa mut 0the Distictýl Ladies' H-ats WVe have had them longeouh .33' per cent of LADIES' DPRESSES LADIES BLOUSES Ltdis' resesreeuý- 9 Ladies, Blouses 5 Laies Drsse, rgu- Reguflar $4.5() to $6.50 lar $16.95 for ... 1.95 Now for only . $29[ Bo,ýrd--ers to matceh et yd 4c I plain and eheck alil e ,wool,54wdReu 2 0 lar$35 a yariid.Z3 CIIILDREN'S RATS Clearing 98e. DOESKIN SHIRTING 1 piece of etaheavy, reguilar 85e for 59c. SETS - Regular $1.50 for...... 69e. xgs Evenngs Priday and Saturday Opetn Ail Day 1Wednesclay NORTH MreONAGHAN ~ 6 per cent Mature Decemnber 3lst 1962 to 1976 i Price $1 02.00 I F. E. LYCETT Phone12516Ororio, Ont. UNITED CIIURCN Orono Pastorâl Charge M inister R"evt. pBasil ~n CHURCH SERVICES OrGno -- Il aým, Kiby - 3 p.m.- Leskard - 2:00 o'clock SUNDAY SCHOOL Ororio - 10 a.m. Le(skard- 1:30 pa. Kirby -2 rpan. Your heating systemdi make you a LOCAL NEWS MLrs. Hecitor Marling and Mrs. H-arol-d Iioclgson, Toronlo visitedJ hieir aunt MArs. Howa,ýýrd Wvaish on Srnay and entertainied hier to dmi~- inr at "Ch-ateau On the Lake", Co- bourg on the occasion of lier birth- day. MIr. aind Ms.Carl Billinga visit-1 ed bis sister, Mr1Ls. W. J. ïnl iin \,eston oýn Tles'day. Sundaly dinner guests with Alrs. HTarry B1-ailey and fami1 were DL. andi Mrs. R. P. 1vkaby rMs. C. A, CuninL-îjg, Blowmanivili e, MWr. and The mone'y yu onte dith-L gion pppycapalýign brings Ithe But i cannt helie bodies broken- iin the servicýe of their counitry. We( dan o so littie for these inen who id SO mUch for LuS. However, ,we can express Our gratitude by giving generously f0lte Canadian ego Poppy Fund. 2S Tcik-ing Typ- ing In Orono wefyfrous Or01ono anld district have enoined u the igh iTypîing class, being held !lthie Oronlo Hjgli Sehi-ool. '1'2,,ifirst class opened on MOoda--y nighi and -will coninule forý twnt essonls. The case wllb held each M 2,ond-ay ueven!19g fromth hour of 7:30 t o 9ý:30. The cost of the.se classes is $0 for the--ýJ fui oe, r lthro Cie roo ih colstaff is cn Iisunetodtatnomrt in the clasis stii open f0 anyonIe two wihesiocin The C(iarkou e Rceto oms sio ha as adearagmet fot SureDac i~srcl on to be nn hedeey sTuesday evoni in, ofcorse proviadin ufent WA asntstedthattwelvernstrucilon peiodLs ound Sbe hld. stutr.I also o siered that thechrg wul b aroud o c. tpe olming eofcue a Camera u u oalci Th -eb ud o f6 Anone h1"dr finstrucAtio above projeects are asked to contact MriLverne wBoyd, 01rono,:secretary Commiitee. If thoSe itrse woul mak thir contiact now thep The Recreation Comminitte 1'are ilprov7idjig the meanswerb the1ý Orono 0players wi.th the Pri Thie PeterboljrouighFesiva ssm ilar, Io tJ rn n-AtFsia whicb ws rcnt fhe l the Or-, ono Town 1Hll Ut Lne Nes Mrs Jme Grneod of St.1 ClodMinestais visiting her mothr Mr. Go. Mrtonwhohas been vr 11inOshaa BoPItal but l now improving. . Gruiner- od MuÉpie) isalso visiting her brothr Mr.Bob orton and other' friend on-te sixthi line, M1,, Paul MýciVLackin is home Ïfor the wekend rm Kijngston. Mr. Rý eg EL1iott broke bis arm1- in twoo,, plcso Mody 1ast while thr-eshin-.g at Mýr. ROY Mercer's. .Mr, RJh'caci as 'bis fathler visitiin-glmil this week from Sussex, New. BrunsWický, le cam-el Get uiniformy floor to ceiiing comnfort wvith a new OIL-FIED w-ter air condihone Conistant iuniform distributioýn ndis "hot spots" an-d extreme tIemper- ture - variations . . . gives you even comnfort f rom floor to ceiling fromi roomi to room. And the air is clean- and flitered- at ail times, too! Look at these mioney-saving fea- *Nw Exclusive QuadrL -1e Blower first gently delivers warmz athenits, .tohigh speed as fuarnace reaches maximnum out- put. After burner stops, blower cicltsresidual heat, at low speed (to preve!it unpleasant "d(rafts"),'lien 'cuts off automati- cýa]ly. . prevents hot and coid "layý7ers" of air from forming. Newý, Filter Sentiniel guards a- litainst clogged. ,fIlters, cuts fuel lo)sses .- signais w'e,(n filters ieed IIattention. 5 YEARS TO PAY LOW DOWN PAYMENT SMIALL CARRYING CHARGE jPHONE -M,3, ORONO, CONýT. MASTER DUST MOPS MaId-~ of fine yarn, couldbe usedl as mitt Duster Regular $.S ';sm h. -~ eek Special$1.59 Deck Mops, regular 69e. This -week........ >.;5 v Plastic Stormn Windlows, Do it yourself style Competeand readly for- installation. Size 83 ms x72 ms ...23c Double size M6 ms x 144 mns . 39C Plastic Pal , glon, Tiurquoise color....69C C'overIsfor, s1ýame...............39e, Frepe Gillette Shaving Cem Giant Bottie wi--th thie purchase of 15 sup er bladles at thie reg. price................1.0 imited Quan-tityJ Toilet Soap, 10 cakýes Phillips assorte ini,)cello bag., Extra Value .... -...... ........9 Modess Carfree Napkins. Pk4ýg. of .12. iReg, 51.c Special................... 45e Christmlas Cards aIt rea-l saqvings. A large as- sortmient to ehoose fromn. Glitter Brite assort- mient, Gold tr-iimed assortment and Seripturle assortment. Lad ies printed flannelette Nightgowns. Two styles, f ul length, Slip over. Size med. or large $1.98 Somiething niew\ý, English- assorted Toffee, Eng- lish OUI 1;ýéshioned llum-bug.-s, English Rum & Butter Toffee. Assorted or separate 121ib,.........25c 1llb............. 49e ORONMO 5c. TO $1.00O STORE OPEIN FRIDAY EVENINGS THURSDAY, s 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N -i 'N 'N 'N "N 'N 'N '~~1 NI b '-4 'N 'N 'N N <'N '1 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N b 'N 'N '-i 1'.'. <NI 'N 'N "N "N 'N 'NI 'N '<'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N -I 'N N 'N 'N "N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N s 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N 'N N 'N 'N N 'N 'N 'N N 'N 'N 'N s 'N 'N 'r