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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Nov 1961, p. 6

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a a -r- a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a r a a a a a a a a a a a a a- a a a a a a a a a a a a a I{~FK I4846 41/2-24, rPocket-ful of flowers-colour- fui touci for a perfecfly plain (and plainly perfect) aheati. Easy enougi ta ew in e day - amart enoulgi fa wear revery- Pninited Pattemn 4846: Hait $izs'14, 161,, 18½, 20', 22174, 4½.Size l6z akes 3,-"s yards 30-inci, Embroideny frensfer. Send FIFTY CENTS (5) (stami-ps canotd be accepfed, useý postal note for sefety) frthus p attern. Pleasze pint pleinly, IZffE, NAMVE, ADDRESS, STYLE ±'flMBER. Send order ta ANNE ADAIMS, ax1, 123 Elgiteenti Sf.,Ne Taraiýnt o, Ont. P'ALL'S 100 BE-ST FASHIONS - epanafes, dresses, suifs, -n- .ýambles, al siallohin aur newý P'atferr, Catalogue in clu.Seiw for yourseic-f, f amily. 35e-. -0frinaidents must include r4 Sales Tax for oaci CAA- OU ocrdered. There la ýno sle -(nK i e ptfiâvns. J iz 7n g U PTkî Wedding March "A new wedding mardi is saore- ly needed.' rhe march fromn 'Lohengrin' is as Larchaie as Pop-. ulim and th-e MvendeIssolin march is a doddering antique.", H.L. Mencken mrade this comn- plaint In 1908. But recenly in London, the, drive to divorce church organists from what he called "these ancient and curdled compositions"' was stili going on. Under the white rococo dome£, Di Central Hall, Westminster, clusters of 'black,-coated oranlists mingled one afternoon wvith stu,- dents in bih sweaters and beaing ,brides-to-be. They hiad joînied forceýs to preview the win- ning tune in a contest sponsored by Youing's DMess Rire, Ltd., a firm wýýhich rents out bridai attire and feels t 'hat a mairriege can be binding withouit "Here Cornes the Bride." As the mîgiihtyora at the back of the Cenitrýal Ril stage tbundered out eighI-t old favorite wedding rcsini-nldn Jeremniah Clarke's Trumpet Vol-ý unltaqry and Hube rt Parry',s Bridi Mallrch from is operetta, "The Birds"-a parade of mnodels showed off gowns an-d morniing suits. Then organtiist Williamir S. Lloyd Webber-the hell's mus- ical director-turned his bencli Over to bushy-broweýd Ernest SuttIe, a 4-erodinspector of rnusie for, Britain's Ninistry of Education wha had woni the wveddinig-march contIestý (also sponsored by the London msc publishingý firmi of Nov1ello) overf muore than 200 other entries. Dr. Suttle, stiff-becked and fidgety, stormned thirough b) ]is wlarchi in four and a half iminuites -a pace lhe considers',ut aou eght for coup)les who want to, get on with i."Comlposed "on and off" over a manoith,. the weddinig march earned Dr., Suttie thle £100 ($280) prize. Forthrightly en- ough, the tune is cailed "Wedding March for Louis Young." "Whio is this Louiis Young?" ask eGorge Thaîben-Bali, organist of Lon- Simple Seamin'g PRINTJED PATTERN don Temple Ciurcb and a judge in the contest. "Is thaf som-eone Dr. -Si-ttie knows wiil be married ta the melodyl?" '-No, no, no," replied Webber, who was sifting next ta Thaîben- Beill. "Youing is the mani wbo's payîng for the shiow,." "No matter," said Theiben-Bal. "Ift was the best work wve got. It's quite good-a fine recîtal piece." "I like its pageantry, its cere- mmaia imagery," said Webber. "ITt's ratlier rousing-gutaraniteed ta get the desired result from even the most somnolent uie." "It's a jol1y good tune," ex- claimed Youngi,. "I could hum it from memiory' alter hearing it tbree times, I now,ý declare Men- delssohn deed, done, and finisbed wijt h." "Are you Mr. Young--" snapped an, elderly fradifîonalist ,who bed been eevesdropping. "ýYoui are very audacious!"' New Hope For The ParaPlegkS A parapiegic since lie feu1 six floarsfram a roof ta the ground two years ago, Meiynard (Red ') Berg, 25, wheeled iimself inta the leboratory et Mimonides HÀospital in Broaklyn, N.Y., one iday' vlest summuer. A leboretory tecinician ttacbed foui, elecf- rades ta fie useless uscles of bis legs. Wîres from the elec- trodes led ta a benk of four radio- like amplifiers on e neerby table. Dr. Adrien Kentrowýif.z, attend- ing surgeon, approached the con- trais of tbe amplfiers, paused a moment, and said quietiy ta Berg; "Get ready, youi're going ta stand up naow." The patient grasped a bar over bis bhead, provided ta gie hirmbalance, Dr. Kantrowitz furnied fie knobs, sending eiecf- ric impulses firougi the wires to the muscles. Red Berg stood up. He wes fie first parapiegic in hisfony ta stand fhrougb ectivity of bis own muscles. "If was kinda funny," fie red- bearded parapiegie says now. "It wes a wveird' feeling standing there and not feeling the ground below me, I didn'f feel any sensa- tion in mny legs at ail. At first 1 was really frigbtened beceuse 1 didnà'f fbink fie electricity could iold me up. But it did." Red's ablity ta stand was a crude begîJnning of a process fief mey take yeers, but it gives hope fief samieday be rmay be able ta walk. It could mnean thaf many of the 250,000 paralyzed war veterans and accident victims may follow Red out of bis wheel chair and walk firmiy Miô more proâuct"V lives. At a meeting sponsored by International Business Machùines Corp. in Endicott, N.Y., Dr. Kan- frawitz recently told what this new '<bioelectronic" technique portends. Someday, lie expleined, a complex program 0of "instruct- ions for welking," will be f ed inta a combined comypuýter,-amiplifier. smnall enougi for a patiený1tot wvear on bis beit. Thraugh wires ta electrodes, the comrputer would activete eigbfeen muscles in each leg in the proper order and at the praper strengtb. The patient would carry a lîttle cointrai box, fie size of a cigarette package, with a "oy stick" on it. When be pushes the joy stick forward, the patient wauld walk. Pusb if ta the left and lie would turni leff. Push it beck end lie would stop, Aw,ýare of the camplex prob- lems fecinýg Dr. Kantrowitz and his co--warkers, Red Berg, beck in bis ward, pusbes on witb bis own rehabilitation program. R e spends three bours a day exercis- ing in fhe gym, tien situdies art in the hope of wý,inning a schoier- ship toa an art school. Ris para- plegicwrdae kid hlm about bis visits ta Dr. Kanjttrowitz, and cal i hm "Red the Rob)ot," "Bat- tery Red," and"Ee-ed" Dr. Kantro)witz 1iimiself la con- CHRONICLLS CHRONICLES 0F Ginger ,Farm. Rere's one for- the record. On Suinday mnorning, October 15, we saw snow for the first time this season. It was veýry fine, neyer- theless it was snow. And that after a record bigb of 80 degrees earlier in thie week. But we stili haven't had aý killing frost. Last niight we tbought there wAould be one and at two o'clock in the marning 1 remembered a very -special beg-onia -,as stili out. So 1 got out of my niée warmn bed, îwent outside and broughft the plant in, It was aîreadyý potted but It is such a huge plant we wanted to leave it outside to the last minute. I don't, think 1 ever saw such a h-uge begonia - great, big leaves and stemis -- and it aIl grew from-r one small slip I planted last s-pring. Weli, I suppose everyýbody bas been in a mad rush just recent- ly. Doeýsn't matter bow long the good weatber lasts there are al- ways lest minute chores tO do when the weather changes. We_ have res;cued wihat ,w:s left in 'ti gaý ' - flowers, bulbs and vegetab , Everything except the gera ums. One of the plant- ers is even nw a mass of red, geraniumns still bloomi-ing as if it w-ere the middle of sumimer. The plants have grown. so big 1 can't possiblyhndetbem ini the bouse. We are stili on the run in other ways tao - entertaininig and being enterteined - and lest w7eek 1 started niakïng six pairs Of pyjamas for three of Our 1grandsons. Seturday 1 went to a sort of famiily dinner party that Dee was giving for ber Auint Quieenie. Partner wouidn't go - he didni't went to m-iss bis f 00f- bail gamne on television! TTbat wasn-'t quite s0 ungracious as if sounds because bis sister will beu back witb us on Monday so Part- ner says she will bave seen enougýh of bim before she goes anyway. Anybody been w.atchinig "Ben Casey" on television - that is, a ncw senies of drames dealing witfi doctors, bospitals and pau- tients? It is fine if you can tae if but I amn nof too sure if is a goad idea for people wio are- sick to waRtch i t too closely, i get en- fbralled witi any picture of that tyýpe - in fact I wou-ld love ta baýve been a women -,dactor, "Dr. Kidr"is .good but I f1hink "Beni Cae"is even mnore realistic - pehp oo uc so. As an il- lustration 1I will tell you an amusïrng incident that hiappened to Me. We iad watchÏed "Ben Casey"ý followed by tbe late news and tien eii i e it ta bed. 1, %vs soon sie but in a littiewhl I weis awa-.keegn and was dis- tressed to lee-l a qerbuzzýng in my ears. It k-ept on no) mtter which way 1 tur-ned. i re2mem- bered pe2ople with bhigh blood pressure do somnetimies hiave ear trouble but 1 hed ney-ýer been botbered befcre. Tiniking, of Be-ni Ceasey 1 said ta mnysei'f - "Is Ithis wiet bappens wh-ený the carotidI artery acts up" ThinI,thaougb1t - "Tus trbbn îs such e pecuiliar snain fI 1had ta descrîbe itla ot orà wbet wauld 1 sey? Probaibly\ the best description wouidld b that it was somnetbiing, like thie buzzing- of a fly." Withi thaf tbe thougit camie ta me , . . "A flY - if IS a fly!" I set up in b"CdPut on fie ligit and aooed tthe pil- loy. No f ly. But I l"e to pil- ialws s0 I lifted the, toi) one, and sure enough, trapp)ýd betweeni Ille twa pillowAs was ea ýtupid, buzzing fly! imagiïne heairing a fly tiraugi the tbick1ness aJ ia feather p'llowý%. If esone of those crazy shinglle files hiat flop around for aWýhile îand tien feuls on ifs beck and ies. Buit 'm telîng yau no_ other case of "1noises -in tne head" could have been mare realisie. And as y ou see if wesn't even imanaHtion. The rný;e was there alI nîi ai - thoughiti turned out if wasnr't exacfly a symptom of hiigh blcood pressure! As ta fief I knaw one thin thaf carn raise a person's biood pressure, and fiat is faking, a car on fie road. Wiat noad? Any road. You can't drive fiese days 1withouf running inta detours and road construction. Fniday I wes shopping just two miles fram- home. Tiere wes a surve-y party rigif wiere I gef on fa fie bigi- way. A lit fie furtier aiong men were felling frees and hed trucks along fie aide of fie road. I knew No. 10, was shuf off 50 I took a sîderoad, only ta find if unusually busy. I found ouf wby wien I got fo fie end of the road.. M\/en were pufting down nlew paving on a section of No. .10, norfi of No. 5, bifienta un- toucied. Tiaf is about fie busi- est intersection around bere and ffie Departmenf of Higbiways ichose Friday afternoon to work on if! I know road work must be, dlone but if som.-etimes appears fiat the Depantmnenf goes ouf of ifs way ta find fie most incon- venient fime ta do if. On fil occasion L had fa park iny car and walk a ccnsiderebie distane ta fie banik, dodfging my wa.Y eround heavy raad equipmenf. Mlaking Your Nylons Last Longer For, langer nylon wean, a noted fashiion expert ofiers tiese, suggestions: AlwaTys roll fie sfocking leýg down ta fie foe before siipping it on your foot. Straigihten fie foot seama, ad- juaf fie re inforc ement aethfe foot and slawily unroli fie esFadk- ing, smpoofl;ing if over Vie leg, straigiteni1ng fie leg seam ai the samne fime as you puit if on. St.and up ta fasten fie back gant es firsf, tlen asit dawn 1tG faseten front and aide 9ant erà And 1meke sure to festern hq gar"' feriïs in fihe wit of the xtockling Guerd your nylonm frônroug shote linînigs, jewelery, tor f in- ge rn a ilS, C ri-ý nies o, Di, g gurfaces fiat could snag them. 'Unnol the ,tocking ftram your leg when. yo~u take it f oU nover -pull)i tra7m t(fefoot. Higher Staindairds For BaIby Sitters Baisof Amecrice, beàtter timies are in store for yau! Rig stndadsfor those whôli substituite for mfîamna - the baby sitters - have been setloriin a bendbook juaýýt off fie press. The booklet b.y Camrp Fine Girls, Incu., is ceiled e, child care course2. Ideais from mainy ghis and ad- uits went inta flie iendboak. Special beip wes given by Dr. Margaret Haion of St. Louis, Mo., and Agnes Filier of the Ciildreni's Bureau, United States Departmenf of R-eaiti, Education, and Welfare> "A baby sitter is in e sense -meny people du.ring ber wonk - caretaker, feacier,fedr dresser, andc, very important, friend" says lune R.ammiond, of fie Camp Fire Division of Pro- grem- Services. Sie explains whiie each girl will have hem individluel way of doing iher beaf, heiptul information ilaeveýilabie for ail baby siffers. The long list of do's and doni'f's cavera getting perenfai epprovel firat; eg reeing on fie fee in ad- vende; iearning weli e layaut of fie bouse whiere baby lvs knowing fie felephane numben of fiie neeresct neigibar; tfiinkîng of fie baby as "a littie friend"; pleying wti fie baby, !eeding if, feýking ycane of if; elsa surme genieral rules of sefefY appIied ta emiergencies suci as vwhet tfa do if fiere is an itue or a fine; and assuning ea fair reapon- sibility in cleeniiing-up. The -trained baby siffer doesn'f came with ber bnief case exectly, but she does camne witbe play kit. A wiole ciepter u5 giveni aven ta, "Let's have fun" and what fa bring alang - suchias books, paper dalla, or fiat aid feddy bear, keýeping in mmid tie teste and fie aege of fie child, and being reedy for gaines and imiusic. Modern Etiquette By Aune Ashiey Q. Are biind dates,,socially acceptable? A. Certainly, if tiey are an- ranged by good frienda or rela- tives ai-id if you feel "like tek- in,- a chance." Q. Ia if necessary te mail rit- graved ý:edding invitations te Odse friends who have alreedy -been invitedl verbally? A. If la ALWAYS correct fa miail engraved w,,.eddinig invita- tions - even fa mrrembers of fie immediate faiies, Q. 'When a yeuing girl bas spent a week-end in the borne of a girl friend, te whem does she ad- dresber "bread - and - butter" letter? A. Sie rmey fie letter fa, ber friend, but must include amsaeot aprcato o the Serves lmlucb of th c -redit flor a pleasanit St QIs it considered proper t. ,end a maie patient iin a hospital A. Although not"mpoe, eut flowý,ers are uisually sent tLG womren. Agrwn plant is the customiary gift to a mie patient BABIES GALORE '797 A collection of babies to fas4- cinate the tiny tots, whethee carniage or cib caver., Each m1otif is mainly in oaut.. Une stitch. You'l find delight ;u emrbroidening these. Pattern 797,. tra.nsfer of 9 motifs 51/' x 6Yâ inches; directions for cover. Send THIRTY-FIVE CENTS stamps cannot be acceptled, use postal note for safety> for thia pattern to) Laura Wheeler, Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont.. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, Your NAME and ADDRESS. FOR TT-E FIRIST T1lIMvE! Over 200 desins- in our neýw, 19a2 Needlecraft Catalog - biggest ever! Pages, pages, pages of fasb- ions,.,homne accessories to knit, crochet, sew, wveave, embroider, quilt. See junibo-knit hits, cioths, spreads, toys, lînens, afghans plus free patternis,,Send 25c. Ontario residents must include le Sales Tax for echcl CATA- LOG ordered. There is no sales tax on the patternis. ISSUE 44 - 1961 MOTHER'S LITTLE HELPER - Thi5 littie cutie is Debbie I ue Brown , 5,ond doing dishes is fun. for her. Debbie àue 4 19&2's' U.S. Mar-ch of Dimes poster child, She ýwas barn wlth an open spine which wais corrected by surgery, modo possible by March of Dimes funds. Today Debbie Sue !ncn walk without braces but wears half-Ieg braces for cor- rectiva purposes following the operation. FOOTNOTE O f radical design, Capezio's "PlaYf lot' with toes sheared square and heels sliced wafer thin, strikes ai new note on the casua! footwear- scene this fail season.

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