.5,eaurd!Yýï ag0 Fo -r 7The0' Secý'rets ofSle The pecular chemistry of sleep is samiething which stili baffles sciontists. But a new investiga- tion, launcbed by Dr.Chester Pierceand bis assisantsat O0klahoma Univorsýity Modtical Centre is trying to track down smre of its age-old secrets, espe- cialy those concerning the effect of dreams. Bad or anxîous dreams, tbe kînti wicb -,produco nightmares and cold sweats, bvebeenl sus- piected of promoüting hocart attacks or brainstorms. SucliefeUets may arie bcause ogly dreams, by geuoratiug ex- ritement, increase the amount of paty material, caod ce sterol, circulaig in the blood. This miaterial, saysscntts clogs the arteries, aýndma lead toOflirombosisý. For bis in-vestigations, Dr. Pierce bas persuadAd a student fa act as "guiea pig." Tme stu- dent sep in the hospital labor- efOry .with a tube attached f0 a -vein lu bis arm andc a small bat- tery of electrodes fixed roundi bhicblca d. The eulctrodes record bis braiin- waves andi eyeball moveents. By wtc ntis gabtii- vestigtor can teoi at once wheri1 Mme student is dreamiug. At favourabile momenu1ts lle takespes of the s:tudLent's blood. Wben he bas obtaind the via blood sampie, the netiao can waken the student, wbio can then give accurate details aibout bus droam Dr. Pierce also heCpes to dis- caver ecxactly bow sleep refreshes liuman big.It m-ay ba, hie says. that in twenty years' tîme fcaverage man's elgînours a d3ay w-ill be quite unnecuessary. One ortw hours imay be suffi- cent, depending on its inensity. When a man and a wom'afl marry fhey become ance. The trouble býegins when, they try te eeide -'whilh ont. PIPE FOODER - A harvest of smoke is a famnily job as Max Kincaid, foregrouncl, helps his dad loaid his wagon with to- bacco leaves in their fields. ~itere To I$ANDY WARM-UP - Professional womnan golfer Mary Lena i auik chips out of a Sand trap ot the Stardust golf course hn Las Vegias as she warms up for the $1',000Ldis Nationail PGA Champiçinship Tournamnent. Vionders 0f The Gen. David -Sarnoffchairman CL thec Board of the Radio cor- j oration of Amierica, anticipates *h dîay wenman will b.e able ýa communicate %with manî any- si-,here in the worldI by micans of, a smal, pocket radio set that will bothsen rd receive mnes- Sage ýs. Thus person-to-person commnun- ication will beý possib)le "within the next 50 years," says the man whoas flluwed the dIevelop- ment Of communications fromi the simple Morse telegraph key to satellite. Space satelltes will "pave Ma road in the ether" over wAheal people cari"rae"in thîs.new, era of communications-an era inwhc - General Sarnoff pro- dt1itht "coùmmunication with other planets is sure to come." This projecýtion into the future camre during the course of an iimpromptu interview in thie gen- eral's mnid - ManhaLttan ihomre where hie and IMrs. varof wre con.tingent of theWoesNa tional P'ress Club. Asa Varity e a11dlino put it: "Womn'sPreýssClub rbt Thriý u Gei. Sarrioff's2-Rm Town House." The "orbit" inclded a to)ur of 'thegneas newly comjpleted troùphy roomn filled wýith mecne- tos; of Ilis 5,5 y-ars, in econîmýuni- catioris. These range from the lMrs key withnwhich he tappod out thestartlig news of the Titanie iase in 1912, after picýking up thec shipj's distress siýgnal, to a riew illuminated scroli recently signed by 3 memibers of the Sonate and Vicýe-ProsidIent Ly-ndon B. Uohnson wvho honor-ed hlmi at a spoc(,,iial. ilunceon on) doiigthe trophýy roomi is blis office where the walls bear inýscribedec portraits of Presidents RoosvIt, Truman, and Eisen- howe-r, a bronze plaque of Mar- coni, and the bookshelves are filled with autographed firt cdi- fions, inCluding S ir Winston Çhurchi4l'scseies on World War General Sarnoff held this un- usual press conference on the sunny rooftop terrace of his home. Hie looked back over the past and ahead into the future with the perspective of a mnan w ho, as he put it. "hitched bis wagon te an electr'on." WhenP satellite corf'imunication)i cornes, hie sa,,s there shouid be a special United Nations, channel in- thie System1- so that UN sessions cani be broadcast arid mon every- whiere can see aind hear what la going 0on. Hle foresees the comning of "inistant nwppr, with fac- simile reproduction via stlie "deliv-erinig" a paper instantly ai! over the globe, writes Josepin e Ripley in the Christian Sýcience Monitor. The first bigh-level space satel- lite will be uýp andl oporating in two years, in bis estimiation. 1t awaits onily the developmient of a rocket booster with sufficienit tbrusqt. Low-level satellites nlow being developed at RCA laboraitorieg for the goverinment will be ready for launchirig next summnner. The mrarch of natural science and the .progress of technolo-gy is "m ovinp vcry fast" in the field of commu tinicat ions, with the Uitýed States wvay a-l dof the SovetUninaccoriig to Geni- Lesayýs istoy illreor tÀ ena of ni's discovery of the atom, .th1' e electron, andl explora- tion. of space as "the greatest, development iin civilizatýion ta 'Lie often wnos he confided, why rman lbas olnow iszcover- cd the atom and the electron "when they haive beeýn a part of thoc universe since its creation."1 Lieý wond1ers "why bas mýan been ke'pt fromn thîs lknoWledge alt these billions of easand onlyý now becomie aware of it?" If it is b)ecause "our civilization has achieved such a moral and ethical peaik that this knowledgte will be used only for a, benefi- centpurpose, that is a comfort- ing thought," ho sayb. If not, "It is a disturbing Commuitnication is '«I i k e a knife," hie mused., It is not thte commiunication instrumentality ltself, but the use people make af it which dleterminies wbether if is good or bad. He see satellite communica- tions as a field 'in which priva-te enterprise not onfly can do the job, but do if better than gacver- ment, althotigh lie feels thaqt gov- ernment lias an important part fiS play in a regulatory capacity. FESCANPCEL THEIR BUSINESS -- This see-hear-speak-no-evil scene takes place in Ph-î!- deip)hiai, police headquarters after Secret Service men chairged this trio with tryving to pecdle ca million postage stamps. The men are, from-P left, Joseph Costello, Vincent, Noce, aind Peter Troiano. To îe eFallout A few days ago a group of Am1eîicanls Set ouf on a ln journey fromn Long Island, N.Y., to the other end of the contin- cnt, seekinig promise in e ne'w land, much in the w7ay fliaf thn a -idi pionieers trekked across the, Thiere were somei differences lu thiis nieýw migrationj, howýever. if involved about 10 p",ople, many of them artists wha bad been wxorkîng fogether in an art conter near the middlieaiof n lsland. They were bounid for Chico, Calif. (andf stili are as far as îWe knio'x). They were not seek- ing gold or even land, but safety frmatomnie fallouit. Thy iured1 thaf Long Iln wasý a very unisaf e place, fîled wvito airpiane and other cense lndustry fa-ctýories, and far f00o close to New York City for- com- Solza commiittee wasfoed If inivestigated and discvee from Washiugtou sources thafa three areas in the United States were conisidlered ta be e-xtremoely cýaf e fr om fallouf problemns: nlorfberui Caiforniia, s o ul t hl e r n reoand ani area in M1ýontaýna. The comrmittee recomnmendled and the group choseý Chieco as their new home. Bag- and bag,,- 1 gage tbey departed, selling treir cumbersome possessions, ta try their luck, in the uinknown-r. Thon, after 'the trav-elers had severed their ties, and had be- gun t heir trek, an entorprizing reporter dtid a litfle cbecking on their decision. Hie discoverýed that the De- foence Departmnent is abou,,t to build a -new missile base just ouf- ciîde Chico, that a Str.ate,ýic Air Commiand base is quite 'nearby. -lui other words, as the reporter- noted, Chico, quite possiby, is a more likoly fargef for destruci- tiïon than miany'other places ini cae of ali-out war, Any oth er candidca tes ilui gra- tion? -- Denver Post. Famous Volcainoj Due To Erupt Soon it was forecast by a siml ogist receutly thaf one of the mnost active volcanoes lu the wolKilauýea, mighit blow its tpagin in a major eruiption ta- wrsthne eud aofIlsear. The- volcano - altitude 4,400c eeti n ý-ho i oand i Hawaii, iu 1he Pacifie Oceaýýn, and ha lake of fier'ylaa lmsto miles wide. It is alwaý,ys smoýking or flami-1 iug, sometimes overflow-ing into aid tracks, buit seldom d-angerous. In 1840, in anc af its worsft eruptions, a river afi fire five iles lroad an-d 200ft. lu depth> burst from- it and poured down, flic mountainsidie.i Two years ago, white-biot lava gushed like water frm if and thero -was great damage ta the fawu of Kapobio. About 150 mil-1 lincbcyards Uf lava sm-ofher ed more than 1,000 acres af va 1lu- able land. Li 1933 there xvas a sde reviv7al of volcano wrsi n Haw'aii vili its rifuahistie sacri- fi7ce of maidens in the crater. -At least tfIret girls, if was re- ported offered fbemselves as sacrifices ta "appease" flic vol- cana., Somne time later Amierican eyo-Wtut)sses saw two girls ae- tually sacrifice themnselvcs tu Polo, tht goddess ai thF valcano, Thetfwa %Young girls, recling wyith kav, a lieady bewe-rat_ ed fromr palm leaves, hiad lain on tht-l edge cf the crater and been covered wvith garlauds bpforct pluuging into the burning cduld.- rau of nmolfen lava Pa thousand How Con 1? By Rober-ta o ICLASSIFIED AJ.VERTISIý'l AGENTS WANTEC S ALESMEN, DEALERS, AGENTS WAN- tED to seli mierchandise. Hlundreds of outstanding Enes. For, detaJ'Ils, apply to No. 242, 123 - lBthi Street,. New Toýronto, Ont. ANTIQUES STEAM ENGINE WANTED for private antiquie collection (flot for work, but runn ing order) old-timne threshing engine (portable o 'r traction: portabrle pr7eferred.) Also intoerested in olct-i ture thresher wthstraw carriers, Write desceription and prlee. HERBERT TAYLOR, CHELTENHAM,ý, Ont. BABY CHîCK<S BRAY 10--4l-ek ld puleta, Aines and othei'r varleties, available prompt shipient. Dayolds te, order. Time te order your next lot of broiler.s nowý. See locail agent, or wteBrvy Hiichery, 120 Jihn Northi, Hamîilton, Ont, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PE1L!E wanting extra monieyfind w;ondlerfuil opportuný,ity with Cathiolie religieus jeweller'y at whiolesa1o. Mini- moum order $00Details ani jfull color catalog ,,Oc. Dept. W, Catholle Relîig'ous Art, 776 ýMacD-onell, Pocst Box 626,-Port Arthur, Ontario. BUSINEzSS PROPERTIES FOR SALE VARIETY Store In? the centre of Nortb- ero On-taýrloThivntouriat and hum- bering ïarea FulI asklng price $*3ý000 $i5,000 çowtermis. Phoniie or write FARM HELP WANTED MALE WA-%NTED younrg, injgle man to wýork wui t puebreti Hoîstein3s, An oppor- tinity to work undr lhertiman, 40 years' experlec. Cattle well caýrecJ fer-Smo fr 170 bead. Nmbrof outstandlng hetismenmade thi4rstart n his f ara oke'scmes tion and peusion plan carriccd Good accommnodation iadnd eals. lPhone oùr wýrite Glenafton Farlia, AlsoOnt. FARJMS FOR SA-LE 60 ACRE f arm ,on uounity road in Tees- water aajcý, Good buildinga, close te roat Hydro. anti good water ppy Wrvite Wi. Bu -iR3 Tewtr 80 ACRE IARM 10 miles fromnGep for salIe, near 401.', rooni !house, ha1r1b wlth water leo both, hydcro. For fu1rtber informnation contact Mr. RIell(r Klein, RR 1 MOFFAT, Ontarlo. This atvertise- _jnent la puiblisLsed free as one efthle imany benefits of: THE ALLIED SER- VICES (CANADA), P. Box.11029. Lo- don, Ontario, 200 ACRE FARM seven miles frein Suoirldge,(- one of the best in Parryv Soundi district. $11,501) macineryv in- cluded - terma rs cIash. Write bo: Mrs. Bay.Ontaerlo. FARM MACIIINERY WANTED ALLIS Chalmeris Combine wsnted. aise eelo wreck wlith Bin, fordsonMao trac(tor. 49-51 wne.W. Scott, ER6 FOR SALE - MAISCELLANECUS BAIBYý Sets, three 'piece, crocheted. Ex- tr'a Bootees Free-. Money back 'guar- afftee. Any* vcolora. $ý2.50- Johnisoni, Box 26fi5, Willow dale, Ontarlo. .BUY 5 pairs anad we give youI pair free -Ail w'oel imen's work socks.* Rgarretail value $1.25ý Our price 85e. Dresseeka La1,ýmbswool sne Gorn. Reguýil rurail valub $125; Our, price .75e. Postage paid> Monrey refuni- eti if not satlsfactory. Free catalogue lllustrating hiundcreds of linos of mêe chandîse a)t monoy-saving pricos. Twýed.- ell MocacilgCompany. Fergus A., Ontarlo. ME09CAL P0cST4 KZEMA SALVE BAN ISH the tormesit &f dry ecma rashes sand weeplng skfn ti L, Postas cea Salve wll not disaneoint yeu Itcbing, cldn and burnin g eoze- ma asene rnwrplimples and foot eczema iIï responti readily to the stainle'sa odorles ontment regarS(lçse of hlow stuibb0-~' or hopelesse they seem, Sent Pâst Free omC-1Receîpt or PrîcQ PRICE $3.5Q PER JAR POST'S REPMIES 16q65 St. Clair Avenue East 7OROINTO GOOD RESULTS -- EVERY SUFFER- ER FROM RH-EUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. muNRO'1s DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA $12 xpress Conect. this srpor. the inside of the heel of your pumrp. Strcetch the ends slightly, then fasten thern, ta the sides of the shoe,.Place them, where t--,,y will be con- cea'led from sgt of course. Q. 11GW eC.fl I prevent cracking of patent-leather covcringif on the hieels of a wonan's shoes? A. By coating this letewith tmre colorleks igra polish. "EVerything for the H0bbYist . Woe gales Retail, Cem11plete Caýtalogue 40e.Ï Me-liobbies, 1,'55 Lakeshore Road, Teronito 14. music Learn tc, play tise piano in 6wek with s ymiprovised music. Free sietails. P.O. Bo3X 873, Mnra NURSES WANTED RFAGISTF.BF.0 <radsate Nre or Cer- tieti Nuirsinig Assistants. Position ope') for full tinoduie.Apply Dircter )of Nuýrsinig, Toronto Rospita,.Westen, Ont. RO9-61 Local 25 NUT R iA AT TE NT1IN PURCHASERS 0'F NUTRA Wheo ,ýfi prhaingntracnstestl tion offeqrs: 1. rbhe beataaiaestc ner0- br ed or stanldard 1types-recomrmende 1. bce repuitstion of aplan wîh rvigitseli subs-tantlied O flo satisfd ie racher'"-om ! of stertity ail Hfuilly slan n cil cerificate of meni 4ý We gîe ou ont muttion ar, nidemand cjfor fu grmnt 5 %,ou Ireceive lrom this organisation sýa 6, Mebrpin or;xP ul.eOee, ers, socatonwerbyolypr- chasers ol hsstc ayo i i!ae in thebeetsooferi 7 Piïces tel BreIn Sie 1 i Special otfcfr to Itosesvo q ly ear n vourNtiso urctpests bssW rit e:Cnda -Nti LS. FUN PROF1 lil ITN' O Two boolc hw o owt vecm usagsmicrophione, n Jwrtng Lau the real secs$ets of Ventiloquis11, ",d hou' to nake your on unie )'0,, of fac' s simd techniques(. S IAý'!ýL OFFER $1 GO for beth bjo!ks Fotun Publications. 12334 -7t Srerd- menton, Albierta. OPPOTUNIIESFOR MFN AND %WOM.N SE A HAIRDRE.SSEr JOiN CND' LEADING SCPOOL Learn Hairtiressing PleasaiigiLnifies rfesongo svages IThousaintis e o cf au 1îlustrated CataIlou Frue Write os Cafli MAfRVEL HAIRDRESSING SCROOIS 358 Bloar si W. Toront"o 44 KigSW Hmlu 72 Rideau ISîreetOtw PERSONAL Vanished aw'y ith. Sacsi-Pcoo, aa P1ele is SilFferent It doos not dissolve orý remeve haýi frein the Surfa"e, but penjetrates and retards gowhoi on- wanted liair. Lor-Beer aL, ïtd. Ste 71, 679 Gra-nville St , Vanicouver 2. B C IIYGIENIC RUaBER GOODCS TESTED guaranteed, mllSin uiaîn 1elln'c'ýiludliin"caaogeFi!sexý oolçree wlthl trial aso~nn.18 for i)( ' OFietLqualityl Western Iistiibu. fors;, Box 24-TPF- Regina,Ssk PET STOCK TIOPCLanld Eroea inceS, C arles, "w - ' - aggbsrd S, Momr keys, HlamstersGune Pga. i1aLx 1leons.îteraiture. Detailed pieii15e Thocusands Birds FariIi, Delta, Onitarie. REAL ESTATE WANTED ~LLCash for, bush lats, uninmproee suds. ASvlse tonhpareage, lot, concesslin, price, by letton. Zelsian, 130 Shaftesbuýtry St., ownvo11Ot. STAMPS 0f Canada Albm,- 23 pages, apcsfor 370 stampa.. Senci Fifty Fýaleteste: Wlghtman,Bo 328, Smith st Cove, Nova Scotia. WANTED -EGGS FLOCKOWNERS WNTDte uilpily eggs ,we(,Kjly on a yearly hasis. ÏLarge_ rmlmpaid over miarket prîce. Ap- ly ox Number 243, 123 -lM0, St,, Newý rntOntarie. LEARN WELDING NO TIME L!MiT AISe3 Certificate Co ur sesi n SUPERVISION -- ïINSPECTIONN QUALIT-Y C0NTROL A.Rýc. SCHOOL OF WELDINJG 92 Jobn St. N., Humilton JA. Ç9-7427 JA. 7-9681 SWIM AR TIST - To Mohamtýmad Noebul Muslimr Bhawvaly of Dacca, Fasi' Pakistan, swviming ~s more art thon sport. Here, the founder of the Dacca Swimmrfing Art Club looks like a floatfing contortianist, wraipped up in one of some 300 yoga swimmcing postures he has been practicing 3 years. k N 's s N N a k k N N N 's .5 'i 4. s N a. s 's k 's s N