i wi* * Il Ai 1 rade Wlrnister 1-tees L-Asks 1 Industry For Lower Costsi W5.e're in for more anid more and pimaytski p eiduLyi coe ompetition<- Trade and Com- slf :-nersce Mînister George Hees said in Infi e 1motsMr C orglast week at an incdustria,-l Inteex12mnsM.Hs ,ýppreciation fnut ieb h aid, 241Canadian trade mision ~maor nd ounit uf oborg i-would be sent abroad, and Canian -i' Cob Gbourg Golf and Curling 'club. exhiblts would be shown at 55 trad faîrs. Hie said expo't financing fal- cuilities hlad been set up for, the cap Speaking te about 60 represenita-1 ital goods industries, so -Lat Canl - vsof municipal governmyenut, in- a's eperit -finacingi qult ustr~and abour, Mr. Hees said tatofte nie Stae Epet Ihewa net willing te admit tlwat,ý y-ith ail hler resources, Canada ýýîJu ld fot do a betfter j ob of product- -'t i iln and salesmanship i-han any oi-h- ~rcoun±ry. But, the minister said, "We'ye -gr i-o stop thinking -we're doing al Pýointing, out i-hait Western Eu-i toehad recovered better from thel SeodWorldi War in 15 years tIhan hethought possible in 50 years,' IVi. ees said -that in these coun- i-lsmanagemnent and labour haveý etedtheir differences i-o an ex- ielt0111y attailled in a f ew instan- e il, Canlada.- lie cited the great iechnological advanwces of Western Europe, and, ssd hat Canadianindfifusi-ry must- gttscosts dIown and it uallty Impor- Bank,,wlii'ch hlas been i-be4 leadIer in thait field uaniil now. A", 1,whe ,gevernmet4t's effortfs could (Io, lie said, was to give Canl- adia)n inclasutrvy advice and] the Op portunity te dio business in thle high- lycmpttv markets of today's world. Decry1ng suggestions that Cani- ada attempt te enter the Europeani Commnon Market on equal termsý immdfaely bepoinited eut that Canadian jinduistry, %vith the excp- tinon f a fcwý industries like alumn-ý inumic and pulp and paper, wouId1 suffer. Secondary indusutry emiploys Jhaîf our w ,-orking population, the mninis-1 ter saýid, and any trading arrange- -nents made by the Caniadian gev- 'rretniust bi indIusqtry as ai whIole and fthe cbuintry as a whole. h.V eîave neen au'cuseu Of pre,- ThMe rministýer saidl the goverilnen i-seniing Britain wbitb an u-ltimatum lreadly andi willing te do ail it can in oecin withi that ,ouiitry's ihelp Candianlài industry tue e poesd entry ith -e Conunon îpn ts expert markets, but the Makeut, Mr. Hlees s-aid, "and we (idino ctw] dng.il" "Bu t we2 f et we mnust tell Brit- aIn lhow important Commonwvealth preference iîs te us." Onie fifth Of Canada's expert the first of î old Weather Comes~ To Ontario mrt yor;ights onhaIg equip- 'ntNOW fro myOUr soHetn ~qruimentDealer. PET TO GIVE AWAY W ill give, away a tw o)-yearj old inale ealgle Houte oa go 1od hJome.ý ?henle 10410 Orono. ca-p FOR RENT 8-roomjed frame hou)tse,, Main St., ,)1ono1. Immediate possession. In- spectIon by appointmient Phione Or- ono 518. 'a-c FOR RENT1 Thiree roomis unfurnishied, heated.i Réasornable. Phone Orono 130j2. FOR RENT our roomjs, a large kitehien and 'iviiig roomi and 11wo bedi-roomns -Uip- stairs. Apply M.J. A. Paterson, Oronio. IIELP WANTED Dish wa-sher %wanted. Weekends ono 10R19, a-c NOTICE Dr. A. F. M\cKýenzie',s offic:e will be cosedNoveber 11. a-c COrMING EVENT eahrSocýial Club Anniual' Baaar and Tea, Saturdlay, Decem ber 2ndC. b-c TENDERS Sealed I 'enders, ciearl.y arked,ý will be received by the undersined up te and ini-Iclinig Nov. 11, 1961, tIfor 'No. 2 furnace oil fori-be Oronio Skating- Rink ferci11,e 1961-2 season, trade is te 'Britain, le said, total_- ILowest or anyý tender flot nc li-ng one billion dollarsanaîysriyceped and 953 per cent of it entersBrtn Mrs. M\,arvin Lunni, dut _fee Lss of a substantiai partl Secretary,- o- of this trade would affec(t everyoneý Oronio Amateur Athietic Assi in Canada. ation, a-c Mr. Hlees satid that CnaaMust- exan ier secondblry industry and aivoid her traditional role as a prim- aygoods' exporter. Rather than exprt rimrygoods adimport- i-be fLiishedl predluci-, giving- aneth- er oouni-ry t-he work and -be profits Cainada musi- do more of i-be finish- infg i- home he said. The speaker -urged his hearers te attend i-be Fedleral-Provincial Inidustrial Conference te be hepld in Kigston November 7i-h, or anotherý similar cenference te be bield in T'oronte, Novemiber 21. 1lie said these conferences, like othiers hl thiroughiout Canadla, were designed, te hielp Canadianal induIstry evlo ts expert business. j.ou wanfta ~rimake more WELL DOIN'T WASTE TIME ON THAT OLD AND TO LSM CHAIN SAW T Eà ONlxAV 1-dV iW RAA N NEW CA~& NA A' NhIlORONI. ONT. COMING EVENT The Ladies of the W.A. and the W.MV.S. aire holding a special SUI1- day Service November 5th. Rev. B~.1 Long- will be(,h speýaker and there wiil be special music by the choir. COMING EVENT J The Royal Cainadian Legion andý ExsrvieMen and Womieni,w liold their Annual Armistioe sr-ý vice ont the evening off Nnovemnber 53th at the United Cht,,reh1 at 7:30 p.mn.. -All returnied m-,en and wom-en! and other ýservice clubs are asked to mee:t 'at the Oddfellow,ý's fHali at 6 3U p.m. s as te arh o the Cen-o-ý COMING EVEINT theCandia Leion fihthuman' vcteansanddepedens. esfor seme hereare ensios. Bt al penson cver iluc emegenista fanhy iln.?s, edicl bflso Assoiaton re oldng heir Be2ýýne- elîn hatr.a RedC brick h; -ix r-ooms Wi Apuply Mr. Concession S orphone MaI ville. FOR SA' Phione 110, orono in Orono FOR SALEi a and ou uil lenlgtik grley "oy"ca jde 2. Excellent condition. ~ro,32 Phone Oronio 9R12. alp wman-le a? BEL AIR ALUMINUM WidwDoors, wnngRail-i ---lings, Prime, Sliders, Garage Doors.ý Rp. Plletier, Pheone 91,15, Qrono Range.i d39p c-lent con]-! TOWNSHIP, 0F CL.ARKE Clerk's Notice of First Posting of Voters' List Voters' Lista, 1961, Township of Clarke, County of Durham NdTtice is ehereby given i-batI hiavecoplid wiithsection 9 of The: Voters' List Act- and that have posted up ai- my office ai- Orono on thef 3t'h day of O(-tcober. 1961, the: (i> of aIl persons entiiled te vote' in t1tz saisI 1MunicýipalitY et Munici-j pal eleoctionis and -bai- such listi- e-ý mains there for inispec(tioni. And I heey eal upen ail voters to takeý hnmiiedliate proceedings te have auyj omissions 'or7errors cerrec2ted ac-, cerding te law, thbe lasi- day forý appeaml being thte l3tHIday of Nový-ý Datd tis .3th daof Octobeî, HE.MILLSON, Ce of i-be Townshil- c0fCare FOR ~PAINTING -DECORATING BUILDING -CUPBOARDS F g REPAIR AND FINISH FURNITURE Phone 1413, Orono GYOU CAN BEGIN P g CARlEERTRAINING AT ANY lIME gTheif Oshawa Business College - is open y-ie ar and our f U method of îndividial instruction neýrmits you to Fl star- aý éany time i8 Day-School Courses fromq wbich -o choose F EVENING CLASSES- STLJESDAY andi THURSOAY [J 7:00 i-o 9:00 p.m. U Choice of Subjects Special Classes fo'r hiousewives Sbftrks Il Teen--Ag-e Tyýpi.sts g FREE LITERATURE F [J AVAl LABLE 10 SimcoeStreet Nrt !)ial RA. 15-3-375 g srac iaits Ba.gl gAuito, Package and Composite F gPli:cies, Fire, Far-m, Life, BurgaryLiabiity? M'arine, F [Accident and ScnsWlnd, Boilr, ideityBond, Etc. Sadie HamIilon g Phone, Orono IR16 [ FIR.",-rn»RTGAGE I.OANS WiNTERIZE VOUR HOME FOR WINTER Storm Windows, Frames, Sashe.. caul Newasl0F. H. Graham, 2581 or Orono: 2191 e8 DEAD FARM STOCK Hhetprices for, Dead and Dis- abled farmi stock. RAY VIVIAN LTD. Locust Hill, Ontario Pho)ne Markhamn 1160J, Collect 24 1Ïour, 7 day evie Please cal]ý anytime. OntarloGovermnment Lic- eneC 10261.p Feddewa iReal Estate BOWMANVILLE OROO MinSt: 3 Bedroomors, Baithroem, 011 Furnace,-S1, atron tap. Good Wvell, niew ai-! terationis. Askîng price $8500.0) Owvner anxious to seli, make u an oser. IIAMTON3 bedroom bungalow approximately five years old brick'- ve neer, al cneiecs garage, large lot. Price $12500.'00. Lowv dowin paymnent. 0RON0-1Main Stret 3 bedroomw bungalow. AUi conviences, garage,ý large lot with creek, many extrasý $13,500.00. Terms. CLARKE 150-) acres, 9 room brick house wAth oil furnace, bauthroLuom, bank barn, creek, Exceptionally good fari. $25,000.00. Termis. CLA~E 10acres, good gardep swih10 room frame ihouse, bakbarn, garage. Prioe $7-500.0 Termns. ORUNO-730 acres fac(ing ]highw-ay 11,-) Suitale for buildinglos ice $300.00 per acre. MJany, other listings thiroughout DuhmCounty and O:)shawai Phoe ~fOrono White Washing STABLES PUMPlING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tomîpkins Phone New,-tonville 472'l STAFFORD BROS. Phune Whilty 552 3'.8 Dundas st. E., Wltby FINE QUALITY MONUMENJTS AND MARRK RS Let us erect a handsome, dig. nified monumentý over the rest-. ing place of your Ioved ones. It's flot expensive. And seeïing this last tribute wiII give you encttess comfort. WALTER FRANK DW. MCQUAV 177 Church St. F Profeeioa Drectory A. F. McKENZIE, M. mPHYSICIAN and SURGEON~ Office l4ours 2:08 to 4:00 p.m. 1:00 to 8:00p.u Saturdays and Wednesdays by ~ appoini-ments only PHONE. 1471 1 ORONC DR. R. J. TAGGART VETrERINARY SURGEON Phone 10616 Orme, O,*. Lawrence C. Masoo, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones. Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5S)i3 I .KAY LYCETT, IA» Daarister - 'Solicitor 'i3n the OffiCeS of R. R. Waddell Q.C. Telepholle 138 Orcno L. J. SKAIFE lCharterecl Accountant BY APPOINTMENTS ,Lycett's Irsurance office P.O. Box 68, Orono Phone 1251(3 INSURANCE Ceneral & Life SE FRED L YCETT OFFICE.- MAIN ST., ORONO Phone 1251S Res. 11710 JACK Rý"IEIDr Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternis. and dates Phone 5 r 18 - Orone -Auctioneer arfd Valuator C(c*dducts AuCci Sales of aHl SI... and ai- reasonable rafce Communicate with hlým aiot Per e" monuments and Our quaîity and servit;e leavea nothing tao be desired iAsk the person who bought from ut. a neighbour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRIý%T!E' COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "Largest Display in !Sruther?- PH-ONE 129 CONTRbCTO'ý; FOR, FARM and IHOISE WIRING îîP. UANCE SALES "'omp.. rjd Gua-a.ý-~ d iepalrs ro a Kinc4 4 EtectritiL-i7vprnent -~ "d A.lia-j as s-Wa~ ~.ti - ~ Rad. itr e -Il-