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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Nov 1961, p. 4

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-dAbout IJ 3LEo tins 43c 7Ibbag,59c 2twin, 2pakçs4 7c 4twin -m paks 8 bc ices Effeci 16, 17, 18. àff ý,fq'I ýe November 15, 1 , LEAN MILD CURED whole or haif bg SWIF1TS EVERSWEET RINDLESS SLICED g Side Bacon SLlb 59c ECOnomical & Nutritious ROYAL GUEST PURE PORK SML ûN PORK LIVER sliced lb 29c Sausage lb 39c Q=0< 0=0= C O WEDNESDAY T HORS DAY g and FRIDAY I A Proudly ECFTOG, ar esents CTV9«% by AT 6:45 P.M. BERTON CKVR 13En'g TV 3 fi - AT 6:55 P.M. A -TOTAL g ~9flfl BNUS ~'~'~""IIITA PE'S :_CEIVE $6.00 IN BONUIS TAPES WITHo ABACS, Mother Parkers - Pkg. of 60g :DPATH SUCAR - Granulated- 10-lb. Bag NYL PASTE WAX - Simoniz - 1I L Ting AX PAPER - Cuit Rite - 2 '100-ft. Roils rCEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES WITH ARGARINE - Tulip Colour Kwil< - 2 1-lb. Pkgs.g ICED BOL.OGNA - Tablerite - 12 oz. Pkg. REEN BEAiNS - Frozen Birdseye French - 10-oz. Pkg. g P7,[ POTATOES - 10 lb. Bagg Reserve Right to Lirit Quantities IGA Biscuits CHOCOLAT E CHIPS 16 oz pkg A GoId Mine of Vitamin "C" Florida ooe OFlorca, Ruby Red Eurstinqwth Juce G GRlA PE F îR%-1UIT 10siz-e 48's 49c Emperor and Almreria, California No. 1 Grade GRAPES1 2 lb 29c Garden Fresh Vacuum Cooled Noi. 1 Grade LETTUCE 2 for 29c No. 1 Grade A Salai Favourite Green PEPPERS 3 for 25c GA OLD COLOURED C H E ESaýE lcoU49 FROZEN FOOD DEPARTMENT BIrdseye oz 9 PTE ASe,3*1 59c 2 pkgs 25c Of 60 29c~ 4 pak 43c 2 pkgs 29e each 45C I IGA- Biscuits 3 CHOCOLATE 35e MALLO1W8 pkig of 24 29c N R NEW SCHOOL 0F NURSING ONTARIO HOSPITAL, %V HITBY Ontario Public Works M'isttr, ayCon neil recently called tender foilr a new scofo nursing to be. iaedon the g-rounds of the On-1 tatio Hospital, Whitby. d Miaii het*& utivhS pao.In ilities for, trainin.g studcexvt nurses for Ontarie Hlospivals. The seven- storey, riinfoïed corte cstruc- LI'. Connell nid. MAINS SOON IN AT BROOKLIN Wliýtby Towniship coundcil learned thlis week that thie job of instalÉlng wvater m ia;ns M the villag-e of Brooýkli.n may be comnpleted before th-e- weekend. Tihe job started Jess thant four weeks ago. Dr. J. H. Mcineyldaîriman of4 the towvnship vater board. told couihat tlh'e job should be çom- pleted by Wednesday or Thursday. Thien, he said, a ýonrtact wîll be let o)put in laiterals to the homes wIîch ill receive water. To date, lie said, 88 householders have paid thçeir deposit and anotlher 26' have ma11 appicaton.Me saidl th1at it is estlinatedJ there are25 bossin the elie area o! the vil- ]±gewkrethe neýVw wate-r une has1 ýen installed.1 Mr. anld Mrs.. Mitchell were: guest's att the Adramr Scott Collegite 1Pete)'ýih -,0g tose ýt1heir granýidsonL n -y Mitchell receive his G-'radua- tion Diploma fo)r the highest mi-arkýs in Grade 12. Also receiving for the lihlhest hooràs in Motor MUechan-ý les hie was presented w4ith a set o!l tools by the Peterboroughi Auto-, mr.-ive Supply btd. PORT HOPE TO SEEK -XTENSION 0F TOWN BOUN DAR lES Port Hlope Town Counicil passed1 an annexation by-law recently,re questing ithe Otaie o 'uniCipalý Board to issue an order incorporat- inrg parts o! H-ope and Hamilton temwiships willlti ite town's bound- aies. Th)e 0MB 'wiil hiold a public h-,ear- ing to hear argumients for ajnd against thle annexaution. Votiflg on, the by-law followed the pattern established several weeks agoiwen instrudtionis to the. townv solicitors te draw up the .by,-law ere authiorized by the coun- cil. Voting in favor wvere Deputy- Reev, e W. Aý. Hebenle, Counicillorls WVillia-m And(er'son, R uth Clarke, J.1 B. Lowe, J. M. Rose-vear .ýand Ben-ý son Spicer, as; wefll as Mayor Michi- ael WVladyka. gis were Reeve Robert Everison and Counicillor J. R. Carr. Mr. Eversonl, theonycuilo to speak against Éthe by--la, voiced û,s opposition when hie iade a àmo- tion, sýcnded by M.Carr, tn with- hodpassag1e of the by-iaw until council hiad studied ilhe effects o! aninexation on the tax rate, the de- sirability o! expansion -0,tlnbs iîe adthe polrssi-ble effects of ithe meas- ure on public relations withte tîwoý townships inivolved. im arn-ertain we arejepri !ingý our relationsbý,ip with theto- ships," M\r. E% erson said. KNOX CHURCH PIPE ORGAN 2' Sundv Nverber12 at the mnorný ing servie inox' presbiterian L I J Curc, shaa.The organ is a wrr oia to the yo iing men )fý tfihec rc whio gav-e terlives in b ÀA I theu Second World War. It is located in, thie traniseli p f t chur-eh adis' coee y asereen1 that is of.!R E bleached oak and acouie matc.hin)gýEVC loth whichl is also a m-emrorial to, the war dead. OFF ICIAL OPENINC gKENDAL SCHOOL' WILL BE HELD EVERTYONE -W.ELÇOME g YOU CAN BEGIN Me 0h shavva Business Colito n u open ail year and ou.W fJ method of individual Sinstruc~tion peràïits you to a start at' a,yq tme 8DayiýSchool Courses f rom- which to choose f EVENING CLASSES TUESDAY and TI-URSOAY f 7:00 to 9:00 O Choice of Subjects Special Classes for J 'oswes SifiWorksrs Teeni-Age Typists FREE LITERATURE jAVAILABLE 10 Stimcoe Street Nyrt'h Da A. K5-3375 1ocz, K&. ALUA SCOTT - WR41f-E,- PINK & YELLOW 1?O~O~ Easi Mix White & Chocolate Robin Hood Cake Mix Family Size Assortedi Colours Scott Napkins 2 pkgs Westminlster - Pink, YeIIow & Aqua 4 Pak Tissue Scotties, White & Pink Han'ky Pak Scott Towel Holders 'R-----e rememher, t 1he f irst of Cod Nove mber CodWeather Cornes To ontardo Se't youir sighits on hieatiiig c-quip.- ment NOW fro myourl Esso HI-q,, 1 rg Equ-ipmnent Dealicr. 1-

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