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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Nov 1961, p. 6

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But today's astronomners now belie-ve ithat it might have been at smail passing planet that was cau-ght andi held by the earth's pullIor that it was formed fromi Ileft-overs' of the cooling mass *f gas that formM our earthn. The statrtling theory that the moon will one day collide with the ear-th was propounided by one &cientist. Planets, he explained, follow an elliptical spiral orbit go that thie distance fromo the tentre of the, orbit gradually de- &Ireases. Our familiar moon is there fore getting nearer and nearer tLo the earth. But w are safe for an- other few m-illioni years! A French scientist has demon- ptrated that lig)it reflected from irolcanie ash exactly m-atches xnoonlig-,t, Othiers believe the pioon's surface is covered with a layer of fine mneteoric ash many *evet deep or with a crust of por- t us slag foried during the meit- ig and cooling ofci rock as a re- enIt 0M a non-stop "bomnbard- Wek's Sew-thrifty PRINTE-D PATTERN Use a 100)-pound feedbag or a gay remnat t o make this handy kitchen helper! It's sew-easy (see diagram)-your best friend at dlean-up timne. Send nw Prinited Pattern 4725: Misses' Sizes Sialil (141, 16); Mediutm (18, 20Y. Ail' 100-pounid feedbag or 11,- yards 39-i. Send FIF'XY CENTS (50O') (stamps canno-ýt be accepted, use' postal note for safety) -for this pattern. Please print plainly SIZE, NAÎME, ADDRESS, STYLE Riumber. Serid orde-r to ANNE ADAMS, Box 1,13 Eighteenth St., -New Toronto, Ont. FALL'S IN( BEST FASHIONS -separ-ates-, dresses, suits, en- ,sembles, 01 izes, al in our new jpattern catalog iii colOT. Sew for yourseit, farnily. 35é. Ontarlo residents miuat nld leSales Iax for each CATA- LOG ordeýred. There is rno sales tnax on th-e patterns, /i~E46 - 1961 Farewell, House Flies! -W. Hope, W. Hope In a low, cream - and - brown - colored buildfing a-t suburbanj New Brunswick, N.J., a teami of re- searchi chemnists is spending valu- able hours these days studYing the sex life of the fly. From this research, Oua Meathieson Chem- ical Corp. revealed l1ast month, has cor-ne a promise of a new pro- duct that may ultimately make the housefly as extinct as the dodo bird. it's a chemnical called Apholate, which when eaten or even walked on-by the Musca domestica (the housefly), renders the iniýect sterîle. Thus the fly 1îves out its 30-day life as before, wjith one, hitch-its eggs, don't hatch. Ohn entomologists hope that Aphol- ate may everntualy eliminate wxhat they say is "the biggest single transmitter of disease." 'The chemnical - originally de- veloped as a cancer cure but abandoned as not too promising ý- is sf111 in the experimental stage. But preliminary field tests show what can be done. I the Florida Keys last summi-er, scientists mixed the sterilant with a "hait" made of cornmeal and sugar and scattered it around. Within a m-lonith, 80 per cent of the fly population on the test isi- andas wipcd out. Olin have the product on the market by 1964. It wîll take that long to test al its ef- fects-such as those on other in- sects and even people, And whil@ housewives can contemplafe f ly- f ree homes, buislinessme-ncoan -hope to profit, f00. One example:. If dairymen elim-inafo f lies by sprinkling Apholafe 'around their barns, oows can spend less time swishing off the fles wÎth their tails, have more timne to produco mnilk oontenfiedly. Keeper 0f Famous Tomb Retires Hundreds of young loyers write f0 Romeo or Juliet at Verona, Ifaly. Here lived fthe couple.on. whomn Shakespeare bq.sed hlm ever-popular love story. For twenty years these letters, have been answered by Ettore Solimani, the keeper and custodi-, ian of Juliet's legenidary tornb, where Rom-eo is also said' f be> buried. It was he wio encourag-ed and fostered the legenid that if loyerse visiting the tomib desired 1f e- lonig happiness or asked advice, their wishes w.ould be gr'arited. Letters from- the lovelorn used- to 'pour into Verona. Somye were addressed to "Juliet, Verona," others fo "The Private Secrefary, Juliet Capulet, Verona.." Hec has penned 10,000 replies since 1941, and now lie las re- tired. Girls whio were thinking of jilting their sweethearts were told to think again. 0f his work Solimani said: "I answer the writers' lit tle pra-yers and tell them not 'f0 worry." Now hie lias gone and -instead of listening to this sixty-tive- year-old mnan telling what has been called '4the greatest love story in the world" visifons put fiffy lire (8éb) in a juke box, and hiear -t reoited ln English, French, Germnan .and Italiari. Progress! Modern Etiquçtte By Anne Ahe Q.WoUfld it be proper for me to gi1,e -a bathrobe to mny fiance for his birthday? A. Since youi are engaged to be married, this is quife ail riglit. Q. Whien a nuumber of gis are playing bridge at a friend's homne, and the mnother of the hostess enfers the roomi for the first tisue, are ail the girls supposed to rise when greeting her? A. ByaIl eans fhe mus FREEDOM 0F FAITH - Amnidi churches and a Moslem rnosque, the worid's Iargest Buddha. Thi Iocated on top of Pa Kou Shan in the southern port of the islc thon the 65-foot-high famedB Haeyou been for a. drive througCh the countfry durlng fihe past w-eek? If not be sure yau do before it is f00 lafe. The maples' are magnificent. The leaves have been a long timie furning but at last the counftry is decked out in itsý fui autuman glory, We had a letter fromi Partner's sister~ today. She is baok in En- land affer an enjoyable and un- eventful fi ght. She said if took her as long to get fromn Londan 1o0 Bournemouth as it did to f ly the Atlanfic. Tiat sort of fhing applies to both sides of the wvafer. We have been more or less getting back to normra] tu.s w,,eekc-odd jobs done and so on. Partner hias been busy outside and I have finishied fhe lasf of my six pairs of pyjamas for our grandsons. After se-nding om the first fhree pairs 1 said to Dee-"Oli, my go 1esIfcrgoft to put pookets on fhe jaLckets;" "Don't worry - fhe boys wil neyer know fie diifference." Oh no? Today i. pho)ned birthdayý greetings fo Dave and the first thing I heard was this: "Grand- ma,, do you knoý,ýw wat . ,. . you forgat to put pýCkýefs on uir pyjamas!" F'm telling you, yýoungÏ- sters these days doni't ffiss a trick. 0f coursze, Jike everyone else - I. hope - we fo)llowed w,ýith great ïnterest the Conse(rvative Con- ventnion and tLie election o! a rew Ofario Prime Miýniste. MIVr. Leslie Frost bas done a wonder- fui job and we are sorry_ to sec hlm go but he certainly deserves a rest - and lie' lias had the wisdom to give up before ie- cracks up, We don't know any- tiing about' Mr. iRobarts so we can't express an oppinion. Cer- DEADLOCK - Jury' deliber- ated 16 hours, failed to reach a verdict in the bujrglary trial o-f Liian, Reis of PhiladeIphia. She is accused of being thp ringleader in the $478,000 robbery of the John B. RiChl homne in Pottsville, Pa. Here, she relaxes in her mote! roomi ofter furnishing bail iri-creased ta $15,000. "Who arI ything, about a fali-cut shïelter*? This is a shelfer fory -11' iycompost jheap! Aio esoon- el, get leav\es gathered up than the ýwind blows fhem 'aWaYaMain. Wihthis ,sheIter I can lat least keep theým iin are place." 0f corslIqdn')t rýe-1lly thouglit it was afîafshelter. Siding nauiled con to four po-sfs wouldn't be mnucli prof ecti.on for anythinZ -- except a compost heap. Ear-lier in fie day 1 liad a pro- tectîve bràin-wave of quite a different nature. We have a large fron)t porcli and recessed d-oo- way wif i glass panIels. If aliows us to see out bu t ifaiso allows visifors, vendors and undersir- ables to see in before 1 can gef to thie door. So I put a mirror on thae side wval! hi' reflects the- imagine o! the caller. And now my dear readers l'in going to ask yvou a question.-. hiave you any probîemns? 1 can hear you aaswer - ",Whaf a question - wlio iasn't prob- lemis?" Exacfly, but how often do we realize the fact? Sure, we ail have problemns - family, fi- nancial, physical or mental. Just lately every person witi wio-m I have corne in contact seema to have very serlous problems. A friend, partly inoapacifated, lias gone home alone after spending a yeard in hospital. neiderly couple on a farmn is ini dire straîfs, one vifli diabefes, fie oflier wvifl rLIufued výaricosýe veins. A mid- dle-aged couple are paying a mIorfgag'e on a liouse fiat isJ vacant and won'f sel, A young motier w7i-th fwo chldren and expecting a third has flot' been alIlowed out of bed since her sixti month, Ail very real pr*ab- lems - and you oaa doubtless think of others -- iacludîno your ow.We ail try fo find a solu- tion f0 our worries. Somretimes It takes a long time before we mieet wifh success. The fhIag is, what- ever their nature, we have t* leara f0o liv;e wltli, our problenc, wifhout becoming beafven, emb'if.- fered or sick af heart. Thirg4 eventually have a way of ,,traigh- tening ouf, aleif lu iwel'l to rm memiber fiat so offen "fhe darkâ, est hour 's just b< -thfe dw" Remember fao. only one w' . =ng, 10 $25 framed, f0 $50 un- f ramer cd. Beauty's road tof0 fame and for-. tune vwas flot wlfhout ifs pot- hioles. Rer attention span was mnadden-ingîyl% limited. She weaf througlh br3 nperiOd so de- pressing thaf her brown ripaint finaUjy was; wifhdrawn (unlike Picasso, v'-110sinply ouýtgrew liS bhle peiod:ýcT). Beýauty r ema9ineld at 1homnein, r--F-ORTHEFIRST TIME! Over 200 designs in our riew, 1962' Needlecraft Catalog- biggest ever! Pages, pages, pages of fash- ions, home accessorles f0 knit, crochet, sew, weave, embroider, quIlf. See jumbo-knif hits, clotl, spreads, foys, linens, afghan3 plus free patteras. Send 25#. Ontario residents mnusf includo lc Sales Tai for eacb CATA- LOG ordered. Tliere is no salei4 fax on thie patterns.

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