Entering the University in, Oc- tober, 1876, h. (Conan Doyle) commence(d the. "long weary grind ut botany, chemnist-ry, ant- omy, physiolegy, and a whole list of compulsory subjects. . . .> We need net follow him ou his dreary course, which, iwever was brigitened by books thiat hiad nothing whatever te do witi the tedieus themies of hus profes- sional study, for the medlical tomes on his shelves w7ere net nearly se well thumibed as Thackeray's Esmond, Meredith's Richard Feverel, and Washington Irving's Couquest Mf Granada. 11- gradually collected a smnail libra.ry of his own, each volume of wiich stoed for a sacrificed lunch. EveCry day on the way te his classes, he gïzed inte on. of those fascunating second - and bookshops which ne one with literary leanîngs ean pass with- out a pause or a pan,-. Outsîde the door was a large tub crami- med with tattered voluimes at threpence apiece. Now three- pence was the precise sum thait Doyle was able tei spenid on his m-idday sandwich .. ýse i. had to cioose between literature and luinchi. Whenever lie appreached that tub a cmbat raged between the appetite of a yeuthful body and the hunger of a busy mi. 'The body won. five times eut of six, but when the mmmd was in the. ascendant he spent a delightful five minutes choosing his volumne from amengs-t a littre of alnian- acs, textbooks, and work.s oi' Scottish tieology, In thîs way -he picked up Gordon's~ translation off Tacitus, Pope's translation Of lrenier, Addison's works, Claren- d0n's nHlstory, Swiift's Tale of a Tub, (iII Rias, Templ.e's essays, the poems of Chuirch'rill and Buck- inghaim, and ùther stores for mental dissipation. -Frern "Con- an Doyle," by Hlesketh Pearson, Bird Smutgglîng Thrives Down Under Auistralian Customs chiefs fear they are 'Igetting the bird» in a big way today. Seamen, mainly of EurôpeRn nationalities, have buuflt up a prosperous traffic in tmuggled bîrds. Their returns are more lucrative since last year Australia bannied exports off al ber home-bred birds. 1ow species likeý laughung jackasses, lyre birds and gala parrots fetch from sixty te 180 timres their proper value when zold outside Australia. Durung a recent drive lu Syd- ney docks Customss men discev- tred dozens of large, empty ird cages iid(Ien lnathe crews' qua-r- ters of ocean-going vesseis. They ise found samnples of dope and alcohol which seamen use te quleten the. birds. When drun'k, the birds alre ca.r- ried ashere, concealed ini a manîs elothing or ltiggage. Thistrfi ïs dangerous because patasitic diseases can be introduced ini this way. Se far, large-scale internat.ionr- al smuggling rings are net sus- pected, But smal'i syndica tes, operating on individual ships, aire, tic Customs believe, getting a goed rake-offf as bird smug- glers. STAMP LISZT - Solemn, the Austrian giant of music, Franz Liszt, a!m-ost fis the new three-schilling postage staimp issued in Vienria. It comnmem- orates his birthdajy. Makes His Customers If- you wvant ta knýiow the worrldi's niext trouble spot in ad- vauce, just ask mYaster tailor Leenard Barratt at his basemient ofIfice in Lonidon's sed1ate Pal Mail. Not that Mr. Barratt is a secret agecnt, an aitator or a statesman -aitheugh his business, tee, can be a matter of lise or death.,. He makes bullet.-proof waist- coats and sporrans for frightened men and wemen! His orders' list is an astonish- ingly accurate guide te rev'olu- tiens and pelitical upheavals. ,For instance, wveelks before the Bra- zilian pelitical upheaval, an im- portant resident in that country made a special journey te thie Londorn showroomn to get himoself measured for a bullet-proof eut- fit. 11I can tel). you h. was rich," gaid Mr. Barratt, "but he mnust remnain, nameless. People who wear protective armour do not like the fact to be.-now. "Penhaps they fear their wouid.. be murdere-r vili decide te shoot et the head instead! "My Brazilian customer told me that several people were gun- ning for hum. He wanted teib.. snugly fitted, without spoiling the. look of his clothes. in 1usý case, I shorte-ned tie wai1stcoa.t anid iengthened the sporran - wiich ties round the waist and protects the lower abdomnen-so tiat there was less weight on the shouiders. "As they were te be weru un- der a shirt in a hot cimate, I insulated both garments for cool- ness. We are always experiment- ing te ive comfort with maxi- mnum safety." Berlin, Algiers, Beirut, Angola, the Con.go-they ail mean work fer Mr. Barratt, who has been empleyed for nearly, forty-five years by Wilkinson Sword Lîmit- ed, manufacturers of steel goodis. Semetimes, as during the f ight',- ing in Korea, he will get as many as 10,000 rush orders-a lot of them fremr parents wiese sons~ are geing overseas. And during the. 1939-45 war the heavily- armeured f lak suits, ' used by British and Amnericani airmen, saved very many lives. Usual yearly output of bullet- preof vests 's about 250, but thim figure sears when big trouble J'5 i the offing. Quite a whle before the inarch on the Egyptian royal palace anid the deposing of King Farouk, frantic orders for protective ar- Then, tiiee were urgent calis froxru Cuba two mentiis before ridel Castro overtiirew the Bat- gta dictatirsbipz The, Mau 'MatioLu t b r eaê. brougit rush orderg by post fremr white settiers threatened by ter- rorists. Itidecd, Africa as a vihol'e provides maýny customners thýese Soon aXfter the murder of Pa,- tric* Lumumi.-ba last February, ,Mir. Barratt received a shoal of letters from white nmen in th. Congo and other African states wiio realized tht, crimne would add new fuel te tiie fiames ef revoit being fannied by the "wind of change." Durung tic Spanish Civil War, the firm a&ctually had a London representative collectiug orders on tue spot,' It îs net kuown whetiier he ,was suspected off b.- lng a spy, or said somnething in- discreet , . . but eue nigit uis body was found in a M1nadrid side street. Ironicaliy, h. hiad eben shet in the. back off the nieck! There is ne embargo on- the supply off steel waistcoats. Many foreign police forces buy thcema fromn Mr, BarIratt's f irm. Uni- doubtedly the vests have pre- venter! the death off gendarmn-es w.aging a bitter wair against arm-, ed gangsters acroSs the Channel. T hey could becomne uecessary ever here if our crime wave gets muci more violent. T h e s e unobtrusive, flexible waistcoats mgit aise suit bank miessergers and nigitwatchmnen in danger off beiug ield up- by thugs. Prices range frem $60 te $90, and a sporran cests about $15. Mind Yeu. tiere is ne fayetiri- tism ijn the steel vest business. Boti sides off tiie law can benefi't, Customners need net give tieir names or say why they expcct te be shot at-or stabbed. But, forý obvious reasons, it, is usual te ask for payment on dleiv-,ery! Net long ago an Italian-look- ing gentleman vIsited tiie show- roomi and demnanded a bul',let- proof waistcoat "off the peg." He zmaidlhe was catching a. 'planie in an ,heur, paid cash and walked out duly protected, writes Basil Was lie a sort of James Bond off on a ncw perilous assign- ,,rent? Or tie leader off a gang whose. henchmen were conteri- plating a take-over bid? Although the. firm's name is carrled unside cach waistcoat, it, cannot, natural'ly, offer purchas- ers a guaranItee. Se f ar tiere have been no comrplaints, but, as Mr. Barratt peints eut: "it us frustratung neyer te knew for certain whetier you stili hlave a satisfied custemer-or .-nt!" Dependiug o-n thieir weight - betweeu. twelve te twenty-two - pouuds the . waistcoats wîll keep eut revolver shots and kni-ife thrusts, anýd cve-n a rifle or ma- chine-gun bulle, is qut. likely te be deflccted. They are incenspieceus. la fact, wvonu under a shirt, the vests caqn be satorily effective-. à they give a man adIded width an, depth of chest. Tuis ray explain the. girth of the, late Aga Khaon.,vho was P Wilkinson client, and why power politlcs and portlincss often seern te go tegether. Two other famousâ figures who bought their armour in London were Hermann Goering and Ben-, ito Mussolini. Gunis iad brought thcm te power, but assassinatien was an ever-present dread! O--ther customners include mren with reason te, fear 'jealeus hu-s- bands, big garni, hunters and - plorers. Two, -wio ventured into the reaches off the. upper Amazoni, had airmourcd skirts made for tiiem as well as waisteats. The. bullet-preef business was started by MIr. Barraitt's father in 1915. Officers buying swords and dress uuifermns fromn Wilikin. Son's aise wauted armnoured jack- ets wveighing ferty peutnds o-r lED ADVERTUSINO : AGENTS WANTED SALESM4EN, DEALERIS AGENTS WAM.ý TED t. sili marchandise. 1Ilundreds of outstan<llng lunes. For details, appIy~ Bocx No, 242, 123 . 1th Street, New 'oronto, Ont. EAYCHICKS GET Farly egg production wth 3-13 week old Anies pulflets. Bray has otixer varieties alsc available. Dayolds t* erder. Bock your next lot of brolers now. See local agent, or, w4te Brsy tlbtchery, 120Q.tohn North, Hamiilton, BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE VAIXY businiess and dwellng for sale: Proessng 200quarts gl.Pre ff5,000,00 with $20,000.00 down. Apply teo Box 245, 123 - 8tli Street, Toronte 14, Ont. VARIETY Store in the centre of North- ern Ontario Tbrlving tourist and luni. berlng area Full asklng price $30.000. *e15,000 down, ternis. Phone or write J. A. Waterhouse, Elk Lake. Ontario. BUSINESS OPPQRTIJNITIES CHANGE YOUR LUCKI COME TO TORONTO SELL REAL ESTATE A&ge-Education No Barrier Many el estate men earn $6,300 e year ond more salling houses,carf- ment buildings, Itend and businssec. PETERS AND WILES I.TD. REAL ESTATE DROKERS a Toronto Arec Offices tnvar 30,000 Properties Sold lmimediately Require For 1961-62 Expansion 45 TRAINEE SALESMEN 27 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN 5 SALES MANAGERS For details of qualificationss, psy training programme, Writo - "EMPLOYMENT MANAGER" PETERS AND Wl LES LTD. 1190 WESTON ROAD TORONTO ONTARIO How Con 1?. By Itoberta Lee Q.Is there auy way 1 eau reito- vate somne old, harden4., glue? A. You can usually dci this by placing a few drops of vinegar in the glue container. Q. How eau 1 make a neat hoIe Iu a. leather beit? A. Use a beated steel needie for this, holding the beit firml1y on a wooden board, This wil resuit in a neat, perfectly round Q. What is the covering area of a gallon of whitewash? A, A gallon of whitewash will usually cover about 225 square feet of wood, 180 square feet of brick~, and about 270 square feet 0-f plaster. Q.How can I remedy soute scratches on muy furnlture? A. An old, but stili good, mneth- od is to dip a. walnuit meat int sit and then rub this- on the scratches. The oul of the walnut -wlll color the scratches so they wvili, fade into oblivion. Q. How cau a stamip collector remove choice stamps from envelopes neaffy and with less danger of teariug? *A. i3y applying soma lighter fluid to the inside of the envelope under the stamp. If the envelope happens to b. of very heavy paper, roughen the surface with an eraser before -wabbing on the li1ghter fluid, Q. How eau 1I dear a. zinc sr- face? A. Regular wiashing with hot soapsuds will keep a zinc surfacê cleaýn. If required, a mild sour- ïyng prowder can b. uised. Tarý- ished zinc can b. brihtened by rubbing with vinegar or lemorn juice, dliluted %-th a little water, Let the acid remain on the sur- face for several mtinutes,' theln rinse with clear water, and pohish. Q. Whiat carai1 do about eloudy or streaky mnirrors? A. Add three tablespoons of ammronia to a bucket of vwater, BUSINESS OPPORTUNI1WB PflLE wantlng extra moniey flnd W.nderful epportunlty with Cathelto religions jewellery at whoiesale. Mliii- mnum order $10.00 Detals ana, full clor catalog 50c. De pt. W, Catholic Religlous Art, 776 MacDonell. Post Box 626,Por ArturOntario. FARMS FOR SALE 100 ACRE FARM for sale on lth con- ûesslen of IHuntingdon Twp. 65 acres workable witb spring and good weIll Ail seeded. For forther Informatiort contact Mr. Leonard G: Trotter, ERE MADOC Ontario. This advertisernent Is elibliihecl free as one of the m-any enefits 0f- THE ALLIED SERVICES (CANAD.A) P.O, Box 1029, LONDON, Ontarlo FARM MACHINERY WANTED ALLIS Chainers Combine wanted alsoi one to wreck wth Bmn. Fordson Major tractor. 49-51 wanted. W. Scott. R 6 Owen Sound. FOR SALE -MîSCELLANEOUS DIAMOND Drilllng machine, $1500 00, 9 inch core, drill pipe, 28 foot mnast, 3x4 duplex pumnp, 6xfi truck. H. E. Tlhur man. No. 6377451, Rochester,Ilnos HORS ES SHETLAND PONIES FILLIES and stud colts for sale, S100.00 and up. Reglstered, hast of blood ulnes,. Blyth Acres Peny Farms, Blyth, On- tario. Phones 140 and 191. MEDICAL ARTHITIS can be conquered. Send for aýddrass of- Doctor nearest youi practlcing 3 way .External Science. En- close 4c. 11.0. Box 15-CA, MeWhrte, West Virginla. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISHl the tormant of dry eczema. rashes and weapirng akin troubles. Post's Eczemia Salve will not cisappoint you. Itching, scalclung and burning ecze- mia. acnie, rlngwormn, pimples and foot aczemia will respond readlly to the etainless, odorless eintmnent regardiess 0f howv stubborn or hopeless they eeri. sent post Free on Receipt of Price PRiCE $3.50 FER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1965 st. Clair Avenue East TORONTO DIXON'S REMEDY-FOR NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAINS, THOUSANDS SATISFIED. MUNRO'S DRIJG STORE 333 ELGIN, OTTAWA $.5Express olec NUTRIA ATTENTION PURCIIASERS 0F NIJTRIA When ypurchaslng nutria consider the foUlowng points which, the organiisa- tion offers: 1. The best avallable stock, no cros bred or standard types reconirnended S. The reputation of p plan whlch la proving ltsalf substaRnlatad LbY files cof s atisfled ranchers. e. Full insurance againat replacement ,should they not live or ln the evant of starility (ail fully explalned 1.n our cartificate of menit>. 4. We give you only mutations which are lu deniand, for fur germaents, b. 'Zou receive fron, this organizatiena guaranteed1 peit market ln wrlting. 6. Membership lni our exclusive breed-. ar' association whereby oniy pur. chasers cf this stock may participa. in 'the benefits 50 offeredl. 7. Prices feor Breeding Stock atart at $200 a pair, Spaclal effer te those wvho cualify, earn your Nutria on1 our coo perative basds. Write: Canadian Nutria Ltd., .R. No. 2, stouffyllle, Ontario. 0F INTEREST TO WOMEN 10 INCH MERLITE Fry Pan! The non- stick skilliat. Dupont teflon coatlng lets y ou cook witheut shortening, or fats. Easy te dlean, specially' treated surface. Postpaid $5.00.' Amadio, 1648 East l4th Street, Brooklyn 29, New YZork. OPPORTUNITIES BECOME AN ENTERTAINER F~UN - PROFIT _ DISTINCTION Two books show you 110W to OVeroMe stagefýýrih joke-telliAng, imitations, _i n emir.phone, sangivrIirng. Learn. the real secrets ci Ventriloqulsm su ad -how to make your own Dummies. 100'0 of facLs andj techniques. SPECIAYL OFFER $1.00 for bothboboks. Fortune Publications. 12334 - 77ta1 Street. Ed- monton, Alberta. OPPORTUNITIIS FOR MEN AND WOMEN DE À HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'$ LEADING SCHOOL. Great Qpportunlty Learu arresn F leasaunt dlgnified profession., gcOd wagea. Thousanids cf successful Mvarvel Graduahtes; in erica's Greatest Systeni rusfrated Catalogue Free Write or Cel MARVEI. KAIRDREUSINC SCHOQL 358 Bloor St, W,, Tibronto Branches; ,,44King st. W., Hamilton 7â2Ritdeau Stret, Ottawa PET STOCK TROPICAL and Euiropean Finches. Cau. artes, Budgies, other cagabirds. Mou- lceys, Hamsters, Ginea Piga Chamrie- leons. Literatuire. Dtildpricelst 1c Thousanda Birds Farm.i Delta, Ontario. PERSONAL LOVERS 0F GOD' e Pu is declarad purposes - fear not - bat rejoice lu confident hople.Wite iblje ruthMi. sien, Box 811 Brantford, Ont. IF you like te raad join our Novai Club! Information for sl.drsa stamp)ed enrveloea Novel Club, P.O, Box 42?07 CL, Bakaersfleld, Caflifornia HYGENIC RUBBER 00005 TESTED, giiaranïec rtaa imildinplain parcei, lncludlng catalogue and ses' book free with trial asaortniient, 18 fer $1.00 (Funeat quallty) Western Distribu- tors, Box 24TPF, Reg!nE, Sask. FROPERTIES FOR. SALE A FALL speclal: ScQt your lot now - he iaady for spring. H-undreds to cheosa frem roni ,Otarlo's best 1lakas and rivera - Chamiong, Pigeon, Stur- g con. mica, Lake St. Jobn; aIse Buck Lake eud othkers in the utail area, Otonabee. Trent, Fenelo)n Rivers, etc. As 10w as $10Iown bln onthly, ne Interest charged vuntil Juna lat. FREE literature on raqua-isi PlTTS Homes and Cottage(s Ltd., Co- bourg, Ont , or phone Toronto AMU. 7-3474, day or night. REAL. ESTATE VWANTED AIýL Cash for bush lands. Lnlmnprovedl lande. Acrvlse township, acreage, lot, concession price. by lette1r. Zeismnur, 130 Shafteshuiry St., Dwsve.Onit. STAMPS STAMPS of Canada Album, 23 pagee, spaces fer 370 stanmps. Send FlftS? Cents te: Wlghtan, Box 3 28. Siitbtm Cove. Nova Scotia. WANTED - f1005 FLOCKOWNERS WANTEID to supply eggs weekiy on a ycarly basis. Large premlumn pald over mnarket price. Ap- iply, Box Number 243, 123 - l8th St., ,New Toono.Oitârio. LEARN WELDING -NO TIME LIMIT Alec Certificate Courses in SUPERVISION -ISETO QUALITY CONTROL, A.RC. SCHOOL OF WELDING 92 John St. M., Homilton JA. 9-7427 MJ. 7-9681 MERRY MENAGERIE 'O-l *'IOlast tua I1 aaw pool' menîuy, lhs was Lîeadung unto . teîtlato>r ou the S.5. Unittd N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'COPTER CARRIER - The neýv Frenmch heikcopter carrier~, "La Resofue," lies ini dock ot Brest, France, undergoint tests. The 10,000-ton vessel, a converted cruiser, wilI 66 ai. ota carry .ight helicopters when it Joins thé flet.