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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Nov 1961, p. 1

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's. j are; ery Friday utei Club have .g in lte Muni- an instruction and Highi Scitool is welcome teO it when instruc- In playing the; Lt tne i game. eet in-Il i ý d I irds and badminton rackets &ie 0dto available for use on Friday eveing 1 soc- wlthout any change. If you are in- taking terested in learning the game beý sure to turxi-up Frid-ayevngs ny1f.:D. ham 500 Club bJJJ tLIý A Board ;e of the To Ibid Banquetý The Durharn County 500 Bushelî Club members wilil hold a banqueti on Ttuescay, N,,ovember 28th at 7:003 ,Pm. in St. Paul's Anglican Parish,1 Hall, Bethany. Stop signs on11 he feounties roadý The guest speaker for the,ý occa-i ,e and was lxform- sio)n will be Mr. Everett Biggs, As-! om 'the Trustees. ture (Marketing) from Toronto. ,pson, and L0ýweiy Mr. Biggs is noted for his keen .etary to write theinlterest in the marketing of Ontario ,r requesting that Fam Products and his address will ed. The chairnan ýprove of interest to not oanly potatol provison could be groers but others throughout the * ono signs on the 1th of the Village. 'ýuy i to get prices for Prizes wil ho awarded to thpi sto be erected at competitors in the competltion andý ntrance into the the potato king for Durham County! Coun-ties road . for 1961 wilI be announred at this: The ba nquet is beig provided byý the ladies ofthe local Anglican-i Church- and anyone interested in this event may secure tickets fromi the direCtors of the 500 Eushel club. csu-Iggest- ments might be made for entering Senior Dramatic Club, giving H. Il. xfoi eOrono keeping in mind where the Mtinro'a "The Miracle Merlait" cet liglit- future development of the Villageý and the Bancrôýft Littile Theatre and that' mlighit extend. The chairman was tO, and qJe Baneroft. LittIe' Theatre Ithis dirxý make contact wlith t2he DeparilmeInt with their first production "Wh-enl mae hydro z in this respect.Saksars Ladies lMeet" by C. lerground1 ev. w ýinjter S G. E. Simpson wvas authorized Gore at suelh a obtain 'prices for ane set of doors intage a- for the Conimunity Building. 7"he ~r Robertson Davýies, who aju. iough no present doors dlo fot fit properlydiae publicly complimnented ai] n by hI and are the worse for wear. three ýcompfaniies on tl-eir prodcIw -cet some Thi "ie Truistees are to again this, tions,. He stressed the fact that in Plan. year installic,,h0 ristmias decora- - unting "TheCs fth rsi ioned li ions on the Main street and to cl. Petuiasý,"ilaud"Thfe Miacle nf as to be mjake a new addition in this featu]re cat teegruswref'isil Iand fei In reàvimwing the fin-ancial state-one c the essentials ofte AmateuIr ýé making m uent foritheiea,ïr Li-;i expected Th)eatre by einablingil the public toi arage hat a blance of $340.00 wlil existý,sceoo performances of littie _______________________________ knwnearlier w,,orks by establishied' w~ ter whchwould not be practi- - 1 - - ~ 1. - i i I ~ ca intheprofessionial theatrie. arono oeK a as ànoui BoaVile receivedl applauds orits clourifuil set and the able, ccing f li-:abeth Prower and KXi Densbut at the same time poin ted out thtin suchI a slim llay the Tbursay~ ovonber ~h, 11-red ,hekdgre in a vmer"' ianrasy coulci have receiveu xiiure utjhie IO.'.H li~te on 71s iasn mner riaCanriate.ipai heda specc! cmeeting, ail officrs 1Th1s was Sàtr elen Bown'Ws of- frmPoct pcrry Locg.r ope efiialvoit to th-is Lodge. E Coýlo and Doug Oko completod Lodge, Bwanil Lde n hursday, a luncheon was heMd at l - ow,,manivîlle cast. Margot Sa-m- OsaaLodgýe N.3jondWth1:0i te home of Sostr Gamsbyue directed vwth Mary Kerr promp, leatiher Rbea7loge his hnet-in honour or SAse omweerrBob Kerr, Ted Samuel, Set De- -~ ingwaslu he orm f a Sehool of repast Nbe~iads 0f Heather sign; Sonia 1Frenchmarn. Stage Mari- I~stucton iththe resd-u ofLodge woepresent, along with the aiger asstdby Win Wonnacott. the Rebekahl Asselmb1Y, HserIel- present Noble Granet and Vc enBowman lu i charge. Grahnd. asitng at this luncheon "m Ee Anniersary" by the Peter- Siter Bowmian was mlaking lier, were Ster Giadys Bro-,ni and Sis bruhgroulp won tho estvlas oeficai voni in Havekock Lodge ca ter Doris Tomnlinson. Those presentthyddateOroFsivlu Nonaday, 1Nov. 60h, Peterborouglx vere: Si4r Giaijys GamshyD.D.P. ( teid elr.h O oFstvli -AodeTesdlay, Nov. 7tli, then to <,teri. d R1ny P.N.G.; Sis ~OrGno where she was a guest in the ter Irene Muiray, PN~ i~e honie 0f Sister Gladys Gamsb3ç Dis- aiH'rijnPNG SstrMe trint Reputy President. AleP.N\.G.; Sister Betty -Major.' NEW INDUSTRY O)n Wednesclay atiternoon Mon P.N.G. Sister Ila Martini, P.N.G.; SEEN LIKELY FOR PORT HOPE lieuse was hcld at Hie home of SIs-nMter Maude Cooper, Jr. P.N.G.; A new sma;n,'ll inlduStry os expectod ter Garasby When the niemýbers o Sister Exma Lunu, N.G.; Sîster AI-1 to start in Port Hope lu the next H.Ieather Lodge entertained andi ice Hooey, V4G. f ew weeks, G. G. McKenzie, chah.r ~erved tea. Thtis was an opportu.nity At si>ý ç"lock a banquet was sern Man of 'the Board of Trade's indus- for al1 Sisters te meet andi get acý veýd at lte IO.O.F. Hall, honourh-xg trial comm-ititee, told lte board ex- quainteti with iePsdt the President, hoe ned te this ecutive at a mneeting at the Wel. Wednesday at 7 1 Heaftihe banqueth e ines fHi -come Metor Court recently. Lodge journeyed by bus teo 0haWa stalling Tearn andi D.D.P., ail effle-i Wvhere Oshawa todgè No. 3 We-fe ers of Heather Lotige and N'4oblei Mr, MeKenzie saîi ho could re- the hostess Lo4ge assisted by Dee- Grands andi Vice Grands, and Jr. veal no details at the momnent, but hlive- Lodge of BownillO andi Past Noble Grands froni Port Hope, thilat there was every reason to ho- iieatiter Lodge, Orono. Peit Perry, Bowmanville anti Osh- lievo that the new enterprise could meitbers of Oshawa Lodge No. 3ý awa No. 3. grow into a go-ize hdustry. Mondiay eveiiing, around six o'. sed against the wIidshlield of the .. t'was-deèc cloc1k an acciden~t at the junction of respective cars. Mrs. Lowery is suf- asbord s4ippe the Tyrone road anid the Nortium- fering from numerous brulses. Decemtber 7 berland-Durham Counties road hos- blyn was ai pitalized four residents of Orono Damage to the fronit of both cars To close andi dis'rict. Mr. and Mrs. Uartweill ws tnsve was sunig ai Lowery and Mr. Ken Neal and i ti repeatec daughter Arlene were ail taken tc, _____________________ the TBowýmanvile Hospital following holdon olliâm.Ororuo Chioir Presents Mr. P. J. Bigcelow, principal of1 hePort Hop(,e High lSchool, andi Mr. H. W. B. Arnold, director of thei EngnerigTechinology and Trd- es Branch 0 fthie new Conmpoite Sehiool being developed in 'ort, HoGpe, both! addressed membr-Is of the Durham Coiunty Higli Sehool' :oarcl aiidlthe new Voctional Ai-l visery Committee te famýiliarizeý thlem wil the nlew program betng inrorcd int"oIthe Secondlary Schools lu Ontar¶io con-edn with he1scool yar term of 1962. Theý folliiwing will be the infor-- 4insuppliedl by '_r. Bigelow at the meetingý. Next week this col-l u"mu will carry ha!ý conitents of MIr. rodsadIdress otining - the courses that will be availahie at th(-, .liort Hope Composite School lni September, 1962. Mýlr. Big-elow f iret dealt with. the ojective ofthie ne-w plan, to give erYpupil the m-axinium edacation cansistent with lis capabilities and his willingness te aI-hieveý. REASONS FOR THE CHANGE IN PROGRAMMES 1. Hleretoflore, students Jeaving sulhool, with or without a dipiomna. have been able to get a job, but technlological chanmgeIs now mnake it: practically impossibleý for aiay but those who possess a specific skil or, specific knowledge to oltain em-î ployment with any deg-ree of secur- ity. 2. Uinder tihe existing programmne onfly 40% 0 f those students who eni- ter Grade 6 gracluate with a div-Iý lomia from Grade 12. Present cours-'j es of study appear to be too dif fi- The service of music, in Orono three rnumbers: "'Oh hfow Amiable" Unifed Churchi, on Sunday evening, bv J. Barnjby; ý'All in the April Ev- 4y the Orono(- Choir under the dlir- ening" by H. -S. Rdbinson (ne eotLion of Mr. %Haiyek, was groally copaned) "ear Lord" by Peter appreciated by alilwho attended. %uakwsy(untaccompaniied) The first three numbers by the ulhoir were: "0 Taste and See" byF ci so h rn hrl oi oh Goss; "rth James Air" 1n î r wel'e -unanimous ini iunaccomipan'ied); '"Green PtstUit- l îýuer plaise and mn xrse Ms by WiÉlfred, Sanderson. their th',anks to Mî-. H. Hayek anid Rev. B. Long gave the addre'ss, the choir for ctherMn rendition of ;an hinspiratýion'al mressage, on "4Wor- hesevie f song. ship".1* 1hefreshmentswre Served by Mi The choir wvere heard again in V.a ecoeo h service. wiho owlemn dl

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