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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Nov 1961, p. 6

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They TaIkc English Lust-Century Style Professor Higgins (of "Py- mý-alion" and "My Fair Lady"ýI) neyer went to Tristan da Cunha. owthe Elizas and the Doo- ltlso! Tristan da Cunha have corne to the professor. Students of the English ian- guage have long reýgarded the ,mal island of Tristan da Cunha hli the middle o! South Atlantic as a potential, rich source o!f ,niaerial for the stud'y of dia- lect. But no professor wvent with tape recorder and microphone to record the quaint phrases, o! dewecldants of Cpi. Williamî Gylass and his threeý colleaguecs Takes Little Time (41 .4ut?4 Vku d Tr,,im Vhe tree wtl priu ~'jeels - hiîdren will ove thls gay Christmnas sipper! Jif- Èy kuit -thri!ty ielgift. JusLt rihbing added formns cuf f. 'attern 843: chart; direcetions ,e» cild's sizes 4 tir-ougli 12 iluded iu pattern, Send THIIRTY-FIVE CENTS (saenps cannot be accepted, ujse postai note for se!ety) for this patteruto Laura Whceler, Box Ï,,123 Eighteeutl St., New Tor- Qutoc, Ont. Print plainiy PAT- TERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. FOR THE FIRST TIME! Over 200 desîgis lu our new, 1962 Neediecraf f Catalogue - biggest qveri Pages, pages, pages of -ashions, home accessories f0 ImUtcrochet, sew, weave, ecm- broider, quIlt, See jumbo-knit hits, clotîs. spreads, toys, iniens, afghans plus,free patterus. Send vme~. Ontario residents must include It, Sales Tax for e-ach CATA- LOG ordered. There is no sales tax on the patterns. who founided the colony in 1816. Thetee four Englishmen sta-yed behind wlien the British garrison*ifde because of the, difficlties ;o! maintaining supplies. On Octobýr '10, 1961, lowever. the 263 iniliabitants o! Tristan, da Cunha v.ere !orced to leave their island tlirough flie erup- tion of a volcano whidh tlireat- ened to cdestroy their homes. They went Io Englanâid and are noW lioused in a camp af Merst- lèam-, Surrey. There tFi professor lias imet and taiked wihtlitlem. Hle is Prof. Randoîpli Quirk, pr-)ofesýsor ofÉ Eugllish language at the Uiverityof London, who will record flie colour-ful, vivid phraseology whidli lEý feels approximates the speech of the miani-in-the-street in th,% early da-ys of the 19th century wlien Char-les Dickens was wvriting lis novels, He realizes lie must work fast before the unique phrases disappçar. "I have been down f lere ai- ready to spend a diay getting imi- pressions and listening V pro- nunciationi," Professor u ir k told this correspondent, writes Mete Kno-wies in the CChristian science Monitor. "I !ound the Trîstanians most likeabie and very forthcoing," lie said. "They are dlignified, gent le and courteous, very mnuch interested lu their new Mife, and most anxious to !et peopleý know thýe kind o! life tliey led on their island." He noticed survivais of tIc spceech, of Englan~d round about 1800O, Thc Tristanians -aiso have peculiarifies -o! speech which are stili toelbe found in Aus- tralia àrid lu parts of thc United Statdes. The mosf noticeable feature of the speech is flic use of the aspirate. This is zplaced before any vowel vhîch happens Vo lie the fîrst letter o! -a wras in flic "hIothier" siýde. They say "arth" for earth and "'sarch" for searcli. Tliey have the Pick- wickian habit of subsfituting "w"' for "y" ln describing condi-1 tion - "wery wiolent." Their deýscriptions are vîvid and direct. "Thcy told me how f0 builda builock cart in Eng- iihstraight, from the imztne o!, the Napoleonic wars," Professoir Quirk said. There are- 62 famnilles, but cvery mïemnber is related to the cthers. Sr- there are -few sur- namres. Even flic small chiîdren speak of their grandparents by their Christian namnes. "ThIre rmen may bhld their speech loniges-t," the professor fhinks, "and the Aid people miay not change et al." Iu two years' im Professor Quirk hopes ta, track down these Tristanians a n d record the changes in their speech. "This is the real fascination o! flie sfd"le said, "fa be euew to rýcor-dflie speech of this isïo- lafed cûmmnunity. And then to study wl,,,at lappens o it when exposed to fet rsue s o!-of ý- dem ngil" DRIVE WIH CARE 1 STAR BRGHT - Sophia Loren is on, the set agoin moking aniother film, this one in Lugo, ltaly, for Director Vittorio De Sica (left). She is ploying a shooting gajllery owner. Other people 1go sho,,:ppng, îsiting or have a dlay d1own- to w n wiou incident but whlenever- I do any),of these thing-s I sceem to r-un into tj he unusual -someitimespeant sometimes flot. What happenied last Tuesday bordered on thie bizarre. I was ha3ving a lot of pain and inflamîimation in one eye so 1 vent to see m cls downtitown,. That appointi-nent naturall-y took mie into a bild- ing almost entlr ely given ov,,er f0 offices for doc-vors, dentists and so on. 1 got into aý crowded elevator and Just bfr the door eiosed a man m ore or le3s push- Ad lis vay in carrying what Lap- peared ta be a, box of ,-,hocolates. Turningz to the elevater gir-li said as he opened the box - "iFor Dr.- Blank -- nice box of. chocolates, eh" He gave me an inquiring look, knowing ver7y, weill 1, too, had seen th' e con- tents o!'the box.,WthotCstp- ping to think if wvas no businiess o! mine 1 said în*ivoluntarily - '4LookIs more like a blood-staîin- e-d kiiîfe to ime!" 'That's jusf, exacly whai it is. Old Doc BIank carved me up a feýw ionthis ago s0 I'm just f akîng him a reinider!" The ef'fecf was probably the r-sit of red paint but' what I sawvý was, to ail intents and pur- poses, a bloIod-stained- short- hdedkuife lying con a led' o!f red-splattered cotton batting. 1 wvonder if the doctor appreci- ated lis pafient's peculliar brand of humour. Later that dayI, was walking past a section of thie subl-way constructioni job wlen I noticed- a workman besidle three cyinders If propaine gas. Or mri-aybe it wasnj't -1 don't really know. Anyway the man wvas fooling around with the nozmzle and 1 heard escaping gas ori air, or smthn.Periapi lie was oilly testing the no,,zzle be- fore (ccnnect-cirig fI[ie Pipe. Bu'it wasn1't akngany chances -ý md ge', byvJ iahry On the rowded 1busl oun home 1winssdthýis pesn ilile incident. Two grlabýout tenl -,]d twelve, sat near 1me. They oenavy blue u Lnitucnrms so eide-ntiYteycamre troina rvaesdlIOol. One a:pproadýhed an1 eld1erlýy ma,fIte ofler an oldish lady.vEach saîd - "Wou]d you please talke my seat?" I just feit warmail over. We hear a lot of criticisin ab)out the younger generation but here werebtwo littie girls, without ainyone to prompiit them),geer ouisly offerîng their seats to, two elderiy people. 1 couldnr't lef- tha t pass vwithouit comnt.' "You are very thougliful girls," 1 said to the one nearest to me. ISSUE 17 - 1961 She just b eaaie d. After al ever-yone, especially, a child, lîkes fa) be appreciîafed. Myfnexi 'stop was al a local drg isf ahave my prescrip- tion filled. 1 waited fif(een in- utes. Aniother womain was also waiting and keýpt up a s tea dy convers - ation with the drugg-1ist about her allrie n d fe inui- ber o! drug',s willi whichli er doctor lad trated lber. (I couid justý imagine!) Then she got on faher daughfer's troubles and wlyifi was JimpossiblIe for flic dauighter's cdhldrei 'to'lie born naturally. She was just describ- ing flic second Caesar-an w1hen the other dugs came along with y ypre scription so 1I was able fa make good rmy escýape. I wornder- have soin e folk completeiostal sense ,of nmo- destyand reficence? Is if neces- sary fo bjroýadcasf one's symip- toms and allegijes for ail flic wori-d ta hear? Believe mie, X feit soirr 'y for thait youing phar- macist. Incidentally, whulie .1 don't appreciate intimafe per- sonial details 1 do like liospital dramas sudh as Dr. Kildare, Ben Casey and fthe Young Doctors. Later lu the week 1 vi;sited a home for the aged whie rce I know several o!fIe residents, I aiso >met oiers, Driving hlomte I ýthIoIuglt of Ie difference in their personalifies. Mrs. A. 1 lad known for about forty yýearb. She uses a cr-utel now fa get around but mentally she is as alert nom, as sh)e ever was. Being in neecd o!- medical care and nof having anyone to ol after lier slic reluctantly decided upon resi- dence lu fIls home for fie' aged. 1 asked if sIne was liappy. "e, she said, "Because 1 made Up my mmid 1 lad Vo be, I have no reason Vo complain. We are well fed and well cared for but if: was somne time before I could recoucile mysel! ta institutional -are. But miy frierds don't for- get me. 1I geftfaken out and home for sujpp--er. Sometimnes J even get invited tco an Institute meeting.", Well1, friendis, if we live long enougli we, too, shall be ûld, and what w'e are now probably dletermines our pattern for fthe future. Cleerful anid foleran- querulous and ecomýplaining - wihshiah we be'? Iicidentally at a lundheoni the other day I saf next ta Edue Jaquesý. Many (o! you Wi11 re- mnember lier lovelly littie poemns. easaoshe ýýwrote Ithese Iunes. l0,1e et el(ow0-UYifh the And nof grow odnid nd tale!" Believemie, this talented and cîairing littie ladias fuifilled h1er wisli. She las, indeed, growni '1mllw ith fIhe years." When la vnung iw +,, HOW About A Game 0f Moh Jongg? The, exotic i ,ngo)ofthe ,ancient Chinese Pgaine o!mal jougg ("three bain," "East Wn",was a commilon SOund luinmauy an Amierican home back lunflic '20s, TIen coutract bridgle swept flic nation, and few peo,-ple had fle Patience fa C op e wthl mal jougg's iniscrutable ruies. Ouly a stragglc o! dielard women kept on bidn "lande," o! flo0wers, dragons, ald w;inds wifh painfted files. Last monfli, about twcnfy o! these. stalwarts gafliered earucst-, 13, in a tiny New York office fa pressq on wA.ith a series o! test games whidh wiil end lu midl- Jeuuary, TIc ladies-flic board o! directorýs o! tIc National Mal Jougýg League-are try'%ing to, de- cide whiefher there should be, among other fhings, a change in flic numnber o! flower files. The rulings tlcy hand down whii]af- fect Ihundreds o!flousands o! American wýomi-en whio have, lu flic pest five years, retuarned fa) thc favorite gaine o! their mo- thecrs. "Our membership lias friplcd lu flic pasf five yas" r.Her- mea Scle!fer, blond league pres- ident, exý.pla-Ïind. "Just in Illinois, me(rnbership lias b0oomed f ram 2,000 Vo 15,000, We thiuk ,thec main reason ifor flic new intcrest lu mnnal jonigg is thie mirducVion o-! big jokers two ycars ao"she said. "These arc like canlasta jokers and acdd an elemnent o! chance fa flic gaine. ' The Joker files are now inc2luded in sets. A goodmajng set costs about $295. If inc2ludes 152 files, four racks, dice, chips (f1ie varlous wîïnuing lauds have different monietary values), and carrying case. Even fthLough a lot o! oldl sets are ein refrieved from American attics (flch ge selî, s joker decals Vo bring hem up ta- d teflc wo major mnanu!ac- turers, Cardinal and A&L, lotI say Y Can'f keep up wifh1 IVdoesn't fake a clecdu- Cation Vo learul mal jng"M Scîeýffer insistcd. "Somre peoiple play a gýood gaine affer anc, les- sou, O! course, fliere are some wîa haive played wetyyears and fiyr just awful, bultfley, don't know if. Ail mial jongg playerscnierfenele x Modern Etiquette By Ane /%sley QIsagomtr or godifather suipposed to rememiber the child's birthday withi a gift cachi year? A.No necessar-ily. A christ- ening, pre.sent is expec2t d, but enyvthing bey-ond thIat depends upon liow much you thintk o!flice 1dhild. Usaly t's nice for fIe godparent Vo r emn'e mbe r flic chid's brldywiVil a cerd. Q. If a mani who dos lo have a car goDes oufth a girl who does, is he spstIr'ed to a py for the -gaso1ine? A. lis tirsV ugeto o!fli evig slouldi be a stop et a service stfion for some gasoline for lis ;gins car'. Q. is if ever proper ta Icave oue's spoon l ic caffo-'eeCculpor in a boýwl of any kind juring a ial? A. No -thc oniy excep ian belngz: Wleni soup is served lu ra soup plate, the spooni is lef t ini it, handie' extending over the righ edge, parallel to the table edge - and, if you're served iced tea, with no saucer under the glass, you leave youir spoon in the glass, holding it aside wt your first and second fingers as you Q.Would it be proper for me t4) give a shower in houeor of my nephlew's fiicee? S he is a strang,-er in town, and rLno f our friend s or relativs a a eS lV ISý-t met hér. A. Not a shower. Gues-ts shoul,,,d neyer be asked to bring gifts; to strangers. It would be nice for you to give a party7 in lier hionor, for the purpose of introducing lier to your relatives and friend. Just Like Babyý's JR Deliglit a littie ghilwlth VhsiÎ beautiful wardrobe for licr ine'w baby dol! s-swpatternu lu- cludes buntiug, snow-suit, ovc-- ail set, coat, liet, drcss, bib, slip aud panties, Use remuants. Prýiufned Pattern 48'70: For delta4 10, 12, 141, 16, ' Io-, 20 luches. Ple-ase state size. Scnd FIFTY CENTS (stasiipx cannàot lie ecccpted, Use Postal note for safef y) for this patterï. Please print plainiy SI1 Z EZ NAME, AD D RE SS, STYLEÉ NUMBER. Send,- order fa Anne Adameý, Box 1, 123 Eighfeenth St., New Torono, Ont,' FALL'S 100 BEST FASHIONS - separafes, dresses, suifs, en- sembles, ail sizes, al in aur new Pattecru. Catalog ini color. Sew for yourself, f amily. 35é. Ontario residents must incluld% le Sales Tax for ecI CATA- LOG ordered There is no sales f ax on fIe patferns. elI i nes, :oilows 'OwarId ýî lijý i;-o ; , -î

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