CASE OF PARATYPHOID gations are eontinuing. The waterý FEVER R$PORTED 8$ supl~py used by Ihe patient hias been l The first case of paratyph.oid under suspicion and those using this' fver to beceo'ýIIted la the Health source~ have been advised te bol or, Untarea since 1947 lias been diag- chiorinate al Water. nùsed in the Vllag of Hastings.. Dr. Horne'r states that shielhas Tepatient lias been under treat-1 been'concerned for some Urne over ,eti he CveHsitl ee-the water supplies used by tIle res-ý bo'roughl, Dr. C. M.L Horh-er, Medical iet of l-Iastimngs, amd is very gmt- Offceret eaitb, 7Northumberland ited o nn itat the installation V ad urham-iHea lthlnItreports. o f a mn~plsupply Ihan benp- x',Although the source of the in- provýeý!ddisxwune nsr- lu FOR BUILDING -CUPBGARDS R EPAI 1R ANO: FINISH FURNiTURE o Phonte 1413, Orono oý l - , ý gRE-ELECT g od December t Mrs. Chas. Hunter, Lakef ieli rs n.Cowan. Mr. Aden aw of Toronito vis ite bi aot, rs. Howard Walsl- About ten junior pflayers attende, Badmiinton CIlib on Fridlay eveini last. Mrs. Fred Brimacombe is now ai S;trat'hhaveni Rest Home, Eowman ville after spelnding several week.ý in t be, Bovvma nville Memorial Hos MIr. Wmi. Bunting, St. Williams visitedi in town one day lastwek MýIr. and ^Mrs. Sandy Russell an family who have been living in Dry len, have moved to St. Williamý .ere Mr, Russell will be Superin tendent of the Provincial Forestrý Station there. Miss Arlene Neal lias returneé hiome frem Bowmanville Hospital aise MmI. Hartwell Lowvery, follow ing their car accident. last week. No ChaLge In jSchool Area Trustess jThree retiring Sebo,-ol Trustees of, the Clarke Township Public Schoolý jArea were returned by acclamation on Friday afternoon w'hen their an-i jnual meeting was held in conjune- tien with the TowrishipeCaik Nominations. These returned teof-È Èice were Messrs. John Kimbail,ý Re.Elliott and Truman Eender- son.. Mr. Elliett îs the current chair-_ iman et the Board. Mr. Kimbail in, addresslie the meeting pointed eut that with, the three ne&w scheels 110w in operation t was felt that there would be ne, ieed for any new additions for somne lime. These school 'are wveil distributed in the area and have an equal enrelment. The enrolment in tbe Newtenville scbool varies en. sidlerably, lie said, tromn one seasen to another. Thiere %,as a great need te ,stablisli a new well at No. 9! schoel and this lie thioug-it weuld: be accemplishied in the ýomning« year. MIr. Elliett speke 'brietly thankingý tihe ratepayers for their cýo-opera- tion in the projeets carried eut dur-' ing- the year. NEW DIRECTORS TO MOS,ýPOR'l' Three niew drctrKing Eeam- ish, Fred Hayes and Harry Johinson, ail of Toronto were elecipte tehe Board of Mlosport Limited at a Spec- ial sharehoiders' mneeting just held in Toronto. Four other directors were re-el- ected. These includedi Harold H1um- ter, Kitchýener, Doug Sellers, Toi- ento, Pauil Sullivan, Toronto and 11arold Wilson, Ingersoîl. It was repjorted1 that ,Al.r i program et sports car and inotor-' cyýcle races wili be bield. at Can'ada's new international circuit drigthe 1962 season. Some eft the world's leading racing tfigures will be in- ited to _omnpetîe. Fir-st et several races to be held with the sanction et the F.I.A,, top goveringti body et sports car races i inte wrd will be- the Player'sý 20,to be sponsoi-ed by the Irn1perialý Tobacco Company et Canada Ltd, on June 9. The financial aspec,(ts et the scen- ic 2.4-mile circuit north et Orono camre up for considerable discýussion by shareiholders from a numbe-r ef sports car clubs. UNITED CHURCKî ) Orono Pastor;I - Charge SUNDAV, DECEMBER 3rd, 1961 Orono - Il a.m. Leskard- 1:45 p,i Iirby - 3 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Orono - ;0Lnm Leskard -1:15 Kirby - 2 p.m. I A happy.ý event took place last \r weekend wheunM:r, and Mrs. Arthur WAREHqDUSE GOES twenýc1ty-fifth Wedding Anniversary U FAE the home of Mrl. and MrliS. La-1 Pirels, oe 1,0,0 ot rence 2Heoey. au bemrhad e a awa * A buiffet supper was served te uýýiariy Friday oring in ýg lfty-five of thie immediate relatives idsrilscto f jx and friends. Thie 200l' x60" ode wa Id hoeds iuse vwas the1-praperty of Ala Th'lle bridle's rmatron e01 honlour, \Warehousin1gLmtdrneb Mlrs. Austin Turner, Newcastle sis Charles Walker arffl George Law- ter of the bride was present to as, enc, hic burne like mti dsist thie bride of twentv-five year Wood and destroyed enormnous qiuaa- goalso the best man, Mir. Delbert tte of paIint, ipolythlene lil * Ilowe1llof Toronto. ~dsr ncieyand four ca'ý s- ieadls of tea. Ther ere 6 cýompar._ h 'The )iingi. room table was tastý- ' esUSdngc the warehouse. 'il deoraed ithwhte ums, _____________ ýi nir candleabra's wit h tal whitýýe g ndsi1er tprs ceirýred by a wevre wvith them on ths very hiappy î- oea1utîfu1l1ll decorated tiree-tier DccasiOnl,1Betty, 1Ann111(Mrs. James a tveadiig. cake whih as made by HUutchinsoni, Mary Lotu andi Dou1glas,._ ~. he rid'ssister, Mlrs. Chas. Huaý- aiso) the one and onflygrncl4 :seLaketield Scott Hutfchinson, ail of Toronto. s- Af r par-takýing eto a very deli- Mr11s. Len] Van Rriel, B-owlyalnvilIe cious supper the guests gathered iisang "Bless This H-ouse" aocomn- SI ~ living room when the Master 1 paniedl by Mlrs. Everett Browvn. îf ccermonies, Mr. Austin Turner,l Atter many expressions of bi's' Id madle a f ew appropriate remarks w1ihes to Art and Olive the very, ~and a sing song was enJoyed. happy o(ccasion drew te a close. S Mrs. Chas. Hunter read the adi- Mrs. A-ýrthur Dooley, nee 0Oï -e C n- dress when a gift of a cabinet of 'aw)ýan, is the daughiter' of Mrs. dowv-- vy 1 !Ier was presented by Douglas,' an, Orono and Ïhte late Mr. Willair son of Mr. and Mrs. Dooley. A car- Cowaln. ýd ving set. to match the silver-ware, Guests were present from iToron-~ À, wa then presented on behalf of to, Lakefield, Bowrflanville, Orotc- v. the couple's tb-ree children, who .tid Newcastle. TO TI-E ELECTORS 0F THE POLICE( VILLAGE 0F ORONO As a candidate for the Orono Police Trustees 1 would appreciate your support and vote on Monday, December 4th. RE-ELECT ROY lu REBTE Christmas Gif t SHOP Men's Tie Clips and Cuff Links. Special Reg, $1.00 for . ....................-....... 88e Men's Boxed Sport Shirts, a large assortment of wvoven patterns to suit any man. Sizes sm ail, Med. oýr Large.............. $2.9,S -Christmnas Gift Wrap11, 4 rolis 20"xlOO". Each to a box, aissorted d(esigns with extra Gift Tags. Reguilar- 98e for .......... ......... 79e C'hristmias Decorations, everything for the Tree 8-Light Tree Sets Complete wîthi BuIIbs. Set ... 97e Christmas design Plastic Table Cloths 54"x72?". GCan be used over and over again. Each.... -. 59c 11 Tree Top Decoürationis, 9 ini. star to coniplete your: Christm-as Tree.................... 59e Game of Monopoly, the ever, popular farnily gaine for young or old................. $3.59 Foil icicles,aprxmel 200 strands of glit- tering icýicles mnakes a spar-kling addition to your Christmas; Tree. Box............. . 25ic Beits, Mens Genuine CowývhidIe leather assor-ted colors, styles and buclkles. Sizes '32 to 40. Boxed .. $1.00. With Key Case carded $1.25 Use Our Christmas Lay-Away Plan ORONO 5r., TO $1.OO STORE OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS t, -N N N N N N t, N TO THE ELECTORS 0F THE POLICE VILLAGE 0F ORONO Seing interested in the progress of Orono 1 have allowed myy name to stand as a candidate for the 1962 Poý 0lice Trustee Board. Vour support would be greatly appreciated. Ee sure to cast your ballot on Monday, December 4th. HARRwY MERCER T'O THE OLFCTOR 0F TH POILCE ILLAGE210V0F RO-NOý Having b-ee', nominatedi for Police Trustee for, 19621. I take this appojrtunity of thanking you for, your suppoýrt in 1961 and agarn solicit your vote for 1962. L Y ALL LO0W ERYr t- t, t, t, t-, t, t, t, -N t, t, t N t, N t, t, N N t, * t, N N t, N t, N t, N t, a t, t, t, N t, N t, N t, N N t, N N N N N N N * N t, N t, N N t, t, N N -t, N N N z s N N t- 'N