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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Nov 1961, p. 11

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FIED *People conetolearu judc for theiron reasons. In Bruce Teg- nér's Judo-Karate Schloo] of Seif-Defense' in Los Angeles, there is a priest who10 wants the exercise, a bank vice presiderdcn w-ho wýas tired of feeling Shy and inseLcurle - and is now the pieture of self-confidence-and a !ab assistant whose co- workers, just for fun, had been pushing his head into the chemi- cal vats eaiý,u time they passed by. Acrosthe country Ln similar schools charging three or ',our, dollars ani hour, an estimated 250,000 men, and womnen, manceu- verîngc around the mats in 'the tradîtional loose r o bD e s, are Iearning 'the ancient techniques of lie Buddhist mnonks for toss- îng opponents into talîsp1ins. Some rmonths ýiagou in Los Angeles, Mrs. Virg-il 1M arks came marching into, Teg-nérs schooi at, thse head )if a coîunsn of chul- cren. "This," she announced, "is the end." Ali five ffspring hiad been coming home from school, bruised and battered - not only tfie four boys, but the l0-year- old' girl, too. After the sib]ing clan finished tie seventeen- 1esson coqurse, thle nmotier comi- mnented: "They'1'e certainly not wliat 1 would cal] experts, but 'ni sure they c o u i d defend themselves in most situations' In Ne-w York, recently, ai 26- year-old construction w,,orkel ap- peared at Jer-om-e Mce' Judo, Inc., with a large pur- pie Ibruise on bis upper arm. "It was titis fella 1Iwork wîth. 1 mean, he's going to a dsyuchia- trist, but even so he just blows up, every now and tien. He tried ta gouge My eyes out iast week. And now this, I nean, he bit me. So here 1 amn." 4'Th ey corne," said Jerome Mackey, "thinking about self- defense. But often they learn to appreciate judo as an art, The better the judo man, the m-ore docile hz becomnes - because hie knows what, he can do, an~d he doesn't have ta prove it all tie Urne. 'Judo' means '-the gent'e art.' It's a modification of the olid jujitsu techniques. There are jujitsu tricks, for example, tiat break a mnan's arm. But i^n judo, thse trick is imodified, so you can *o it ovet- and overý again, with- out hurting your opponient ulcss you need 1." Are there courses specijficaiiy for self -defense in street figit- ing? "Let me put it titis way. I couhld teacit you a hundred tricks that you could use, but they'd only be as good as you are in applying them, In a confronta- tion wvith -a thug, you're likely ta freeze. In judo contests, ne simulates that pressure in the studio, so you learn to thînk ander stress. Judio is ail applied physics. Thse Japanese can be devilishiy clever, a n d they've worked to pei'fect these tech- niques for sometw thousand years." There are fads and specialties in Oriental fighting n'ethods; yawara (stick fighting), aikido (joint twvisting), and karate (open hand and foot fighting) - but it is Judo which is the most genmeral and generalhy applica1ble gyStern. 1 Mackey indicated a sign in Japanese which hung in a cor- Down Ta Earth VWew Of Fallout Sbelters SýhaIl 1 buihd a failout shelter? At thc risk ý) of beinglaed u.eitcunpatriotic, or wo"Trse, hecre is one voîce that joins his majesty,'s loyal,ý opposition by Vcuting' an emeha'c neati ve. Th3e futility of it ail was crys- talized in t h isfhrs mid when our 14-year-old, in a sur- prising bit of mature th-inking, said one morning, "Dadi, what's the use of our building ane any- way? Whier o u r neighbours, corne knocking at aur steel dloor, wP as Christians couIdi do noti- ing but let them in too. How are you goîng ta build one laýrge enougi for the w-hohe neig-ibaur- hood" This set'- the wheeis to turm- ing in dhe mind of the preacher and produced a simple, sermîon- s tylie oulline stating wThy we murt vote agýainst home fail-out she ters: I. There are practicali reasons against il. How can we afford i t? 180 million people, spendling an îverag9e af $2,000 per f aiiy of f ive, foodhae ufinid $72 bill, on. - Eow can we be certan we ii) be nýear enougi tota -lsielter wvhen vwe need it? Is everyýone gair g ta Start staying homne ai the 'lime? A gain, if we fallow tis "oe dig your owvn hale" plan, how car we know ,hrow sa.fe for sur- v'al they really are? ZThere are psyciolo'gical rea- sous agaînst it. Will not thiese sheiters give us afalse senise of security lricking us ta think -thai iwe can have a nurclear -wai' and "-,et away with itf" What will such a pra.-gram do ta aur own determinatian ta keep thse peace, to strive coura- geously ta exhaust every other m nspossible to settle inter- national disputes? Fo-,r the Christian, however, there is a third, and f ar mnore mportant, consideration: 8. ThezrP are moral and spiri- tuai reasons 2agalinst it. Most imnportant of ahl, whaiý,t Lhas happened -,-Daur faitis In Gcd? Have we forgotten. that "H-e has tise whoie world in his hand?" Havýe -,veueaedsiningri "O Cod aur Hel-p in ages past, sielter from ie sormny blast, Anid our eternal home?" What "stormny bîast" ar we thinkmrng Of if not the mushrýllIOOM cIld aOf sin ov-er aur world. An-d even if God does aiiow such ah- as, are we net persuadied "thiat nieither dea'ths nor hf e . . . nor anything cilsc in al creation, will be- able ta separate us frami the love of God in Christ Jesus aour Lord." (Roin. 8:38, 39), Thus, the disýsenter votes "No," not in fatalismn but in faith, be- lieving that God has a better plaIn for His creation and better ways for His Servants ta spend their time and money in work- îng for peace. - Dr. John F. Anderson, Jr. in Orlan-,do (Fia.) Senlinel. Taking The Limp From Chrlîey Horse Fromn the býencji at Yankee Stadium Dr. Francis J. Sweeney, physician for the New York Giants for 31 years, watched the players battering and butt- ing, e aq'h other in a pra'ctice scrimmage oneatrnn last month. "Tiey used tc augi w%'ien 1 told them tîaking a pPii would- bring dojwn a swoîülen k.nee or anle." I h ec rusti old doctor saîd(. "But tiey don'Glt lugli any m-ore." The "pili" he refeàrred ta,,0is a recently dIeveioped tablet con- taining alpha amylase, an en- zymne w h ic h jreduices tie iii- effects of black eyesý, brui;ses, stans-Prains, and, in fact, any weIling but vh-i3hch somietime affliits a f ootball, isero's iead. One- Giant, anýcient Chunkirn Charlie Caonerly,, two eyes blac.k- ened aýnd one no>se 'broken ii, an early season game, took a piîl1-i and said later: "It seemned ta do) reai good v.! M,yCys didnl't gel as black as usuai,"_ Buccal amylaâse (trade-namncd, BucIamrase ,,by its developer> now 'being used in-crcasingly on athietes, -.waa fIrat t-ested îe year. TicheW York State Atfi- loic Commission tried lit &on boxers fresh ut f tlc rng, nsost of wam benefited.Dr Sidney Gaynor, team plhysicîanc of thse Nw orkî Yankees, tused it on the champions ast sea.son from spring training an., Instead of adding fiuid toaian injury as anî injection does, the dug workýs by ---,ihbiting 'tie ac.- cuultinof body fhuids in ini- juared ,joints Of Itic body,th G Dns'Ir. Swee-ney epiined. In tirecedecades with ic Giants Dr. Sweeney hais seen that mast comjnxon atietie ail- Ment, tfic Ciarlcy horse, by t,'ic -h-erds. "hcr' nquestion iI enyaireatmient helps w,ih Ch'arley hre, eadded. Tise first Indfian- pipes and ta)- bacco inglind reprobabl)y br-ougit iniby Sir 3John I{awkinse wien herure d from Flarida Defiitin ofa mneroperationi -one performed on somebody else.- AGENTS WAN1QEU SALESME-N, DEALERS, AGENTS WAN- TED to seil merchandlise. Ilundrecla of ottstandijng linos, For details, apply Bbx, No. 242, 12,1 l8tb Street. New Toronto. Ont. HUNDREDS of pari-turne agents want- ed, one or more i every communlty, to bandie sensational new patented wlnter sports item, SKEEBSTER£P, the s)di-wAth-a-seat. Now ALL cani SKEE. 1n1ia1 lnventory as low as $60,00 wïll brlng a srnailincomo with lot of fuin. Please write for agency details giving ýU oUiage occupation, and bank or otiier usinesa references, to 13KEE-SPOEfTS, Ecox 171, Postai Stn. B, Haianlton, Ont. BABY CHICKS AND POULTRY FOR early egg production Bray has 5-15 weok old Aines and other good varieties pullots available, Dayolds hatched to order. Boock your next lot of broilors now. See local agent, or Write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamiltonl, Ont. THE, SHAVER STARCROSS 283 layer lis making a significant contribution te Canada's export trade and is now scld hi. 28 eountries abroad. Achieveinents çf Cana2dien agriculture are weli kno-wn abroad, and the profitable and reliable p erformance of SHA.VER STARCROSS 288Is further adding to this repute- tien. Perhiaps youi-ve not tried this eut- standing layer yot; ihLis la a gond year te do so. There's an auithorizod Shaver d1itributor near you, or write for prices and catelog to Sqhaver Poultry Breed- Ing Ferms Ltd., Box 400G, Galt, Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTIJNITlES CHANGE YOUR LUCK ! COM E TO TORONTO SELL REAL ESTATE Acce-Elucition No Barriei- Mumy reul estote men eom $8,500 o yeat and more selling housses, apart- ment buildings, land ouad businesses. PETERS AND WILF'," l.D. REA4L ESTATE BROKERS 8 Toronîto Areu Office ovee 30,000 Propertios SoId ImmedîoteIy Require For 1961-62 Expansion 45 TRAINEE SALESMEN 27 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN 5 SALES MANAGERS Fov deteils of qualifications, pey troining progromme, Wite - "EMPLOYMENT MANAGER"~ PETERS AND WI LES LTD. 11I90WESTON ROAD TORONTO ONTARIO How Con 1? By Roberta Lee Q. How can 1 flatten thse edge or corner of a linoleum rug that persists in bulging or curling up? A. Place a hot - watecr botie filed with hot water over the bulged or curled area. When the linoleum is thoroughly w'arm, re- move the bottie and place a large book or flat weight over the spot untIl it has cooled. A stubborn spot xviii usuaîl1Y respond to this MERRY MENAGERIE d4Rmemerthé e-.wheni îkhey 41tkôw4t gv o mparting cac? BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE GEINERAL store, tlirivlïng tourist and niinring ares. Full asking price ',,50,000. Down payinent $30,000 tÉo roversttock. Termis for balance. Fully equtiip)edl. ,Living quartera, 3-piece baýth, 2 bouses inicludled, rented. Write E. and L. Wbyte, Gowgenida, Ont., phono 1114. FURNACE, tinsmlnth, plumlilng, bard. ware store, stock, new modiem spart- ment, cil furniace. $30,000 complote, S15.000 down. Wrin. bearce, Reaitor, Exeter, Ontario. DOGS FOR SALE PUPPIES for, sale, Wst, lgbzlan)d White Terriers, registered, pedligreed, 3 montha o1d. E Dabbaý, Sebringville, Ont 393-6113. PARM KELP WANTED -ML MARIED mari, full 'y epren ,cap- able cf taking charge of bord, for year round enmployrnent on dalrv farin. Sep- arate living quartera for saal farnily.: Ileat, electriclty, milk supplied. Appily statingwas and sizeo f farnly, mol. vin J. Baird, R.R 3, Çarp, Ontario, FARMAS FOR SALE fairm for sa l acres of wicüh 150 is bardwiood bush adthe balance till- able land andt pasturre. Good lbouse and Shawville and Ladysnlith. Mdeal spot for suxiner home wlth good hunting and flshlng, nearhy. For furtber details contact Mr. Doîmier Barber, Maryland Quobec. This advertisement la puiblish- ed free, as onie of the rnany benofits of TI-E ALLIED FA'RM SERVICES P.O. Box 1029 Lonidon, Onitario. 100 afcres; 85 wokbe hoice land, fair buildings, water aupply, hbydro. close te school andc villag, prite $l,0,$3,000 cash, balance at 6% 200 acres; 150 uorkiahle, 6 acres bard. wood, choico landi, spring creek, good building.z prie- $17,500, $8,000 cash. balance at 6%.- HOUSE in village; 7 roorns, double ga- rageý, $3,500, ternis. Chester R. Mills, Rùeal statoDudakOnt.. phone 130WV4. FLORIDA VACATION RESORTS DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. ATLANTIC SEASIDE COURT FOR idoal vacation, swlrmlng, fishlng and plenity of warm sunsinoi and fun. Cone to Florida. For information, write te Pauline and Joe McKay, 31119 South Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beachi, Fhorda. HEIF WANTED FEMALE DIETIC IAN RBEQUIRED irnrnediatoly for 105 -bed bospital. 40-houir week. Salai-y coin- mensurate wlth qua.lifications and ex. porience. Apply Adlministrator St. An drew's Hospital, Mdland, Ont. HORSES SHETLAND PONIES FILLIES and stud colts for sale, $100.00 and up. Registered, boat of bloed Unes. Blyth, Acres Pony Fermes, Blytb, On- tarie. Phonos 140 and 191. INVESTMENTS GUARANTEED And aecurod. With no collection, I.nvýei- tory os management probleins. Interest, and principal qhuarterly. Call or Wie Income Investinonts Ltd., 42 Jamnes N., Mfnilton, JA. 7-4558. MIEOCAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the tormont of dry eczemae rashes and weep!ng skfin troubles. Post's, Eczoma Salve hill net disappoint you ftcbing, scalding and hurning ecze- nma. erno, nlingwormi, pimpîes and foot eczer will rospond readlly 10 the stinless, odonles intrment rogardloss of how stubbern or hopoiesa they seem.ý Sent Post Free -on Receipt of Frice FRC! $350 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 1865 St. Clair Avenue Fast TORONTO NATURE'S HELP -DiXONý'S REMEDY FOR RHEUMATIC PAINS,. NEURMTS. THOUSANDS PRAISING IT, MUNRO'S DRIJG STORE 335 ELGIN, OTTAWA $1 .25 Express Collect IT PAYS TO USE OIJR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS s s MUSIC - ReCORDS ATTENTION' Quartets, Groups, etc. Top -quality 45 1115 Records pnoceý,seà froin your recording taýpes, $75.00 per biindred. Sceniie ecord1s, 1615Bent Avenue, Chiattanooga, Tennessee. OPPORTIJNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN DE A HA1RDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunlty Learri' Hirdressi'lg Pleasant dlignified profession, geood wages. Thouîsands of' successful Marvel Gra.ýduaàtes Amoerlca's Greatest System illustratedCi atalogue Free Write or cal! MARVEL. HAIRDRESSING SCI4OOL, 358 Bloor St. W., Torontc 144King St W., IHamilton 7 ÏRiea Sre', ttawa VERSONAL LO'VERS OF COI)! Lern is deciared purposea - fear iiot but rejoice ln confident hope. Write Bible Truth Mis- sion, Box 81J Braifordi, Ont. AUTHORS invýited suýbinit MSS al tyýpeýs includngpoems) for, bouhi publi- cation Rea;sonahbe termlqsl~ockwell Ltd., rflracombe, Enlnd estd. 1898). IF you like to read poini our Novel Clubil frormiiationi for self-addressed stamped envelope. Novel Club ),P.0 Box 1207-CL. Bakýersflold, aifri r #YGENIC RUBBER GOOOS TESTED guairant(,ed. mailed in plainz parcel, including catalogue and sex book free witbi trialasomnt 18 for $1,00 f Finest qualitylWestern Distribti. tors, Box 24-TPFin, Saýsk. PROFITABLE OCCUPATIONS EARN MONEY in, your spare lime! New homîework Bookiet, "Malte Money Soit- 11ng Big Mails," ypal"s for 25ý1 cojin Fariner, 210-C Fifth veue\ew York 10, New York. STAMPS F)E mînt Africa set wnd 5 U S. com- moIn.s., wlb pprovils. Litho. Box 51, Canoga Park, Catif. 10 NUDES for lt wltb 1c, and 2é apg- provaîs tin booka of 1,000. AL . Vo Box, 618, Wrightstown, N.J. TRADE SCHOOLS ELECTRONICS Evenlnig classes in radio, television color automiaion. Transistoýrs and senif conduictors. Visit or write Radio Ele!- tronicr Televisi;on School, 725Duds LonldonGCE. 8-2001. WJELDING EQUIPMENT WELDING -Machines, Electrlc,' jseci, Goodi Condition, Very Reasonable. May ho seen or picked op et Saltfleei, Equlpinent, Belgradeni Avenuie, Stoney Creek. Norman 4-4461. WANTED -EGGS FLOCROWNERS WANTED to supply hatcblng eggs weekly on ;a yearly ha- sîs. Large preilim paid over »ai-keýt Srice.ý Apply, ]Box Nuaiber 243, 123 ts tNew Toronito, Ontario, ISSULE 48 - 1961 LEARN WELDJNG NO TIME LIMIT Also Certif cote Courses in SUPERVISION - INSPECTION QUALITY CONTROL, A.R.C. SCHOOL OF WELDING 92 John St. NW, RamiIton J-A. 9-7427 )A. 7-9681 TRACTOR SPARES CIIAINS, ROLLERS, -SPROCKEFTS, XIDLER, HARDWARE, SIIELL,, --USHINGS, PINS, SHAFTS, SEALS, ,,L MOD1EL TRACTORS. SPECIAL .LOW PRICIES, TERMS. LABCO EQUIPMENT LTD. 44 CHAUNCEY TORONTO 18 RO 6-2401 BE 1-2624 BREAKTHROUGH MIN ERLIN - West CBerlin customs guords examine cil c mobile which wos riddled witFi 100 Commnuist bulýlets when five East (x to escape in-o West Berlin, The old flivver hod been reinforced wîth 3te tNSIDE OUTER SPÂCE -- What goes u 'p will corne clown when a space capsule like the one above is fired 1,165 miles into space. Part of BIOS 1, the first U.S spa-ce project devoted ailmost entirely to biological experiments, the G.E.-buîlt tcODSU le w,,iIl be packed with biological specimnens to investi- gate the effects of spaice on living tissues. The capsule pro- tects the experimients during shcýk of re-entry. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N s N N N N > N k,

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