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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Nov 1961, p. 12

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s 1. L , -ecuoa tiis year b: Porl lhat a as- ae it J' tIis ty Vi;~ ~~ I NMÎa~n -aonitînuied from page Il) tar-in. He m m ® also have Board' ________ [the sug- .- -ire for a NURSING HOMEF BABYSITTIN planning Dwsar comdtosfor For, Babysitting callI sugges'ted Ladies ar Res4i Home. Phone Orono ev-einigs or wýeekends. tbe pur' 138. h-45~ litcheis a _______________FOR SALE sting 01 he Gen,-idron Baby Carriq Imounit Of CM EVENT lent condition. "Cati be tat somre- Orn Horticultural Society are to a car bed - also a Bal ,ation was Mvited to visit OshlawvaHrtc itr chair. Both for $15.00. to better i Society on iMonday, Decemnber Ph lle34lr10, Orono. Township at 8 for thieir Christmas Meet._________i__ s at the I. g. ORONO PUBLIC quate for Anon ntersted,ý please phone1 Applicationf Mrs. 'Carl Blllings, 154 1orJohn SCEAR-R h a few a1ldwell, 1209ý, notý later than -Mon- Sele alictn, the pres-ay oo.aceilbercve COMING EVENT Pclaa to tend the Annual Bazaar. -aadSale of Home Baking, SATtRDAY DECM~PR2nd, :31) pmn. at the, 1...F. Hall, spo01-j ordby the HEATHER SOCIAL! $5,,j ad miade a moave to findiug out,'UB IW. Gordon uotter, ipre-1 c'at couid 'be done if the hiighway May sefufl and decorative gifts Secretary-Treasm-er, j ' to e developled to four-lane. ill be for sale and it will be aý Orono, Ont. Th ~ armnof the present alea-,sant thne and place to meet unfi- Pard said that it hadl always beenryurfiei0rC for a cup of tea. 51MOR0GASBORD SIJPPER1 rnship rineioned that industry ,vas desir- Tmmd Chrisu-mas Cakes %vil! The laie ý f the Orono Unitel "Ong*.miin connection with the wa7,ter he on sale amd if you get your ord -1 nCh are azgaîn se-rvPng Mhe popuL-, 9cmW cran a i ot o h ilge J a lar Simorgasbord Supper oan Thirs- Îl thes ,em.t-th sout of he Vilage ITst a,,î& cm.1and also for repairs rrî nwi iIsaerebyaoursa- I1a, ecemnber 7th from 5 o'clockI nney to the Fire H-all roof. A $600 grant ont tsoudieebeahr-tI l al are sre.AUil members of b a s e e n p p ll d f o f o r t h e r o n o a g e a t e e C hu r c h a n d C m u i y a r e n - rief , C bmmnity Centfretaer. orn lTuo order your Christmas Cakes zt e. oudrsr.The tax levy for 1961 iilowb, Cail j Amet n A amount te, $622321, Ms yIree uay -1461 aCOMAING EVENT Li he Inufile expendiituires an] agount Teofor o the $168. , as shOwn for the firtiTel Oro od t 1rticultural Sietyn and a year paymrent for test dilling for COM ING EVENTwilodltshrsmameinan Wit waer u 160.- Te wtersyrem T QO n dflosServiceI>shIow on Tueýfsdaty evening, Decem- id ~ ~ ~ ~~ý he!-tl ouhofte Village "'b au hli t'r annuai Fund 1ber Sth lu the Oddliellow's HaIll t [with aiutd b$84.3which is paid ' 1 c aj-Dance inhe I8:00 p,,.m. l cost frby toe h eev irect Oddfelow's Comrinity Hall IIonr opttm r ob sfios saijd, bneit.Te chairmian stated that Friday, December 18th, 1961, whevi1 hita iiBx-rpe 'ovr tis rnontdoes iot corne out of 20 Toricys will be given ==ypet~ xce 6 uhs )iIlers the -encealf uridof the Village. A Revelaires rcastra 'luatten- 2i Christmas Diniug Table Arrange- ual tutal amount of $3508.04 was paid dlauce. These musicians wevre ,.elI n. -1m oer10- in- eighit. out this year for awk lu the CornI- 1 lat:te irme'sBail. * hrsma MatlAane n. (n of jmiunity centre with the largest NtPou oceeds for Commuity ser- ý C'! smsD.rDcoain vhih pymet bing the instalaton of a Mic. .Crsms raueetwila ockd nwhatig pantfo)r the entire -Admission $2.0(ý per couple. Danc- Rlglu Themie. ockodtenu eatllgPrau L,) toe: lst - $1.00; 2ndî - 71e; Widge building. $231L70 ead been paid Out ing 9 until 1 a.m. Come and e ý,njoy 3rd 50c. MlY as, for. painting the Ihues on the ain l1-fr:endly dain. a-c M.Dumn ilso lds als stee fo prkig.Everyonle wýelcome,. do-rne and bring 013.00 R i>. Forrester stated that the bud- i1ro had managed to absorb this ut least one entry lu the arrange- ,an lie gel liad beeru held as set tout at tAe ise, even reduciug rates to if's eus-I mieut cmeiinif possible. b-c vesfirs't of the year lHe. said tAt side- mers. Unfoi-tunately tjihese con- walk construction hiad been set a-rltos he feut could rot continue' NOTICE ke of side for the year flu order to keep indefinitely, but haI believed thae Placey your ordIer uowý, for Maga- J;Uat from rising the miii rate. the pas't gord management wéould zn Subseriptions as suitale ve to Consideratiion, stated R. Fo'!rest- continue to give us good service' Chistmas gi9,WWithtï 'a Oron ,cng ~, wold roonh hae to bc given n aud the, most reasonable raies pos, Weekly Times. st of! able for a mun:'eipality iu that it sible wt still continuing better- about helad o tab»lize taxes and ýosts ing Of the systern. AUCTION SALE jdget.of ther sevcf epitdot in closing hie thaniked Ernie Dent,' The Household effects from the coun- tlet Curvply Woodi Produets tdMr.Rbso an Masll es ostate of thie late Mr. Bert Crossleyý t he paid for Orono Hydro services ani for their co-operation and fine work 'Miii be sold byv public auction lu the nrvscer"nmount equal ta teui percent of thethIs PaSt year. "A weu! organized Agricultural Building, Orono, on total revenue of the local hydro. On system sucli as we have can only be Satu-rday, December 2nd, 1961,1 eport- thec other hand the capitol invest- achieved with such employees" 'renigat i pro. Bedroom, esments by the Orrono Hydro to pro- J.1L. Lowery Mhen addressed the Living-room and Ritdbien furniture, has vide tlus service wsmuci less than meetig statng ttlhe wvasnotfop-.ishes, glassware, garden tools ec sHe teni percent of the capitol worth of IposedÀ to water lu tlhe village but Jack Reid, Auctionleer turcse ' hydro systeml. N only, hie sait, that lie had been opposedj to [hc_ 0 for! i tndusry a large revenue source mnanor lu whiuh the water question Y r the for hydro it also assists lu levelling:rhad been liandiled by.,, the Board. Hiel land thCe hydro ,oéloa an thus imakiug for reportedthat a lnumber A the F edlde ina Real stt ruent,1amore econ -&sia oerbmIon l stret in tie Village had been ch'ip-BOWIMANVILLE bud-see i is' 'y lt-'Y biu toe ur the, year aud that 100 acres - 6 room framie house, tax USne. kig ne had been paînted on baý.ru 30)x60. %Water. Price only $7500 part- RFrese nfre herineet- t ýe M i Steet.This latter pre(et, Nepwtonviie on Highay 2 - A5 c Our Cg that Mhe apicwationifor Incor- -0îe clinws aworhw une, Ha I acres, runs to, 401, paures!10 iways noration w\as nwbeiug processLdm adli usfltjuhngjnopo-caitte, 8 room ihouse, 2 babirooma., con- lu the Otro uiia Board and it. He sarid le woldc go along ith re- aaments. Renute-o 4.1 éelOp Jiar a m7lebing wouMlie calledb ucoprtn if thle peope wantedt a mouli. Askiug $10,000.00 th0-Board smetime l teiny t . ' Y Lu cnosInmg liestated lhe had Be&wdey, Main St. - 2 beoo 1s by u r-tof tir veau. HY fAit that litn outhe heyarnos-ntrstn. cernent block house. 5 yeursol1 t for - vn AofInco,_rpoýration be-_ing grant- Mr. WJ. iddell oàskýledh Tu lrelot. Fuil pieol 30. bsdd 'titha te Vlfge c-ldieale teswht 0usto, be douetoside- 'Terais. Coun1- t ta ke more rea histi u sto'ps towards wals nar he lisoic Hal11_$000 Downi - 7 room houlose oný eudal zcvnciug. luncosiug e-W'said, thatcsiong iiistsreet nomtli 0f Main t.1lglwy o.2 eu ewcastle. FuIl1 ~m cfas InorportIonhad ni et een R C. orreser stted hut t-lie Truls- o-e$50 iobn Vcopleedo lie al-'av u isname -es lisd mude applictiofor wip - Hampton - 6-room bLunga, br Mik hia iudas acnddtefrloie , v okassac od 100-vneflymdmlarge otgr be- a Trustee. 'cntuto ofsd alsfo-rrd ae.Price $U2500. Low (downi pay- H.M.Mt crspkALiel to thle1962 and fetlti th lese two pieces aient olr reut wlth option tLo bu.i, Tp off neeing stating thut us lon.gîas lie o alk wouljd bc)s0 eed mmediae possession. sundtle"t'the Villgeus PrOgresig lie MY.Riddell also usked the capitol Q24a(cs - 8 room hause with 's rrw ffd lo run. lie also. said thatr.worth of b1lie presetut Hyý,dro systen bath, 2 large bauius, creek. Askiuig ,view,- the ll Page ulëd have to go ahead wiCli wus reportedl by Mr. Dent,$15500 with terms. ed ta it a-e as Ht waS, becomling manager, as being an amout of Many other listings throughout uhere more and imore a ne(cessyityluthp-isome $59M(,00.0.M. idelthe uhaaonyan sa tans sillage. 1inted out that the hydro sy-stem 'Yirii given: Mr od Si-ipilsoi, echairman of romd been Jvalud t $11,000lu 1938 JI.CI. YJC 11 rnolHydro for the past year, and tha-ie hofeit liat the mnove toiPoe1O7~rn ding reported on the wo-k .carried (mon makethis iourcsetthat tmPoanepreseOpntaiv and 'V Hlydro during this periodi. Thîi va',noLoralugan assetfor thos usin,- ,vor1çincluded: irnproved service on Lu theýj, Village. Mr. Dent aso reportn M-ain St. Soui aud Duchess St.; ex- dthnat: the expected surplus at the te~ be tesion and transfomer addition to c fn ftis yearis cxpected to drop, i said, lePr.Iirvmn and trans- by about 2 percet frcom "dl0 This ~hi - ot N, evc installations and iri- thIle cost of powýer over the year gSw Rear 0 feit aoeet to power c-ustoners. Ap-: wioh wa-,s not acc(ompaied by h a -)g Swedish Steel sabre Saw ýpartc- prox-irately W$64).0ixTu lt ater lup-niar ise in rveueheain ti Alteatinq ul D g rWe grind your bar rails, as of-xeictlunderground instair- whihwcrc predloiuately residen- 1O sfiedrlaton ou Churchlili St. and sorne Mla ratlier than having a higl inl- s fyree file and instaîl o n eve mroedstreet igit,'ing. dushteial or com rcilue of hydre. our saw. Cost $4.00 ta $5.00 overý M\r. Simipson reportýed that future A brief di75ussion uenitred arouud below regular price. yfiin olas in(-cledl increased tansforni-rhe eutrance into Orono if develop-O Satisfaction Guaranteed. g new crs on Miii St:, Ch'urch St. and Prin- m nent is t be directed to the east IhArCoe cnt- ASew MedclCentre. 1Ilprovernents should investigate possibilities withý on street lightig and posslbly'the Departmnent of HTigliwaýys for ao ning no1Ire Underground installations, if suitable erossdng wid could also gM lr work fîndiugs are favourable. serve as au entrance into the Vils le 15 lic related the fact that power luge. A motion recommending that g LksoeRad atHp 1the os îs 1to nte local H-ydro Commission mýcli action be taken by the Board aehrRodPrtHp ited- lad incrcasedi considierably over thie smiovedl by E.FH. Samuel and -. I3 Telephone TU 5-2760 g :ancej past years; but that your local ly- W. Rolpli and passed at the meeting - HONEY FOR S'ALE eMarlbank Bee Farms. 1wht Wrfney for sale, Phone JackArotOon 521 FOR SALE 6-room Hoseluexcellentcod tion, landscapedl, oat 1o ýChurch Street South, Orono. PricedJ right. Immediate possession.11a1i Red and White, 1121 Oronio. FOR SAL.E Del1uxe Snooker and Pool Table, 981" x 50". U'sed one year. $7,5.00. Phone 1642, Orono. ai-c B-EL -AI R A-LUMI N UM Windows, Doors Aiwnings, Rý,ail-! ings, Prime, Slders and Garag- Doors. R. PELLETIER, Phone 9rl5, Orono d4p STABLES and IPUMPIN;G OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone Newtonviîîe 4721 Phone Wbitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., WMitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsome, dig. nified monument over the rest. ing place of your Ioved ones. It's net expensive. And seeinq tlis Iast -tribute wiII give you endiess comfort. !ALTER FRANK D. W. McQUAY aH R.iALTOR g177 (Ghurch St 1) C C= 0 C o - 0 g~i Pns!!ane Service g o Auto, Packaqe and cormposite n Policies , Pire, Farmi, Life, f) BirjiryLiability, Marinie, 01 Accident and Sickness, Wind, 13 Boiler, Fidclity Bond, Etc. [ g adie Hamilon g Phone, Orono lRibu u 0o A. F. MCKENZJE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Off ice Holurs 2: 00 to 4: 00 p.m. 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. Saturdlays and Wednesdays by appoinitrents or'ly PHONE 1471 - OROHO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERIrIARY SURGEON SPhone 10616 :Orn, ont Lawrence C. Masen, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMAANVILLE, ONT. Office MA 3-5688i Home MA 3-ss'54 .KIAY LY CETT, BÀA In the Offi'CeBS Of R.Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO1 Telephone 138 Orona 1L.J SKAIFE Chartered Accounan BY APPOINTMENTS Lycett's J,,surance Office P.O. Box 68, Orono Phone 12513 INSURANCE Ceneral & Liue S EE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., ORON~O Phone 12516 Res. 11716 JACK REID Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize fin Farm anid Furniture Sales Co-nsulI i e for terms and dates SPhon"e '5r 18 - Orono TEl) JACKSN Auctioneer and Valuator Cc9ýducts Auction Sales of ail slun and at reasonlabie rates Communcate ithhm at Port Pe".~ Monuentsand Our, quality andl service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the persan vwho bought from u- a neighbour, f riend' or relative The RUTT1ER GRA NITE COQMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE "ýLargest Display mn southerie onitario" PH-ONE 129 CONTRAGTo,-îa SFOR EAIRM and 110115E WIRING ite, MANCE SALES ýromp. 4nd Guarard ýRepalre a'.çincç' cl Electrïk - -d Apý lia~i: as " -~r Radt t( h'a Building a Heuse? or remndeIIing yaour present ome then contact Floyd INqicholsord Phone 2191 Oronto =o=:>O=ec=>OcztDo=:>O=oý-

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