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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Nov 1961, p. 4

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A Goidmife of Vitam;i . Floridla ORIANGESw 4 dôoz $b1.00 Càlf#ornial:l4ew Crop No. 1. Grade CELERY size 36 2 for 33 parnousI Indian River Ruby Red - Size 48's ýCxA-EFRUIT 10 for 5M MRIES Paramount Sockeye g aorted Og IGA Suînry Mort - Pl ~Ta IGA t.îquid- 2 24-oz. Dete Watch Fvery Wednesday, Thursdlay, Friday evening wh-en IGA presenits by PIERRE BERTON CFTO-TV CKVR-TV EXTRAé A TO TAL $ 0OF '.A fEVflBonus, $34 ~Ja~Tapes Il ~*~E lb Z9C crest - Giant Size Toothlpaste Fresh Grade "A" Predressed Frying or Roasting OHIOK-EN 2' to 31ib average lb 2ï9c -2-11). Pkg. SIDE BACON Tabierite sticed ali 1 - lO-oz. Pkg. of 8 WIENERS Tablerite $ I t -1b. Pkg, SAUSAGE Royal Guest SalLinkfox $ Burn~s Re-gtlar or Ready to Serve - 1/2 cryovac - 2!'/z te 3 lb. avg. IDINtNER HAM 1 b 89-c Kraft Velveeta C HEESE 2 lb $1 Brookpark Frozen STRNWBERRIES 3 loz Prices Effective N ov. 29, 30, Dec. 1 and 2. We Reserve the Right ta Limiit Quantities Delmonte Drink Pineapple Grapefruit 48 oz 3 for$O - romato Juice Siokley fancy 20 oz tin 8 forg SIGA Feacheý:s choice halves I15 oz tin 6 for g SPeas Stokley famcy honey pod I15 oz tun 6 for0g GATomatoes ehoice 28 oz tin 6 for gBeans wiIh Pork Libby's deep brown 1i 5 oz tin 6 for f 1IGA Catsuti toinato 1 oz btl 6 for SIGA Foul Wrap 25 ft roll 4 for SIGA Waxed Paper 100 ft roll 4 forg SBiscuits Peak'Frean 8 oz pkg 5 for g OCaramel Crunch, Digestive, Golden W0'heat, Small Rich Tea, Nice, Shortoake ( RECEIVE $4.00 IN BONUS TAPES Margarine 4 lb npkÊgs R ECEIVE $2.00 IN BONUS TAPES Freservale French Frozen G-reen EBeans 'A O oz pkg Tablerite, Vacuum Sealeci slice., Cookd Hm 6oz kg Can'ada No. 1 Grade P.E. Pot~toe jOlb bag f or $1 ENGRAVED TRAYS PRESENTED Ontario Presidentbpeaks A t DLrha ýr4n.F edeer tior a n The lYuraruCouty eerto of Agricu(ýfltujre Annuajýjjýl Meetinjg wasLAN1 OFF;CIAL OPENING 0F > k~1d o~Saturda, Nov.25), 1)61,.nNECSTE1jEWOK thé f{mbnHltkn h oi O E.13 of a noon banquet sre yth- 1Piarfor the officiai opening cer1ýý U Ham.ton omens SeviceClub emoiesof the mnw mnunicipalwte Folcwig te ma0whePresident, e ntev1illag f Nwcsl HreMalcolmn, calied on ]Douglaswee iscus fledat teovebe emTreaisuýrer, to) present the,*cU go vlae oni eld ls fncalreport. Th,1is Shýowe(d I ek na;net alneof $682.The Treasurer wee-!,and1Snce tat timntaiv poinï1ted out thiat as the y-ear end arragemntshavebee2mae1t hadïý been aned ýromtHe calendar ld h eeoyonDcrbr1 year j-to end on Otbr3lst, thîs ae eoucsCmisinp had( made some difference to- the ie KilboJrn andl Asociates, the osut ceits nd xpeditres. I wam-n engineers and contractors d m-oved by wDouiglas Kemp 1and sec supplecrsiof the sy7Stem nareepce ~de b Rbet ofatthat the to participate. audited report as presented by thie traue e adopted. i-fed Tbleguets ere in Lu1nto groups She litb theb duced b r' Fallis and Dalton Uniion slogan "'lJnited,' we stand, d,~ D)orreil thanked the ladie-s of theviddw a" Service CIlib for serving such ianý ie w aL ecletand nunte-ous banquet. Mr. Glare Curtain broughit graet- -Mr. ruceTaylr, DrhamMem gs from i he Ho.- Producers Bt:ard3. Mr. ruc Talor DuhamMem14estated' Ontario Hog Produoer8ýr ber of O.F.A. introdued lt1ue guest wr speaer, r. W. TidenPresdentogs ljoylflg. the ighest prices ler speaerMrWm.Tildý,i, Pes nent oc on the North Amlerican ce t±_ of thle Ontario Fe2deraÀtiÜo f Vr nt and that the 'Board arec- l. culture. Mr. Tilden spoke on hîs r&eIr n, cent trip as a delegate f 0mOF.A. j hnuing tù strËive for inprovemeaS. to the I.F.A.P. Conferenoe, held this Mn Grant McKay, President cf year la Yugslovia. Mr. TIden said VictLoria County Federation thanked the Canadlian Federation of Agri- j )urham Fei 1,-eration for the pr*ivfl- culture played an imiportan-t part [ge of attending its annualmeig in the formation of IFAP and -Mn. on hebalf of the neighbboriigoun Herb Hannam hlad been its irst ties. Prsdn.Yugsiovia is the only member of I.F.A.P. whichk is a corn- Pesidentl Harvey Malcoin -paid munlist Country. One of its main in- tribute to the faithful service aad dustries is fine wines. Yugslovia bas the rendering of sound judgemn?t tPopulation of 16 million and an to oui, Feçleration bly the late MilH. :ureâ of about th~e size of southeril Staples and asked tiiose assembied and eastern Ontario. Mr. Tiliden re observe a one miinute silence il*. ne- c!ounted miany humor-ous as well as sject te bis miemory. sýerlous incidents'. At the completion l of the conference he visited Spain The presidlent also recommended and Portug-al but as is usually the to the niemJbers the Aiinuial Rpr c.ase hie\Vas very happy to get bach xvh otie reports from ,t1he agaîn te Canada. Mr. Tildenws affiliaied groups in the county and aby hanked for hiis iiîWjQestitig and d they Wouid take th-.em 1,om-ae infrmaiveaddress by Howard and read them, rather than -take Quantncili, first, vice president. Ime te do se at the mieeting, and C.I.L. Fertilizers wýere won by, the two ladies wvose birthd-ays wýere neanest to Noveýmfben 25, Mrs. Mrs. Shirley JhsoNrhnb land Counity and Mrs. John Knox, lamipton. Each receivei a bag of' garden ferilizen. M,,eeting adjouroedd on motion oli Earl Dorreli. YOU CAN~ BEGI lNQ C À o l R A 1 N u N r resnttiepresented the Rumep- Memnil rophy and the miniature which remains the property of the 13 he Oshawa Business Coflk winner to Larry Bertrand, Hastings à la open ai1 year and oI- County who wvon it at the Royal13 metho d of idvda Wintcr Fair this year. This trephy hulstructrn .,ýerrnits yOU tet saare each year to the high Q start at any tifle boy ini the Live Stock Judging Cein-'i petition at the Royal Winter Fair. As Durham County hiad Three f 8 Day-School Courses fron winuing teamis at t'lie Inter-county which te ehoose Judging Competition at (Guelph this ______ year, engraved trays wee present- VN GCLSÉ ed to the win n nbehaif of the TEVEY ndG CLASES County Federation by Clarence Ai- o lin. TLe - nin teams were -13 700 to 9:00 p.m. Dairy: Doug-las Jose and Paul Tamn- o Choice of Subjects blyn; Grain: Patricia Knox and______ Harold Yellowlees; Poultry: Larr3rSeiiClse o Welshl and Gnrry Jeffry. pca lse o The Durham Cuunty Fedenation l ousewives - Shiftwonksrý Constitution and By-laws liad been, si Teen-Age Typists revised and were presented te the ~ Anjnuaýl Mýeetng for endonsertient. 1 An addcition was eomeddt FREE LITERATURE rtle5, No. 2. On mWotion of Rus- 1 AVAl LABIE seli ~~ Osonend Rialph Larmner t h e______ Conistitution wvith addition and the 1 ico tetNii Bylas ere approved. g 1 ieeSre o As of Article l in the Conistitution 13 Dia1 RA. 5-3375 N.1, (e) the following diredtons \vere elected hby open vot fthe C- C meeting-: Cartwright - Dalton Don -____ reil and Mer rili aCnplavr -Ray Robinisoni and wrne- Staples; Cavan - GOrdcon $taPpes and Tom McCamus; Hope - Milfred , - Wht;Darlington - John iKnlox and Buce Taylor; Cl'arke - Donald The minutes of thle last Ainnuali WHEN 7Dq#a/n Meeting w reaen by th',e secretary u V RD ! and nppnoved on mot ion cf lBruce I U PIË-;; T aylo d FacsJose. Onmotion c f A. 1Johllstonand Ralph Larmner, Dnl tpe n ' Robent offatwere nappointed audi- ýçy itors for 196G2. Pr( eientHarvey Mclintro- dcdMrs. lmer Cx ayDir'ec- ton cff DurhmnCountly Farmiers Un n.. Ccx thanikedi the F_'edera- tieni forit s inv-itationl to lier te at- WtenditsAnnual -Meetin-g banquet a'nd ejoy the address of Mn. ildeni. She said both f àrmi organizations cve working for the sameole iniprcving the economic odiin ofÈ the fiam-ily farm and she heûped Q 13 o s il. -9 ~I~OeUhNER ion 2Ltins for Tins g kr gent fr. RECEIVE $6.00 IN BONUS-TAPES iGA Dog House - 15-oz. Tins Dog Food 12 for $1 Regular or1-Chubby Kleenex 6 pkgs $1 Chocolate - Buds - Maýcarcons- Wafers 7-ctz. Pkgs. IGA C ýancdies 3 or $ IL ýl k Y ý Sc

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