<i - -~ - 4 __ g w OR~~~ONO WEEKL.Y TIMES THURSDAY, OEBR3~1~ L ROSEWHT Qv TUHE NEW' T AND YOUR FR1 NDLY ROESRVICE STATION WHITE' HIGHWAY 115, JUST NORTH 0F ORONO We take this opportunity to thank al our customers, neighbours and f riends for their assistance and patro nage during our f irst year. We hope you will continue to patronize:Our establishment and we guarantee you the finest quality products and service. To show our appreciation we of fer you some Bargaîns you caji't ANNIVERSAR Y g WithEeryOilChange EeygSeîl gYOIYR CAR WILL BE GIVEN g r ia ggFREE LUBRICATION O'o fo gWith Every Winterize of g g WHIITE ROSE PERMANENT ANTI-FREEZE g CompeteYour Car WMl Receive Ag completeGheck of its Braking, Lighting anld fi Cooling Systern. And white you wait a Freeg Hamburg and Coffoe at the Riestauraxtt. g gc= ONLY SPECIALS- WITH EVERY SET OFg gDOMINION ROYAL SNOW TIRES g g (with or without'trade) 0 You Will Receiveg 0 2 FREE CIIICKEN DINNERS With Everyg gFi-up of White Rose Güso1ineg (total)g g We Will AddFREE a Tin ofg g . WHITE ROSE TUNEg g To improve your car's performance and nilleageg ll--c Û = C U FAMILY FUN "WHITE ROSE" OFFICIAL BONSPIEL CURLING GAME Mentioni this Advertisnient to get your Specials. Quantity restricted Qne to a customner. If you don't take advantage of ourspecials do corne in for a Free donut anid coffee and gay "el. SATURDAY, DEC. 2nd ON!LY WRLE RALLOONS FOR CHILDREN F E 0711 8DONUTS FOR ADULTS DUT H cil Ae 'IlA- pé