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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Nov 1961, p. 8

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ORON WEELV TMES THURSDAY., NOVEMBER 30, 1961 ,, Pge 8o "Engineering, Technology, Trcides (Continued from page 5) ex-,citers, etc., for seniior students. -oetlevTision, radio an elcon Le quipment will be ncud for th tuy of inclustrial electronies.ý ~S ix special benches, and an înstrue-ý trsbencha will be provided wvitii, Iproper power and testiag- equip- rint for thieory_,ýnd practical wTorký as a classroom ai-ca in this roomr. 'MACHINE SHOP PRACTICE Machine Shiop -Practice w Illteach lcuse of in tools, benci work, 'macine opeatins, elcmc-ntary n~ea1'îgyandte use of precise -;neasurcing and layout instruments. S in Grade IX, thec student is g-iven ~iingi in thie fuindamental skills. ,This includfes care and use of the ýom1mon liand tools such as files -acksaws, lawout tools, etc. HP al- -eo carrnes out simple operations on tic,ý lathe, shaper, dill press andý -m-atai cutting bands-aw. Ir, Gradle X, more skill and techai- cal1 knowledge is required to oper- te thie lathe, shaper and drill press. Th'le studJent leamas to cut a thread mn tlite and the care and use of micromneters. The mligmachnine is introdluced in this grade. ohn147,aimýirn a:k- n1pace In types of thr.eads, multiple threads. Suitable projects are us ed througih out the four years to enable the student to carry out the operationis.1 Tu's room will be about 2300 sq. f t. in aqreaý and will be equipped with the most modemn machines iýccessary for the proper teacbtng oyf tuis subjeot. Grade XI andf more time is spent in The cquipmect WilI cOnsist o the shiop. More techaical knowledge four large ben-dies for classroom in1 is itrioduccd such as gear formula, struction and bench- work, four 10" tapers, thiread types, speeds and 'i thes, four 12" lathes, one 18" gap feeds etc., more complicated set up lathe, two vertical milling machines on the lathe, shaper and milling a hoGrizntal milling machine, a iach]inie and the care and use of the shiaper, a surface grinder, a tool and surfacegrne are covered. Cutter grinder, two double-ended çP!nders, drill press, a vertical In Grade XII, time is spent on bandsaw, a horizontal bandsaw, gas heat treatment, a study of metals, and clectrie welding equipment, ,preciîsîinmeasuring witlh Verniers,' and three heat treatmneat furnaces Jo block,!s, sine bar etc., spiral Mill- Neccssary, hand tools cutters and in-, dfeeta ind-exing, study of measuring instruments wil be pro- grindingwhes and grinding prac- vided to make the course as co-m- tice, gear hobbing, cutting various fflete as possible. HURRY! YOU LAST WEEK TO GEl A4.I ELECTRIC A $29..A5 VALU Offer Gaod For Christmas Delivery - If Purcliased This Week. Get your FREE Eîe etric Blanket with the purchase of a New Dryer this Week. lImaginue! FRIGIDAIRE FLOWiING DDAC-62 ]FRqIG A E eROEOCT 0FGIENERAL MOTORS HEAT atthis LWPRIÈCE! *Exclusive* Flowing Heat dries clothes breeze-fresh, even saler than sunshine! *No.-stoop nylon lint screen on'door! *Porcelain enameled, snag-free drum! *Special Cycle Selecto.. . Lets you dial correct dryirig time for ail fabrics. Special scttings for exactly right drying of Wash & Wears and Special NO-H EAT Cycle too. Perfect for airing bcdding, de-wrinkling garments, even drying plastics. *5-Position Fabric Selector s. ON LY EASY TERMS YOurELC IAG RADIOS - TELEVI"tSIO - A,-PPILIANCES Phone 129 Orono, Ontario a i ~~-~---- BOYS' & GIRLS' OCCUPATION SHOP Ii this course 0one-haif of flhe pu- pil's timie is spent in thte sirops anid Jne-aIf i, spent on3 academie stu- d,,esý.Thscue is set -Up maily for those studlentis woexpeot wa discontinue schiool after comipletingý, Grade 10. A pupil may transier to tile Tegular' four year teclinical course with a credit of one year Up. on completing the two-year course. l'his course will train bo.ys iii sheet metal work, weldixig,pimng olue4prînt reading, pitg aaud decorating, masonry work, merch- andising and any other trade t hat is necessary for this area. The girls would take merchiandisinig, waitress work, cookinig, sewinig, some commercial* worý, nairdress- ing, etc. Some on-th'e-job training is expected to be undertakeni to make« Lais course a success. Tic boys' occupation siop will include four large benches for clas s- room. work and bench work. For sheet-metal work a stake boeni, foot cutting she-ars, foot brake and soldering bench and equipmeqnt is being provided. Several complete unýits for gas and electric welding is recornmended. Neoessary tools and equipment for -the instruction of plumbing, painting and decorating and masonry work will be provided. res for this work have been in- cluded in the room. layout. Blue-print reading will be taught in the drafting rooms; service sta tion operation, anid automobile body work will be taught in the auto mnechanics shop; and, selling and typing will be handled b., the commercial department. The girls' occupation roorn being divided into a number of ocp tion's, will be very flexible and yn-st qf the equipment will be moveable. For domestic cooking, a sink, range, refrigerator, washer, dryeri- and necessary cupboards and smal 1 equýipmcnt is suggested. Fo~r short-order cooking a frye'r s 301s will be provided. warmer, hot plate, counter and For waitress work a two table ding area is planned to seat eight pe.ople. The three units mentioned illoperate in conjunction. The nursing and ci'd care area will be equipped with a crib, hospiý jtai bed andncesr accessory For merciandis;ing and se11ing ýýýdisplay and storaýge cabinets, a casi register andncesr stock. and requrpmnent is bigcoansidlered. The seýwing and rssain r will be used also a lsro tra and have Io larg-e layou11 ibles, f ive power sýewîng machinec and -necessary smnall equipment anif 'ýtorage facilities. Hairdressing will require aboru tri-c dryer and chair units, thýreE st.yl'ing units, and two siamnpoo un its with sinks, plus necessary sup 1plies. INDUSTRIAL CHEMISTRY The Industrial Chemnistry Labo: atiory will produce chemnical tced inicians who have a working konv ledge of chemnical theory and wli have considerable training in tedh nique. We baveý the ad(vant'age o proxity to a spec4ialized indutstr3 ýin this field. In Grades il and 12, the folowin- major headings will be studied' General Chem 1istry: Gravimctr ý Aialysis; Volumetric Analysis; or -ganic Chem-istry; Mincrology; Bac teriology; Photog-raphy; Instru ments and Glassblowing. Girls mia also enrol in this course. 1This room will includie a piotù grapiy dark roomr, a storage rooi jand a balance roomcý for, we-ighing Threc large laboratory tables, paci 1equipped fors eight students, iaý a 'n it s ci ýe 10 Il- -C Le- c- .0- ýh "-Pi -ecomnmendedý for tuis room. This layeut provides a reasonabiy arge space at the back for special ýquîpmenC~ and experimenrts. Special instriimentsrequireri for hir, coui e xii be: the PH-. meter; tctitrimeý2ter; the Parr bni;tic- ph~electrie colorimeter; Nsse oesand colorimnetric analyssvs cr rm-ter, chaing,,tnat.ic balance. polarimeter; m.icros-copes for higi- poxxcr and measuring. techniques; and a refractýonioter. ( 4H' Stuti ORONO, ONT cls oWar." H-e said that now was a time fo-r action and Uhe couaýcil should pr- ceed with the appointmrent of a ce- ordnator. Major, McGratli,, urging formation. niaUnited Counties Emnergcncy, MeasresOragnizationsaid oYu havealradypasscd the nccessary EMO y-lw. It requires only action on yur part to appoint n co-ordia- ator. His salary may be betwecn $6,000 and $6,500 per annumn, and his assistant, if needed, $4,-$4,500. iifie --à ý's Pharmacy, ARio PHONE 168J e k If you do have te stop in a hurryr, pumnp yourrak es, SFE DRIVING WEEK - DECEMBER 1-7 don't jam them. (Power brakes need gentle pumping. e *e îlee 1e e sâ 1 ORONO'WEEKLY TIMES 0- it Repornt Shows Big Change Inî County Roads United Counties road exeniurs in a a" oor will be cap- for thc f irst 10 montis of E161havec ableof evig ecds for some time reaeicd a gross total of $"0I,35 'cone il that i be required counties engineer George L. TotteniiiU be eqpmn replacement. told counties council on its final day - e cnow la intiec ounties 330 of tic year at Cobourg. Tic govern- 1 iles of county reads and of tusý ment will subsidize $691,700 of that 2,00 miles are paved. 0f thc pave.d amnont. mileage, 60 miles are obsolete f&.r Mr. T -1ttcîî said tic ycar iad present-day traffir'. been une of consolidation. The readI A breakdown of road expendi- ,i îîssLon had attcmptcd to dlean turcs for the first 10 montis of up many long standing dlaims for tic year: expenditures on non-sub- compensation and many wcre set- 3idy projeets iacluding dcvelopmeflt ed. roads 4 and 5, $143,654; fmainten- Near Completion ance , $110,851; ncw construction, Tic,! road program laid ont ln the $65,90;' miscel-laneous, salaries, spring, is almost completed. An ex- wages, repairs, supplies, $44,699; ception is tic construction anid pav- new machincry, $28,413; accouats îng of a hall mile of road 25, at receivable from municipalities, Warkworti. If is planned to co.-' $158,496; maciinery cost of opera- pîcte this small projcct at tic same tion, $80600; gross total, $1,032,20~5 imthàt tic development road less credits, total expenditure for from Morganston is completed stibsidy, $691,700. sometîme in 1962. Dîý,ring 1961, tic commission ap- EMO UNIT FOR proved tic appication of 25,000 COUNTIES PASSED -yards of gravel for resurfaciag; United Counties Council decided primed 90 miles of county roads; tuis wcek to set up an Emergeacy ,eal coatcd 35 mites; paved seven Measures Qiganization. and to ad- miles; graded and gravehici 13.5 vertise for a co-ordinator. miles of road, gradcd three miles, TistpwstknftrD uy installing bridges and culvcrts at a Tev eprs. - J en fiser of Ca-, cost of $80,000; complcted pavement bourg decl'ared, "It is lime to stop -on devlepmcnt road 4 te Morgan- dlydlypg"adýaeaioin *ston, 6 miles; completed fcncing ond11 alig"anmaeaaoo. deveiopmeýtr road 4, Morgansten Peterborough, Emergcncy Meas-ý -and 5, Kendal. ures- co-ordinatef James P. McGrath Five-Vear Plan spoke to the' ceuneil carlier on the Mr. Totten urged couneil to give nced for , a counties EMO organi-' serlous consideration to tic adop- zation. ttion of a five-ycar plan for road Deputy Reeve Mrs. Lenai Fisher, construction. Cebourg, said sic would introducer "I feel tiat the time is right te a motion "Tiat an- immediate vote cmbark on suci a program. We be taken to procecd with tic f orm- shahl neyer'be la a better position ation of a Counties Emcrgency to receive aid for dcvelopmciit roads Measures Organization and if pass- tian at present. Suci7 aid will net cd, steps bci takea to invite qualified 1owevcr, be forticomiflg unlcss We pei-ons to apply for tic post cf a show we are prepared tohelp out- ounties c-o-ordîniator." d1 -ves. Wc are now in an excellent Tic motion wars passed and coun- eposition to devote cnergy and fln- cil will discuýss ic matter furtier. d ances to a five-year road constr-uc- Reeve Gai-net Rilekard of Darling- d tion program." .on, said tic need fer public educa- Mi-. Totten rcported tiat tic mod- tic n on tic measures te be takea

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