Make sure your snowr tire treads are good. Carry tire chains in your trunk. Have brakes balariced and make sure the steering system's in shape for witer. Instail anti-freeze. Checkmwndshield wipers to ma ke sure you'il see where you're going. Heaters and defrosters should work properly; so shOUld headlights and tail ights. And do you recail any/ news stories about carbon monoxide poisoning?' Ch;eck your exhaust system for eaks. Get your car în shape for winter nowi. You might save yourselfý the inconvenience of an accident. Driving conditions are worse in wnter- winterize your driving as weiI as your car I-ighway Safly Branch ONTARIO DEPARIMENT 0F TRANSPORT Hon. H. L. Rowntree, Q C., MInster Camnera N( The fýrsýt holding of the Dancef!ki washeld 0on everning aIt Mr. and Mrs. Kel in Orono witione fuil e dJamice. The g-roup, enjoyed evening of dancing and it in thîe art of square dancing. C7hristrnas Gif t Centre OnIy 14 Shopping Days Left LADIES' DUSTERS Quilted Nylon and Rayon Dusters, ined throughout, several styles with three-quarter steeves. Colours Blue. White Magenta, YelIow and Shrimp, Sizes 12 to 18. X Price-$12. 95 LADIES' CAPRI PYJAMAS Capri Pyjamas of arnel, beautifuily trimmed with lace. Pink or aqua, Sizes t'leMediumi or large, Price-$3.95 LADIES' SHORTIE GOWNS Waitz Gowns in nylon or arnel, daintiiy trimmed. Pink or aqua. Sizes~ Medium and large. Priced f rom $3.95 to $5.50 GLENAYR "KITTEN" SWEATERS A good stock of "Ktten" Pullovers and Cardigans in Ban-Lon, Orlon, Tery- lene or 100% pure Botany Wooi, ail mothproof and shrinkproof. Severai drcssmaker style as weli as the ever popular Ciassics. Ail the new shades. Sizes 34 to 44. Priced from $6.95 to $14.95 MEN'S TIES A new shipment of "Currie" Tics, assorteci plains and fancies, attractively boxcd. Choose yours for gifts now vvhile the selection is good. Priced from $150 to $2.5q Boys' Tics boxed for Christmnas - $1.00 M.ýEN'S "TOOKE"ý SHIRTS "Trook<e" Shirts of fine qaiycto broadcloth icuding the easy-care wash and wear shirts, cxpertiy tailored, with buttQn or French cuffs. White oniy. Sizes 14 1/2 to 17V2. Priced from $5.00 to $7.50 MEN'S SPORT SHIIRTS Wcoo and rayon woven Tartan Sport Shirts, weil-taïiored. Choose f rom several plaids. Sizes smali, mediumn, large and extra large, Priced at $6.95 Hicocek Cu~ff Links and Tie Bars Attractive Cuff Links and Tic Bars, boxedi for Cuff Links $2.50 Tie Bars $1.50. MEN'S PYJAMAS Good quality flannelette or cotton broadcioth Pyjamras. Sizts A, B, C, 0 and E. Prieed from $3.95 to $5.00 Boy's ShiTts priced at $2.98 Eoys' White Broadcloth $hirts with bow tic and s- op$s to match, attractively boxed for gifts. Sizes 2 to PM rlday anld Saturday zr' Armstrong'spen Ail Day fm_ m S t rWednesday 1ý p Log Cabin Chocolates, assorted hard centres, pure chocolate coating, 1ilb T-wo pound boxes . . .$1.66 5