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Orono Weekly Times, 7 Dec 1961, p. 7

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"Take a card," said Dîck Du- Bois to a fellow bef'uddler, hold- ing out an appnrently guileless pack cf cards. The campanion agreeably chose ane-the f ifteen of spades. DuBois took the card batk, shujffhd the deck an.d threw it into a Hýilcu anake basket, whereupon a mechanical eýcobra reared up, the fifteen i-o ,spades iu his fangs,. Magic, accordinig ta, profession- ai perfarmrer Roy Benson, is the seFcond ldest profession. "Poetry is the oldlest," Benson said, shat- tering a c'rished illusioni. "Anid miagie, in the f orm of primitive Mnedicine and religion, is second. The witch doctors thousai--is of years aga, pre-empted somie of our best material." To some historians of ,magic, whbo recalled that the first re- corded feat of legerdlemain was performed by Dedi in Egypt 5,000 years ago wit live goose, it meemed that the art had gone f ull eircle. The stu-nts at Hartford again featured fowl. ColleCtively, the canjurers produced soae twenty doves, six chicks, auid three aduit chickenjs. "Pou-ltry in. mciotion!" one wag puuued. Only 1h. Amazing Scaîzo, respiendenit JR ýwhite fuli dress, produced Pa rabbit, and th at was- an i mper fect breecb delivery, because the ani- rxal iùsisted on appearing tail first, "Scaizo washed his hr xnd couldn't do a thîng with it,"' k. friend quipped. DRIVE WITH CARE 1 COMPACT (AIR)CAR-A flying machine for suburbanites is a, possibifity for the Avioin 2/180 above. Buit by Avion Aircraft of Canada, it combines fIeatures of bath a gyro- plane cind o helicopter. With its rotor blades ratatfing freely os in co gyroplane, it con-take-off like a conventional fixed- wing aircraft. Forword motion is provideci by a propeller in the duct in the reair Or'power can be opplied to the rotor, spinniing it sa thuit the croft cor, be ju-mped into the air like o helicopter f romn a 1O0-fbot square plot, Worries OnIy- When He Reads The Papers Deep lu Rhode Island's South Couutry uwhere la n g, sunidy beachies meutc 1 the Atlantic, a wýindiug strip ofwae - called Narrow River - makes inldand, crooks around tidleswept mud flats aud sand bars, curîs uarth- wýard througb-L Narragauseltt aud Sotith Kingston, term-inating aft- er six tw,,isting miles in a wide Pool, iuhabitéd chiefly by fiddler ýicrabs and l-innuows-. i 1igh abový,e the pool Will iTracy's vveathéred, gray-shinigled cottage overla9ks a saggiug pier arouud which, scattered lu des- olate abaudoumient, lie sectins af, rusty pipe aud chain, brokien Puilleys, bits ai ratting rope aud a pile oainacient lobster pots, their woadeu ribs bleacbed white by Sait air aud &a mercieless suin- mer sun. Iu this nondescripit set- tiug, WPIl Tracy someba-w man.- ages ta wres-» t a lving from the river, For some tii-t-e 1 bad planned to meet Will. If possible, 1 haped ta write bis stary. South King- stos~ atieshadi assured me tht"no main lu bis rigbt .mird wovuld live s0, alane, -xpos~ed ten eývery storm 'b law In' off the" ocenu. Whýy, he dojn't even have electricity -- still uses ,ý,an ail la inP." Colorful an-cdotes coucerning thfe ecceutric fisherman 4continu- ed ta reacb mreuti one day in mrid-August, curiasty 'tbor-ouýghy piqued, 1 fouud mysei gingerly mauurtiug shaky , wooden stairs Jead1jug Vo a po'rch whicb listed sbarply, like the 1buLll of a 'beach- ed ship. Mjy knock wuaswe preseutly by-ý a mau of mddfle years. "Mr. Tracy?" than a mau'rs fbauds, -wus nmaunit- ed over the piano. Will was eager ta talk, sýpeak- iug l cloqilim similar ta thec vernacular i- Ïthe narthern Ncw England states. Answering mny question he ivas sayig '1 been atane lu thîs bouse iluce '49. Livïin' heah bas its good pints - an' bad." 1He sighed. "It's nice t'he free, but as a man gits older, livin' alone gits harder. I aini'È neyer mairried, an i like to go crazy somnetimies if if. war't fer Smroky." Hearing bis name Sinoky, a, laIrge, charecoal-colored cat bear- ing nuïm e r ous battle scars,4 stetched beside tire woad clave, blinked greenish eyés, yawued widiely and drOpped backot Bleep. WUIlcorisinue.d: I been 'on s.ali -water ail, ncy Life--in fact, I was boru beabh in1911." Hje (dd SaMin ental arithmetic. "That makes rmeF-50, dou'jt il?" Without waiting fo>r agreement, he hur- riéd o. '4 rent skiffs for oyster- lu' or yle-ulfishin'; I1goblue crabbtin' an' clarninin' a' in win- t1er vwhen thar's ice on the river I cut ahae. 'speaýr cecîs, . Ski- nred Qels â-1l fer 3'5 cents a pud"he added with satlisfac.. tion. Then, suddenly, bis toue ho- came somber. "But thlugs aiu't the same since, the river gat bulît up," he de-. clared, shakiug bis bead, "in Julýy au' Aug-ust wbeui city folks are heab the river gits afu mnuddy, Sa dirty 1 kmn hardly sec dowu six !inches, But b y No ve m- ber 1 kmn spot a dîmne in tweive footo'ae. Witt explaiued that under nor- mal conditions Narrow River flaws fuît enocugh ta clear itseil., During sumrmer montbs., tbough, when seepage and ail aud ail manuer af refuse fouIls the wuter,; theshlfs are fiten spoiled, He coniplained bitterl,'y ai spe-ed bouts, suying, "Tbey camie tearin' up tbru the Narru's, rail u-ip the bottomii-, au' then when the miess settles back it spiles the Oýsters H1e rase and moved ta a wiu- dow. "Look bheah. Sec that suud baýr?" He poiuted a thick linger' taward thie far river bank. 1 nadded. "T'warn't thar luit mout'h. Couple weeks ago they vasfit. fisb swîmmiu' lu tbat spot, Now a gull's settin' ou it. Thut's be-' cause the sumer people lugged 1in tons o'beach sund au' spreud it along the shore, Then, f irst good starin we gaI, ail the suud iy,,ashed ddown an' ma'de a. bar. PrettS oon the river'l be filhed with saund." Quetioedabout greoaft '4oî-ms luI recenit yuîhe si:"The '38 huriricane wais worst of il. I1 set rht hea'h un' pruyed l day. ( Houesanthe lowlands ,CUwas sýwept awaylike lmatchboes buit this aId paerade erott fine. Then in '54, whien that Carol Storro cor-ne (urc urai, e os snapped. I wýas juist the porch that let o.GuLess it's stili a little rockIy," he add(ed apaogeti"Cal]y. "I ain'tneer tried ta fî-x it nione." It wus fiime taoeaVWil!iutok my arm, ýi7pÀniiting tath-Ie river. ",Aini't she beautiful?"lhe said almost reveren'tly', "ae e thinkdon'tit? lis blue eyes. regardced mne intensiiely. "The Way I -ount it, yer got t'eut, ep an' not ,vorry, Now, 1 ainit gat uc -utthis old place an' a e skiffs un' a little cr-edit aite gracery\. But 1 git by, an' the Only Clme I git real wried* when 1 r( nd ithe ncwSpaparz. 1 waved aud started the car un the bill, I wonde-red what 4crind of world this wouId be îif populated exclusJVely by - WiI ' Tracys. Probably not much pro- would be made, 1 thought. But I was certain that there would be littie strife; muoch af man's iuhumranity ta n-ian would doubtless 'ae At Tawver Hill, where River Road meets the maini high-way, 1 looked back at Will Tracys place Iu the distance it resýer- bled a child's play bouse,. sprawl- iug in awkward, tumblîng disar- ra.And beyoud the house flaw- -dý the winding river with its man-made saud bars aud imiiddy watier. 1 Inosed the car ahead thîu,-Ikiug cf the stories 1 had beard about Will. The lanidmarks of civîliia- tioni were going by: uigly gasolineý stations, garish bilîboards, oruate restaurants and motels. A car filled wvith speed-mniuded vaca- tioners roared by, the resultant ,1i.r concussion causiug my car ta veer sharply. It was then - surprisingly -- that 1 beard my- self m,-uttering: "Wii11 Tracy, 1 really believe you'vie got saine- tbiug."--By Dean P. Butrrin in the Christi*an Science Monitor. Winston Wçsn't A Model Scholor Aýs êa studiûent at Harrow fram 1889 ta 1892, yo u n g Winston Ch-urchil! displayed no greýat love for the school, and even less respect for its authoritî A stary goes that the head- master once sumnianeýd im and said : "Churc"hil, I have v'eryý gerialus reasous for being dis- pleased with you," "-And f, sir-," Winston replied, "hlave other resuequîally sericus, ta bet displeased with you." In later lufe, Sir Winstou- stayed away from- the old svhaol for 40 ycars Buit bis memories a"Iý Harrow" ap- parentl'y mellowed with age, and last w7eek -- iuearing fis 87th birthcday-Churcbidll made what bas became .an aunualp-1ilgrimr- cge ta tb e sbool for ifs sangs ceremauy. Witb a smillng Lady Churchill at biîs side, and witb. 1the cheers af sane 600 studeuts riuigingni ,s ears, the ex-Primne Minister jained in a round of sentimental sangs, one af wbîCb ranel: "Nor, less we praise lu ster- uer days the leader af aur na- tien, auid Churcbill's numne -ha]] wîu acclaim fromn eacb new gen- J40W Cain 1? By Roberta Lee Q. How can I repair a shoe- lace that has lest its m-tetal tip?. A. Dip the end of the lace inta morne colorless fingernail palish, give it a twist, and ]et it dry. It'lî eud up stiff enough ta polce through the e-yclets oi yaur shoes Q. How can 1I make A better job of cleaning ashtrays? A. With deuatured alcohol, a stiff bruýsh, and lots of scrub- -binig, This procedure will dlean, cither brais or copper ashtrays that are diîscol'ored by tbcc and nicotine. THE SHAVER STARCROSS 288 laYer Is maklng a significant contribution te Caniada's export, trade and la now sold ira 28 countries abroad,. Achiïevemen)ts of Canadilan agriculture are wveil known abroad, and the profitable and reliable performance of S HAVER STARCROSS 288 is further adding ta this reyuita- tion Perbaps youlve not tried thi0s out- standing l1ayer yet; ths le a good year to do go. There's an authorlzed Shiaver distributor near you, or write for iprices and catslog ta Shaver i'oultry àreed- ig Farmes Ltdi., Box 400.Git, ntario, BUSINESS PROPE RTIES FOR SALE MODERN self serve groceteria asud gen§eral store In fast growing eom- 7rnunity on main highway near Lau.i don. Gaod turnover. Large modema apartmnent, Store and apartment paint- ed and renovated ln past year. New dlean stock, ait heat, stock and fixtures for sale. Building rented reasonably. S'irai time offered Ilness reagan. lai- terested parties only. Box 246, 123 18th Street, Toronto 14, Ont FARM HELF WANTED - MALE MARRIED mnan, fuliy experienced, cap- able of tsking charge of herd, for vear- round emplayment an dairy farm Sep- arate living quarters for small famally. Heat, electriclty, rmilkç supplied. ApplV stating w.ages and ise of famlly, MýJl- vin J Baird, R R 3, Carp, Ontaria. WANTED-Experienced single mnan fot snlxed farm. Muai be able te Ymilir 1 machine. IApply Cralg McClure, RR Na. 2, Narval, phbone area code 416, 865- 8649. FARMS FOR SALE 1001 Acre gaod clay loanifarm far sale, Well drsined, with drilled well. 6 PRam. brick hause, ci) heat, 4 plece bath dow,ýn, tol!let upl-tairs. Large barn with strawý shed, milk bouse and drive shied. Apply Edwin N.Drager, Rh No. 2, Listaow el, Ontarioa, This advertisement la publishd free as ane of the miany benefits of:- THE ALLIED SERVICES (CA'NAIIA) r.O. BOX 1029, LONDION Ontalo PLORIOA VACATION RESORTA DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. ATLANTIC SEASIDE COURT FOR 1deal vacation, swirnming. fishlng and plenty of wvarm sunphine and fun. Came ta Flarida. For lnfor-matïor., write ta Pauline sud 30e MclCay, 5119 South Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach, Flarida. FOR SALE - hiISCELLAtlEOUS PEC-ANS, (NUTS) Postage pair,-ta'ou Write for p)rices. Blaine 'Mere, Ca., Darling 1, Milssiasippi, US.A, *FALLUT 95% of the country wlll survi!ve - if th-ey have a place te go. CALL: KERNOHAN LLUMBIPER Days GE 2-3896 Ev'gs, GE .2-6197, GE 9-5,522 620. Acelaide St., London) i4EIP WANTED FEMALE DIETICIAN REQUIRED immediately jtar 1C e hospital. 40-hour week. Salary do.- mensu1rate wiih uialificaiions s uderx- perîiece. Apply Adinistratc)i Si, Au. drew'a Hiospital, M1iand, Ont HEALTH- NUTRITIfON is important ta anfeguard, your-fml' health. Nutri-Biovian and mineral1 suppleenin is new sid revolutionary in its field. W1rite for free eais Greenibriar Nutri-BiaPo. Box 271, Downers Grave, Bhinois. MORSES FOR SALE PONY7 or Florse for yaur child: Safeý equipment and reliable bookçs on the handlig of animais: Ideal Xmas gifts nit 3 "C"- Ranch, Flying Goose, Farm, Erindale. Phione 8216-3533. INVESTPAENTS GUARANTEED And. sectLred., Wiihnoecollection, ivn tory ai nmanagemrenit problems. Interest and principal quarierly. Caîl or witle, Incarnehinvesfiments Ltd., 42 1ames N., H~amilon. JA. 7.4558. 7'/4% Or 10% Depenidlnq on the Pian veur, capital is secured by mqortgages on selected reai estate. Yeu hold all legal documents ïn veur name. Phone or Write for Free Brochure Eglinton Credit Corp. Ltd. 97 EGLINTON E. - HU. 1-3328 TORONTO 12, ONT. MEDICAL GMOD RESOLUTION -- EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIOXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 33S ELGIN OTTAWÀ $11.5 Express Collect. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISB the torment of dry eczema r.ashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will ot disappolint you 1tching, scalding and burning eoze- ma. acne, ringworm, pimpfles and foot eczema will responýd reaclily ta the stainless, odarless aintment regariesG of how stubborn or bopeless they seem, Sent Post Free on Recelpt af Prîce PRICE $.5û FER JAR POST'S REMEDIES U165 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO CPý0RTUNlTlES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE À HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAOA'S LEAOING SCHOOL. Great Opportunity Learn HairdIressing! Pleasant dignIfied p1iafession. go,)d, w;ages. Thousantis of sc'-su Marvel Graluates Amierica's Greatest Systen-, fllustrated Catalogue Free Write or Cal MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHO:OL 35ï Bloor St. W., Toronfo, Bra nches: !44 King St.l"W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa_ OF INTEREST TCO WQMEN 10) INCH MERLITE Fry Pan! Theinoni- stick skiilei, Dupant tefIon coating lt you cook vwithaut shorte-ning, or fats. Easy ta dlean, speciallyj treated surface. Postpaid $5.00. Amadio, 1648 East i4th Street, Brooklyn 29, New York, PERSONAI. LOVERS 0F GOD! Learn Rlis deciared purposes - fear not buLt rejoice ici confident hope. Write Bible Trutb is s3ion, Bax 811 Brantford, Ont. HYGENiC RUhBER GOCOS TESTED .guaranteed, mafled ilu plain preincluiding catalogue and îaex book frpe with trial assortment, 18 for $101 Finest quallt'y) Westeen Distribu- tors, Box 24-TPF, Regina., Sask. PiGEONS FOR SALE PEDIGRERD iacig Horner Pigeons, Sian Strain, fl0o\v n upta 200 nmiles Price S5.25 either sex, papers included. Kasper Sperle, 1-leran BDay South, Ont. PROPERTIES FOR SALE OWNER orffers Beautiful revenue pro-. ducig garden prop)erty on, Paved raad. Bouise, ahl conveinilecs. .Age forces; Sale Partiefflars: Wmn Brethour, Se- eru Bridge, Ontario. STAMPS VREE mini Africa set and 5 U S. comn- hlamns., with approvais -Litho. Box Sij, Canagaýý Park, Calif TIMBER WANTEO HI.GIEST prices paid foc standing eini tnbr Apply MAustrWilis, .200( Cardipan, St. Geulpb. Phone Gutelph TA. 2-9351L TRADE SCHOQLS ELECTRON ICS Evenjàig Classes ii fadcio, tlvs color automation. Tranisistors aud semi, coclducors Visit or write Rladio Elec- troIce Television Schoo, 125 Duindasç, London, CE. 3-2001. WELOING EOUIPMENT WELDING Machines, Electrie, Lsed, Gao 0CndtInVery Raoal.M~ be se rpicked uIp ai Salifleet EqimnBelgradeu, Avenue, Stoneiy Creek. Norman 4-4,451, A successfiil man is an) ordïii- ary person who cither had x chance or took a chance. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N * N N * N N N N N N N N N N N N N N - N s N N -4 'N b V N -N N N N N N N N N N N N -e N <N N N N N N N .5 N N N N N N N N N s '5 N N N -5 -5 N -5 -5 N N

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