-./,ND OFFIC~E BUSINESS" e- ( RESERVUIG CROWN LA. e- ~ G i Simons, Lands %upervi e- 'e frequently disappoint an î ant for Crown land by inf: ihirn the area in wlhîch li -~ tested has been withdrawnf '-e - eand reserved foi, puble use. 1 i t xnay be of gener4i interef ~cuss some of the reasons foi , vlng certain areas of Ci J d. ,15 vior- is in- f rom e.WeC -st to) or re- rown fany of us enjoy a tram~p tI-ýrOUgi woods for the purpose of unt- 'fishing or just to observe Na- t r.We know how frustratitng it j,-,,to becoenfronted with "Na Tres- pa_-ssïng, Private Property" signs. r .id cau appreciate the value of Crowii owaed land where suich s-1gns do not exist. The sanie applies ta- our water- iwvays. If we are to bc free to enjoy 1-iréstrlected use -of our many lakes and rivers, land mnust be reserved at ,varïous points to aIJliw parking of ca-?rs and, boat launýching-. We mnust ýoxsider the large nurnber o! peo-1 le from the more heavily popu- J ted areas who do flot own cottages Ut wish. to enjoy the lakeshore for i cnics, baithing and boating.A îercentag-e(of the waterfont on de_- sirable lakes is,thrfe,îueve for such purposes. We try to xeserve srn-"all are'asatm variousý intervals a-1 logthe sho'res of larg-er lak-es anid ri'vers so That boaters nay beach toc enjoy a1 shore dinne. If the fish an-d wildlife popula- -'onl is 1 b maintained for our en. joynent ertain precatiionsiniust ne taken. Mý,,anY Of our fish, and watefowlrequire wveedy and 1-ar- shy areas for cover and feeding. Shorelines opposite suchi areas are reserved1 to allow th'em undistunbed SIRTH HlUTTON-ChaPies anid Joannie are proud to announce the birth of their thfird so)n, David James, 8 lbs. 13 ozs. )n Dcecmber Sth, 1961. in the Mem- rilHospital, Bowmaville. DIED Taospital oni December 4th, 1961, ýrnest Harper beloved huslband of Florence Harper, fat'her of Edith (Mrs. T. Turnerd, Barbara (Mrs W. Clark) of Toronto and WVilliam lý Pontypool. Aged 56 years.- Resiting at the Barlow Funerali ornie, 1Park St., Orono. Service %4111 Sheld on Thursday, Decemnber 7thi 1,ý71 at 3a p.m. Interment Orono CARD 0F TFIANKS 1 wish to express my sinoere hantiks to ail friends and neigh- -ours for their thoughtfulness -ln ýending- cards and visiting me dur- ig mny recent' stay in Memorial) osiaBwmanville; also a spec-1 ial thank you to Dr. McIKenizie and! e ussand staff of the hospitaIý ro t theIOOF for their plant. Robert Ard ST RAYE D 01n to)lot 141, Coni. 4, Clarke, one '~efer :arefrdand Shorthornl. Phojne 15P,13, Orono. a- GOMING EVENT K"irby Sck3ol Chrisfîmas Concert wilbe beld Thursday, Decenber 2lsýt at Kirby Uniitedl Church at 8 P.m. Amjssio'n 35e) for adults. Child l'en] free. -a-c COMING EVENT Oak Sehooll Chiristmas Concert will be hield ini the Sebo.,-ol FHous, Onl Frilay, December lSth at 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. a-c j SMORGASBORD SUPPER Thie ladies of the Orono Uniteï Ohurcli are again serving the popu- lar Smorga.sbord Supper on Thurs- 1ayi , D-cember 7th frein 5 o'clock rntil ail are served. AIl members of, the Church and Community are in-i îîted. Admission $1.00 and 50c. b.C COMING EVENT" The Orono Oddfellows Service Club are holding their annual FundI Raisiiig Drawv and Dance in the Oddfellow's Comm'unity Hall on Friday, December lSth, 1961, when 20 TuLrkeys will be given away, Revellaires Orohastra in atten- dance. These musicians wex-e well -eivdat the( Firemnen's Baîl. Net proeeds for Com-munily Ser- vice. Admission $2.00 per couple. Danc- inig 9 uintil 1 a.m. Comne and enjoy frenLy dnce.a- COMING EVENT Eutterprise Suhlool Christmas Con. cert Will be held Wýednesday even-, ing, Deeiniber 2th at the sehool ajt Ad1mission 35c for' adults, Child-. ren free.a- ieecing groundis. Certain fish rie- COMING EVENT FOR DEC. 2lstt NOTlrsxiiC .quire sand ior gravel beds on whiich Orono United Chiurch Suniday Tener NOTIberCEie uni to spawn. Where such S'DaV,1nngSeoo will present a Pageant "The 6:00 pm. Thur-sday, Deceniber il be:ýds are known the shoreline i n the F"ourl Paths to Bethlehem" on Sat- fr tke caretaking of Kendal Uln. vicitysreeedorterp- urday evýening, Decemiber '23rd at'ited ChurchI. Duties cojmme-nc'in tection. 73 o'clock in the sanctuary of the' Deoeîn'ber 15, 1961 and throughiout Fart of the beaty ,,ýaind appeal o! ' îrch. The choirs are underth the yea 1962. For furthier particu. aýny canoe trip is in portagiiig be- { dirýction of 'Mr. Hayck. lars see, Miss C. W. Stewvart, sec- ,vveen the lakes and streamis. Landrtay umýst tunquestionably be reserved siýdered anid suitable areas have' Address ail teniders, cleanly mark- for this purpose. The tue need enwtdanfrni sale and eld -id as tenders, to A. Thompson, KCen- cf lan-d for. provincial parkilsis (con- i for development whenl required. dail. a-c Bt5aatty Wastung Machiine, used 1Il years.Rasab.ac - Phone 1(0216 aC BABYSITING 1 APPLES FOR SALE Fvnnsor ws ettngdas.843,Oob- Spys, Deliclous, $1.25 and -up. AI- evenngsor eekeds. ' bp ~S'weet Apple Cider. _______________________ Albert POS, Orono North, phone ARTICLES FOR SAL.E 2237. a-c Light Blue Chiffon Forxal, sîze - - -- 17, worn- once. Wînter icoat ' black1 --L - wool with. colo>ired fleck>sý size 2ý0-.FRSL Bo)ys skates size 2:.' 1 Portable Electrohome record Phone 1114j, Qrono. a-c 1 ayer in g-ood condition. G1(irl's fi2rn-skates.±a , -,P. FOR SALE Chýristmas Cakes stiilî for sale, fro-m the Heather So(,ial Club. Cal lr.Betty Major, 15210, ODrono or' HOME BAKING Orders taken for al l inds of hoýme macle baking-, roils, p1um pud-! ding-, shortbreadi, cakes, pies, can- dies. Also ordlers for any kind of kntigand crocýhetig Mrs. Joseph Walker, Prron'e 1411. a-p FOR SALE Tohound dugoIs, a 1-year old red boeand a 2-year oldl part beagle. Phone Orono 12311, a-p FOR SALE Pruned Scotch Pinie-ChristrMas Trees 5 to 6 feet. $1.50 delivecred, RedHarness, 51,Orono. a-p SAWS SHARPENEO Sa-,s shar-pen1ed on our automatlie filin-gimaý,hine eut faster, clean, truer, Haýd or circular saws. F. CROWE, 10 Egin St., Bomavie - FOR RENT At eskrdSevn-rom House withga aal coinveriece, ýa-vy duity wýiing. Reasonlable rent. Apply 1 ring 11, O'rono, a-c FOR RENT Hlouse with Iwo bed-rooms. ot and cold wýater. Excellent ocatlin. Vacanit De-emrber lSth,. Apply Mrs. ErmaILunn. Phione 1137, Orono, week-ends only. a-c Feddeina Real Estate BQWMANVI LLE 100 acres - 6 room framie house, barn 30x6O. Water. Price only $7500 Bewdley, Main St. - 2 bedroomi cernent block house. .5 years old, large lot. Full prîce only $3500.00 Termns. $800.00 Down - 7 rooin house ont Uighway No. 2 near Newcastle. Ful price $6500.O. 200 acres. Dairy Farni on paved highwvay near Orono, large stone house divîded for two f amlies, 2 modemr kitchens, 2 bathrooms, »iew oil furnace, large orchard creek. $5000.00 down wîll hxandle. Fulil price $30,OOO.OO. We have a nuniber o! 100 and 200 acre fanms suitable for tobacco. AUl these farms have creeks or ponds and good buildings. Ranch Bung-alow. New, 4 bed- roonts, ail conveniences, 2 car gar- age. Highway 2 near Bowrnanville. Asking $1-1,500.00 with ternis. Mortgages arranged Many other listings throughout Durham Couaty and Oshawa. A. J. McGill Phone 1407, Orono Local Representative Chain Sawv.s McCuîîoch - Home Lit, O Remington f CanSales-Service eo gfor most makes S Baulch Air Cooled Lakeshore Rond, Port Hope , Telephone TU 5-2760 Phone 2n-91. BEL AIR AL.UMINUM Window>ý,s, Doors Awnings, Rail- I ings,' Prime, Sliders and Garage Doors., R. PELLETIER, Phone 9rl5, Orono Whilte Washing STABLESI PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins I I Phone Newtonville 4721 STAFFORD BROS. Monumental WoGrk,, Phone Whitby 552 ?18 Dundas St. E., Whitby FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us erect a handsomne, dig- rified monument over the rest- ing place cf your Ioved ones. lts not expensive. And seelng this last tribute wiII give Yeu endesi comfort. IWALTER FRANK D, W. M<cQUAY jîZA LTOR 177 Chuirci- St ( Bowmaniville MA. 3-3393 ( SInsurauce Service g gInsurance in ail its Branches gAuto, Package an~d Composite SPolicies , Fire, Farm, Life, Burgîary, Liability, Marine, Accident and Sickness, Wlnd, 0 Bolier, Fidelity Bond, Etc. gSaile Hamiltong Phone, Orano 1R1tb gFIRS- --TGAGE ON Z " to PHONE 1471 Phone 1"416 Oro,** 0 wL Lawrence C. Masot,, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phones: Off ice MA 3-5688 Horne MA 3-5552 IW. KAY LYCETT, &A. Barristevr -Solicitor lu 'the Offices of I R. R. Waddell Q.C. MAIN ST., ORONO Telephoue 138 Orono L. J. SKAIFE Chartered Accoantant BY APPOINTMENTS Lycett's Ivsurance Offic. P-0. Box 68, Orono Phone 12510; INSURANCE Ceneral & Lufe S EE FRED LYCETT OFFICE - MAIN ST., bONO Phone ',2516 Res. 11716 JACK REID Ofou'sLicen Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Fanm and Furniture Sales Consu1t me for ternis and dates Phione 5 r 18 Oroud TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Ccoducts Auction Sales of Mill au. and ait reasenabI.rat«r Communicate with him at Pore pu""v 1Ontarieo-' Building your prc