RANK AY . 3-3393 1 1 ls b 21 QUILT ED DUSTEËRS-Rayon, Nylon, vwith three quarter sceeve in at- tractive shades. Price $12.95-$1 5.00 NlGHTGOWfN.S-Long andi Shortie Gowns in~ Nylon, Rayon, Cotton o Flannelette. Price $2.95-$5.50. PYJAMAS-Baby Doil, Capri or full length in Arnel, cotton or flainnel- ette. Price $2.95-$3.95. PANTIES--Several styles in- Harvey Woods rayon panties. Price $1.0-$1.69. SLIPS-Nylon Tricot, Pixie Crepe andi Cotton, daintily trimmed, Price $2.95--$4.95. SWEATERS-Glenayr Kitten Pullover and Cardigans in pure Botany Woo, Orlon, Banilon, Terylene. Price $6.95-$14.95.- BLOUSES-in Cotton, Lace, Terylene~ andi Printeti Cotton. Irce $3.25-$5.50. eLIRT-ln ail wool, knittedi or brushed woôl. Plain or plaids. CAR COAS-In Suede, Wool, Corduroy. Or- lon lîned i aso quiited rayon. Price $17.95-$29.50. HAND BAGS-ln Leather, Blin & Blin anid Plastic. Price $4.95-$10.95. CELANESE BLANKETSin ail shades, size Work started at the Oirono rink heforepart of this week and prep- 1 rations are now undprway for theý 1making c)f ice. Cold weatlier is the: s anlyfacor hat i hlding Up the C \vak t hepresen time. Mr. Wm.a IHaey s i chrgeof the iýe rnak- ', ig uties. 1c Mrs M.E. tutt is spencling fe das w'ith r.and Mr. G U)ulrD ~vùIe ecverngfrom f lu. FOR Il ER SLI MS & SLACKS-lni Wool Flannels, plain grey or plaids. Price$19-1.5 DRESSES-In double knit, crepe, silks, ail wool, rayon jersey. Price $1295--$24-50. Also Scarves, Gloves, Mtts, Handlkerchiefs, Nylons, Slippers, Towel Sets, Table Cloths, Fancy Pîllow Cases, Orlonl Pile Bath Sets, B3edspreadis. MENS CAR COATS-In Wools, Corduroy & Cotton. Price-$11.50-$27.50 T.'OUSERS-Well tailoreti in charcoal, grey and blue Price $9.95-$20.00 WHITE SHIRTS-Tooke Shirts in fine quality broadcloth, French or bhtton cuffs. Price $4.95-$7-50, SPORT SHIRTS-Matie by Balfour. Woolenetta plaids. Price $700. TIE &Q SOCK SSETS-Mens boxed tie and sock sets. Price $2.95. j- FOR iM MENS BOXED TIES-A good assortment Priced from$1.50--$2.50O MENS SWEATERS-Menis'al Wool Cardi- gans, Pullovers and 5-button V Neck Cardigans. Price $7.95-$12.95 PYJAMAS-In Cotton andi Vama Cloth. Price $3.95-$4.95. SOCK-ln Nylon, Wool andi Nylon rein- forceti. Price $1.00-$2.00 pair. ALSO Cuff Links, Tie Bars, Arm Bands. Braces. Handkerchiefs, Scarves, Beits Gloves, Slippers, Goloshes, Caps and Hats. FOUR CHILDR-LEN Boys cAR COATrS WITH PARKA-Orlon and Rayon, quiteti lined, Price $35-1.5 3-PIECE SNOW SUITS-With Parkas, warmly lineti, different colours. Price $9.95-$1 1.95. BOYS LINED PANTS-Gooti quality cord, colour green andi grey. Price $4.95, CHILDRENS SWEATERS, PULLOVERS & CARDIGANS-In Orlon anti wool, Price $2.95-$3.95. CHILDRENS PY4MAS & SLEEPERS-Flannelette, fleece-lineti. Priced f rom $1.95-$2.95. CHILDRENS Leotards, Slippers, Socks, Jerseys, GoIoshesý Dresses, Pyjamras andi Dressing Gown ta match, Boys Ties, Suede JodIpurs.' store Open Armstrong's ~' o 1Evenngs Frlday andi Saturday Open Ail Day Wednesday On1 Saturday o)nS from nthe gocup spent the K-ýiigs and presc wiha gitft. Mvr.1 ag-er of the Impe erein Orono,i C ANADIAN ART ON DISPLAY AT GSI-AW9 LIBRARY, Thle art exhbiio bthe auditor- ium of the cLaghinPublic Lb rarY, Oshawa during thei month of 'Decen-ber consists of a collection of paintings from thle Nationial Gai- ler'y, chorseni to illustrate the dvl opetof 'art in Canada since the end of the FirstWrl War. Ev-eryvone is aware oif the contri- bution and ifuneof the Group cf Seven to Canadian painting. Their philosophy fin regar d to more "national" f orm of painting ýmade a strong impression on art siîtudlents. Their main interest wvasý lan dscape painting, chiefly becausel i their painting was a hobby and was done during holidays in th not country. ORONO PUBLIC SCI-OOL NOTICE 0f Annual School Meeting Public School Act Section 71 As required by the Public Schoi Act, J, the undersigned, SecretarV, 1of the Board of Trusitees of Oronoý cLolSection No. 12 in thie Town- ship of Cairkýe, hereby give notice that the Annual Schoo'l Meeting of thieSporeso! the Public Sohool in the Section will be hield at the Sehool on Wednlesday the 27th dayV cf December, 1961, at the hour o-f 8 o'clock in the afternoon, for tlhe Itransaction o! the business pro- scrib~b the said Public Selhools Ac-t, and of such other business as arav bc, lawfuIly~ brouglit before the mieeting-. W. GORDON COTTER,,. Secretary, Board of Trustees b-c UNITEDicIIIRCH Orono Pastoral Charge SUNDAY, DECEMBER 17 1961 Orono -11la.m. Leskard -,15 p.mi. Kirhy- 3 p.m. SUNDAY SCHOOL Orono -- 10 am. Leskard - 1:15 Kfrby -- 2 p.m. EATON'SbinOSAýHAWvvA FOR A LOVED ONE .. POR CHRISTMAS..... The Gif t of Hearing A gain Thi-ere oould be no mûore \velcome gift for the loved one who has a hearïng loss than to have her or hlm- hear again! The gift of hearrig . . . given at Christmas. . . wiII bring year 'round joy ta the recipient . and to the wtiole family. EATON'S trained H-earing Consultant, Mr. W. E. Lang, is on hand claily to test the hearing atdiometrically, and deter- minre the typeý of aid hest suited to the individual's need. TI1ERE' IS -NO CHARGE FOR THIS SPECIALIZED EATON SERVICE. CHECK THE MANY OTRER SERVICES * Complete range of "Dahlberg" hearing aids; one for any~ correctable loss. * Private Consultation roont. * Complete hearing analysis. SCords and batteries aYailable for most makes of hearing aids' G uaranteed repair service. SHome consultations arranged if desired. *Your present hearing aid checked while you wait - at no charge. 4f GOODS SATISFACTORY OR MNONEY REFUNDED. EATONS'S HEARING CENTRE, UPRL;t:EEL PHONE 725-7373,. OOLE CT, FOR AN APITET I. Town nof Bowî 54per cent $1 03.00 and Inte.-r est To Mature December lst 1972-1981 FRED E. LYCIETT PHONE,12516 ORO'NO, ONTAÂRIO I ROYAL Bowrnanville [ i MA.3- 5589 THURS. TO SAT. -16 Fw 1P. -TOM REESEJ ALSO1 "Follow a Stair" Comiedy - Norman Wisclom Thurs. - Complete Show at 7:30 prni. Fri. andi Sat. at 7 and 9 p.m. - Mat: Sat. 2 p.m. ROYAL THIEATRE CLOSED MON. TO WED., DEC. 18 -19-20 Christmas Gif t SHOR ,'- Ladies' Kerchiefs, SiD water repellant, nice a, of colors. You will w for gifts...... Nylon Briefs in anaq fancy em-broidery on nyl( bud trim, elastic leg h trimmed. Size S. MN. L.. le nylon, ýn, 2 rose- ,nd, lace 79c Ladies Flannelette Pyjamas,' printed flannelette for snug comfý Value ............. ........ Ladies Rayon Gowns, Sizes Med. or large. Spec Little Miss Jewellery, Dainty Ileaý on fine chain -with matching cli Magazine Racks, Keep those maga etc. tidly wiith one of these bra,, A complete seIl-out last time of Tea Pots, Canadian-made, 6 cupé with lock-on lid ani non drip sp Photo Flash Bu1bs, Miniature sizE Larger sizes ..-ý....... ..... Cotton Flannel Shirts for B3 assortmient of latest patteý sanforized boys 8 to 16, eai Men's small, medium or la or papers 7s and rs in ai c>cloclk every night until Chi- 0R0140O 5cý TO $1, 1OPEN