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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Dec 1961, p. 7

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n seven ces-n- o! 25 îg mari, b ad a ran b -is m - in Sfinish- sease, but cancer. DeMar's amazing stamnina hed been probed as early as 1953 bY two Boston heart specialists, Dr. Paul Duidley White and Dr. Jam-es HI. Currens. When the marathoner died, the-y were per- mitted ta perform an autopsy, Iast month, in the New England Joiurral of Medicine, they re- ,vealed what seerned the secret of bis durability. The arteries which fed oxygen-rîcli blood to bis heart "were two or three limnes the normal diameter,'" al- thougli the heart itself was of normal sdze (about three-fourths of a pound). A "mnoderate" a Qouito fat lined the grtery walg, but'iot'enou.gli te be-gin to block the outsize blood con- duits) Their conclusion: Reguhar ntrenuous exercisse dees net weaken the heart, and "prob- ably" makes th~e arteries "ini- ezrease in size to ýare for a larger demand în'.blo4flow." Winters Are Warmer Thon They tJs.d To S. Summzer la past mnd the voici *f the old-tlrner ks heard in our kaxd recalling the blizzard o! '88 &id the "good oid dayt" when winters were really bad. Weil, tht old-tlmers are rlght. Aecording ta a srurvey releaaed lasi month W ht .1eNatonal Gea- graphlc Sclety, winters are't wbaet tliey uzed te bê.. A wa;rm,- mng trend, po.ailbly a reflection ot *arth'q mrergencte frem the at k. age, li sbeen evideéntuie 1900: Thq mocklngbird., a Sout- ern bird, now sings te New york.rx; codEII. once unkpown ýoGr.nlandi, Is now a staple lucere; in Swdiý,i the imberline has cllmbed 63 eet, WiYthin thus over-ail trend, howvever, tht cociety sees miner fluctuations. The earth is now going througli one such at pre- c*ent. Forecast for next iew ,ýinters: Slghthy o.e uh According te historians, wo- nen used cosmetics in the. middle ages--anid they stili use them in the middle ages. "HIGW' WAY-Reside'nts of Piedmont ofteri tcke a second look when Dwight Stricklond pedals by oh bis self-fashioned bicycle.Thý I j eo-odfinds riding more like runnîng. Frogmen Get Their Own Code of Signs When a frogcman spots a shark or somne other dangerous crenture he can't sheut to, warn his under- seacomanins. Inste-ad h. makes an upward É-weep with an extended thumb. But !harks't the only snags that flippermen encounter, Reaizing thig, an Amrnrican Kl entirt has devised a complet. alphabet c-f twenty-six letters for use by frogmen. A thoughtit l expressed by aL abinghu mrovement l of the 4slow and, laborioua splllng eut (MI each Word 11, thl i uderwtw VcabU!ary. Abo,.ut zix two-hour lecturu are rtqulred for frogmen bte loar th. alphabet. Only on* hand e.d b. used te make 1the twenty-slx letters. The mri who Invente-d the sys.. tem 3t Dr-. Pettj' Wlshier, ead t hePysical fEducation Départ- ment of Gallaudet College, Newv Iork, tie world's only colleefor the Jeaf. PHRASE COINER ' ilaýrry Lee, fat1er of Robee, E. Lit, was the rnan wvho de- sýcribed Geo-rge Washington ai "first in war, f irst in peace, a.nd first h the heurts of his couintry- "Is that big parcel your lunch?" lYees, lt's a plece of pie.-, -But lt's two f eet long." "We'll, leua rhubarb pie." AGN Althougli game in the Stateofo Maint la abundant, il is net in excessive vaniety, and when a8 gentleman cones out oiflthc woods and reports that lie hasý seen a large green animal with butter - colered spots, shaped sèomething like e wapiti, but with the head o! a Greek A~uk, there is a tendtncy te look upon tht report askanceiy. in IManre, hymwever, One. do«. n 0 t appea r increLlusl, f0or gîrange things do happen in the. wodand odd animaIs <de get seen. After allI, tht great John Jamese Audubon painlted several birds nobodý ever saw except John James Auduboni. Tht biol- ogist wlll therefore approacli this whole subject with an open mind. Instead oh haw-hawing aI the gentleman who bias just reported seeing this strange and wonder- fui beast, you will, instead, merely say, "Is that so? What kind of a lait did hhlave*?" jusI recenthy a hunter up around Linneus reported seeing an uniusual siglit. Il has the head of a cougar, be said, but i about as long as an olter, sîthougl ino blgger around than a weasel, The gentleman said il siunk from sJru-ce growth inte the shadows behind a yel ow birch, and he was soeastonished aI the sightl he forgot to shoot at it. Somnebody said, ht kind o! a tail did it hia ve?" "That's the funny part," the mnan said. "t had a long, skinny tail, with a knoftlied in thte nd of it.", Now, you ïte, what is going on here i a fact-study in the area of twIlhght imagination. Cerming back froni the cliase, alert for a deer or partridge, the hunlter le psychelogivally set up for about anytbiang. T*hê ves-per may gently sway th# forest, &;e two treee rub t1leir hl-imb oeth in whal lu known aýs a "tree-!squeak." This May be a ruetle, a9 sq.uawk,a Chatter, ai whlnie end a groan- but wliatever noise t Ai.makes il can &uggest about anythinig te, the tager sporteynan. Somnetimnex they empty their gins into a fir, etumip and n ifor camp Cdaim- Wj he P4,ý i, bear. Again, the rebelike a kanigaree or reaespoonbili. But whien a gentleman repo)rt-w an aniimal whvlli h ap ý.-a Qsi ied sthe end net te ask tee manny questions. The upshot waRs, when the mnan dlescribed li te knol in the lau, lbia Herberl MacQuarrie spoke up and said, "Oh,. yeal-lhat was. m-y calt." And the expianatien jhi very simple. Mr. MacQuarrie i by profession a timyber cruiser for the Oberton Pulp & Paper Companiy, and ht has a smnal camp ini on Shumrguhhîon Stream., Onte vening a!ter a day in tht wvoods he had made his supper and put down somne evaporated mihk in a disli for tht ,ýcal. Then, just behinid tht dat, lhe sat and çj2ný hs.,5~-70 bear ,rifle, whhcèh' acci-dentalIly discharged. Tht cal', taken by surprise, leaped uip and went ouldoors through a ki -aein lie side o!d tht camp, w1-ýhcb o!course aw- ceints for h-er subseqg.ent thon- galion. But thal's nol ahI of 1h.ý ,%tory, Several1 evenirlgs aler, Mr. M/acQuiarrie camet homne an-d tound liaI the cial had sneaked In tirough tht knoit-hole and had la.1 i mb a brace of apr-UCe par-. lridge h., had intended te uose for guppepr. Se, tG keep lie cal froi om- ing and going by lie krotbole, ïie had siinp!), lied a knot in heu, j1al. in othýer ors the hunter acltually kmd seen thîs creature, and ji, wasn't a strange aimyral a1, aIL ,\or is it odid th-at nobody ever shIoots one of these sights. At North Lueds, not long ag, ,,a gentleman camie out oh th)e woods anid said he hiad seen a kangaroo. Hte was -unitîing deer, and as ht tirst Itter. Lily, Box 161, Sýcarborough, %IRY CHICKS& OLY TAË SHAVER STARCROSS 288 ÎaYer ïs making a tigniïficant contributiont to Caiisda's expert trade and Is otoid51< ini 28 countrie abroad. Achevements of Canadian agriculture are wvell known abroad, and the. profitable and reliable eform ance of SHAVER STARCROSS ;Ai snfurtiier adding to tist rePvta- tion Perhaps you've flot tried thls out- standing 'layer -yet; thus Ïla a ood. year te do so. There's an, authorized Shaver dlistrihutor near you, or write for prices and catalog to Shaver Pouiltry Breed- Wsg Farmas Ltd.. Box 400G. Gaît. Ontario. CET' H. & N. <'Niclç Chiek!:," wiftner 0f the mrost ranlomn sample tests for prO- lit par lien housed. fromn Logsdon H&N FatchierIes Ltd., Seaforth, ont. pilon. 858. ferences. When he heiars some- body teil about seeing a long- eared bl1ack panther, with hind legs like a seal, he feels inwardly that the man has probably mis- taken an ordinary fisher. These things can happen and do. Not tlhat a fisher barks like a seal. but that such a bark is inconsis- tent with a panther. But when a reputable gentle- man with no petrsona1 reason for mnisrepresentation cornes in and describes an animal with a kuot in his, tail, the uLsual Maine wv-oods probability of error is im- mnedia'tely eliminated, If the kan- garoo had been bearing a knap- sack, or the alleged cougar had been àstrumnming a guitar, thig same consideration would a.pply. Such things, In short, are flot mïade up or lmnaguied.-Byý John Gouald in the Christian Science Mortitor. How Ce" 1? Iiy Roberta Le. Q.How caii I renovate Used Chrlstmas wrapping paper, rib- bons, and th*. like, whieh 1 bave uaved'f rom past Christmias"s? A. With a dasimp sponge, wipt the ribboins and the paper on th* wrong ide, then iron themn_ ard you'll have '¶nev-looking" ]package decorationis. 9. Any iuggesflonrw on the Makhig .1 good stewl A , ,)ure to brown tht meifat *rn ah ides ini a ittît fat before any liquid, Chorpped on- lons mnay be added during the browning process, if you like. Add other vegetables to the stew ju&t.long enough before, the meat Is tender so that they wiol otbe overdone in the finished produet. MERRY MENAGERIE UUSINESS PROPERTIWS FOR SALE BILLIARD room ln the heart oA th* nickel mining Industry. WeIl establish- cd for over 20 y'ears, ConipietelY eqipped with 5 standard snooker ta les practicaliy new. G-oosi revenue year-round. N~o opposition. Aisoý barber siip. t "a gldmine for aà.good barbr. N dritersplease. Cashi or termas. Write Gerson Bliards, P.0, Box 123, Garson, Ont. WOOOWORKINO BUSINESS~ MANUFACTURING window sasi. Tear- ly turnover' $50f000.Net Profiti ex- cess of $7,500, after ai1 wages. Prie« of $18,900 Includes new 5-bedroofl bomne, S0x6O shop and ail equiprncnt along with additional ,548 eetOf storage space. 59g,0 O wn balance on 1 mjortgage ai %~ Investigate this lucrative opportunity. H. Kelth Ltd., Reaitor rIM. 44610, Orangeville, Ont. RU31NESS OPPORTUi4ITIES MOTEL, mocdemn, 16 units, each con- taining TV, radie, p>hone, bath and shewer. Selling price Includes 2 winter- lzed cottages a nd competely mroderr 3-bedrooni bungalow. Lcated hi Pemn. broke-2 minutes drive to centre town. Occupaney rate about 70%'. Triple A rating. Iligh net profit. $75,000 down wiU handie. P. i. Brennan, Reator; 304 Pemnbroke st. W., Pembtroke, Ontario. DOG5 ?Olt SALE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL - Regstered Amnerican Cocker Spaniel puPPles. Champion bloodllnes, ail color9. Maies $25, lfinales $20. George legg, AI- monte, Ont. PARM ILP WANTED - MALE MARRIED moan, fuily experlenced, cap- able et taking charge of .14forYear- round enriploymcent on dairy fzan. Sep- araita living qurtera for smail famlly. Heat, eiectrce, m ik auppiied. Apply stating wagesm and ,dze of fam!ily, e vin j Bairdi, 1.1 3, Carp. Ontario. FLORIDOA VACATION RUSORTI DAYTONA BEACH, FLA. ATrLANIC eA L"stcDCOURT FOR ideal ïvacation, swvimng,fishing and plenty cf warn n unshine and fun. Cerme to fioridag. For information, write to Pouline and Joea Mc<ay, 3119 Southt Atlantie Ave., Daytona Beach, Flonida. FOR OAIU - MISCU&LLAb*UOUff !SALT AND PEPPER SHAKER with Grace on ft, ?LOO0 postPaid. Cahili, 4380 Wet 49th Street, leveianld 9 h - fSHELTERS o5 f the country 'Y111 survive fthey have a plaece togo. CALLý KER140HAN LUMBER Days GE 23896 _uv'gs, GE 2-eï7, CE 9-5522 620 Adelaide St , London FE.ipair men't work s3ockz, 1 pair Men's fancy sOeks or i pirla1.dies' nylion hose with e1verY 5 Pairs Gfe tci punchased, frot At the negulaer retail price ef $1.25 per pair, but ant our mail order prîce oef33, 5c And .70e per pair. Postage Pald, (looda netumned if flot satlafactory. Free catalogue iist. tlng hundreda of merchandils nes TWEDDLE MERCHANDISING CO. 1"ERG'US il, ONTAffl HEL.F WANTF0 FUMALU DI ETICIAN IIEQUIRED iundatyfr 108- bed hospital. 40-hour week. Salary coin- m-ensurate %wth qualifications and Cx- perience. Apply Admnirrtor St. A. drew's Hospital, Mldland, On t. HEU' WANTfED MALE MALE Help, Wanïted. 0004 poýsitions. office workers, mael. and feniale; fanM Managers, farm workers, truck drivers, mianagers for othen departmrentsý also, more than l10,, men wlth $100 nvest. moent earplng 7%>,, elther working or suent. ApplyHarold G. Dales, 3664 ýlioward, oead Windsor. Phone 96t- MORSE.S. FOR SA LEL poNy or ROrýse . on youn chu1dýSafe equipmnent and reiable bockis lonthe handiing of a*inals: Ideal Xnias gifts at 3 11C" Ranch, Flying Goose Fan"y, Eindale. Phonle 026-353X, ISINS :G GUARÂ14TEE And szecuned. With nm eoUetton1 Iftvon- 10 i smanagement probltNsTnteïe34 anî princlpal quarelY. Calli0on wrIte, incorneienveatments Ltd.. 42 JamYeLs Ný NamiUton, JA. 7-4558. MEDICAL POST'S. ECZEMA SALVE BÂNISU ithe torment 0?f&Ydryczeia rashes and weeping sid troubleg. Post's BFezenia Salve wilI. net disaPPO'int y,5,,It,,blng, icalfing and b enlgcee mia, asont, nlngworni, PimPle5sand i?4o1 eceema wil respond nesâîll to thm stainless, odoriess ointment negardiese of bojw îtubrn or hopeleas they scemi.N sent Pest Fre on Rcceipt of Prîc* [PRICE $3.50 -puiJR AN POtT'S REMEDIES 1845S s, clair Avenue Eat TORONTO GOOD ADVICE! EVERY SUFFERER 0F RI4EUMATIC PAINS ORN NEtJRIIS SHOULD TRYN DIXOWS REKAIDY.N MUNROS DRUG STORE,N K3 LGIN, OTTAWAN $1I.29 Express CoilectN MONEY TO LOAN LoANS to buy a buisiiness or fat-n. Te 1niproe and exl>and. Business and fanm debti consoiiduted, payments reduceed. Equlpment notes reffnaýnced. Can investN I your business, inactive partnersiii ba s.Ail-Canada, SyminogtonFlde 5 Blon St, W., Toronto, WA. 1-4022. 0F INTEREST TO W1OMEN. PHEASANT SKINS, ý1.00 eachi, thesC are pnocessed and rna'y, for pluching to make your own beeutlful feather bats. Mrs. ilufus il.olingsworth, Wcoo- socicet, South Dakota. 10 INCM MEELITE i'ry Psan! The non- jUtick skillet, Dupont teflon coatlng letet r 0cook wthout shortening, or fat. Eaýsy to dlean, specilly treated suirface, Postpaiýd $5.00, Aniadlo, 1648. Easst 4th Street, Brooklyn 29, N'ew York, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN. sil A4 AIRDRESSER. JOIN CANADA'$ LEADING SCHOOL Great Oppotunlty Learn HaindressIngN P'leasant dignlfled profession, gtood wagea- Thousands of successful Mjarvel Graduates America's Grntest Syste!n flustrated CaItalogue Fret Write or CalN MfARVUL HAIRDRESSIt4O SC*IOOL. 3se nio*r st. W., Toronito Branches: M ïg St. W., Hamul1tonN 72Rideâu Street, Ottawa 1PERSONALN HY,"C USERGOODU TESED. urntemalled I lai isa gr eï 1 nchud1n catalogue and eS * 11 ihtïlassortment, 18 MYr 1.00 ett )Wetern Dieibis. or, * 2 -1Y egina, Sssk.N PROURTES OR SALI N QWNERn offens Beautifl revenue N c~uing garder, property oni1Paved nos N. ouse aIl converàences, Age fojrces1 sale. karticulars: Wm. Brethour, 8evq- 4nn Bridge, Ontanrio. STAMPS FI-EE mint Afica set and 5 U & oni MeMs.., wljth approvala Litho. Box 51. ~aoaPark, Calit. TIMBER NTÊD KIGHESiT P-rces-paitl fer tinuber Apply lMeAffiafstc, e ardigan St., Geuipi. Pie, TA. 2-9351. TRADE SCHOOLS ACETYENE.electnie wVeliz Aýrgon courses. Canada Welding,' mon and Balsarn N., Hamiliton. LI. 4-1284_ Res. I. 5-6281. ELECTRONICS . FEvenrine, classes in radio, teleVisiDn, Colon automation. Transistors and senilI conductors Visit or write Radio EBIto- tnonlc Tlvae Scho6i. 725 Ddas, L'ondonl, GE. 3-2091. WELDING EQUIPMENT WE)LDING Zf Machinies; Electnie, USed, Gcod Condition, Veny acasonabl;e.Ma h. seen or plcked up at Saîfeet Equ ipmnekt, Beigraden Avenue. Soe Cneek. Noýrm-an 4-4461. WANTED - *GS ___ FLO(.CKOWNERS WVANTED to suPpl7V latchig eggs weckly on a yearly ta,- ýjý Large preniiumii paid over manliot Èc Appiy, )3oX Numnben 243, U12 tAt t. TwToronto, 0Ontar1o.

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