er JJhirham County iversary canidie's ancar- nk Werry-, sister-1 -1. Nieces, Ms s. George White, lis. Perecy Werry Clapp assistel They wvere the beauitifuilyvllow ýant f rom t,1hir To-niiglit at thie Orono Public ochool interested parents of WChi sen in grades seven andi eight areý lng calletI to mest in an effort to, alni Parent's group. Titis group ~sbeing formned in orçler th at par-1 snts rmay gain informnation concerfn- ing the iiewcourses now Open teo iluens enteýr-iig High Schol The meeting is the resuit of. a request miade liy the principal oqf the OooPublic Sehiool, Mn, Aisnleeý lcGec, at tbe anngiial meeting of, th-i secitton lat week. Following thze .rnual meeting a ntuxmer 'of inte- ested parents remained andti dsctss-j sýed t.he Ciought uof oganizing a par-j c nt's group te study the courses o- ,pen to the cllçren entering î1ighý Sehool. This group haye organized(I lhe tin ltat is to b lhe1dto 1 ight in] u~cSchool at 8:00 idoock at whchAl pareNts of stu- dents !il gra,.le seven and egtare attend. The paýrent group will moýre ta Ïdsel ake in ml-ore than just thoinseý uf the Orono section and it is antic-ý 4ýjated1,, thlai - pcalers will lie brough in At address the group Whenrganizedl. A letter being sent ouitot the par- nts in the Onono secton stresses Tioc1Durham Connty SLoI and i Cro,-p lImprovejment Association ir 'M wns hav annloutiihat tht an- nial metingwijllbe licît II hr Jamulzni,. l-ii frtylf-fi 1:0 a iý the day. pnrnn I<te no6gram for The hîgli ghit of the programn cWi be a tlk by DonaldHart frini Woodstoknlu Oford coLuxty. Mi-.l Hart is a younig iman ,who is givngý leadershiip in the výaj ous organîza -J, nini Oxford CoLunty. Mn. Har-t is vice-pr-esi den t of the' Vxý-,rdCoun)i11ty Sojjand Crup Inn- pirovemýenit Associationi and is also a3 gradulate of the2ý Ontnrio Agn-icul-ý Rirai Coilege in 1953. Before retlurning to the farm heý [wored iththe Jnied o-oper-a-ý tives of Ontario and later wýith the F,,arm lEconoies B aiad now isi owxier anii operator of 1-arthiolm-n iThe four camtnmemorative and Sealissu1es wili ail be of the five ýoent cenomination, andI the irst wvill le to emiphasise the rm>l of ed-j -uation atiifs, importance to the nilietial antI1 to thle nation. 1962ý lia bendeigattiby the Proý 'in- cial Ediuation authlorities as '4Ed- ucation Year." The hundred andI fiftieth anlni- v'er1sasy* vof the founding of the Reti RierSettleme-nXn in 18'--12 by Lor'd Skikwhiere the m iletropolis of Wýlinipiieg now s- tands, wlll focus attention on the opeing and devel-1 opinentof the "Wcttern Plains. An! issue ini the se2ries of stamps honiouning explorers and founderýs will lne cedicated ',t-)Jean Talonl first Intenclant of New Frantce. Another in tche Provincial Capital, Series will appear to mark the Ceu-1 tnalof Victoria, the Capital of Liritish Coluirbia. Twù prleViaus stantps in th-,is series wtere the 1949 ssue forl the Iwo hundi(redCth anni- \csr of -the foundling 0f Halif ax andI in 1958, the 350,11 aniversary 0f the founiding of Qýuebtec was illu- stail, incldinlg Samuel de Oha- plain, [thefoundeýr. A new one dolilar reguilari-ssue designi will appear during 1262. Canvada, as a great international trdig iivaionwill be the sutbject nI fHiis stan-p. AnTi jfinally, two, of Ihe new series in the one to fivel dePnt denominations portraying flerý Maýje-sty Qucen Elizabeth will be distibutc duning the year. Oron oBadmnin- tfon To H}IoE-t Newc stl Grclil The farmn is a large oeaii and The Orono B-adnon Chiliyi1 Mr, Hart is known for the efficent uow uraking arrangements t0 holt job of nmaneet at he is doing. ifs f-îrs social eveing of the year. They milk over one hundred cows ia 7'ie locâlclub will be visited by the a loose inusing arrangement and Newcasle Club on Wednesdlay, Jain- Ibase thelir management on gooti uany lfth. Thtev-ý,eninig, ofcortpsue higli quality hay and silage Willlie Spnitin payig Bdmitonto prodcuce a high yieidof good qual- ini the Orono Convmunity Centre itY tik with activities stanting at 7:30. The Onýtanlo Hydre wvill gse be takýing a portion of the prognam TheNewaste goupWil inadeprcenting the film, the "Lanid is Mie" iRx Walters f rom the local il-,e Orono Courts wit i sxteen mem- Dvso tth yr iilei ers mnate up. of eight men and ivi hange th ydowilbei ight ladies. Mixeci, Ladies and jaIso othe Hydeprt ineK Meni's dauliles will be played dur- ~orm te paeswl eK iliemurs of he venig LnchE. Lantz 'froiyn the Field Crops D vi- MI e cusev0f tthe evenn.lucnhf swinand farmiers who have comple- willbe ervti t te cnclsio efted projects, the evenings activities. Dloor prizes wvil lie given forý thoicse -who are on tland a, ten inla ý mnorniing and again at onie-thirty in il-e importance ai v ital need of teatron under-.standing the c-hoicýe of cýourses: open te students on entenng theVAIl formers threughout the secondary sehool level of eýducation. j cuntyrý are -welcome. Alex Carruthers, Durham, Addresses Legisiature The finai part of a speech deliv- mains constant. eredi by Alex Carruthers, MPP fori1Ian pleaseti to sec the introtiuc- Durham, to the Ontaro Legisiaturei tien this term eto a guidance pro-1 1,n f rammne in eur eleinentary schioolsc 'tec past seaýson saw thle opening ini grade seven andI eighit. I woul ,,f sevenal new elemnentary schioolý1stsugge(st lihat this programmirelid- ûn te ceut t knough the coisoili-! rected iso 'towards' thce aet ,-ation of mnyLne-rrorm schoois.! who muiii 'st assumne a great dleal 0fý 1n Octobýer of titis year, the present the responsilility for the guid!ance- in.Primie Ministen effîclally Op- of thieir ciltrenl in theseý formative: enedtheicnc secointiary school ai cas Ijourtice, which lias relievedicot- Iwol ielk eaiiawr -cd conditions at Bowman ,l and o)f commendatien, Mr. Speaker, for1 i'-has provitiet a Modern and beatti- ne work of tLe Depav-Iment ofý -ful biing tiÎ or the eduication of; Landis and Forests, particularly iný tht youth in that arca. respect ro the continued devetop-i A-s soon as an annIl0""uncmen\7was'metcf the Darlingten Provinciail mýadte that a pIrogi,ýirae 0f voca- Park. This park, on tLhe eutskirts of tioal ranin sas to lie iintrcdjiced,i Oshawa, anîd Bowmanvillc, is pr-- tl-the cot of w',hich thcef ederal viding- excellent recreational and governmient would contribuite 7-1 cýmpng fadulities for thousantis of p)er cent andi the rvica gvr visitons each seaso-n and its situa-1 cm-ent 25 per cenit, the enterpInising tý ion 1iends itself very rca-dily te -itizens of1 Port Hope in conjunctiOn use as an area for winiter sports aýi ývith tie Durham Dis triolt H-igîV well Sehool B3oard, immediatelly tOook al 1I îsih at this thne, Mn. Sekr tjoen with the reS1ut thit Plans hav/ej to read ieth le record a lette" beencoped and apPr-oved 1 hit have received frnm thei anew C1omposite wiag to the prCs- Canadian cliapten cf the National -cnt secoivdary schiOol in that t<owil. Shade Tnee Confenence wvith resp1ctý Mhî s , and l swrvilrge areathVe spread of the Dutch edm dis- Mn. S-peakeraniilpoviefu ease. ourses ilcluding a f iv-yean oreM.Aerartes ... leading tounjiversity; a four-year ,,iý artes ... course %wbýich Will provide- needed ý,Quecn?'sPak traininlg for rCesponsibl1e business Po- Dean Sir: ï siina twvo-yean terminal cours;e Today thousands 0f beautiful tdmri for th-ose planiniing to lave sc011o01 trees stand dead acýross, the province ait age of 16, an yaoe-yar occi- lue te the spread of Dutdh cim dis-1 patinalcouse or thos wh hae cse. If these dîseaseti trees are aI-1 notbee prtneie f omgrade 8. G\owed to e nain standing te lie the: This programmie. Speakçer.i hocst of tle beetie -which spneads theE wiT qonrcli prQvidlig a maxi- di'sease it is quite possible that the Nvmueusaion feroo111ongAM will disappean !onipletely frein peüple, consistent wth their abuli- ur Iantscape: Wnat a tragedy this ,- uts antI amibititons ould lie. Titr isalwas adangr, n. iVh thiis problem bIefor-e us the Tekenint lsa ovdingea ro ýf- anadian Chiapter of Ithe Interna-1 gramme such as iis, tj-ere is a ten- onlhaeTcCnfecews dency on Viee part Of many tuderits tuap) alte yen and tn yoUn col-1 ttalke the course wiiwl e gust aewaeer' mea!os qur i east wiork. Ia lae r oesiytç> prýverit Ithis ls te ot tht hedepanimnt s jTjcpep t tis provinc(e. If al spet t mke- ah ftese curses detielims \wctue nmvc nit tae ie prdcaution in ti5n- (to est'ydVeem bte trui ciilelgin. I eter ords, w110hveneplace jto îepretiuce.I te our7ses are Cdesigrieti teUfit the Rcduclg thenulife lm atrk acd'nea-biulty oif thle student but ,_(eieîs is the Most imiportant fate thtamun ;o , r rquiretii--incontroýjjlg tue spread of thi;s dis- Vo PrOvIde-in lnaking use of Tic cost of removing deati elms t, uidngwidla iinexc- in a community eeuld beconje too l ent condition great a burtien, and fils because of titis expense Vihat many municipal- The yast unajotity 0f the people ini dties 'are net rmvn their dead Il iting, Mr. Speaker, accepi pni- eiîS, anti each ycar the prohl1em lie-atenepîes basic andI indis-! come mor seneus If ite onunn- ensýable te their weleing anti pro- - couli lie assisted ini meeting gress, ai in doing so they h av ti s co-st tlic main obstacle woulW beideIMOn strated, thes;e qualities o'f t removeti in 11-1e conitrol of ilis dis-1 izcnship andI resporlsilility sen re- case. It is the hoype of tuhs associa-i quisite in the buiilding of gotom- tien -anti ail who undenstan thVe Val- m1unity h Ife. One of theinesig nie of our trees te the wellkbeing of anti exciting features of rny idirig our pe(ýople that our governme-nt- W'il_1 is iliat it consists of people Whô Cee~iz he necessity to assist in differ wdl in thein backgreunýittds, saving the elm trees 0f OntarÎo. in their ideas as Vo pnolilems anti in interesi in titis problem. teinmtoi fso 1n hm h I, do wish o thank youi for your variety of cultures, customs. crafts Yours very truly, ant iitials h'as resuilteti in a spit of, J. FIIMMVEL, tolerance on the part of our people, Presidient. This is why I believe the oouniy The destruction of this disease, in wý,,i(ih the freedom 0f ideas and Mnr. Speaker is the concern of al, of Durham 15 a progressive county but I am- panr>iilarly con cerned inu the pooling 0of tihse ideas has pre- this respeét as tht -lim is one of the ventleti timcratlic stagnation. They mosi common anti mosi beautiful! are people who believe in gooti cii- shadie trees in our county, antI 1i izenship; tihey undenstanti that gond woulti ask thenýefore- that every as- citizenship demnanda indepenec sitne lie iven te oun munîcipali- 0of thoug-ht andI action. M,,1thougli ties in conirolling tÉhis dreati dis-1 the weiiare staite, whîch our so .ia1 case. MUay I suggest tha t it coultdibl i 15fricýids se stroitCly prociim readily matIe part 0f a wintcr %orks -ay Il,," noble in1is purIPGse, it tocs programme, antI a veryfie x- provide more anti more of ths ample coulti le set by attacking thel thinlgs wI-ich Pmca once provided f or siprcati of this plague la the Celms tihemselves. lrýnl aoidmayo urgvr- Mr. Tj. D. Thomas (Oshawva): ment institutions. That is what titey saiti about Vie hospital programme before they in-ý We ini Dunhamn county, Mn. Spe'ak-ý troclucet i t. er, are decply appreciative 0f 'ihe Mr aruhriTs ulds maniy forma fo assistance p)rovidet i _M by tis oveamen ani Ihavere- r. peaker, the _making of de-ý r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 1ert ebta w0 hm should csionis for people wiich they once r'nintht sobstantial asisane ai(e forth sevs andti ti as- given te th, town eI f BýowmjranIV lie sum-ptien of responsibulities wiichI in the addfition ofe a large new W ing _vwcrc once theirs. Suci1 a Systemn to thle Memoniali Hospital of thai locse som-ething te moral1 fibre )fi town; te thee genenous offers of as- u, r people whicýh is net1,goot. IV sistance Vo the Port Hlope Hospitaltksawyseofhseultis B3oartci in tehe uilding oý,f a ncw -hOs- Vin. speaker, wih iv-dw pital te eretliat arca. The builti- truhtacnuis'isi ih ieg -i a new hospital in port Hopecd'l-unen omanimais. Paternlismi inovstesale anti future use of ungvimn uha our so !al involves tic .si fi aPropo~se so strongly, tesnt hpial; anti hene agaîn MM I would ask for the assistance 0f -aiS te elevate man socially anti vanious. departments of tic governi - i1vtual yprtcig'li meiint--manwny that they may bl (Continueci. on page 2) sday, January 4th, 1962, Orono, Ontai'i Curling A robabilit At Oeýrono Arena Around fifteeni interested j)ersonsý attended a mneeting on Tuesdayý ev- The On katn Rntben o discuss the possible formation of The Oono katig Rik, bdngi Curling Club in Orono. Thte ut- hiampered with a limnited amount of creo h etn a h o-t water, has finally openied--its dx orsi»e of acut ihe eeig to i festformv for public skating and ho(ckey. The g fa lb hchi t -vsugt sIcdule oi activities is listed be- Vie uobtaýining of curling stones an.d low. Those wishing te purchase if thiese are te be had toe make fur- sesntikt(myd s t thethr arrangements te havý,e curling rink office during periods of buïblic a h rn ik ýkaiting. Mn, Ainslee McGee, a represent.- RINK SCHEDIJLE 1961-62, ative (dofthe Orono Chaïmber of Morffday 3:00-5:30 - Orono SkatingComre opened the discussion. Club. .Considleration was given te form-iilng (3:30-9:00 -Orono Skating Club. a rooClub an ening ice Tuesdayv - 1:5-3:45 - Public Schtnol t1h,ýe new owv Cue Yrling Ar- 4:00-5:00 -- - ena but thîls vas wtdanW~ 6:00-7:00 - Atom Hockey the majority of those present feit 7:00-8:00 -Poe Wee Ho)ckey they would lie more itrse in a 8ý:00-9:ù00 Bantamr Hockey lcl Culb using tlhe local ice. ThiS Weneda -6:00-8:00 Public Skat- ii was felt woul'd also assist in help- ing- ing ,the Oroiio rink, operate ±inanici- 8:0-900 -Midg-et .HVockey ally. ThUrsdlay- 3:00-5:00 - Orono Skating Mr. I4yall Lowery was 'appoinited Clubpeiet ftecu wt r J, 6:30-9:00 - Orono Skating- Club sleýle iepresideii f h hiiwt. Mr. n Friday - 2:30-4:30 - Public Sehiool se c~viepeie~ x~It 6:309:3- Mnor ocky GmesBest, Sýecretayy andI Mr. Ray 1ick- Sauda3 :30-9:30 - Mi det Hockey ames treýa surer. Dr. R. J. Traggart" 9:30-10:30 - Pee Wee Hockey antI Mn. john Shetier wcre ap- 10~0-1 :3 - tomHoceypoîntedi as an Ice and Property 11:3-1230 Bntan Hoke Commnittee. Tihis committee is to sPet il 30-2:3 - BatamHocey if stones can be ren-t-et for the us, 23430-Publie Skating-o lý lb tlCrýo-jnte1 i 7:30-9:30- Public Skating ofte'u.Ote omteS l be formed w vith the Adven thtat7 sFones can be acquirecL This furtherl information is hoped to be availabe Two uepartuenis wihna week. Answei Twp. Fice Two fire departments wvere ealled last Thursdaýy iighit when lire ini ashed threatened to spread to an eih!-rombrick, we byl Dr. W.,7 M. Rudel of Nwate Dr. Rudell andl his wife and theiýr son)is Scott and John and claughter Pat were watching tele-vis4on when thiey smelled smoke comin frQm a woodshed to the rear of thýe ih'ouiLe. Pire departments f romNiew- castie and Bowmanville answeredi the cail and were -able te extinguishi thie blaze beforýe any great damnage resulted, although smocke damage te) household furniture may lie con-ý siderable. Cause of the lire whIich beg-an aýbout 10:30, hias flot been deter- mlniied. The Rudlelis have lived ini the liodse on hi «ghway 2 just ýWest of Newcaistle, for eight years. Port PFerry AttaCk Other arranIgements such as le time and membersýihip fees are- being held nup pending thie findings of the Ice, and Pr.operty Cmite Béeleve Eu To Contest ýWarxden-ship The UJnited Counties Couincil of Norhuvbelad'and JDurham wl ,neet on January 16. The first duty of the session Will be the election of a, new warden, bythe assemibled counilors. This is Northumberland's turn- toeeta warAden. There Were two wardens in 1961, Wardien Bruce Ashton, ling in office late in the .year. Taking over the office for mhe bailan(e of the year was Stew,,- art Grayv Hope Township; There are four Llmnost sure stan>- rsfor the offie of Warden this year. They are Reeve PFtebert Car- law, Brghton,. Reeve Gerald Philp, Cramnahe Tow-nship, Reeve George- Free, Campbellford and Reevc The Port Pelrry Intermedliate! Fll oi ngt lctin ithe cunci Hiockey Club bas been meeting wil diunuti h.nx a M'ith IlSuLIC(cess nover' tie past weei, mwhen thie regular sessýion wilrl stant- wijt h two7c resoun'ding victories. These victories wvere over the Port dayi gaine was 15-5. Ho0pe Chib) and in whiich players T"le boys alsoa netted a goodly fromi the~ Vi!llage of Orono figured iumber oâ the goals in an 18S-0 vic- promnenly. obbie Rbno ne-t oryv for Port Pcrry last week over ted five, of flhe Ports fîlteen g-oals' Port Hape wtheith West secur- on Tuesday evening and DeIan Wýest ing 4, Rohinison 3, Dean Wýest 2, andi thrcee Th'le final score of the Tues- Doug PoweIll1. Four Minoer Tead-ms ToJ Play Out 0f Oronoi The Orono Amateur At-hietic As- for the sport. sociation are Vils ycar sponsoninjg four Miiner ho)ckey, teamns wiche The Pee W( fnal arrangements were matie on large group c Tuesdlay eveniing ait tcOonowuti a nuntb Anena. firat year in t Bale!ywllCo The teams being sponsoret IVils other asIstas year are AtomsPet Wees, Ban- aýssýisi 'wiVh th tama anti Mitgetswih wiil rep- 1- et greup saw anothe:r ot boys ready te play ber -experiencing their tiis age group. Wayne }ach the team and nce is lieing sought Vo' e toam. resent beys in-tiche arpom _even Tho antams, nanging in age antidiglit yeans of age up te sýixîenj front 12 years te fourteen years wvill ycars of age. It appeareti on Tues-ge their leadiership fýrm Dovi day cvening lihat ail teams minl have Mercer, Deug Povell anti Jack at full compliment of players. Some MWoffat. Tht f ourth tcam te be spon- uahsare stili neetIeti for- somie of soreti by tie Athletictiis ycar anc htcams. tht Mitiget bos hose age rang- te ixtenyear's. AM]. Don MeCrcer luit Atom gnoup there is cx- will assist with te team but coach- pectectVo lie over twenty liboyvs on es are nticti for his greup. Watifor theli-,-fist practce $ai-, At jpresent tilenare l aeftwwho Lurday mnonning commencing sharpIhave net rgiieet r supplied at 10:30. Th'se in charge of 'tic their birtb, centificates. The AthleiloC teamniare Junior West, :Bruce ITen assltat tic boys suppiy, tVis veek- nant andi-Rey- Forrester. This groupl eni, birti contificattes atI may lie plit into twe Todivisions de- teti -1 egsrtien fcain pending on Vie numaber iunning eut they tmUr p ton teamn practice. To fOut)m eoftown guests were present fouin T.,oonto,WhbyBoan ulifully dec- Vileand Tyrone. arenct Study Croup 1 1 grht At Orono Sehool 1